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I'm trying to defend this game, I really am. The boat mechanics are amazing, and who doesn't love pirates? But at this rate I can't defend them anymore, the entire game is an Ark and DnL asset flip, most of the game was already done for them and they still manage to f*ck it up.

Alphas have been in the game since day one, and since day one the only way to actually kill an alpha in an even semi reasonable manner was fire arrows. So what did you do? Pump up the alpha rates and nerf fire arrows to the floor. I understand wanting them to not be as good in pvp, but now if you run into an alpha lion or wolf you are just dead, borderline nothing you can do short of a balista now.

Guns were viable for a bit, even with the horrendous reload times atleast they packed a punch and if you had a well aimed shot you would drop whatever was bugging you in one swoop. So you responded by raising the price of ammo, then nerfing guns so far to the floor that they cant even one shot a lvl 1 tiger anymore.

You showed your fancy trailer with npc shops, treasure maps, npc merchant ships, salvaging, and ships of the damned right off the bat! But wait... literally none of those things were in the game when it launched, its almost like you had the assets done.. then put them in to bullsh*t the game for launch, then put them back in as "updates".

You refuse to region lock China, you can call me racist I don't care, its fact. The Chinese community as a whole is far more accepting of the use of exploits/dupes/cheats, if you don't believe me go to Huya, the Chinese version of Twitch. 9/10 of the streamers there are using some form of cheat/exploit, and its not even like this should be a surprise. They have cheated in every single game YOU (I know you keep changing company names but drop the bullsh*t, its the same people) and yes I understand that other communities use cheats as well, but this is a numbers game.

Then you decided to let the alpha groups build behemoth gates at the stupid low prices, despite you knowing that was a bad idea from the start (you made the exact same change in every game you've released so far) allowing large groups to completely lock down islands and/or mass demolish for huge piles of resources.

But hey atleast we have our tames right! Oh wait no we don't, because animals spawn indoors, can walk right through walls if they arent fully loaded out of stasis, and if you encounter one of the previously mentioned alphas you are just dead.. theres nothing you can do to fight back since they are faster and machine gun 100's while also taking reduced damage from you. But dont worry if by some miracle you manage to kill one you get that sweet sweet reward of... more meat and hide. Also again both of those bugs were in and were fixed in Ark, there was zero reason to port that over.

Then theres the weight system, you saw the community was being forced to use weight bugs just to move basic resources, so your response was to fix those bugs without giving an alternative, then remove the weight reduction of the only semi viable gathering animal, and only finally when reddit and your own forums bitched about it for 48 hours straight did you do the right thing and increase the animal weight.

Speaking of weight bugs, you saw people abusing your weight system to sink ships.. and instead of.. I don't know.. changing that value to false until that was fixed, you just made people float around infinitely, allowing people to grief freeports by just spamming ships around you to the point you couldnt get on your own boat. But hey atleast we got those ramshackle sloops.. that are basically only being used as suicide vessels THAT YOU CANT EVEN SALVAGE FOR MATS, and since theres no reason to salvage them the wreckage is lagging the f*ck out of anywhere they go to.

and now for the creme of the crop. Not even a month in and we have had 4 major hacker attacks abusing admin privileges mass spawning whales, dragons, hydras, planes and tanks, ect. Which you guys have zero clue how they are still doing it, and they are still doing it because not even 24 hours ago they were spawning whales in I8 and changing the temperatures of M4 to -999. But there was no mention of it because the only post on it was mine, so they just buried it since a streamer didn't notice. God knows how much sh*t they spawned in that they just get to keep I guess.

But instead of fixing these issues, you keep nerfing everything to the floor.. I honestly dont get it and its starting to piss me the f*ck off. Rant over.

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over 5 years ago - /u/WC_Jesse - Direct link

Originally posted by Modernautomatic

I get your point though. You can equip up to 6 pistols and only 1 carbine. You shouldn't have to equip 6 pistols though, so I get it man.

over 5 years ago - /u/WC_Jesse - Direct link

Originally posted by Modernautomatic

I get your point though. You can equip up to 6 pistols and only 1 carbine. You shouldn't have to equip 6 pistols though, so I get it man.

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