over 4 years ago - /u/Leeeeeee-RSPN - Direct link

Hey All,

Leeeeeee-RSPN here.  The solos LTM mode ends today and we appreciate all the feedback and support.  We look at a wide breadth of data - live gameplay data, qualitative survey data, etc. - to get a sense of what players like and what they want to see improved.  The solos LTM was successful, but it's clear refinement and iteration is needed (for example, reducing "teaming" and figuring out how to on-board new players into a less forgiving mode).   We plan to regularly launch Limited Time Modes as part of events, so stay tuned in the future for new modes.

Speaking of events, we also wanted to share more about our event structures in Apex Legends.  Here's a re-post of today's event blog post:


All Hey,

Leeeeeee-RSPN here (Apex Legends Director of Product Management Lee Horn, that is)! We wanted to share more context with you around the three types of events you can expect from Apex Legends including Season Launches, Collection Events, and Themed Events (the next one launching early September)! The main goal for all these events is to add new ways to play, so that we are keeping the game fresh and exciting for our players. Each of these events has a unique theme with a variety of components, but share the same general framework: 

  • One or more new gameplay changes such as permanent and limited-time modes (Ranked or Solos respectively), map updates and town takeovers, balance changes, new characters, new weapons, and more
  • New free progression content via challenges or the free Battle Pass track
  • Purchasable cosmetics via Battle Pass, Packs, and/or the Shop 

The Three Event Structures will Generally Have the Following

Season Launches 

At the start of every season, you can expect a major map update, a new Legend, new loot items (weapons, ordnances, etc.), meaty changes to the Legend and weapon meta and balance, updates to our Ranked mode, and potentially new features (like we introduced in Season 2 with Ranked mode).Every season will also feature the release of a brand-new Battle Pass. 

Themed Events

These events will generally occur during a season and bring with them a limited-time mode, event challenges that let players earn cosmetics, and a mix of event limited and evergreen cosmetics available for direct purchase. These events may also include a town takeover or small map change, and potential extensions to Apex Legends lore. Legendary Hunt was an example of a Themed Event, with the next one coming early September focused on a certain Phase Expert.

Collection Events

Collection Events will also take place throughout the season and deliver a limited-time mode, event challenges where players earn cosmetics, and a set of event limited cosmetics available via Event-specific Apex Packs or direct purchase; it’s your choice. Like Themed Events, Collection Events may also feature a town takeover or small map change. 

We received a lot of fan feedback on our recent Iron Crown Collection Event and we’re listening. We have another Collection Event planned for October and ahead of that event we will share with you how we are making changes to the event. 

While these are our three main event structures, we’re also always working on new features, bug fixes, balance changes, and quality of life improvements that come out in periodic patch updates. As always, we appreciate all of your support and feedback. We hope this blog gives y’all a better sense of what to expect in a season of Apex Legends.

– Leeeeeee-RSPN

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over 4 years ago - /u/Leeeeeee-RSPN - Direct link

Originally posted by Mozog1g2

u/Leeeeeee-RSPN pleaseeeee

Yeah, when the skins make a return, we'll make the Legendary Hunt music pack available.

over 4 years ago - /u/Leeeeeee-RSPN - Direct link

Originally posted by DingoDave15

Is it annoying having to type out all those e's in your username?

hahah no I have it down to a science

over 4 years ago - /u/Leeeeeee-RSPN - Direct link

Originally posted by WDZZxTITAN

hey /u/Leeeeeee-RSPN, I have been wondering, now since the crown collection event is over, how are future heirlooms going to work?

Say, if I have acquired the Bloodhound heirloom during the event, will I still be guaranteed the Wraith heirloom when I reach 500 packs? Or is there a 50/50 chance to either get the Wraith Heirloom or get crafting materials, since there can't be duplicates?

Also, did the Iron Crown Crates count towards the 500 packs guarantee progression?

looking forward to the October event!

Heirlooms never drop dupes, and always drop an heirloom (never crafting materials). So if you own BH and you get an heirloom drop, you'll definitely get Wraith.

over 4 years ago - /u/HkySk8r187 - Direct link

Originally posted by Mozog1g2

was hoping for bug fixes, we have 40 empty days :/

We released a server patch on Friday, and another yesterday. Both addressed some server crashes and have had a substantial impact. The Wraith event update will also contain many bug fixes and some QoL changes. We're working round the clock.