about 1 year ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s air strike and we've seen air strike in
2s the past as well uh but this one's
4s received a little bit of uh TLC talk to
7s me a little bit about that yeah we gave
9s this an update we replac the particle
11s effects cuz they were they were way too
13s laggy um so yeah Scott again did a pass
17s on these they look amazing um we also
19s let you have air control with this so
22s you can steer it while you're in the air
24s and we we fine-tuned the animation I
27s believe uh Alex put in some time to make
29s sure that um it's it's holding you only
32s for the right amount it's not it's not
33s grabbing you and locking you in place
35s weirdly on Landing um we really polished
37s up how it how it feels whenever you use
39s it um so it's just really seamless and
41s nice to
45s use