over 4 years
ago -
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Current Version: v313.30 - 09/17/2020
Fixed multiple level-design related bugs such as holes, floating foliage, incorrect volumes, etc.
Fixed Fence Supports requiring foundational support when trying to snap to each other
Fixed an exploit which allowed players to bring tames to Genesis Gauntlet Missions
Fixed the DefeatBoss admin command
Added additional sockets onto the skiff which auto-turrets can use as targeting options
Added some protection to the Tribe UI to prevent players from accidentally leaving their own tribe or kicking themselves
Prevented the trough visual from displaying in spectator mode
Fixed a bug which allowed you to complete Genesis Gather Missions before hitting all the requirements
Fixed a bug which would allow you to build a floating base
Fixed a bug which prevented Megachelons from counting towards the platform dino limit
Fixed a mesh exploit
Fixed a bug which prevented catapults from applying damage when shooting boulders
You can follow the patch notes here[ark.gg]
Fixed multiple level-design related bugs such as holes, floating foliage, incorrect volumes, etc.
Fixed Fence Supports requiring foundational support when trying to snap to each other
Fixed an exploit which allowed players to bring tames to Genesis Gauntlet Missions
Fixed the DefeatBoss admin command
Added additional sockets onto the skiff which auto-turrets can use as targeting options
Added some protection to the Tribe UI to prevent players from accidentally leaving their own tribe or kicking themselves
Prevented the trough visual from displaying in spectator mode
Fixed a bug which allowed you to complete Genesis Gather Missions before hitting all the requirements
Fixed a bug which would allow you to build a floating base
Fixed a bug which prevented Megachelons from counting towards the platform dino limit
Fixed a mesh exploit
Fixed a bug which prevented catapults from applying damage when shooting boulders
You can follow the patch notes here[ark.gg]