almost 6 years
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ARK: Survival Evolved
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Classic PvP Begins Tomorrow!
Last week, in conjunction with Snail Games, we announced a new game mode called “Classic PvP” as an exciting large-team competitive experience for ARK. As a studio, we want to explore fun, new ideas and we believe large group PvP has a lot of undiscovered potential. With Classic PvP we'll be looking for your help to suggest balance changes throughout the seasons, while we strive to make this mode fun and competitive for everyone. Over time, as the game mode receives its adjustments and tweaks, we will be connecting the isolated clusters to each other so that they form a more extensive network.
Although Aberration and Extinction aren’t available in Classic PvP, the development team is actively looking for opportunities to re-include the content into the mix with balance changes that are in line with the new Classic PvP game mode. While we hope to re-add this content to expand on Classic PvP, there is no specific timeline or timing on this.
The Classic PvP game mode will also serve as a test for new experiences to come, and we’re excited for all the possibilities it can lead to. To start, we'll be working with the community to actively seek out tribes and tribe leaders to be representatives in a new type of broadcasted competitive Classic PvP event. These representatives may be sponsored; therefore they must ensure that they’re upholding fundamental values within their tribe which promote clean and fair play. By doing so, they'll be playing a significant role in expanding ARK’s competitive PvP gameplay and helping us shape the future of large group PvP.
Look out for the launch of our Classic PvP servers tomorrow at 10 AM PST!
If you missed the Classic PvP details last week be sure to read up on them at the link below:
Undermeshing Concerns...
Last week it was made very clear by the community that meshing remains a critical issue in ARK. Without going into extreme technical detail, it is complicated to show our internal efforts to combat meshing, which is something we have continually been working on. Since it is such a hot topic, ARK developers have been more vocal on social media about ways we've tried to detect and circumvent those who do mesh. If it's one thing we know - players are ingenious and creative, which extends into how they approach meshing, and exploiting the game at large. Giving up too much of the internal working of changes we have made and continue to work on would compromise these efforts. With that said, here's what can be said definitively:
- We'll make an effort at being more transparent about what we’re doing in regards to preventing undermeshing partly by calling them out in the patch notes going forward
- We are actively seeking out people who use mesh exploits and banning them
As you might imagine, crafting a solution that handles all cases of meshing on all of our maps is challenging. Beyond fixing the sources of meshing, we're continually refining the methods we use to detect players under the mesh. We've made significant strides in this area recently by developing an approach that lets us know sooner than ever if someone is where they shouldn't be, which enables our Enforcement team to take action more quickly. We started issuing bans based on this new method on Friday and will continue to issue bans against anyone who intentionally meshes and exploits the game.
ARK: Eggcellent Adventure 4 Coming!
You’ve guessed it, Eggcellent Adventure is back later this month! And to encourage everyone to get into the festive spirit, we’ll be holding our egg painting competition again this year.
During the event: after you've managed to hunt down a Bunny Dodo or Bunny Oviraptor and find yourself an egg, place the egg down on the ground and take out your paint brush and dyes. You'll be able to paint select regions on the egg as well as free-hand paint it with the brush to paint any design on it. Be creative!
There will be multiple competitions with a prize to the winner of $100!
- PC Egg Painting
- Real-life Egg Painting
Players are expected to paint their own designs and downloading templates or images to use is not allowed.
In the real-life category, we're looking for you and your tribe mates to get together and paint some eggs in real life that somehow reflect the world of ARK! Screenshot or photo quality won't be taken into consideration but try to get a picture that best shows off your egg.
The entries will be judged by our community team. Submissions are limited to three eggs per survivor, so choose your best egg! You'll have the month of April to enter! Submit them in the provided thread later this month when the in-game event begins, and we'll pick a winner at the end of the month!
Conquest Server Backups!
Along with the closure of the Conquest servers, we’ve made backups of these server saves available at the link below for any players who wish to maintain their progress on their server.
Be sure to read the weekly Community Crunch over on our website,![]
Last week, in conjunction with Snail Games, we announced a new game mode called “Classic PvP” as an exciting large-team competitive experience for ARK. As a studio, we want to explore fun, new ideas and we believe large group PvP has a lot of undiscovered potential. With Classic PvP we'll be looking for your help to suggest balance changes throughout the seasons, while we strive to make this mode fun and competitive for everyone. Over time, as the game mode receives its adjustments and tweaks, we will be connecting the isolated clusters to each other so that they form a more extensive network.
Although Aberration and Extinction aren’t available in Classic PvP, the development team is actively looking for opportunities to re-include the content into the mix with balance changes that are in line with the new Classic PvP game mode. While we hope to re-add this content to expand on Classic PvP, there is no specific timeline or timing on this.
The Classic PvP game mode will also serve as a test for new experiences to come, and we’re excited for all the possibilities it can lead to. To start, we'll be working with the community to actively seek out tribes and tribe leaders to be representatives in a new type of broadcasted competitive Classic PvP event. These representatives may be sponsored; therefore they must ensure that they’re upholding fundamental values within their tribe which promote clean and fair play. By doing so, they'll be playing a significant role in expanding ARK’s competitive PvP gameplay and helping us shape the future of large group PvP.
Look out for the launch of our Classic PvP servers tomorrow at 10 AM PST!
If you missed the Classic PvP details last week be sure to read up on them at the link below:
Undermeshing Concerns...
Last week it was made very clear by the community that meshing remains a critical issue in ARK. Without going into extreme technical detail, it is complicated to show our internal efforts to combat meshing, which is something we have continually been working on. Since it is such a hot topic, ARK developers have been more vocal on social media about ways we've tried to detect and circumvent those who do mesh. If it's one thing we know - players are ingenious and creative, which extends into how they approach meshing, and exploiting the game at large. Giving up too much of the internal working of changes we have made and continue to work on would compromise these efforts. With that said, here's what can be said definitively:
- We'll make an effort at being more transparent about what we’re doing in regards to preventing undermeshing partly by calling them out in the patch notes going forward
- We are actively seeking out people who use mesh exploits and banning them
As you might imagine, crafting a solution that handles all cases of meshing on all of our maps is challenging. Beyond fixing the sources of meshing, we're continually refining the methods we use to detect players under the mesh. We've made significant strides in this area recently by developing an approach that lets us know sooner than ever if someone is where they shouldn't be, which enables our Enforcement team to take action more quickly. We started issuing bans based on this new method on Friday and will continue to issue bans against anyone who intentionally meshes and exploits the game.
ARK: Eggcellent Adventure 4 Coming!
You’ve guessed it, Eggcellent Adventure is back later this month! And to encourage everyone to get into the festive spirit, we’ll be holding our egg painting competition again this year.
During the event: after you've managed to hunt down a Bunny Dodo or Bunny Oviraptor and find yourself an egg, place the egg down on the ground and take out your paint brush and dyes. You'll be able to paint select regions on the egg as well as free-hand paint it with the brush to paint any design on it. Be creative!
There will be multiple competitions with a prize to the winner of $100!
- PC Egg Painting
- Real-life Egg Painting
Players are expected to paint their own designs and downloading templates or images to use is not allowed.
In the real-life category, we're looking for you and your tribe mates to get together and paint some eggs in real life that somehow reflect the world of ARK! Screenshot or photo quality won't be taken into consideration but try to get a picture that best shows off your egg.
The entries will be judged by our community team. Submissions are limited to three eggs per survivor, so choose your best egg! You'll have the month of April to enter! Submit them in the provided thread later this month when the in-game event begins, and we'll pick a winner at the end of the month!
Conquest Server Backups!
Along with the closure of the Conquest servers, we’ve made backups of these server saves available at the link below for any players who wish to maintain their progress on their server.
Be sure to read the weekly Community Crunch over on our website,![]