almost 4 years ago - ZenRowe - Direct link

Status of the DevKit and Genesis Part 2:

The DevKit has not been updated with Genesis 2 content yet, and I do not have an ETA on when that will be ready.
Many mod authors may not be able to resolve some issues until the DevKit is updated with the new content. Please do not harass or get upset with the mod authors over a mod not working right now, there may not be anything they can do about it. Mod authors do not work for Wildcard.
After a major DLC release, DevKit releases take extra time to put together. There are usually large changes that have to be accounted for in the build process for the kit, extra testing that needs to be done, extra reviews of the code, and generally the DevKit has to take in some fixes of its own before it's ready to go out.
It takes some time.
If one of your favorite mods is having severe issues that block you from being able to play, considering backing up your saves and then playing without mods for the time being, until the DevKit has been updated and mod authors can investigate the issues and changes that have occurred in the DLC.