So I was told that they can restore engrams, however the power was being abused and they took that away from the GMs
So I was told that they can restore engrams, however the power was being abused and they took that away from the GMs
That is not the case. We have never had an admin command to grant other players specific engrams. It is something I will look into. But having taken a stab at it before it isn't trivial.
What commands can be used on Xbox to give imprints back as a recent update on our nitrado made a bunch of players lose characters. Nope, roll back didn't help. these players have to go through the imprint process again? f**king WC shining like this winter's dog shit in my back yard on this rainy Thursday.
That is exactly the opposite of what he said. We can restore imprints.
We included an admin command in today's patch to help cs help you with this. They're working out the logistics now, but if you lost a character from this rollback, they should be able to help you out.
But you can suddenly fix imprints? Fix the game come on, fix your mistakes.
I added the implant command months ago. :)