@HODGAMING1 @FM_17_8 @JoseSanchezLIVE @zzzzzunit @summit1g That just isn't how development works. Development of any product really. It's a problem of scaling and businesses of all sorts go through these issues. Scaling from 100 to 1000. And businesses don't usually just pack it up when they can't scale. They go through growing pains
@JoseSanchezLIVE @HODGAMING1 @FM_17_8 @zzzzzunit @summit1g Indeed, but the team is small. And I already hear "well hire more people" and it has happened (even for enforcement, even recently). Budgets, finances, etc none of us can really speak on because we don't know what the finances look like when it's all said and done.
@zzzzzunit @HODGAMING1 @FM_17_8 @JoseSanchezLIVE @summit1g It's both. Some could argue the enforcement scale isn't large enough for the servers and never grew to meet the demand.
@HODGAMING1 @FM_17_8 @JoseSanchezLIVE @zzzzzunit @summit1g You all aren't wrong. If you know me, I'm going to keep it real. I think if a gamer plays on a server hosted by the devs, there is some level of expectation that it will be moderated. It's not an unreasonable one. Traditionally that meant we were talking about live-service
@zzzzzunit @JoseSanchezLIVE @HODGAMING1 @FM_17_8 @summit1g And regardless of the wacky sh*t you say, I know you do have an understanding. And I respect that.
@HODGAMING1 @JoseSanchezLIVE @FM_17_8 @zzzzzunit @summit1g I think things are going to be a lot different for ARK 2, taking in what we are seeing now with cheating, what a 'live-service' game is in 2021, duping, transfers. A lot to learn from.
@UpFromTheDepths @survivetheark @NotDollie @Jatheish @ZenRowe @arkjesse @jeremystieglitz This is a great spotlight. Takes me back to the old days when we did them for new dinos. Cool stuff!
@BondStetson Hold the line. A couple people at work got in for fun. You know on the bright side of all this - a lot more people are wiser to investments now. Don't lose it all! ๐ค๐ฟ