almost 2 years ago - Roshen - Direct link
Office Hours is an opportunity to join the player discussion on topics we're actively collecting feedback on. Join @Roshen and @Vaknar over in the Ashes of Creation Discord for a voice chat during our next Community Office Hours on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 11AM PST (convert to your local time). This event should last about one hour.

This is not a Q&A session. For this session, we will be using Discord Stage. Every 8 minutes, we’ll be bringing up small groups of players to participate in one of the discussion prompts on this topic.


The Mage Archetype, based on what we shared during the April 2023 Development Update Livestream, will be our main focus this time. The forum feedback thread for this topic is here.

In this session, we’ll break each of the 8 minute segments up to focus on one of these conversations:

[*] General Mage Discussion - What excites you about playing as, with, or against the Mage Archetype?
[*] Mage Ability Complexity - How do you feel about the general or rotational complexity of the Mage Archetype? Does it feel too simple, too hard, or just right?
[*] Mage Movement While Casting - How do you feel about being able to move while casting spells? Do you like the agency given to you, or does it feel unnatural?
[*] Mana Management - How much should mana be a contributing factor to a Mage's total output over longer encounters? Do you think a Mage should be required to stop and rest, or should a skilled Mage have the means of sustaining themselves infinitely?
[*] Long-Ranged vs Close-Ranged - Do you prefer a majority of your spells to be cast from a distance, or do you want to get in the fray to cast more powerful spells (and expect defensive abilities to help with this)?
If you’d like to contribute to this discussion, we recommend you watch the “Ashes of Creation Alpha Two Mage Archetype Preview” video, before this Community Office Hours session.

Thanks again! We look forward to chatting with you all soon!
almost 2 years ago - Roshen - Direct link

I sincerely hope Necromancer / pets will be discussed~
even in brief!

We'll be discussing the Mage Archetype during this session, not the Summoner Archetype (Necromancer is Summoner/Cleric).

Since we only have about an hour for this session, we try to keep discussions on topic. Posting discussion prompts like this in advance hopefully helps people who want to be part of this conversation.
almost 2 years ago - Roshen - Direct link
This thread is to discuss the Office Hours program, where groups of players discuss the discussion prompts over voice chat with us.


The ''Walking while casting'' question was a 100% yes for me

If you have feedback to share on the Mage Archetype prior to this session, the best place to share it is in the thread here:

almost 2 years ago - Roshen - Direct link

Hi ! As you know, the French suffer from a terrible lack of English. unfortunately the curse did not spare me. How about creating a written version of these chats, for people who aren't comfortable with a voice chat?

This is a time to get players together, and let them discuss their feedback together. If you're looking for something similar in the written format, the livestream feedback thread here is that.

Not everyone that attends Office Hours gets in voice chat. Some participants just like listening. Since we only bring up a few speakers to the stage, not everyone does have the opportunity to speak over voice. There are no issues at all if you want to just listen and hang out with us.