The Animation team at Respawn is truly incredible! I have the distinct joy to work closely with Shawn, our viewmodel animator, and man he's just unbelievable. He does all of the legends, did almost all of the heirlooms (octane knife inspect and bangalore knife being the exception s), and does all of the weapons. He is an absolute powerhouse of productivity that I just cannot fathom, and he still finds time to add all the flourish and polish and charm of rare special animations and all that. I work most closely with him and our engineer Ravi (who is also an incredible powerhouse handling the entirety of weapons code AND AUDIO CODE WHAT EDIT: Not the only person working on audio and fixing audio bugs! Others derfinitely jump in and out to support when needed, he just did the lion's share of the initial feature work by himself, not to mention his technical skill and strong design sensibility), and it's really humbling to work with such incredible people.
People give a lot of credit to design for guns feeling good and movement feeling good and all that, and design is certainly a big part of it, but it cannot be overstated how absolutely crucial and fundamental engineering, animation, 3d, fx, audio, etc. all that are. If you go play FPS games from even 5 years ago, one of the first things you will notice is how clunky the animation feels compared to now -- the animators and engineers of the industry have really been pushing the boundaries of polish in that realm. Shawn thinks about and understands game feel on a deep level that easily matches the best gameplay designers I've seen (or surpasses in my case, I learn a ton from him!)
I don't want to ramble, but I don't have a limit to the amount of good things I can say about folks here. I only started in 2018, but I am constantly humbled and count how incredibly fortunate I am to work with absolute masters of their craft in so many ways. I have similar things to say about the folks I got to work with at Bungie too!I have had incredible fortune to work with amazing people in my career :).