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I don't have the best response time anymore and I have also took a longer break from Apex before, I'm very happy I can still do it (solo with randoms btw.).

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about 2 months ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Congratulations! Game dev guy in my 40's here. Like to believe I can still do it too! Code that is... I'm a potato at the game itself Gold 4 was my best, and that was a struggle. I'm high Silver on a good day. But I like to think I still make cool stuff.

about 2 months ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by Rahain

What do you typically work on?

Mostly meta-game systems - cosmetics, challenges, Ranked, events, etc.. I was the primary engineer on the Katar customization system. Did the work to make custom deathboxes a thing. The tracker artwork change - so you can have art/starts split - was my project, stemming actually from a proposal I wrote on my first day on the job. Did a bunch of work to enable the MMR-based system for Ranked from S17-19 (and to then roll it back in S20). Did the development on the Ranked Trials feature in S19. A lot with our Stats system - and the Challenge that are driven by that system. My very first feature was splitting badges up by category in S8. If you are an OG, you may remember when it was just a giant list of badges...

about 2 months ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by Rahain

Very cool! Thanks for the info! Not sure why got down voted for asking haha.

Take my up vote!