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over 4 years ago - /u/ZenRowe - Direct link

Originally posted by Subclavian

Know what you do if your change caused a problem? You back it out if you can't fix it right away. Implement the parts that work instead of being like, 'yeah well, there's bigger things to worry about' because some people will actually care a lot. My mother in law is disabled, playing Ark is one of the few things she can do without being in severe pain and she cares a lot about the color.

Also the explanation doesn't make any sense, how would mods that do nothing to the color array be affected? Explain to me how S+, something has nothing to do with dinos at all, also experiences this issue.

Before this change, for every mod installed, the core color definitions were being duplicated. This only impacted mutation colors though because for mutations it randomly selects from any and all colors in the master color array (rather than only a subset in dino specific color definitions matched by name.) Mutations were selecting duplicated color definitions and now the duplicates are no longer there.

There is also more to the thread this screenshot was taken from, including where I talk about (in addition to trying to make the problem correctable in the future, because this isn't a problem that can be completely removed with respect to mods being able to add new colors at all) also making it so that where these colors were lost that it will reroll new color mutations for everyone that was impacted by this.

over 4 years ago - /u/ZenRowe - Direct link

Originally posted by Sventek70

I get the need to make changes, and the fact that mods are simply that, mods and not supported. But rolling out these changes and forcing them with 0 warning or workaround other than an admin manually recoloring every dino is a joke. I run a small cluster where a few of us have spent hundreds of hours breeding including getting color combinations and to see all of that work just instantly gone on top of all of the other 'fun' bugs lately is making me want to simply put the cluster on life support and just be done with it, and I am sure I am not the only one.

This whole thing is just another huge FU to anyone not on official.

That won't be the only workaround soon. that is only the workaround for this specific instance (Which we were not expecting to occur). I'm getting a command added that will allow server admins to mass reapply colors based on the color definition name. In addition, rather than doing this manual reapplication of colors to fix it this time, if you are willing to wait for it, this command will also reroll mutation colors to replace the ones lost this time around (The data necessary to recover them completely just does not exist at this time for the command to be able to fix this occurrence retroactively).

over 4 years ago - /u/ZenRowe - Direct link

Originally posted by Silfurgames

And yes, this is only affecting people who pander to wildcard so they deserve it! /s Normally I love criticizing them but this was an honest attempt to fix some spaghetti code involving dino colors that had unintended consequences due to something nobody really had control over.

At risk of opening myself up to more criticism...

\clears throat**

Don't be upsetti!
I fixed the spaghetti!

over 4 years ago - /u/ZenRowe - Direct link

Originally posted by TiiaAurora

There is a mod out there called "Fix Dino Colors" that brought all my white Dinos finally back to their old color. Not sure if it works with all Mod setups but here it worked. My wyverns and argents are pretty again <3


For anyone interested. My understanding of what this mod is doing means that is should work pretty well for anyone that wasn't using any mods that added new colors.

The mod works by making assumptions about what the definitions array looked like for you before the update that caused this, so It's not suitable for us to do in the core game... but as an option, this should actually work pretty well for many.