We're at the home stretch for the Genesis 2 launch and we're sharing the last few things before you get to hop in and experience it yourself. Check out our latest post for an update to the Genesis 2 release, and a first listen at the main theme!
Genesis Part 2: Art, Music and June 2 Delay[survivetheark.com]Have no fear! There are still a few things we still haven't shown you.

Join us on Thursday at
5/27, at 9:30 AM PST as we go live on twitchgaming for The Weekly show. Come hang out as we chat about Genesis 2 and hang out with the community. Oh, and we'll be sharing something you haven't seen before 😉.
And now, onto some things that you may have seen!

Full Resolution Wallpaper[cdn.survivetheark.com]You'll have to summon some real courage if you're seen by this watchful guard. Perhaps it's better to just run

Full Resolution Wallpaper[cdn.survivetheark.com]Curious and inquisitive, the swift Astrodelphis may look like the cetaceans that once swam in Earth's oceans but this variation had loftier dreams and made an interstellar home amongst the stars, evolving unique traits.
Equip a Starwing Saddle, and you have a sentient spacecraft capable of blasting targets into oblivion.

Full Resolution Wallpaper[cdn.survivetheark.com]
Exo-mek[cdn.survivetheark.com]Egg Incubator[cdn.survivetheark.com]Maewing[cdn.survivetheark.com]Federation Crop Plot[cdn.survivetheark.com]Shadowmane[cdn.survivetheark.com]Shadowmane (Widescreen)[cdn.survivetheark.com]Loadout Mannequin[cdn.survivetheark.com]Canoe[cdn.survivetheark.com]Noglin[cdn.survivetheark.com]Minigun[cdn.survivetheark.com]TEK Hoversail[cdn.survivetheark.com]Ammo Box[cdn.survivetheark.com]TEK Phase Pistol[cdn.survivetheark.com]TEK Bow[cdn.survivetheark.com]Carniflora[cdn.survivetheark.com]Stryder[cdn.survivetheark.com]

An ARK: EVOLUTION EVENT is active from now through May 24th, with
- 2X Breeding (mating interval, egg hatch speed, imprint, and maturation)
- 2X Taming
- 2X Harvesting
- 2X XP
- 1.5 Hexagon Bonus

Creator: The AxeManCaptain Fatdog shows off the Millennium Falcon, built on Xbox with ThirdEchelon for the ARKitects #MayThe4thBeWithYou
life-k - Trike

DraukaRalh - Baryonyx Morning

Darken-Si - Helmsdeep my brachi

@naeriie - Rest well friend




@PicturesOfArk (Isabell)

CapDrac лять#0038

See you at the TwitchGaming show next week!
Studio Wildcard