@Raasclark @Nekatus @gportalde @survivetheark And I'm just joking. It would be cool to do a little series on this "Going Official". Send some video crews over to @Nekatus house and record him. True documentary style!
Jokes aside it would be cool to do something small like this.
@ladyteruki @Raasclark @Nekatus @gportalde @survivetheark I think we just keep applying the pressure via social media. And then when I pitch for it, I'm backed up by the community!
@Nekatus @Raasclark @ladyteruki @gportalde @survivetheark I think we shouldn't spoil it. I'm all for doing these types of things but I'd rather do a bigger post after release - as things in development can change and people may see something they get attached to that doesn't make it in the official version.
@ladyteruki @Nekatus @Raasclark @gportalde @survivetheark ^^^^ This is the thing. When you arent documenting during the process, it makes it impossible to backtrack