about 1 year ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s so now talk to me a little bit about
2s obviously we have this recipe um when
5s players are looking to create different
8s items in the game they're going to need
10s to go out and either uh purchase or get
12s drops of recipes or trade with other
14s players and when they acquire that
16s recipe like I have here this it says
18s night blade I can use the recipe and I
21s will learn a weapon smithing recipe for
24s the Nightblade so I have a recipe book
26s that I get to keep essentially I learn
28s these recipes once yep pretty much um
31s there might be some unique cases where
33s some recipes might have a charge count
35s so when you craft it five times it might
37s disappear but generally most of the
38s cases all the recipes should be primar
40s learned okay nice that's very cool