@John29782149 @thelilpanda That isn't a tweet answer really. The cause of rubber banding and blue screen isn't just one thing. It's a matter of the hardware, optimization, tons of things. So it's not a simple answer.
But we're always working on performance-related things.
@thelilpanda I have some at my place but I usually have them open. Living in a high-rise that sun bakes the windows and in turn bakes my place. Plus it blocks out construction noise - which I have tons of.
Huge fan of natural light though.
@theLOVERtheHATE If you think you can make a game like ARK without knowing what you're doing, you must think making games is easy. It's not. 80-90 people is a VERY small team for the size of ARK.
It's easy to poke fun at Mixer right now. Like way too easy lol.
But let's not forget, we need services like Mixer to try to break the status quo, to shake up the norm, to offer a competitive market. Good on them for trying.
But Facebook? RIP
@SyntacYT Agreed, I think somewhere along the line the execution of the strategy got messed up or the whole strategy was flawed to begin with. Unfortunate.
@SyntacYT To double back on this as I think more. We have gotten into the trend in current social media of names selling products. Sometimes the products just need to sell on there own.
Mixer focusing on the product and not the names might have benefited them.
@elweasel2010 It offers a competitive market in which the consumer benefits. All services will try to make each other better to "one up" each other. Its been going on with Google and Apple for years.
@TekARK3 Oh everyone has their preferences, and that's totally cool. But I think it's a conversation of preference and not one of ability (in terms of making something compelling)
I'm seeing some good convo about a primitive-themed ARK 2 and what it would be like.
What primitive items/systems do you want to see? I know I have some ideas 😏