Random tangent: Please give artists their credit.
Don't share artwork without crediting the artist or where you got it from. Make a genuine attempt to try to drive people to the artist's profile page.
Please don't share stuff without crediting.
Something else:
I won't tweet or reply "the team is working on server perf and outages" every day. I see your messages.
Trust that I am relaying that to the team. We talked today about resources, moving servers that are low on mem, etc.
It's constant work, every day.
I don't always reply to the tweets to say what the resolution is or what the team said. But if you tweeted about something and it was fixed, it wasn't magic. It's the process working and communication traveling.
If it isn't fixed yet..... just hold outttttttt
@MorbidsDisaster Yea there are quite a few complications but we're hoping we have some relief for peeps in the near future. Some of it might be from people intentionally doing things, some of it is from increased hardware needed for gen 2.
Gen2 is a little more intensive than past dlc's
I see the feedback about dino spawns on Fjordur. The team is still looking into a long-term solution, but will probably do another network redeployment in the short term.
More to come!