@zzzzzunit @summit1g What does "being hard on them" really mean though? Insults? Is that being hard on someone? Does that get you closer to your objective? Asking genuinely.
@zzzzzunit @summit1g Hard criticism doesn't really move the needle (imo). Devs aren't looking and saying "oh crap summit criticized us". They usually look at metrics to determine what the player base is really saying. Sure if something goes viral, devs might respond, but its few and far between
@zzzzzunit @summit1g I can respect that. It's just when I hear terms like "being hard on them" it usually only means a few things as a gamer. Your true power, at an executive level, is with your money and time.
@EricThehysteric @zzzzzunit @summit1g I'm just saying yelling only gets you so far. And when everyone is always yelling, it has the tendency to become white noise.
@EricThehysteric @zzzzzunit @summit1g It's not hard to understand why a player like zunit might say ARK is trash at enforcement., Some of these things are less about understanding and more about being able to take action on the things that are being said.
@JoseSanchezLIVE @zzzzzunit @summit1g Why should people have to do more than ask for anything? Shouldn't they just ask and get it? I get your point but you and I know life isn't wired like that.
@JoseSanchezLIVE @zzzzzunit Everybody needs to vent. The only point I'm making is it isn't really effective in moving the needle because people see it as - venting and not constructive. I'm obviously not speaking of things you've done (like podcasts, etc)
@JoseSanchezLIVE @zzzzzunit To move the needle sometimes you have to do things like open private servers. Should you "have" to? There's a lot of things I fight for I shouldn't have to - that goes from things in-game to out of game.
@ThePilgrimz @NotDollie @survivetheark One of our leads, Amy, has had extensive study in a few areas. She also worked with Disney for a while. I'll see if I can pick her brain.