about 1 year
ago -
Ashes of Creation
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | and this is one of our first AOE |
2s | abilities uh talk to me a little bit |
3s | about |
5s | scattershot yes like you said it's a AOE |
8s | ability it fires out in a cone in front |
10s | of you um about about 20 M ahead um and |
14s | we've got some pretty cool Tech with |
15s | this um that the first is where're we're |
18s | drawing a targeting decal that only the |
20s | Caster can see um to help like align the |
24s | the cast as you're firing it um the |
26s | second cool thing that we're doing here |
27s | is you can actually charge the ability |
30s | and into a beam which is better for a |
34s | lower amount of targets so if you just |
36s | want to hit a wide field of targets you |
37s | would just quick cast it but if you were |
39s | interested in aing a specific smaller |
42s | pack it'd be more efficient for you to |
43s | do The Charge |
47s | cast very cool so if I have to I have to |
49s | hold the charge to completion to get the |
51s | additional um damage value |
54s | essentially yes very cool |