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about 4 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Thank you for posting this. It warms my heart greatly to know there are other players like me out there. If it makes you feel better, just know that I've been there with many 1v1s exactly like this and I've got aim assist... (I play on XBox.)

To quote, as is appropriate with all things, "The Big Lebowski"

Sometimes you eat the bar. And sometimes the bar....well, sometimes the bar, it eats you.

Wishing you many future fights where you eat the bar.

about 4 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by monsieur_baquette

its kind of weird to give advise to a dev but why not.

when i was still on xbox, i lot of people were figthing the aim assit.

You need to let the aim assit help you. You need to try to aim with the aim assit not only with the stick because then you will figth agains it. When i stop fighting with the game to aim but made it a ally i stop missing shot because the auto aim made me scope past the enemie or that kind of thing, i became mucht better.

if you train a lot you can event let the aim assit aim for you and only reajust (sorry for my english) with the stick when the enemie move to fast for it. That let you spam croutch and move way faster and better in figth.

I think that i can give some advise since i solo grinded diamond but if somebody have better advise dont be shy :)

hope it help and thanks for making such a good game !

That's actually really good advice. I've sort of grok'ed that, but not necessarily so clearly. I made a lot of changes to my controller setup - use ALC and actually run a straight linear setup, just because I find it's more "consistent" and therefore a bit easier to train muscle memory. But yes, absolutely you need to let the AA guide you. I would way over auto correct. Moving to a straight linear control actually made this easier because even though it's "twitchy," you can feel the response from small movements more intuitively (at least I can).

The biggest struggle I have now is positioning. My aim is now at least un-terrible. But I too often forget to actually take cover and make it harder to hit me. And not at all weird to give advice to a Dev. I'm okay at making games (well, at least technically speaking); I'm not at all good at playing FPS games. But getting better. Thanks in large part to good advice posted here and on /r/apexuniversity.

about 4 years ago - /u/RobotHavGunz - Direct link

Originally posted by Perfect-Rent-5575

Hello, can you please add numerical values to the Alc controls it's really hard to get the slider settings.

I want the same. I have no idea if there's a reason we don't show the precise numerical values as I'm a fairly new hire, but this is actually the sort of thing that I work on so I'll find out. I just keep track of it by counting ticks from the far left or far right. Which is not ideal and which could be better.