Finally finished my custom loop!
- 5900x
- 3090 Strix
- 64GB 3600 C14
- Yes, my RAM is watercooled
- No, there's no real reason to do it
Ready to browse Twitter in full speed now!
@codigoalex_ @R0B3RT089 I want to learn! I think we can bring our communities closer together. There is so much I didn't know about the Hispanic ARK community that ARKADIA taught me.
Next step is getting involved, so I need to learn!
@_Midz_ Yea not sure why it was reading like that but it idles at 35 with a 26C coolant temp. But I'll keep an eye on it. Thanks for the eye! Right now it's 40 with 3% utilization. I've been having issues with that monitor not updating.
@FM_17_8 @verified We're talking witch Twitch today. It's a show with several segments as a FYI but I'll have the show starting time and hopefully what segment we appear in!
@_Hox13_ AT RETAIL!?!?!?!?!? Wow! I got my 3090 at retail technically. I bought a prebuilt and ditched everything else essentially. So while I got the GPU at MSRP, I paid more to get it lol.
@JonathanScottR6 @Raasclark If it's the one about the bug - as you can imagine I can't actually give you direct feedback on every issue, specifically that one because I'm not personally aware. That doesn't mean the QA team isn't tho. if you've logged it in the proper places, the team has seen it.