about 2 years ago - Age of Empires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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522s hello everyone and welcome back happy
525s friday to all of you tuning in
527s uh if
529s you haven't been around last week we
530s kicked off our big
532s 1.3 update season one festival of ages
536s and at that time it's here
538s yeah it's it's here so it went live
540s yesterday yeah so it was last thursday
542s we were talking about this is coming
543s soon and it's coming next week and now
545s this week is that week because you know
547s what time does it just disappears from
548s us all uh so it's here
551s you've hopefully been in game and
553s checked it out already a little bit uh
556s before we do that uh first of all i'm
558s grant one of the community managers here
560s at relic entertainment uh working on aj
562s empire's four though you probably know
564s and then beside me on screen is elliott
568s hello
569s and yeah so first off thank you for
571s joining us and
573s continuing along last week we are going
575s to be talking more about one three as we
579s have our version 1.3 stream series we've
581s kicked off last week uh so that was the
583s first one we're going to be having these
585s every friday where possible
587s with the exception holidays next week we
589s are not here on friday so we'll be back
592s in two weeks after this stream but we're
593s gonna be doing these and there's gonna
594s be a variety of content different guests
597s from the different teams here at relic
599s watching elliott play some ranked
601s watching probably myself go through some
602s of the challenges coming later in
604s seasons so it's gonna be it's gonna be a
606s fun time uh but we'll get more to those
609s a little bit later in the stream we can
610s chat about it but also we'll see those
612s in future streams
614s uh
615s for the 1.3 update the whole the full
618s patch notes and they are quite long
620s elliot can attest to how long they are
624s yeah
625s it's like 11 000 words give or take they
628s are yeah
630s like no small fee getting that compiled
633s i am sure um
634s yeah the whole team put you know
636s full credit to the dev team like we we
638s put notes as we're writing like anything
640s that gets put into the game they put
641s notes for us so that we can uh pull from
643s them and you know that's why there's so
644s many developers notes and throughout the
646s whole um update so if you have any
648s chance to take a look it is on
650s the website it took an hour for me to
652s read the full patch note it took us a
654s while to get all the patch notes on
655s there so um it was like there's a reason
658s why this is called the season one update
659s now not only have we included the
661s content editor uh season starts next
664s week um a bunch of like quality life
666s fixes and massive balance changes so um
669s there's a reason for all so yeah
671s yeah there's so much stuff in there and
673s again if you haven't you can check out
675s on the age of empires website on the
676s blog there the
678s main post which talks a little bit about
680s see what seasons and what this update is
682s as a whole and then there are also sub
683s posts where you can
684s dig in learn a bit more about the ugc
686s content editor about what seasons mean
688s as well as those massive massive long
690s patch notes uh update notes there that
692s elliott has talked about all of it's
693s super exciting but
695s today this stream is actually the second
698s of our of our one three ones and we're
701s gonna be jumping into talking about that
702s content editor uh the age of empires
704s four content editor which is launching
706s in beta uh
707s and it is
709s just a great way to customize your game
711s to make changes to do
713s kind of make the game what you want and
714s to make
715s all sorts of stuff so we're going to
717s take a deeper look into ugc for that as
720s well as a bit of the mega random map as
722s well and what went into that
724s and yeah
726s exciting times and we've got some
727s special guests with us today as well so
730s we this is as i mentioned we're going to
731s have different guests from time to time
733s for some of these discussion streams
735s uh this time let me just get them on
737s camera here
739s get just a note to these people on
740s stream you're going to be on live all
742s right so there we go we have michael
744s konkin a game designer heads up yes just
747s a heads up you know you're live be
748s presentable now we got michael konkin
749s here he was with us last week as well
751s he's one of the game designers and we
752s have nick taylor who is a map designer
755s so welcome both of you thank you so much
758s for joining us thanks for having us oh
760s yeah thanks for having us on
763s awesome so call can yeah he was here
765s from last week you might know that face
766s and nick's going to be talking to us a
768s little bit about
770s mega random maps and all of that uh
773s full guns nick
774s oh thanks yeah oh yeah wow all right
778s and kanken a little bit later we're
780s gonna talk a lot about ugc highlighting
783s some of the stuff that's out there as
784s well as
786s how it works uh
787s but i think we're going to kick things
789s off with nick here
793s all right
794s so uh yeah you brought me on to talk
796s about maps what are we talking about
799s probably maps i think uh
802s yeah yeah i mean so yeah i guess i mean
805s you know we can start off with uh the
807s fact that you know i just want to thank
808s everybody for posting map seeds and like
811s whenever you see weird map generation
813s issues we you know we scour the internet
815s looking for all these things to help
817s improve uh the map generation you know
819s like all of those like weird discord map
822s rng photo you know compilations like i i
825s see you and you are important thank you
828s so much you are helping improve the maps
830s over time we we will always keep
832s iterating so yeah huge shout out to
834s everyone who keeps sending in weird maps
838s and not only that like we had so many
840s map changes and updates with the big
842s season update and not only that we also
844s included a couple of new maps too right
847s so
847s um or at least new map sorry um so
851s with that as nick was saying every time
853s you guys provide feedback we followed it
855s over to nick and his team
857s and we
858s yeah that's why all the changes happen
861s but that's not why
863s we're here to talk about what has
865s happened let's talk about what was done
867s in the update um why did i kick things
869s off first with
870s um just like just once like the maps
873s that we overhauled and update based on
875s feedback you want to talk a little bit
876s about like maybe black forest king of
877s the hill
878s uh yeah yeah sure so you know
880s between every patch we're always looking
882s at the maps that we have released and
885s you know where people are finding you
887s know maybe the rng is too crazy or you
889s know the map just isn't really working
891s the way people want it to um so you know
893s we love going back and doing overhauls
895s of maps to make them work better uh you
897s know black forest is a good example uh
898s we tried taking out the sacred sites uh
900s we you know found out that didn't really
902s work as well as we thought it might uh
905s so you know happy to put them back in um
907s and and we'll probably be you know
908s continuing to iterate on black forest as
910s we go forward uh king of the hill is
912s another really great example um so you
914s know the the base concept was you know
917s here's you know sacred site a bunch of
918s resources up in the hill with less wood
920s around uh which you know in theory works
924s but our initial implementation obviously
926s had you know some issues people may have
928s seen that you know not as much wood
930s could be generated for one player as as
932s for the other uh so you know we went
934s back in there
935s take a look at you know what the main
936s feedback was and and did a big overhaul
939s of the map to make sure that that the
941s core sort of principle of it uh remained
944s but then we could smooth out all of the
946s the issues that people were having so
947s now everybody has the exact same kind of
950s like access to a big ring of wood around
952s the edge of the map and we made sure
954s that the top of the hill is nice and
956s symmetrical so you know each person has
959s a way up um and all the resources that
962s spawn up there are mirrored and the
964s sacred site is right in the middle um
966s and you know we're always looking at
968s which maps uh need that kind of overhaul
970s that kind of love you know you saw with
972s uh danny river back in the day and uh
975s you know ancient spires i've got my eyes
977s on you so keep an eye out for that i
979s know you're a little crazy right now
985s all right awesome uh definitely exciting
987s to see that and i don't i know chat i
989s saw someone saying that they really like
990s the new king of the hill they're like oh
992s elliot's gone
994s ellie disappeared what happened
996s i'm here i just got a one second all
998s right okay i just saw your webcam
1000s disappeared i'm like okay this is life
1002s this is the life of having a toddler in
1003s the household so we're good we're good
1005s now
1007s all right uh yeah so that's definitely
1009s some of the map overhauls there
1011s and again this is
1013s thanks to feedback from all of you from
1015s all of you and chat from all of you
1016s playing all of you in the forums again
1018s do you want to say if you're not a part
1020s of the age of empires forums you should
1021s definitely sign up go over there you can
1024s share your feedback this is what helps
1026s our team so so much we also have a
1028s discord uh
1029s we don't necessarily moderate discord in
1031s this or monitor in the same sense we do
1032s for bugs or for reports there we keep an
1034s eye on what's going on but the best spot
1036s for that is the forums because if
1038s someone has a thread already about what
1039s you want to talk about you can
1040s definitely respond we can see hey
1041s there's a lot of volume people are
1043s passionate about this change they want
1044s to see this happen and that's kind of
1047s what we end up sharing with the team our
1048s team also does
1050s scour them themselves as well they like
1051s keeping an eye on what's going on in the
1053s community
1055s yeah we're learning uh
1057s yeah
1058s yeah we're there we said we we are
1059s looking at reddit and socials as
1061s grandson like forums is our main bread
1063s and butter but you know
1065s can't expect everybody to be on there so
1067s we're also on reddit mostly me you guys
1070s you guys see me in reddit
1072s always always yeah totally totally being
1075s efficient with my time surfing through
1077s reddit right like that's the that's the
1078s dream right anyway so um another thing
1081s that i want to ask nick is that um
1083s obviously with the map overhauls we did
1085s for update uh this pre-season one update
1088s um one of the things i know that we
1089s worked on was the resource spawning
1091s right we did some hefty work on that so
1093s if you want to go a little bit into that
1095s yeah yeah for sure so um we've been
1097s collecting feedback uh around you know
1100s resource spawning uh map fairness uh
1102s basically since the game came out um and
1104s we had uh some some really really
1106s helpful community members come to us
1108s after the first couple tournaments uh
1110s telling us you know like hey these are
1112s some of the the issues that we were
1113s seeing when we were trying to find good
1114s tournament seeds you know how uh you
1116s know can we try to at least get the 1v1
1119s resource spawning into a better place
1121s and so you know we took that really
1122s seriously uh we saw that you know there
1124s were things like relics that were
1126s spawning really disproportionately uh
1128s around the map um and you know gold
1130s deposits stone deposits that sort of
1131s thing especially on divided maps you
1133s know if you look at like mongolian
1134s heights or mountain pass there's like
1137s maps that are split into two distinct
1139s areas right and so as soon as you have
1141s an odd number of anything spawning uh it
1144s becomes really impossible to to say like
1146s hey there's exactly even numbers of
1148s things on both sides right um so we did
1150s a big big pass on everything to ensure
1153s or at least to try to ensure that uh you
1156s know divided maps like that are much
1157s more even so uh on a lot of those maps
1160s like you saw in the patch notes um we've
1162s bumped up the relic count from five to
1164s six for 1v1s um just to make sure on
1166s those maps that you know there's three
1168s relics sort of per side um and it's it's
1171s kind of difficult like if i had like a
1172s whiteboard or something it would be it'd
1173s be easier to explain but like say you've
1175s got you know mountain pass you've got
1176s the map split down the middle and maybe
1178s the choke point opening is is near the
1180s bottom right if you've got one player
1182s that spawns kind of near the bottom on
1184s his side of the map and one player that
1186s spawns kind of
1187s further away from the choke point on the
1188s other side of the map how we uh
1190s calculate where to place things uh is is
1193s based on how far pathfinding wise uh
1196s everything is from the initial starting
1198s town centers so if we're wanting to
1200s place relics right in between players if
1203s one player is kind of closer to the
1204s opening then their sort of midpoint
1207s between the other player will actually
1208s be on the other side of that that choke
1211s point right so it's it's uh it becomes
1213s much more like a fine-tuning numbers
1215s game per map to say like okay hey um you
1219s know we need to actually like pull
1220s things in to one side to make sure that
1222s uh you know all of the things that you
1224s should have on your side are actually on
1226s your side and not like sort of just
1228s right smack in the middle because the
1230s middle might be on you know a divided
1232s side of the map it's the same on like
1234s mongolian heights if you look at where
1236s the river is um we we saw the same sort
1238s of thing on uh on nagari because you
1240s know you could have things on one side
1241s of the lake or once at the mountain
1242s range um and that's something that we're
1244s constantly looking at in tuning um so
1247s you know i i fully expect to see uh more
1249s more images of like
1251s uh oh no i got like four relics on my
1254s side because one guy's like right beside
1255s the opening on mountain path uh we're
1257s going to keep working on that um
1259s hopefully
1261s right that we said earlier that if
1262s you've got the mapses if you've run into
1264s where there's wonky
1266s generation please post it so that we can
1269s track and see um it's something that
1270s like said super valuable for your team
1273s to be able to dig into right
1277s yeah yeah one that that i saw today or
1280s yesterday or something like that was
1281s mega random and some of the weird like
1284s geological islands that will appear and
1287s and people were combining that with uh
1288s the nomad game mode and and putting
1291s their starting tc there was pretty great
1293s awesome
1295s i mean it's called mega random for a
1296s reason
1297s yeah i feel like it's a perfect segue
1299s because i think we want to ask nick a
1302s little bit about mega random you know
1303s it's something that has been uh kind of
1305s a hallmark map and previous age titles
1307s how did how was mega random built for h1
1310s press four you know yeah so mega random
1313s has has been something of like a passion
1315s project of mine going back to probably
1317s like mid-2018 or something it's been in
1319s the works for a long time um and it was
1321s one of those things where like as we
1323s were building all the all the map
1324s generation systems for age four you know
1326s we you know we'd get cliff tech in be
1329s like oh okay i'm gonna add cliffs to
1330s mega random an hour you know we got we
1332s got lakes and it's like okay i'm gonna
1333s add function to make lakes and mega
1335s random now and so it was always kind of
1337s this this
1338s iterative process of continuously kind
1340s of like building more and more options
1342s onto one map that could just kind of do
1345s whatever um but of course you know it
1347s can't do whatever because then you know
1350s you might get a map that's just in one
1352s giant mountain and then it's not
1354s playable uh so of course it's it's mega
1356s random
1357s constrained asterisk you know like mega
1360s random but
1361s playable mega random at least that's
1363s been the goal so you know there there
1365s have been a ton of uh sort of iterations
1367s of it uh over the years where you know
1370s we sort of start with it's it's kind of
1372s like if you imagine a big flow chart
1374s right it's like trying to
1376s paint a picture but then you're telling
1378s a computer how to paint a picture but
1380s you're telling the computer how to paint
1382s a picture but start from here and don't
1385s do all of these things um and it's it's
1388s it's an interesting process so you know
1390s we we start at the top and say like okay
1392s what kind of map do we want do we want
1393s you know like at an open map do we want
1396s to you know a chokepointy map do we want
1397s a naval map um what do we want and then
1400s you know i can assign a weight to all
1401s those things and so then it goes down
1403s through the flow chart okay say we want
1404s an open map now uh you know what what do
1407s the sides of the map want to look like
1408s you know do we want to have an ocean on
1409s one side do we want to have a lake on
1411s one side do we want to have a big forest
1412s on one side um and there's there's you
1415s know there's different options with all
1416s the different you know weight
1417s percentages for all of those things so
1419s even even just from there you can have a
1421s pretty different looking map depending
1423s on just those those opening choices um
1425s and you know then from there we keep
1427s going down and say like okay um you know
1429s we want to make a choice do we want
1430s rivers on this map um you know yes or no
1432s flip coin um and if we do want rivers
1434s how many do we want and then if we do
1436s want rivers do we want bridges on those
1438s rivers do we want fords on those rivers
1439s and we keep making all these decisions
1440s as it goes down right um
1443s and so in the end uh the resulting mega
1446s random map is is sort of a a culmination
1449s of all of these different decisions that
1451s have been made um and then you know i
1453s generate like 100 of them and i go and
1455s look and see you know like
1457s okay out of all these decisions like
1459s which which decision tree ended up in
1461s something like really unfair or like is
1463s there is there some way that i can kind
1464s of sand off the the rough edges here and
1467s that's what a lot of the iteration time
1468s on mega random was um you know going in
1470s and seeing like okay you know if i have
1472s a lake chance for for a given terrain
1475s square to be at like 30 percent maybe
1477s that just totally floods the map and
1478s there's no you know playable buildable
1480s space so i've got to turn that down uh
1482s or you know like oh maybe one player
1484s spawns on like this weird little island
1485s and the other three players have the
1487s whole rest of the map okay that's no
1489s good i should probably go in and you
1490s know make a a pathable uh route between
1493s every player's town center and the
1494s middle of the map if it's set to be like
1496s an open style map um or you know like if
1499s it's set to be a chokepoint style map
1501s like is there only one choke can that be
1503s you know like clumped up with trees like
1504s i better make sure that the chokepoint
1506s opening is like a piece of train that
1508s can you know push the trees away to make
1510s sure that people go through uh stuff
1512s like this so it's it's always kind of
1514s like this this combination of looking at
1516s all of the options and then generating a
1518s whole bunch seeing what's unfair and
1521s then you know um making
1523s very specific additions to ensure that
1526s um you know the the randomness is kind
1529s of constrained in in a healthy way um
1531s and you know i'm sure it's been out for
1533s what like a day there's there's probably
1535s a ton of people that have found crazy
1537s unbalanced mega random maps already uh
1540s send them my way
1541s um you know we want to make mega right
1543s of a fun playable experience that's a
1544s great thing to see because i do see
1545s someone in chat was like how do you
1547s balance mega random and as you mentioned
1548s you run through your your sequence of
1550s like what works what can you take out
1551s that makes it too far but there's always
1554s going to be these edge cases that we run
1555s into and this is the thing of at scale
1557s as players are playing these if they
1558s find one again the seeds are super
1559s important send them our way we make sure
1561s we can take a look at them and again
1563s continue to improve that's that's what
1565s we do here
1567s like like is mega random as fair as the
1570s other maps or is it a bit more volatile
1572s but that's kind of
1573s part of the fun
1574s it's it's definitely a bit more volatile
1576s like there are specific things that are
1579s in there like you know there's a chance
1581s for a square to like just spawn like 10
1583s deer on it um
1585s and that square can be in a lot of
1586s places so you know maybe if you're
1588s playing ruse and you get a spawn like
1590s that it's like oh hey my bounty is done
1592s um so yeah it's definitely a little more
1595s uneven
1596s in the balance than than some other maps
1598s but i think that for you know for custom
1600s games and stuff that that really adds to
1601s the fun of it where you know you load in
1603s and suddenly like i've like got this
1605s little protected corner of a bunch of
1606s gold what'll i do with this um
1610s but that said uh all of these sort of
1612s regular resource balancing constraints
1614s are still in there so like where the
1615s holy sites or sacred sites go that uh
1618s that constraint is the same as it is in
1620s like dry arabia or any other map um you
1623s know like where we're placing like the
1624s the neutral markets and and the regular
1626s deposits and all that kind of stuff
1628s that's still all using the same uh sort
1630s of balanced resource distribution that
1632s we're using through the rest of the
1633s procedural maps um so it's it's really
1636s kind of a nice showcase of the fact that
1638s we've built these systems that can be so
1640s kind of like arbitrary to the terrain
1642s that it can make somehow kind of
1646s balanced maps even when all the
1647s parameters are so ridiculously off the
1650s wall um but you know obviously there's
1652s there's room for tuning everywhere and
1654s and we're going to keep adding weirdness
1656s to make a random as we go on there's if
1658s you look into the lua code if you're
1659s modding uh there's there's some fun like
1662s weird layouts that you can get like 0.02
1665s percent of the time and stuff like that
1667s so so we'll we'll keep uh we'll keep
1669s adding to it
1672s that's a good segue isn't it to talk a
1674s little bit about the content editor yeah
1678s i think we can we can make our way over
1680s to the content editor there yeah uh all
1683s right let's one quick yes i was going to
1685s say nick before we like before we switch
1687s over if there's anything else you want
1688s to continue on just to
1690s because i know you were definitely a
1691s chat sees too you're very passionate
1692s about this and it's great to hear from
1693s you yeah i i like maps a lot um so i you
1697s know we we watch the forums we see what
1699s you're saying
1700s we know team games are too big right now
1702s we know that um
1704s and we we are working on it it's
1707s unfortunately not as easy as just like
1709s you know changing like you know just put
1711s eight players on large like it's just a
1713s chick box right no it's it's
1715s unfortunately not that easy um you know
1717s we've got to go through and check every
1718s single map find it a whole bunch make
1720s sure there's not like weird overlapping
1722s resources or players spawning like right
1723s on top of each other or like you know
1726s mountains disappearing because there's
1728s an extra player there now that needs
1729s space to build things um so so there is
1731s a process there it takes a bit of
1733s iteration you know gotta look at every
1735s every map every team combination every
1737s number of players uh but we hear you
1740s we're working on it yep yeah it's a work
1742s in progress i know you and the team are
1744s investigating and looking into that so
1746s uh while we don't have a definitive
1748s update right now obviously nick and team
1750s are looking into it so
1752s as soon as we do know it's on course for
1756s uh rolling it out to the community we'll
1758s let everybody know but for the time
1760s being uh we do thank you for that
1762s feedback and we are going to be like i
1764s said looking into it so
1767s yeah
1768s all right
1771s so i think elliot as you mentioned it's
1772s probably a good time to make our way
1774s over to the next guest here thank you
1776s nick for that and you're definitely
1778s you're
1779s happy to
1793s as you talk about maps i think it'd be
1794s great to have nick chime in on uh some
1797s hot tips on how to uh
1800s make great maps yeah also i wanted to
1802s shout out befriend a beef who's going to
1804s make a hyper random mod that
1806s is basically mega random but but doesn't
1809s do any any smart stuff i saw that in
1811s chat
1813s i saw that this is amazing
1815s hyper random chaos random i don't know
1817s it's like yeah what was it a one percent
1818s chance of like anything happening on any
1820s tile
1821s yeah yeah now it's impossible i would
1823s love to try it
1824s yeah that would that would be like
1826s beyond chaos uh yeah
1828s and so this next section i did see
1830s someone in chat earlier asked what ugc
1832s is it stands for user generated content
1834s also known as mods in this case and that
1836s coincides with the aj empire's four
1838s content editor beta here which is kind
1840s of our next discussion point
1841s this was
1843s a huge thing i know a lot of people in
1845s the community have been super super
1846s looking forward to it super excited
1847s because it means you can customize the
1849s game
1849s uh in
1851s so many different ways
1853s and realistically it's whatever way you
1854s can imagine this came out with our one
1857s three update as well the season one
1859s festival of ages and
1861s yeah i think we can dive a little bit
1864s more into what this means with michael
1866s conkin here
1868s and what the editor does there's yeah uh
1870s i don't know if you want to hop into
1871s that concern or i can go over the kinds
1872s of content that you can make with it but
1874s you're welcome to
1876s hop in as well
1877s yeah i'll jump in so yeah we launched um
1880s the content editor this week it's been
1883s amazing so far
1884s um so many mods we were watching like in
1887s real time as as people were uploading
1889s their mods and a lot of those were
1891s actually built ahead of time people
1892s weren't making these in like five
1894s minutes they were built in the public
1895s update preview um but we're still seeing
1898s new ones roll in and people are are
1900s updating their mods and making
1901s modifications so that's really really
1902s cool to see
1904s um we have a really good documentation
1907s website that maybe maybe we can link in
1909s chat and yeah people can take a look at
1911s that as well definitely link in chat i
1912s have that i will get that in there and
1913s i've just got it on the screen as well
1915s very briefly in just a second as soon as
1917s this transitions over the mod workshop
1919s you're talking about right yeah and it
1920s also um it also explains how to actually
1923s launch the editor because it depends if
1925s you're on windows store or steam
1927s but once you get that booted up there's
1928s kind of a wizard that steps you through
1931s and and allows you to select what type
1933s of mod you want to make
1934s so right now at launch uh you can see we
1937s have like a getting started section and
1938s an editor interface and all of all the
1940s stuff you'd expect out of a tool
1942s um like this but the the types of mods
1945s that you can make are crafted maps which
1947s are uh
1949s kind of kind of new to age four in the
1952s sense that all of the maps that we
1953s shipped with are are called generated
1956s maps and
1957s i mean nick could do a better job than
1958s me explaining how they work but every
1960s time you select one it will give you
1963s something new but it'll give you
1964s something
1965s on brand i guess is is that a good way
1968s to say it neck like it'll if there's a
1970s river down the middle there might always
1972s be a river but where the bridges are
1973s might change the mountains and things
1975s like that yeah yeah so
1977s um yeah the generator maps are basically
1979s kind of blueprints for for how you know
1982s the map should play it essentially
1984s guarantees kind of an archetype of map
1986s that you're gonna see um oftentimes a
1988s bit more constrained than that um for
1990s you know balance and things but
1992s essentially the difference is like you
1993s know if you see something like a
1995s starcraft map that is the exact same
1996s every time that is a crafted map but all
1999s of the generated maps that we uh
2001s launched with you know like you're
2002s looking at ancient spires dry arabia
2005s mongolian knights all those uh they're
2007s always going to be a bit different uh
2008s and that's because we don't actually
2010s have like you know somebody going in and
2012s like using the level editor to you know
2014s make the exact like mongolian height
2016s seed that you're you're seeing it's it's
2019s all you know data that we put into
2022s yeah and when you kick off a crafted map
2023s you have a couple of options you can
2025s start with one of our generated maps
2027s that'll give you just like a base to
2028s work with and then from there you can
2031s you can drop in buildings you can drop
2032s in units you can create walls you can
2035s modify the terrain you can add resources
2038s you can do a bunch of cool stuff and
2039s when that map is launched in a
2041s skirmisher a custom game it's always
2043s going to start the same it's always
2044s going to be identical
2046s and there's a couple of benefits to that
2048s and a couple of cool things you can do
2049s like you can add a script on top of it
2052s that adds objectives and can kind of
2054s create your own like single player
2056s campaign mission
2058s you could have a map dedicated to a game
2060s mode right like think like dota and the
2063s three lanes you could do something like
2064s that the possibilities are kind of
2066s endless there
2067s um so that's crafted maps nick did a
2070s good job of explaining generated
2072s we also have tuning packs which uh
2075s like effectively allow you to be your
2078s own eric and and kind of play balance
2080s designer um you can tweak a lot of the
2082s values that are available to um
2086s just change how the game plays change
2088s how things look
2090s and what sort of abilities and things
2092s buildings and units have
2093s so that's pretty powerful and then we
2095s also have game modes which is
2097s a way to run your own
2100s lua scripting on top of a multiplayer
2102s match
2103s and
2104s change the wind conditions spawn in
2107s things change how how basically how the
2110s simulation behaves
2112s so that's what we
2113s had at launch and
2115s the content editor shipped in beta and
2118s we're not quite ready to talk about
2119s what's next but we're definitely
2120s thinking about about what else we can
2123s kind of
2124s polish up and get to you guys
2127s now
2127s this question popped up in chat but we
2129s also have a link for all the tutorials
2133s and stuff that we've already done from
2134s our side um obviously there's also a lot
2136s of
2137s folks that are doing it like you know we
2139s did notice that you know what was it
2140s there's a subreddit that's been spun up
2141s for the mod scene as well as decor so
2144s there's going to be plenty of community
2145s resources as well but one question was
2147s asked is are are people able to look at
2150s the little scripts of existing
2152s generated maps to kind of get
2153s inspiration or figure out how to create
2155s their own like is that possible to do
2158s yeah yeah they have access to the base
2159s game data so they can take a look at
2161s that and see how it's done yeah yeah and
2163s i definitely recommend uh poking around
2165s in there um you know when we were uh
2167s trying to finish up all of our generated
2169s maps um i had like a like a two week
2171s period of time where i just went in and
2173s did a bunch of comments all through all
2174s those so you know you can see exactly
2177s how we we did you know the river
2178s spawning and confluence or you know
2180s making the lakes in in ancient spires
2183s and all that kind of stuff it's all
2184s there um so please check it out
2186s and i'd encourage everyone to give the
2189s editor a shot it's um it's basically
2191s like already downloaded on your machine
2193s you just kind of have to launch it um
2195s and
2196s yes it is it is complicated it's a big
2199s engine but it's so powerful
2200s and it's also a lot of the types of mods
2202s that you can make are actually easier
2204s than you would kind of expect right like
2206s the fact that you can start with one of
2208s nick's generated maps
2209s and and then just like drag and drop
2212s units and buildings onto it like that's
2213s that's an awesome place to start and
2215s just kind of get into the habit of
2217s building something and seeing it in game
2219s and and if
2220s it gets to a spot where you're happy
2221s with it you can publish it and play with
2222s people as well
2224s yeah and on that note too um you know
2226s starting with with uh one of the maps
2229s that i wrote for the base game as you
2231s know a base for your own generated maps
2233s is also a really great option you know
2235s if you load up the dry arabia script
2236s it's it's pretty empty so you can you
2238s know just start you know plop a mountain
2239s in the middle and then you've got a
2241s generated map already you can go from
2242s there um also if you look in the there's
2245s like a bunch of like map setup library
2247s files and um the way that we built mega
2250s random is actually just using a whole
2251s bunch of different kind of like map
2253s setup templates uh so you know if you
2256s want an open map if you want a
2258s chokepoint map if you want a bunch of
2259s rivers in your map there's there's
2261s functions already written for all that
2262s stuff so just just poke through there
2264s and you've got a lot already built that
2266s you can work with
2268s there's a question around uh creating
2270s cut scenes with custom audio
2272s we we do have the ability to create sort
2275s of the swoopy cams that you're used to
2277s seeing in campaign missions um there
2279s might be some limitations around audio
2281s right now um just because that's sort of
2284s a like a
2285s more complicated
2287s avenue for mod creation especially with
2289s the way that our engine handles audio
2290s but um but that's something that we're
2293s sort of aware of and thinking of
2299s all right someone asked
2302s so someone can go check and see if
2304s there's an exception the map scripts are
2306s good map gens for the viper yes you can
2308s go and take a look uh but really you're
2310s just gonna find comments there's there's
2312s no bias or you know finding a steam id
2315s your username of someone and getting
2317s extra gold just wait till someone ends
2318s up finding a way to make a mod that does
2320s just that though
2321s so like the viper mod
2324s probably already there but it probably
2326s exists already
2327s uh speaking of can we do a showcase can
2330s we do a little contest yeah
2332s yeah
2333s i do want to say just just following up
2334s as you've mentioned there are the four
2336s different types of content there crafted
2338s maps uh tuning packs generated in game
2340s mode they do have varying levels of
2342s difficulty but as mentioned hopping in
2344s starting with like a crafted map is
2345s probably the easiest best way to get
2347s going and then just spend time in the
2349s editor just play around and you'll i'm
2351s sure in no time you'll get you'll pick
2353s it all up like it's
2354s it looks like a lot at first when you
2356s open it up because it is so powerful but
2359s small things these small changes you can
2360s start making they go a long way and then
2362s just build from there
2364s i'm seeing a bunch of questions about um
2366s models and textures and assets as well
2368s and that's the same sort of story as the
2370s audio it's it's something
2371s we know more advanced creators will want
2374s to leverage so
2375s we know we know you want that
2380s but similar to
2381s other stuff or
2383s team is looking into it and we will
2386s share when we have more
2388s information and especially when as well
2391s so
2392s let's uh let's shift over to the uh
2395s the showcase
2397s okay i was thinking about a name for
2398s this showcase uh conkin's creative
2401s corner do you like that okay
2404s okay so that's what we're gonna ship it
2406s with is that is that the official ship
2408s name
2412s a twitch splash thing uh that shows up i
2414s i wish i had one for you i don't have
2416s one right now but you know maybe
2418s something to happen in the future okay
2419s all right sounds good
2421s you know maybe someone in chat wants to
2422s have fun with photoshop toss your face
2424s on there tell us a nice conkin's
2425s creative corner logo
2428s do you have some uh images for me i do
2430s yes uh feel free to start off with
2432s whatever one you'd like and i can toss
2434s it on for you
2435s okay so i wanted to just shout out a
2438s couple of mods that stood out to me
2440s these are
2441s you know a few of the gems out there but
2444s there are already so many good mods um
2447s so if yours wasn't wasn't in this list
2450s um no shade
2451s uh i'm sure it's amazing
2453s uh okay what do we have what do we have
2454s up first
2456s uh
2458s whatever you want take your pick i mean
2460s i can toss mine up if you want to just
2461s go with it is the advanced game settings
2463s uh yeah sure advanced game settings buys
2466s ladies lady
2469s this is
2470s uh a perfect example of how community
2473s mods can legitimately make the game
2475s better it's it's so impressive
2477s so it takes the standard game mode and
2480s it augments it with a bunch of options
2484s it adds
2485s a nomad start so you start with just
2487s villagers and no tc and
2490s you have a bit of time before your your
2492s resources build up and you can place
2494s your tc wherever you want that's kind of
2495s what we were talking about with with
2497s mega random and people were putting
2498s their starting tc on
2500s these obtuse islands um there is a
2505s diplomacy feature so you can switch
2507s allegiances uh which is amazing to see
2509s and a treaty mode that
2511s aligns you with everyone at the start of
2513s the match
2514s so you can't attack each other for a
2515s period of time so these are pretty like
2518s they're franchise staples right like
2520s they're in some of the previous games
2522s and uh it's awesome to see that this
2524s lady was able to to get a motto so
2526s quickly i think he started in the era
2528s they started in the public update
2529s preview but
2530s um completely blown away by this mod
2533s well done's lady
2536s uh let's go to
2538s castle blood automatic
2540s all right castle blood automatic there
2542s we go
2544s so this is a
2546s an interesting one to shout out because
2548s i wasn't actually familiar with
2550s i think it might be an h2 mod as well i
2552s wasn't familiar with that one but
2553s um this is really interesting especially
2556s in h4 because
2557s it's an example of a mod feature that
2560s is is a little bit under the hood that
2562s not everyone probably knows about and
2564s it's that you can kind of bundle mods
2566s together so if you go to the mods page
2568s and you see castle blood automatic it's
2570s this single sort of mod that you can
2572s subscribe to
2573s and then when you subscribe to it
2575s it's just a single download but when you
2577s go to a skirmisher custom screen you're
2579s going to see that it actually comes with
2581s a game mode a tuning pack and a crafted
2583s map and if you use all of the if you
2586s select all of those and play them
2587s together then they all kind of work in
2589s conjunction to make this
2591s this game mode happened and it's pretty
2593s neat it starts everyone with a castle
2595s and and it continually pumps out units
2597s and then you have to go destroy each
2598s other on on this um custom map so that
2600s one's pretty cool
2603s uh how about uh
2604s realistic overhaul v2
2606s by gabriel all right yeah let's do it
2609s castle blood automatic by the way was
2612s grant i'm gonna leave the name to you do
2613s you know how to pronounce that kazoo
2615s kazoo again uh
2617s that's my best shot that's my best shot
2619s let's just go with that i'm not going to
2620s butcher some names here
2622s all of which are the names all right
2623s realistic overhaul v2 by gabriel um
2626s this one is a good example of how unit
2628s scale can change the feeling of a match
2630s uh with a couple of added bonuses like
2632s faster build times and realistic arrows
2635s um there are a couple of uniscale mods
2637s on the store
2638s uh gabriel gets the shout out because of
2640s this killer mod image um like look at
2642s how on brand that is and if you if you
2645s want me to feature your mod you got to
2646s have that mod image because that's how
2648s you stand out in the store and um
2650s uh and it makes the whole mods page look
2652s a lot nicer too but
2654s um really cool to see the the villagers
2656s and everything like two scale they could
2658s actually walk through those doors if you
2659s want to maybe a little bit harder to
2661s play but um but really cool to see
2664s i can't wait to see someone using this
2666s to make like a like a helms deep at
2667s night map like i think that would be so
2670s cool yeah absolutely which that being
2672s said is your showcase showing off any of
2675s the lighting stuff by any chance
2677s elliott you're reading my mind
2680s a lighting showcase
2681s all right it sounds like it sounds like
2683s elliot just
2684s knows what we're doing here sorry i i
2686s jumped the gun here it's just it was
2688s excited to see the
2689s in the pub people
2691s the public update preview people like
2693s messing around with it so yeah and that
2694s is what's really cool is that this was
2696s during the public update preview there
2698s where a lot of people did have time to
2700s experiment with mods so they got like
2701s not necessarily ahead start but they got
2703s their hands on it first and they got to
2704s check it out start making stuff so when
2706s the update did come out there were these
2708s mods that basically they could just
2709s publish then and get it going
2711s so this is by heavenly chorus and
2715s um i don't know that that they're
2716s intending it to necessarily be a map to
2719s go hard on and play but i definitely
2721s recommend you download it and load it up
2723s even if it's just on your own um because
2725s it's a really good showcase of
2727s what the atmosphere feature of the
2728s engine can do to change the feel of a
2731s map and and sort of change the time of
2733s day it's it's almost like a dusky
2735s a dusky lighting setting there um
2738s and that's really neat and honestly i
2740s think it's the tip of the iceberg like
2741s i'm i'm waiting for
2743s some night maps like nick said
2745s um i'll put a bounty o right now i want
2747s to see a day in night cycle mod i want
2749s to see like a
2750s 15 minute cycle of of day to night so
2753s someone make that happen um somewhere
2755s like what what's the call tonight
2758s they get to make it to konkin's creative
2760s corner yeah they get it you get the
2761s shout out the first person i see all
2763s right
2764s they have to have a good mod image too a
2766s choice right so it's got to be it's got
2768s to be the complete package i will say
2770s later on not not for this stream but as
2772s i mentioned we have a lot of streams
2773s coming for this one three update later
2775s in our stream series we do have plans
2777s for a ugc highlight stream similar to
2779s this but probably a bit more in detail
2781s looking at them this was just not
2782s showing off some of the ones that first
2783s came out so if you want to be in
2784s kanken's mod corner honking's creative
2786s corner
2787s definitely stay tuned
2789s you need the alliteration all right we
2791s will see if we can get that image made
2792s up for when that does come around
2794s okay and saving the best for last no
2797s shame in calling this the best is my
2798s favorite mod
2800s can you put it up there trojan sheep by
2802s country
2804s so
2805s with this mod this is a tuning pack
2807s uh you get a new unit that can be
2809s produced at the town center it's called
2810s the friendly sheep so points for
2813s humor uh extra points for the realistic
2816s sheep icon because i think that's funny
2818s and um so you make this sheep in h2
2822s uh it's expensive and it takes a while
2824s and it i think it takes like five pop
2826s cap
2827s and then you can navigate the sheep to
2829s your enemy base and trigger an area of
2831s effect
2832s explosion and completely decimate
2834s everything
2836s and my absolute favorite detail that
2838s kotri either added or included by
2840s mistake is that the sheep doesn't have a
2842s walk animation so you just see this like
2845s sheep sliding into your base
2847s and
2848s if you're if you have a keen eye you
2850s know something sus you know something
2851s bad is about to happen if you see that
2853s sheep and none of your none of your
2854s units will aggro on it either because
2856s they they think it's just a sheep so you
2857s have to be on your a-game to see that
2859s thing
2860s also yeah chad is noticing so they
2861s called it fluffy siege which is a really
2863s good
2864s shout out
2865s to um bitey infantry if anyone's ever
2868s selected a wolf in the game
2871s amazing yeah
2873s it's just a regular shape nothing to see
2874s here probably
2876s yeah that concludes uh kanken's creative
2879s corner
2882s and as mentioned if you are interested
2884s in making mods go check it out go check
2887s out this uh the content editor here see
2889s what you can make
2890s and you might be featured in a later one
2894s yeah big big shout out to the the mod
2896s discord too um you know there's an
2898s awesome group of people in there you
2899s know breaking apart the game pulling
2901s things apart seeing how they work um you
2903s can say out of me i'm in there giving
2905s map tips to people sometimes
2907s it's it's a great place and i love to
2909s see all the all the things just
2910s flourishing it's so so cool
2913s yeah no it's absolutely amazing uh
2915s so
2916s i guess after conkin's creative corner
2918s there we're that brings us somewhat to
2920s the end of this but i do want to turn
2922s both to
2923s michael konkin here and nick taylor if
2924s either if you have anything else you
2926s want to expand upon anything that's hit
2927s you as we've been talking
2929s uh
2930s but otherwise yeah we'll probably wrap
2931s this up in the next little bit here
2933s we might need a segment for nick stash
2935s um
2936s because everyone's been been giving it a
2938s 9 out of 10 in chat so 9 out of ten come
2942s on
2944s what do i have to do for that ten
2946s yeah yeah what do i have to do let me
2947s know
2949s there you go you got a 10 out of 10.
2950s well either way
2952s you i can't grow a stash to save my life
2954s so
2955s um nick and uh konkin you guys will have
2958s to represent for that
2960s on the stream but yeah that being said
2962s uh
2963s obviously you know it's a lot of
2964s exciting stuff and we're going to
2965s continue to keep looking out and
2967s watching if if you guys have any
2969s questions around the content editor
2971s please post them in forums reddit uh if
2972s we can poke pick it up we'll get it over
2974s to the dev team and let them see if
2975s they're answering any questions
2977s um but yeah um
2981s oh people are saying if you fix the team
2987s that's the
2988s that's the condition nick to get a 10
2989s out of 10 on your mustache
2991s i'm working on it
2994s but no team is like we we've seen the
2997s feedback and we're we are investigating
2999s into it so um yeah we are looking for
3002s that so definitely go
3004s try try your hands on the the content
3006s editor beta there take a look see what
3008s you can make uh otherwise there is a lot
3010s of content
3012s in season one festival of ages there
3014s this is an ex
3015s it is a huge update there's a lot there
3017s and
3018s as mentioned there is still more coming
3020s there is the actual season portion of
3022s this the ranked seasons and the seasonal
3024s events those are coming next week so
3027s that's also april 13th just as a heads
3029s up the actual date it's april 13th so
3032s so that's going to be a good way to get
3034s out there be competitive see where you
3037s rank we're going to watch elliot be in a
3039s little bit of this as well on some
3040s stream so you'll get to see that earned
3042s a bunch of rewards
3043s and yeah should be really exciting to
3045s get that out there as well
3047s elliott the conqueror
3049s yeah i think i think you did say you're
3050s going for conqueror right
3052s no no no
3053s let's start low i'm going to aim for her
3055s let's let's see if i can get to gold
3057s that'd be the initial goal and then we
3058s could if i can hit it then we'll but
3060s that being said we are going to be
3062s getting a couple of the dev team folks
3064s probably you know look coach in the year
3065s uh to sit along but also to poke fun and
3067s laugh at my build orders and lack of any
3071s semblance of a proper meta build um i i
3074s pretty much am a one trick pony where i
3075s just played hre and only day 30
3078s but you know i could play english french
3080s a little bit of delhi mongols is a
3083s little hard for me but we'll see like
3085s and that's part of where you know we're
3086s going to do the little road to ranked uh
3087s elliott the conqueror has a nice ring to
3089s it it does but you know you can those
3091s are one of the things where i have to
3092s like you know
3094s prove it by actually getting the rank i
3095s can't just call myself that right
3098s so you got to get the rank elliot it's
3099s that's yeah
3101s we believe in you i just give myself
3103s [Laughter]
3105s the end of the season you just like i've
3107s done it
3108s i've made it yeah i jumped from gold to
3110s conquer in in one match right i think i
3112s think jokes decided people might come
3114s after you for that
3115s the point of the road to rank though is
3117s to show that you know it's
3119s nothing to
3120s uh be scared of but just to get started
3123s playing and now that being said though
3125s with the rank seasons and the seasons
3127s going live next week on the 13th
3129s there are rewards and other stuff that
3131s you can unlock without having to play
3133s ranked um that's part of our season
3134s update so there are events that you can
3136s do there are unlockables there so you do
3138s not have to play rank to get some cool
3141s exclusive stuff in game yeah and i think
3144s that's that's the nicest thing is we
3146s understand people play the game in
3147s different ways not everyone wants to be
3148s super competitive and ranked they just
3149s want to play the game and there are
3151s rewards for that as well you can play in
3153s whatever way you'd like they are
3154s different sets of rewards so if you
3156s really want everything you can go all
3158s out and try every way but they're not
3160s meant to
3161s i think michael you can probably talk a
3163s little bit more about this too these
3164s seasonal events they're not meant to be
3165s punishing they're meant to be something
3166s you're doing that you're going to enjoy
3167s in the game they're not
3169s they're not like a crazy crazy grind
3171s fest going on
3172s yeah try out a mod play play a ranked
3174s game
3175s yeah sounds easy exactly
3178s uh yeah so as mentioned by elliot the
3180s road to ranked is going to be our next
3182s stream we have
3184s again so our v1 our 1.3 update streams
3187s we're going to do these every friday
3189s with the exception of holidays or if
3192s something crazy goes on and we can't but
3193s realistically this is our schedule that
3195s we have set up so we're gonna miss next
3197s week because it's a holiday here for
3199s relic in canada
3200s uh we do then we'll be back the friday
3203s following april 22nd for the first of
3206s elliot's road to ranked
3208s after that we're probably going to have
3209s michael konkin back on the 29th for a
3212s chat with our ritual and retention team
3214s quest quashing after that which will be
3216s myself most likely playing through some
3218s of those seasonal events uh so those are
3221s what we're talking about where it's
3223s i probably won't do the download and
3225s play a mod one that sounds too easy but
3226s i'll find one to do
3228s um and then cycle back to road track
3230s we're gonna have more streams coming as
3231s well uh this is just the first set of
3233s them so be sure to tune in every week
3237s here and yeah
3239s gonna be great exciting update exciting
3241s times exciting streams
3244s thanks all
3245s yeah
3246s all right i think that is probably it so
3250s i want to say a huge thank you to
3252s you michael honkin to nick taylor and to
3254s elliot everyone here for being on the
3256s stream alongside me here chatting for
3258s the good part of an hour here
3261s and
3262s to everyone in chat for being here with
3263s us listening to some of this talk i know
3265s some of the stuff we've talked about
3267s this is something we like is having
3268s members of our team who are super
3269s passionate who have expertise in
3271s different areas so i know chat i saw
3273s people asking where eric is he'll be
3275s back probably in a future one but we've
3276s got michael konkin who can talk to some
3278s of the game design side of things as
3280s well as nick for map and as chad saw
3282s both of these people incredibly
3284s passionate passionate i cannot speak
3286s incredibly knowledgeable and
3288s they just so happy to have them here
3290s with us
3292s thanks for having us end of the week
3293s rant it is it is a friday rolled out a
3295s major update the whole team did so i
3297s want to give a special kudos to the
3299s whole dev team
3300s uh for putting in the work for this and
3302s yeah we're so excited please update the
3305s game and jump into it um and yeah we're
3308s looking forward to seeing the feedback
3309s what you guys like what don't like and
3311s you know any uh you know bugs and issues
3313s because those are things that teams can
3314s continuously be working on um as we move
3317s forward throughout the season
3319s yeah awesome and i think that's gonna
3322s wrap up our stream today everyone we
3323s will see you in two weeks time for the
3326s next one of these on friday
3329s all right
3330s thank you so much everyone
3331s have a great weekend
3334s catch everybody
3370s [Music]
3390s [Music]
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3486s you