about 6 years
ago -
Apex Legends
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Transcript (by Youtube)
12s | when Battle Royale started to blow up we |
14s | recognized that this was a opportunities |
17s | is a new genre and it's a chance to |
19s | define that space we play games just |
21s | like everybody else and so we were like |
23s | if we're gonna do battle royale like |
24s | we're really gonna do it right we tried |
26s | our version of it right off the bat it |
28s | was an Talisa magic there to be a part |
30s | of a team that has their own personal |
32s | story to tell is absolutely amazing |
41s | everybody's really excited about what is |
44s | being worked on when it comes to legends |
45s | the characters would call them legends |
46s | because we knew very strongly that we |
49s | didn't want generic soldier characters |
51s | so many people have ownership with these |
53s | cares so many people are passionate |
55s | about these characters that everyone |
56s | puts everything they have into them |
58s | everyone digs to make them not a cliche |
60s | not boring not the thing you've seen |
62s | before the design team comes up with the |
64s | gameplay of a character a cool idea and |
66s | once we get that inspiration we'll dive |
68s | out until like different ways of why an |
70s | outside personality could fit that |
72s | character taking a set of mechanics and |
75s | turning it into a fully fleshed |
76s | individual and that's a really amazing |
79s | process to see it was very important to |
81s | me that the female characters looked |
83s | like they belonged in this universe and |
85s | wraiths in particular embodies a lot of |
87s | that for me she's mysterious she can get |
90s | up close and personal she can scare the |
92s | crap out of you |
94s | I've got everything you need |
97s | Squad play with our legends gives you |
100s | this opportunity to define how you want |
103s | to play there's lots of meta choices |
105s | beginning to match about what characters |
107s | you're gonna choose you're dealing with |
108s | essentially random people on the |
110s | Internet in any given fight you may |
112s | never see those people again but you |
113s | will see the characters again I can't |
115s | know who's looking through the eyes of |
117s | that character but I can fight against |
119s | my knowledge of the character |
120s | what have this legend that I've been |
121s | playing a lot lately they have a very |
123s | interesting tracking system which allows |
124s | you to hunt down opponents by seeing |
126s | their recent actions for the previous 60 |
128s | seconds and that lets you play a very |
130s | aggressive play style it's not just that |
132s | they have a tactical and ultimately |
133s | passive it's that those abilities and |
136s | those personnel combine into a fighting |
138s | unit that focus on the fighting unit is |
140s | really something we feel like makes this |
142s | be our guinea we have made something |
146s | that we think is incredibly fun and |
147s | special and really lose the genre |
149s | forward the big surprise is gonna be |
151s | respawning we couldn't make battle |
153s | royale that didn't respond it just |
154s | doesn't make sense we have a smart ping |
156s | system you get to ping a weapon devotion |
159s | here I can do that |
161s | these are things we spent an enormous |
163s | amount of time and iteration to get just |
166s | right you want to join the ends today |
170s | apex Legends takes place after the |
173s | events of titanfall 2 in a different |
175s | part of the frontier of space called the |
177s | Outlands we're really trying to expand |
179s | the titanfall universe because we've |
181s | spent now 8 years developing this world |
184s | and characters we feel like there's a |
185s | lot more story to tell here free-to-play |
191s | what I love about it is there's no |
192s | barrier to entry like you've got a ps4 |
195s | if you've got an Xbox you got a PC |
196s | there's there's nothing stopping you to |
197s | go play the game and to go check it out |
199s | being free-to-play to us is also really |
200s | important that it doesn't mean pay to |
202s | win all of these spending in our game is |
204s | very fair it's for cosmetics or |
206s | characters only we built the game from |
208s | the ground up as a live service knowing |
210s | that it's gonna grow and evolve so the |
211s | structure at all the systems to support |
213s | that we're gonna come out with seasons |
216s | we're gonna be having new legends we're |
217s | gonna have new weapons we're gonna be |
219s | balancing the game based on data that |
221s | we're receiving on the fly from all of |
223s | your matches we plan on years and years |
225s | of support get ready for a live show |
233s | it was very important to us that when we |
235s | made a battle royale game that we loved |
237s | it that it was something that we |
238s | personally wanted to take home and play |
240s | ourselves every time you play there's a |
242s | different story that you're gonna have |
244s | after that match as content creators we |
246s | want to make positive experiences for |
248s | players we want to touch their lives in |
249s | positive ways you can just go down with |
251s | it play it check it out and it's really |
252s | exciting for us and I hope you guys |
254s | really have fun |
254s | target spotted victory is delicious |