@Dododex It's a different experience but it doesn't mean it's going to be one you won't enjoy. I encourage you to keep your minds open 🙏🏿
Seeing some gameplay footage may change your mind.
I know it helped sell the concept to me.
@WhoIsEmmaAdams @Dododex If I'm being honest I also prefer the first-person experience when it comes to ARK but there is something pretty cool and magical about what's happening and what the new experience will allow us to do gameplay-wise.
I can't wait until you all see more!
@Dododex I'm also going to be real: It won't be for everyone. And that's OK too!
I've always kept it real with you all and I'm not going to "sell" the idea to you. For those on the fence, hopefully, it sells itself once you see more! And if it's not for you, it's just not for you.
@FitzCollector @Dododex You shouldn't be. Obviously, there are some people that just don't want to do third person. No reason to try to convince them that they should.
@Nekatus @Dododex I probably won't be the one to talk about the reasons, but I believe there have been some hints dropped here and there.
But I would love to talk about this in the future with the team on a stream.
@DBlast77 @Phrog352 @Rockhopper361 @Dododex If anything, wait until you see more. No one should be making a decision based on my tweets or the limited info that's out there now. There will be more coming so that you can make a better ndecision.
@Phrog352 @DBlast77 @Rockhopper361 @Dododex Worry when you see something that doesn't look like something you would enjoy playing. Not when I tweet something lol.