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Psst, hey, real quick, just a reminder we're hosting a Nessie-themed giveaway! Head over to this post for more information!

Hey legends, the Defiance / Season 12 update is upon us!

This thread serves to consolidate player feedback and issues with the newly released Defiance / Season 12 patch.

As always, please post any bugs or issues that have come up with this current patch so that Respawn can help out!

Information that's helpful when reporting bugs:

  • What platform are you playing on?
  • Which skin were you using?
  • What were you doing leading up to the issue?
  • Can you reproduce it? What are the steps?
  • PC players - provide hardware specs, OS version, and GPU driver version.
  • Did your game crash? What error did you get? Please include "apex_crash.txt" from your "Documents" folder.
  • If possible, it’s great if you can capture the bug and submit that with your report.

Updates from Respawn

  • Reactive skin effects have temporarily been disabled due to a bug. (source)

Unconfirmed Bugs

  • Opening the 3 free Octane anniversary packs doesn't give any rewards

Update Sizes

  • Steam: 15GB
  • Origin: 27GB



External link →
about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by Spiritual-Coffee6934

It's maggies OP ass passive

This is a Control-specific feature. Only you see enemies highlighted, and only when they are in your field of view. There's a bit of lag if they go behind a wall just because of the time to process line of sight and then turn VFX off. But this is actually pretty essential with 9v9 where you have 8 other teammates for identifying friendlies & enemies.

about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by Samoman21

Did they actually nerf aim assist? I'm not seeing a real difference in training room. Maybe when I actually play the game it will be more apparent, but it doesn't seem like a big change lol

There were no changes to AA. Reports of changes were the result of the streamers playing on non-Productions servers with notably different performance characteristics. Most of the speculative buffs, nerfs, etc were the result of either the servers being non-Production, bugs in the build on client/server (it was also not a finalized build that players were on), or there being a couple (very few) features that had *test* changes made in the server configuration as part of ongoing balance tests.

about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by SeaCDragon

I'm on PC, I just downloaded the update, and I checked my Bloodhound banner to see that my Season 11 kills tracker has been set to zero? when I look at it in the menu it has the Season 12 symbol instead of the Season 11 one. This is the only legend that seems to have the problem, all the other Season 11 kill trackers are accurate. Really sad cause they're my main and I have the most kills in one season ever on that tracker

Found the bug. Simple fix. Will take a while to get it out as it's a client fix, but the data will correct automatically as soon as we do. The stats are all accruing properly in the background. It's just a *visual* bug. Sorry about that. And thank you for flagging.

about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by blobbob1

Not even for console players in crossplay lobbies? Ouch

I don't think so, but this isn't my specific area. u/rspn_exgeniar will know for sure.

about 3 years ago - /u/rspn_exgeniar - Direct link

Originally posted by RobotHavGunz

I don't think so, but this isn't my specific area. u/rspn_exgeniar will know for sure.

As far as I am aware, no controller changes. Any that changed that impactful should be reported in the patch notes.

about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by name-exe_failed

Unrelated (maybe)
When was the collection event going to start??

Next week - Feb 15 @ 10AM PST

about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by -Ruairi-

I thought they were fixing the battle pass so that we're no longer locked into a certain game mode in order to level up? For f**k's sake.

Most of the changes here were for the dailies. We moved basically ALL of the dailies to be "any mode." The biggest change here that we made was to change all of the weapon damage challenges to be any mode. 80% of the dailies are now "any mode" (39 of the 50 dailies) with the remaining 11 being split roughly 50/50 between Arenas (6) and BR (5).

We also made a lot more of the weeklies be any mode, but this varies quite a bit by week. You MIGHT have gotten a week that has more mode-specific challenges - some weeks are still more mode-specific heavy - but across the whole BP, weeklies are split as followings across the entire season:
- 55 any-mode
- 56 BR
- 29 arenas

Remember there's some RNG in what you see on any given day - and especially in terms of what you see for the one week of weeklies. But I promise that we for sure heard the feedback and tried to make the battlepass less mode specific, and we're working on even more functionality in terms of offering players choice and flexibility here for S13 and beyond. This will continue to be an area of focus for us.

about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by Soul-Assassin79

Did anyone else get none Octane items in their Octane packs??

Do you own every rare-or-better item for Octane already? If so, the pack automatically functions as a "normal" Apex pack. This logic is pretty bulletproof - we run pretty large scale simulations on this. I just checked and everything on that pack is setup properly.

about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by Altiro93

Not sure if this is the same issue as above but I just played my second game and got 5 kills. When checking my season stats though it says I only have 4 kills total (didn’t get any the first game so total should be 5). I’m playing on PS5, all kills we’re using weapons. I executed one person to finish them if that perhaps makes a difference

Not the same. I forget how quickly that stats screen updates, so that's a possible explanation. But early season always stresses me out because we see some of these bugs with stat inconsistencies. If you go hover over the S12 kills tracker for the character that you played that match with (*unless* it was Bloodhound because of the above bug which mean it will show you your S11 stats), what does it say? Does it also say 4? Kills are kills (execution or not), executions just ALSO tick up the finishers tracker.

about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by la_watson

Curious if u/Soul-Assassin79 meant getting no Octane items [at all from a pack] or getting 1-2 "non-Octane" items per pack.

Added data: I had 4-5 items for Octane unlocked before opening the packs and I got 1 Item per Octane pack that was for another legend.

So, the character-specific thematic packs guarantee *one* rare-or-better item for that character. The other two slots are purely random and are common-or-better.

about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by ZmobieMrh

I think the complaint is really that the top challenges are the ones that haven't changed, the ones worth 10 stars. It feels kinda disingenuous for you folks to say you've made things better when the most grindy of the challenges are still as bad as they've been since arenas came out.

I think part of the challenge is balancing two separate but related goals. Most players want to complete the BP, meaning reach level 110. But lots of players are also "completionists," meaning they want to finish all 11 challenges in all 12 weeks. The first goal - making sure players can complete the BP - is our primary goal. And that also considers events throughout the season that award BP stars. But the second goal is also a legitimate one.

I'm definitely not saying we can't do more here. There is more we're working on in this area. But the challenges system is a gigantic one. And one that we're really careful about touching because if you make it worse, players get REALLY mad. It's a lot of work both technically (in terms of adding functionality here) and also in terms of analysis (to make sure the BP still works well and "feels good").

Regardless, point taken. It is good feedback.

about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by Altiro93

I was using Valk that match and just double checked the season 12 kills tracker and it also says 4 kills. I recorded the game play and rewatched it and think I may have found the problem. One of the kills I got was from an enemy another squad had knocked but I finished that other squad first. There was no pop-up for the "Killed X player" but there was a plus one in the kill tracker in the top right and I guess the final kill count. I still have the recorded game play if you would like me to share it

No, that's perfect in terms of digging in. I know there are definitely some discrepancies here, so this is very helpful for sussing out where there are. Thank you very much.

about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by nadejha

  • Platform: Steam PC
  • Skin: Afrofuturism Seer
  • Doing: Just playing Control gamemode, nothing specific
  • Reproduction: Crashed 10 times in a single game, nothing I was doing was repetitive or showing a reason that it may have been the cause.
  • PC Spec: Ryzen 5 3600, GTX 1060 6GB, 16GB DDR4 3400, Drivers updated.
  • Error Message: gamemodes/sh_gamemode_control.nut#5394 [CLIENT] Entity is null
  • Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/sGJyrXe.png

You, sir, are a champion. This looks like it comes straight from QA! Thank you!!

about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by MastaGibbetts

any word on the frame rate issues on ps4 and (i believe) xbox?

All I can say is that we've for sure seen the reports and are digging in. Something like that I'm afraid I'm never gonna be able to give an easy and quick answer like, for example, on the Bloodhound tracker - "we were looking at the wrong stat, easy fix..." Never know whether one of those, "we're aware of the problem and looking into it..." answers is helpful or just feels like useless corporate dronespeak.

about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by Samoman21

Wait. I'm a lil confused about weeklies. Are they different for everyone? I thought we all get same weeklies every week, and the dailies are the only ones that change. Is that not correct?

You will get the same weeklies as everyone else over the course of the season, but the ordering of the weeks is RNG. I.e., what I *see* as Week 1 isn't necessarily the same as what you see in Week 1. My week 1 might be your week 6 and your week 1 might be my week 9.

about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by Samoman21

Ohhh gotcha. That explains why people don't instantly queue on of the 3 characters for the 12 matches or 5k damage. Thank you for the explanation.

Yup. That's also the reason for this. To prevent that exact behavior, especially at the start of the week. It does make for interesting QA - "I had a bug during the week 1 challenge..." But I have a big table of all of the challenges so I can figure out what they are actually referring to.

about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by Voyddd

Any changes to arenas matchmaking ? Especially for ranked. Thinking about solo q or not

What if control replaced normal arenas and you only kept ranked arenas?

Taking off my "dev" hat and putting on my "player" hat, that's what I hope we do personally. I've suggested it. As have others. But that's a big decision to make, I'm not the maker of such decisions. But I absolutely agree personally.

about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by Kyroceratops

Do I have to login today to get the free packs and free legend unlocks? Or anytime during the week? Any info on how that works would be helpful.

Octane: anytime Feb 8 - Feb 15

Wattson: anytime Feb 15 - Feb 22

Valk: anytime Feb 22 - Mar 1

about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by Fluffy-Apocalypse

I have a battlepass objective for dealing 75,000 damage that isn't ticking down at all

This is a bug. Just found it thanks to your post. It's an Arenas challenge that's mislabeled. And so looking for damage in Arenas instead of in any mode. We'll get it fixed. Apologies. But thank you.

about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by HT54

Welp Teamwork badge is now ruined… got it the first game of control.

Just put in a fix that should go out in the next week or so. Unfortunately we can't "revert" your stats backwards. Apologies. But thanks to you and the many others who tagged this. Sorry we missed this in testing.

Most of the badges actually do safeguard, but we've made mistakes around badges before so I wouldn't be surprised if there were some badges we missed. We are working on overall improvements to our stats system, but it's a big project.

about 3 years ago - /u/Respawn_Kalyrical - Direct link

Originally posted by Jacket_89

Dudes, they actually nerfed the FPS in PS4.

Seeing this reported across the community and we're still investigating! We'll update via the Respawn Twitter acc as we get more info: https://twitter.com/Respawn/status/1491195357786963968

about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by HT54

So what you’re saying is I have a week to get my 4K/20 on all the legends.. I gotta get to work.

4K & 20-bomb are NOT bugged. Sorry. No sneaky badges for those two in Control.

about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by chainjoey

So I totally should've recorded my one pack that gave all whites then. Shame I read about this now, after I've already opened them.

Did you get crafting materials? CM (depending on the quantity) count as a rarity. I forget the exact quantities offhand. I think it's 15/30/60/120 for common-legendary. I've never seen an actual pack give three common items. If you're certain you did, message me. I can actually look up your account and see what the packs gave you item by item.

about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by spatpat

It's not only badges, but trackers too. I played Maggie only in Control so far, but her rare trackers (highlight time, drill distance and wrecking ball travel distance) are already counting stats. Her other trackers are unaffected.

That's by design. Legend abilities track across all modes intentionally.

about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by chainjoey

It was a pack with three skins. I'm sure I remember seeing three white lights before the tick exploded. It could be that one was blue but idk.

We're talking about the octane pack, right? I'm sure I've had plenty of regular packs that give all commons.

No pack of any kind should ever give three commons. I typically open about 5 million packs before each new season to make sure of this (automated process...) . Plus we run extensive analysis on the live game data. Three commons should be impossible. And I've never seen otherwise. But if you are sure it's happened, I can look at your account to check.

about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by NuggetHighwind

Was this a "regular" Apex pack? Or a thematic pack - like an Octane pack?

about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by RobotHavGunz

Was this a "regular" Apex pack? Or a thematic pack - like an Octane pack?

Followed up with you on your post there.

about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by NuggetHighwind

A regular pack purchased with Apex coins.

Thank you.

about 3 years ago - /u/Respawn_Kalyrical - Direct link

Originally posted by MonkApe1

Hey can you answer why I can’t pick my legends in the lobby after playing the new game mode??

There was an issue! Fix being deployed: https://twitter.com/Respawn/status/1491439672777928704

about 3 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by LanguageOver2221

Are some of the weekly challenges changed to be more challenging? Like instead of getting top 3 1 times it's now 15 or so times instead?.

That one was a bug. Fix is in and should be going out "soon." Should only be 1.