Original Post — Direct link

Patch Notes

Hey legends, the "Astral Anomaly" update is upon us!

This thread serves to consolidate player feedback and issues with the newly released "Astral Anomaly" mid-season patch.

As always, please post any bugs or issues that have come up with this current patch so that Respawn can help out!

Information that's helpful when reporting bugs:

  • What platform are you playing on?
  • Which skin were you using?
  • What were you doing leading up to the issue?
  • Can you reproduce it? What are the steps?
  • PC players - provide hardware specs, OS version, GPU driver version, and DirectX version.
  • Console players - was performance mode (120 Hz) enabled?
  • Did your game crash? What error did you get? Please include "apex_crash.txt" from your "Documents" folder.
  • If possible, it’s great if you can capture the bug and submit that with your report.
External link β†’
10 days ago - /u/RSPN_Thieamy - Direct link

Originally posted by anarhistabg

Launch Error
SettingsDX12.json not found

Perfect update. Casual APEX experience.
workaround for now: delete DX12 command from launch options

Flagged and added to Trello. Reiterating workaround steps for anyone hitting this with Steam:

  1. Right click on Apex Legends, select "Properties"
  2. Under General, Launch Options, remove the text that says "-anticheat_settings=SettingsDX12.json"

Originally posted by bladefinor

It's said in the patch notes that to revert to DX11, I should add this launch option:

I'm getting the same error (but for DX11):
"SettingsDX11.json not found"

I know it exists, I've checked in C:\Program Files\EA Games\Apex\EasyAntiCheat and it's there.

EDIT: The problem is fixed. There should only be one dash in the command prefix:

Should probably change the update page on the official site?

Correct, should be one dash. Team flagged that this morning and a blog update is going out.