over 1 year
ago -
Ashes of Creation
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | one of the aspects of the the phases in |
2s | this fight is actually that uh he has |
5s | those healing abilities when he has his |
7s | totem tree his nature magic but um and |
9s | he is more Primal when he's in this |
10s | phase as a result you can take him down |
12s | a little quicker when he's enraged but |
14s | it's also going to be a lot more |
16s | incoming damage for your healers to work |
17s | through so |
19s | um depending on your raid composition |
21s | your you know equipment level you might |
23s | want to sustain longer in that earlier |
25s | phase even if it takes the while through |
27s | all that healing um because if you push |
29s | him too early uh you might just wipe |