Have you guys thought about reworking lifeline’s kit? A lifeline rework concept was posted on the lifeline mains subreddit a while ago and I wanted to know your thoughts on it?
Give her back the auto res; however, the shield only has 100-150 hp. The shield will visually decay, similar to Newcastle’s knowdown shield, whenever it takes damage. This telegraphs to both lifeline and the enemy that the revive shield is about to go down. Additionally, you could remove the ability for lifeline to cancel the revive so that if the enemy team does manage to break the revive shield, she can’t just cancel the res and restart with a new shield. By removing the ability to cancel the res, it also adds more risk to the revive, as if lifeline starts the revive at bad positioning or isn’t able to effectively defend her team, the enemy receives a guaranteed kill.
Keep it how it is.
Remove the care package entirely and replace it with her throwing DOC out to summon a flashpoint zone. If DOC is destroyed, then the flashpoint zone will go down (similar to how Seer’s ultimate functions.) The Flashpoint zone would heal everyone in its radius, including enemies, for 10hp/shield per second. Like the actual event, if a legend takes damage, the flashpoint zone will not resume healing them until they haven’t taken damage for 6 seconds.
Reasoning behind this rework concept:
Lifeline’s entire identity is focused around her being the combat medic, i.e. going for revives and keeping her team healthy. With her current kit, she’s outperformed by both Newcastle and Gibraltar as both have safer revives and provide more utility for the team. With this rework, Lifeline’s revive still won’t be as safe as Newcastle or Gibby’s; however, she gains versatility in return for sacrificing revive safety. Additionally, Lifeline’s reworked ultimate would provide her with more in-combat power and overall more appeal and a fun factor. However, all of lifeline’s abilities still have counterplay to them. Lifeline’s revive shield can be broken, and once it is, the reviving teammate is completely defenseless as the rez cannot be cancelled. Lifeline’s reworked ultimate can also backfire on her team by providing her enemies with free healing. This generates a skill gap, as skilled lifelines will know how to maximize their advantage state by using the ultimate and conversely, it could also help the enemy team if lifeline does not position or time the ultimate properly, or if the enemy team is simply more skilled and gets the first knock.