"Ced is this a personal account or an ARK account"
Personal. I'm not just trying to show you more about development and the challenges but also the people that bring their passion to what you end up playing.
Bridging the gap between dev and community is my goal.
Peace ✌🏿
@JonahHughes3 I know there are issues in/with PvP so I'd ask what you are hoping to accomplish? I think there is a misconception that because changes aren't happening at a pace people like, that no one is listening to them.
@JonahHughes3 What more can we share other than "we are working on cheats"? if you look at the patch notes, we patch an exploit almost every week. New ones pop up.
Sharing exactly what we're doing with exploits help people who exploit and give them a heads up
@JonahHughes3 My point is I think this isn't a lack of understanding, it's a lack of perceived action. We understand what's happening on Official Servers, it's a matter of taking action and preventing it.
@JonahHughes3 I guess you have to believe what you believe. I can't convince you otherwise and you are entitled to that. But the idea that we're comfortable with exploits, meshing, etc and don't care to do anything is just wrong.
Maybe you feel its taking too long - diff argument.
@JonahHughes3 I guess the only way we can prove it is with action and not talking right? People aren't going to believe us anyway based on what you're saying.
@JonahHughes3 No, because I'm not a cheater and there are just certain things I prefer not to do. If I couldn't find a place to play without cheaters I'd stop, not start cheating too.
And please don't say there isn't 1 ark server that doesn't have cheaters.
@JonahHughes3 Are you a programmer? It's kind of insulting to say something shouldn't take two years to fix when you have no background in it. But since you know it all. I'll leave you with that.
@JonahHughes3 But that's not what you started off with and had you did, we would have saved time. you started this convo with saying we only listen to pve, then we arent addressing any exploits because this one has been out two years instead of "2 years is a long time"
@JonahHughes3 I'm not trying to be rude either, I just wish this tweet was your first one instead of the others because this is what you really wanted to say and I can feel and understand this. Much love
@JonahHughes3 And not to make this engagement sound insignificant, because it isn't. I love when I can touch base like this - its not realistic for me to have one on ones with players. Imagine all the players that want that and imagine how much time it would take.
@JonahHughes3 But again, what is us saying we're working on it going to do to players who don't already believe us.
All we can do is act at this point. Gotta run! Nice chat!
@_MARCoEoMARC_ What can I personally do about that? Of course, I understand. I've lost time in a game due to bugs. The thing is, the devs want to be better and are constantly improving.
@codigoalex_ It's OK to use marketplace assets. It would be hard for one person to do it all. What's important is you had the vision and you completed it 🤜🏿
@WarrDustin @survivetheark Ok, try checking your network settings to be double-sure. There may also be some issues going on with XBOX Live we're looking into.
@Adam76310154 @Li1yGraceGaming @survivetheark Hmm OK, we're looking into some things. It could be an issue with the XBOX Live network. Seeing what I can find out.
@Li1yGraceGaming @survivetheark OK, we're trying to see if there are any issues with XBOX Live. Is it possible you can try launching another game to see if you notice anything?
@TekkyToToxic @Travis05564636 I suggest you scroll through my profile if you really want to know what I've done for this game. With that said, I'm doing what I can, but I'm one person.
@TekkyToToxic @Travis05564636 How can I answer that when it isn't my decision? The question is basically are we going to roll back? I don't know but it's not likely.
@Travis05564636 @TekkyToToxic It's not likely because rollbacks come with the potential for mass character loss - which is arguably worse than items lost.
@Travis05564636 @TekkyToToxic I'll let people reply to this, but I can guarantee you if you saw my tweets, LOTS. It's trying to weigh two evils, there is no right decision. Only two bad ones.
@Travis05564636 @TekkyToToxic I can't argue fair with you because that's a personal definition that's going to change from person to person. Do you think when someone loses their character due to a rollback is going to think "well that's fair"?
@Travis05564636 @TekkyToToxic With all due respect, that's just your situation. I feel for you, I promise. And I know you may want to make your situation right but there are a lot of 'situations' at risk meaning thousands and thousands of situations to consider.
@Travis05564636 @TekkyToToxic If that's how you see it I can't change your perception. We are preventing even more losses with rollbacks whether you believe it or not. Some people can attest to it.
@Travis05564636 @TekkyToToxic If I could give you your stuff back, I would. You are asking for an impossible thing right now even though people think it's easy. These are the cards that are dealt and I'm trying to make the best of it like everyone else. Peace
@TheTogee ?? Updates have been posted everywhere including discord. The latest one (this one) is on my personal while I confirm the actual information. I cant post unconfirmed information on the official account.
@TheTogee I'm not trying to gaslight you. This is not a tweet my employer prefers I tweet from the main account. it's really that simple. But I wanted to give players an update. I mean I could have just not tweeted it if that's what you're saying.
@TheTogee I can understand that preference, cheers. Typically companies are worried about optics and how things appear when they tweet. A company perception might be "we told players we are working on it and we are". They might not prefer to do constant "still working" tweets.
@TheTogee And "they" don't really prefer me. I do it because I want to inform the players with the details - companies might not want to. Not really more complicated than that.