about 1 year
ago -
Ashes of Creation
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Transcript (by Youtube)
2s | [Music] |
17s | hello everyone and Welcome to our |
19s | glorious ashes Rec creation November |
21s | development update we hope that everyone |
24s | has been having a wonderful month it has |
26s | been a long one for us even though it's |
28s | like short so uh because of the holidays |
30s | it just makes everything so cram bag for |
32s | us so we're like trying to make sure we |
34s | get everything done uh same with |
36s | December so it's like those two sprints |
38s | for us um in development we use like |
40s | Sprints and Milestones to do our our our |
43s | calculations of what we're going to be |
44s | doing um in Milestones it gets a little |
47s | hectic yeah because everyone's just |
48s | trying to power through but everyone is |
50s | amazing and doing rocking and rolling |
52s | and kicking major butt um yeah it's |
55s | always oh go ahead it's always |
56s | interesting the end of the year we have |
58s | these two backtack streams in November |
61s | and December and then our longest uh |
64s | stream until the end of January so |
67s | that's true because January is so long |
68s | that's true um but of course I'm |
70s | Margaret cron I'm the director of |
72s | communications here at interpid Studios |
74s | and with me as always is Steven Sharie |
75s | our creative director and we have a |
77s | whole slew of things for you uh we have |
79s | some quick reminders we're going to try |
81s | to go through this pretty quick uh |
82s | artisanship preview which I think a lot |
84s | of you Crafters out there are probably |
86s | really excited about this we've had a |
87s | lot of questions um and of course to |
89s | preface we will this is going to be more |
91s | of our core functioning stuff so not |
93s | super in depth um in regards to like |
96s | manual crafting but we'll go we'll talk |
98s | a little bit more about that and of |
99s | course if you have questions feel free |
101s | to pop those in to the uh you know |
104s | twitch channel uh Discord and of course |
107s | uh we have a watch party on Discord |
109s | right now so there's a lot of places for |
110s | you to interact with us our community |
112s | team is Full Throttle um so of course we |
116s | are always pulling those in after those |
117s | segments as well um and then we'll have |
119s | like a quick little Studio update art |
121s | update and then do our Q&A as well like |
124s | our Forum Q&A that we always pull from |
126s | but before we do that we do have our |
129s | Spotlight uh whoops wrong one there we |
132s | go our Spotlight comment so if you uh on |
135s | our development updates leave a comment |
137s | subscribe to us uh you may be selected |
140s | make sure that you have it so that we |
141s | can see that you're subscribed to us and |
143s | then you will maybe get your comment |
145s | selected it's random so um today's |
149s | comment is from PW beats and they would |
151s | like to know it's less of a question |
153s | more of a statement Caravans are my |
154s | number one most loved feature when it |
157s | comes to MMOs this is uh this this is it |
161s | I will pre-order the game first thing uh |
165s | uh first time in like 15 years PS would |
168s | love to see the other side of that |
170s | feature uh specifically how a party of |
172s | robbers attacks a caravan and how they |
175s | can then flee and sell it to a fence or |
178s | something of that sort um yeah I figure |
181s | we could talk a little bit about that |
183s | sure absolutely a statement |
186s | and know we showed off Caravans so if |
189s | you're curious about those definitely |
191s | check that out there's a lot of people |
193s | in the studio that share uh uh that |
196s | excitement uh for Caravans as a system |
200s | um it is the epitome of risk versus |
202s | reward obviously and and knowing that |
205s | that is a core pillar of of a lot of the |
207s | systems design in ashes um Caravans |
210s | represent that very well um you know it |
213s | it took a lot of work to kind of get |
215s | Caravans to a place that felt good both |
217s | from a drivability perspective but also |
219s | from a customization perspective as it |
222s | relates to crafting unique components |
224s | and creating these vehicles that live in |
226s | stalls that are located at different |
228s | nodes and and kind of their summoning |
230s | mechanic and you know leveraging them |
232s | for the transit of these cargo and |
233s | materials that are so vital to the |
235s | economy um you know all of that in a |
238s | fantasy world you know you you might see |
240s | that in games like uh an eve or or |
243s | something that's a little bit more |
245s | sci-fi with transport but it's not often |
247s | seen in fantasy style games and so I |
250s | think that's super cool um obviously uh |
253s | when we talk about the PVP element of |
256s | them and that risk um I am happy to |
259s | announce that in January we will be uh |
262s | showcasing this is I guess a little bit |
264s | of a leak of things to come but we will |
267s | be showcasing a large PVP battle |
270s | uh around Caravans and you guys will get |
272s | to see a little bit of the Caravan uh |
274s | raft uh take place as well we should be |
277s | in a good spot for that uh come January |
280s | um so that's going to be really exciting |
282s | I think for people to see I know that |
283s | we've had uh the last few streams have |
285s | been kind of focused um around uh |
287s | mechanics within ashes that aren't |
290s | combat or PVP related um that's a good |
293s | thing because what makes the world go |
295s | round in Vera uh is obviously those |
297s | types of systems and it makes the the |
300s | events where player conflict does occur |
303s | that much more exciting because of how |
304s | much it took to kind of set the stage uh |
308s | for high-risk reward type encounter and |
310s | that's what Caravans are all about so |
312s | January is going to be a really fun |
313s | thing to see uh I believe and and you |
315s | guys are going to be uh uh there |
317s | definitely a lot of questions regarding |
319s | uh the PVP element of just our game in |
321s | general and of course uh when we |
323s | showcase the Caravan system there were a |
325s | lot of follow-up questions in regards to |
327s | how PVP would play into that and of |
329s | course we had our already planned to |
330s | share that but the Caravan system alone |
333s | is such an in-depth system and the PVP |
335s | on top of that is so we just split those |
337s | up hopefully you all understand that and |
339s | of course we didn't want to put too much |
341s | pressure on those teams right back to |
342s | back so you know kind of giv a little |
344s | love here and there um but of course um |
348s | I think I misspoke last month I meant to |
350s | say that uh in our in the December like |
354s | at the end of the year we are going to |
355s | share the quarter I believe that's what |
357s | we had said earlier on as well when we |
359s | announced the 2024 uh Alpha 2 timeline |
363s | as well and I I think I misspoke and |
365s | said next live stream what I meant to |
367s | say like at the end of the year um so we |
370s | will be announcing what quarter Alpha 2 |
371s | will be next live stream in December's |
374s | live stream to make it very clear |
375s | apologies not too far away yeah oh yeah |
378s | absolutely it's only we're only a few |
380s | weeks away from that actually like true |
382s | we're not that far away yeah we got a |
385s | lot of testing that's been that's been |
386s | going on over the course of this month |
388s | and uh obviously December's going be a |
390s | big month when it comes to testing as |
391s | well I made a little bit of commentary |
393s | about that uh um in the Discord uh |
396s | things are heating up for sure but I do |
398s | want to temper expectations I want to |
400s | remind everybody that this is Alpha |
403s | Testing right and so because of that you |
406s | know you can look historically at how |
408s | far the game has come year after year |
410s | the improvements that get made and what |
413s | we're about to show you right now which |
415s | is a little over an hour long uh |
417s | showcase regarding all things |
420s | artisanship right um you know I made a |
423s | post in Discord yesterday that just went |
425s | over kind of all the types of updates |
427s | that we're going to see and I want to I |
428s | want to reiterate them here before we |
430s | actually move to uh to the video segment |
433s | and I know a lot of you guys take your |
434s | hour your hour break to kind of watch |
436s | this uh to watch our live stream oh I |
440s | apologize oh I'm sorry I thought that |
441s | was my C no go go through the reminders |
443s | and then I'll do that okay okay go um |
446s | but yeah I just wanted to kind of let |
447s | people know that that was a m spake uh M |
450s | spoke on my on my side um and of course |
453s | we do want to thank you all for helping |
455s | us raise money for extra life what an |
457s | amazing campaign that we have as a team |
460s | you're wonderful I I mean we can't thank |
463s | you guys enough for what you done this |
465s | month I feel like that was a year ago |
467s | already I I know um but we did put an |
470s | article up H it also has like the |
472s | winners too and we've all the winners |
473s | have been reached out to and given their |
476s | rewards I think the last of rewards are |
478s | the three thank you videos which we're |
480s | going to be recording right after this |
481s | and sending out so everyone should be |
483s | getting all of their things or have |
484s | information on when your things are |
486s | going to be shipped to you so I just |
488s | wanted to reiterate that to folks um and |
491s | just and just a last a last parting |
495s | comment regards to to extra life those |
498s | of you who didn't get to participate or |
499s | didn't and didn't get to take a look I |
501s | think that um as a community we we need |
504s | to um we need to celebrate our |
507s | accomplishments and uh it is a really |
510s | cool thing that we as a community have |
511s | come together over the course of the |
514s | last several years to raise over |
517s | $325,000 for radi children's hospital |
519s | and that is that is truly something um |
522s | that is unique about the ashes Community |
524s | I mean we're not even in our game yet |
526s | playing right and we have come together |
528s | as a community very strongly and are |
532s | capable of doing these things that help |
534s | others and demonstrate the quality of |
537s | what it means to be and Ashes of |
539s | creation Community member um and that's |
541s | something that I think is very unique |
543s | and it's something that we should be |
544s | proud of and that we should carry with |
546s | us to the other gaming communities that |
548s | we are a part of and and you know we're |
551s | all an Eclectic bunch of Gamers we enjoy |
553s | lots of different games um the cause |
556s | that that extra life presents I think is |
559s | a worthwhile one and it is something |
561s | that touches the hearts of people who |
564s | are Gamers just like you and I like |
566s | Margaret and I um and it's really |
568s | something that's noticeable for for for |
570s | us to come together and perform like |
572s | that so kudos to you guys out in the |
573s | community that is truly something |
575s | remarkable and I can't wait to see what |
578s | even crazier things we get to do in the |
580s | future as we get closer and closer to |
581s | launch and then post launch as well um |
584s | and how we can integrate Ash's of |
585s | Creations into more of those type of |
587s | things so thank you all and of course |
589s | our community is just amazing as as a |
590s | whole so we love how much you all |
593s | interact with us on all of the platforms |
595s | so keep keep that up and I know it's |
597s | only going to get crazier when we start |
598s | doing more Guild stuff cuz because we |
599s | are definitely going to expand to more |
601s | of that as we get like in game and and |
603s | do that kind of stuff because guilds are |
605s | very important but of course I just want |
606s | to remind you that we do have some Dev |
609s | discussions up we have our um Dove |
612s | discussion for respawn times um so if |
615s | you have not partaken in that we are |
616s | going to be wrapping up our reporting |
618s | for that so please feel free to pop in |
621s | there give us some some of your thoughts |
623s | of course you can even after our |
624s | reporting still continue to give us |
625s | feedback we always go back and double |
627s | check things but uh did want to do that |
629s | and of course I wanted to give you a |
631s | little teaser uh Vagner shared that the |
633s | next one will be on drop Rarity and so |
635s | if you have feelings and thoughts on |
637s | drop Rarity which I know most of y'all |
639s | out there do uh definitely give us your |
641s | thoughts in regards to that because we |
643s | are going to be compiling a report for |
645s | the devb team in regards to that also I |
649s | don't have an asset for this because |
650s | it's more of a a surprise thing uh we |
654s | always do something kind of cool and fun |
656s | or silly during the holidays but our |
658s | next uh one is going to be a bonus Dev |
660s | discussion it's going to be a special |
662s | holiday delicious Dev discussion for |
664s | those of you who have partaken in the |
666s | past we've made some really cool recipes |
667s | and things like that uh and especially |
669s | tying in with artisanship stuff for |
671s | those who enjoy cooking and things of |
673s | that sort uh you definitely want to head |
675s | over to the forums next week and vote on |
677s | which Varon holiday recipe you would |
679s | like to see um and we'll be putting some |
681s | of those out to share with you guys uh |
684s | for the holiday season and hopefully |
685s | some people will make them and then send |
687s | us pictures that would be super cool |
690s | what if what if some people did make |
692s | them and we had a little bit of like |
694s | some Alpha keys that we gave out for the |
696s | best version of those recipes I don't |
700s | know that could be interesting that' be |
701s | hard we'd have to do a whole uh Camp |
704s | that's true that's true we could do |
705s | community |
706s | voting I don't know just we can figure |
709s | something out we might Mar's like stepen |
710s | no quiet we might be able to do |
713s | something like that definitely contest |
715s | in the future but I think we might be |
716s | able to give some Alpha Keys away if |
717s | people make some stuff and share with us |
719s | as like bonus not not contest oriented |
723s | um we'll see we'll talk we'll discuss on |
725s | that front um and of course uh just |
729s | reminder that the Unseen order uh will |
731s | be ending January 17th uh I know that |
734s | some people uh just want to make sure |
736s | that they're being conscious of that so |
738s | if you would like a pre-order pack this |
740s | is the last time we will be offering a |
742s | pre-order pack specifically so if you |
744s | would like that definitely head on over |
746s | there and snag yourself one and with |
749s | that Stephen I will hand it over to you |
751s | to do some |
752s | prefacing thank you all right let's |
755s | everybody breathe together on stream we |
758s | want to breathe |
760s | in hold and breathe out okay |
767s | so as a reminder this stream is going to |
770s | be focused on artisanship as a whole and |
774s | um artisanship and the economy is a |
776s | obviously a very integral component of |
779s | of creating a world where progression |
781s | matters um where decisions and choices |
784s | matter um the world state that do |
787s | constantly in flux and changing around |
789s | you is very relevant as it relates to |
792s | supply and demand within the economy |
794s | that creates opportunity it also creates |
797s | unfortunately downsides and downturns um |
800s | but that keeps a market interesting |
802s | right it also makes you remember things |
805s | the times when you're having struggle |
807s | when you win and overcome those is like |
809s | the things you remember the most I mean |
811s | imagine your favorite Guild moments are |
813s | usually when you're like we tried 10 |
815s | times on the boss but then we fin right |
818s | 100% I mean some of the um some of the |
822s | more interesting moments that I've had |
824s | in other games um was where there were |
828s | unique um there were unique and um |
832s | scarce resources that everyone was |
835s | contending for right and those created I |
837s | think a very emergent and dynamic |
840s | interactions between the players uh |
842s | obviously that was that was interesting |
845s | um but okay so what we're going to see |
847s | today is not just about artisanship um |
850s | it is also going to be related to um |
854s | several changes that happen within uh |
856s | the game over time and so being that |
859s | this is the end of the year or coming |
861s | close to the end of the year um you're |
863s | going to see a number of different |
864s | updates to uh several different systems |
867s | you're going to see uh some updates on |
869s | the UI front a little bit more |
871s | explanation and perhaps a clearer |
873s | picture for you as it relates to spatial |
875s | management and the inventory systems um |
877s | that's obviously something that is uh um |
880s | unique to the Gathering system you're |
883s | going to see significant updates to game |
886s | lighting um when we showed the night and |
888s | day cycle uh in the past there was a |
891s | resounding feedback from the community |
893s | uh to see a bit darker uh exploration |
896s | for the night times uh to kind of bring |
898s | that that field of view in um a bit more |
902s | and so we've updated that um you're also |
905s | going to see some significant changes |
906s | from our Tech art team uh with the |
908s | Skybox and our volumetric clouds um I |
911s | think it's something that that creates a |
913s | bit more dramatic atmosphere uh within |
915s | this video you're going to see the first |
917s | Showcase of processing and how |
919s | processing Works uh from a station's |
921s | perspective these are going to be um |
925s | these are going to be systems that allow |
927s | players within the node who may not have |
930s | a free hold to still participate in some |
933s | levels of processing um and that's a |
937s | that's an important uh distinction |
938s | between what's available on freeholds |
941s | and what's available within notes you're |
942s | going to see get a little bit of insight |
946s | to um to predicate systems that that |
949s | relate to what you can access in the |
951s | wild you know we've we made this change |
953s | a while ago that everything is |
954s | accessible obviously uh from a resource |
957s | Gathering perspective uh however we do |
960s | gatekeep some of the access points to |
963s | progression within the profession um and |
965s | you're going to see the certification of |
967s | a very low-level certification process |
970s | um that's Quest driven uh you're not |
971s | going to see that whole certification |
973s | process uh but you are going to see um |
975s | how those how those resources are |
977s | restricted you're also going to see some |
978s | tool making kind of the initial tools |
980s | that you'll get as a as a as a gatherer |
983s | um which is going to be uh uh Quest |
986s | related uh to start uh and then you'll |
988s | have to be making those tools yourself |
990s | you're going to see a little bit of our |
991s | recipe system in the recipe book uh as |
993s | well as the other crafting stations for |
995s | those recipes we're going to be |
996s | specifically crafting a weapon in this |
998s | video um and you're not going to see all |
1000s | of the accurate recipe components |
1003s | necessary to craft the weapon uh but you |
1005s | are going to see um a a version of that |
1008s | right now um you're also going to see |
1010s | something that you haven't seen since |
1012s | Alpha 1 um which is our corruption zones |
1016s | and the corruption zones are uh um um uh |
1021s | are something obviously that changes |
1023s | within the world State uh and the world |
1025s | state is a very important aspect of what |
1028s | resources are available at what time |
1030s | corruption spreads as players do not |
1032s | respond to it appropriately it can be |
1034s | the predicate for events it can be the |
1035s | predicate for story arcs uh to kick off |
1038s | um and it does dynamically change the |
1041s | spawners within the world uh something |
1043s | that's unique obviously to ashes of |
1045s | creation is that world State change |
1047s | affecting the supply and demand of |
1048s | resources and you're going to see a |
1050s | little bit of our adaptive resour and |
1052s | from that you're going to see a little |
1052s | bit of our adaptive resource Gathering |
1055s | Tech updates uh where you see those |
1057s | resources change from night to day or |
1060s | from uh corrupt to not corrupt uh and |
1063s | then there is going to be a little bit |
1064s | of a leak of of a couple of Ranger |
1066s | skills um I will give you another leak |
1068s | that next month we are going to be doing |
1070s | the ranger showcase again there's 18 new |
1072s | abilities within the archetype kit that |
1074s | we're going to show off um and I think |
1077s | that uh you guys will have a fun time |
1078s | with that uh but we did have to dispatch |
1080s | a few wolves while we were out looking |
1082s | for resources during this uh live stream |
1084s | so with that being said I do want to |
1086s | leave off with the last disclaimer as |
1088s | you all know what I'm about to say this |
1090s | is still Alpha yes that's right this is |
1093s | still Alpha this is still a work in |
1095s | progress things only get better from |
1098s | this point forward but as is our |
1100s | responsibility we want to show you how |
1102s | things are progressing and we want to do |
1104s | so so that you're able to provide us |
1106s | feedback on the directionality you see |
1108s | through the showcases and can let us |
1110s | know how this relates to your |
1112s | experiences how this is something you |
1114s | want to see or what you would change |
1116s | differently so keep in mind as you're |
1118s | watching what are the points of feedback |
1119s | that you want to give us you can give |
1121s | them to us on YouTube which will be |
1122s | released shortly after this uh live |
1124s | stream thread that we'll have up um |
1126s | that's the best way it makes it the |
1128s | easiest for us to compile it is it is |
1130s | the best way forums but I know not of |
1132s | you are not a lot of you are keyboard |
1134s | warriors on the Forum so if you want to |
1135s | be uh out on the Discord or on the |
1137s | social medias um if you want if you |
1140s | prefer to talk and then of course any |
1141s | social platform like Stephen was saying |
1143s | you can leave us feedback yes of course |
1145s | absolutely um let me think was that last |
1148s | thing was that the last thing I think |
1150s | that's I think that was the last thing |
1151s | we will see you guys in just over like |
1154s | packing when you leave for a trip and |
1155s | you're like did I bring everything I |
1156s | know do I got my phone I got my wallet |
1158s | I'm |
1159s | good all right we'll see you guys in |
1161s | just a little bit |
1164s | [Music] |
1167s | sad |
1168s | [Music] |
1184s | hello everyone and welcome to yet |
1188s | another stream from Vera and we have a |
1191s | very exciting stream for you today we |
1194s | are going to be going through the |
1197s | artisanship system and and it has been a |
1199s | little while since we last talked about |
1203s | artisanship and showcased um the |
1206s | Gathering and we're going to do a little |
1208s | bit of that today and we also during our |
1210s | uh last stream with uh freeh Holtz |
1212s | talked a little bit about processing and |
1214s | we're going to be doing that uh today as |
1216s | well and we're also going to be crafting |
1218s | something pretty interesting and I have |
1220s | joining me four of our |
1223s | glorious team here at Intrepid some of |
1227s | them regulars I think all of them |
1228s | actually regulars have been on the |
1230s | stream before um we have two of our |
1233s | glorious designers Mike and Corey Mike |
1236s | Cory how you guys |
1237s | doing doing great how are you glad to be |
1240s | here doing very good I'm excited to show |
1241s | off what you guys have been working on |
1243s | and how far it's come since people last |
1244s | saw it yeah same here it's it's very |
1248s | exciting for us yes we also have joining |
1252s | us one of our glorious Engineers Alex |
1256s | how you doing buddy doing great how are |
1258s | you doing very good you have been doing |
1260s | a lot of work on the engineering side of |
1262s | things getting all these glorious |
1263s | designs up and running it's going to be |
1265s | exciting to take a look at that today as |
1267s | well yeah it's been a challenge have to |
1270s | fulfill all the wishes of my |
1274s | designers not bad was it they're like |
1277s | wait all of our |
1279s | wishes the one that passed |
1283s | visibility we also have joining us uh |
1286s | for this is your second time now Nathan |
1289s | our glorious producer I know back to |
1292s | back I know The Artisans ship is the |
1295s | peanut butter to the Jelly that is noed |
1297s | so I'm super excited to show how these |
1299s | start interacting with each other yes it |
1302s | is totally 100% and you guys have done a |
1304s | great job so far uh I know you guys have |
1307s | been really pushing it uh this last this |
1310s | last Sprint and uh it has definitely |
1313s | shown through to me so I'm excited to |
1314s | show the audience um all right so why |
1317s | don't we talk a little bit of bit a |
1319s | little bit about what we're going to be |
1322s | doing |
1324s | today Cory yeah Mike sounds good um so |
1329s | um you had brought up that you had done |
1332s | a little uh lumberjacking uh but we're |
1334s | kind of interested in getting into some |
1336s | Mining and |
1338s | herbalism uh because you picked up a |
1340s | recipe um I think it's like uh you're |
1343s | saying that's a pretty nice sword or |
1344s | something so okay let me take a look at |
1346s | that is that that's going to be in my |
1347s | inventory yeah it should in your |
1348s | inventory yeah um so I was thinking we |
1351s | could go out and uh get some of the |
1353s | stuff that we would need to um make that |
1357s | sword U some of them are a little harder |
1360s | to come by so I'm not sure whether or |
1361s | not we'll be able to get our hands on |
1363s | that if not I think we might have some |
1365s | stuff for you but um yeah I guess uh we |
1368s | just need to kind of get our get our |
1370s | stuff together at um as as you mentioned |
1372s | uh or as I mentioned you you already did |
1374s | some lumberjacking but we'll probably |
1376s | need to get you um uh herbalism sickle |
1381s | and uh maybe some extra bags so you have |
1383s | some space um so yeah let's uh yeah |
1387s | let's make our way over to the |
1389s | agricultural Supply I think there |
1391s | there's one of those built in uh |
1393s | Winstead right now so we can head down |
1395s | there and um so now talk to me a little |
1397s | bit about obviously we have this recipe |
1401s | um when players are looking to create |
1404s | different items in the game they're |
1406s | going to need to go out and either uh |
1407s | purchase or get drops of recipes or |
1410s | trade with other players and when they |
1412s | acquire that recipe like I have here |
1414s | this it says night blade I can use the |
1417s | recipe and I will learn a weapon |
1419s | smithing recipe for the night blade so I |
1421s | have a recipe book that I get to keep |
1423s | essentially I learn these recipes once y |
1426s | pretty much um there might be some |
1428s | unique cases where some recipes might |
1431s | have a charge count so when you craft it |
1432s | five times it might disappear but |
1434s | generally most of the cases all the |
1435s | recipes should be permanently learned |
1437s | okay nice that's that's very cool um and |
1441s | right clicking this is going to consume |
1442s | it I assume but I'm I do get a preview |
1444s | of the materials that we need and Cory |
1446s | this is what you were talking a little |
1447s | bit about going out and collecting some |
1449s | of these there's a night opal Moon Bell |
1451s | I assume that is some type of |
1453s | flower yeah so um uh the night opal and |
1458s | the moon bells are those are the ones |
1459s | that I was kind of alluding to that are |
1460s | a little difficult to get our hands- on |
1463s | um the night Opals you basically can't |
1465s | see them at all during the day uh but um |
1468s | as it gets closer to night if they're in |
1470s | the world they'll sort of uh um uh push |
1474s | away their shell and start shining a bit |
1476s | and then the uh the the uh Moon Bells uh |
1479s | only bloom at night so we'll have to |
1482s | kind of you know maybe we'll work on |
1484s | some of the other uh things you need for |
1486s | the recipe and hopefully night time |
1487s | will'll come around and we can uh find |
1489s | some of those things okay very cool so |
1491s | I'm going to right click this recipe to |
1492s | learn it let's see here oh very cool |
1496s | okay it says learned new recipe night |
1499s | blade okay yeah now where are we going |
1502s | to go to get this sickle you mentioned |
1504s | oh yeah so right over here |
1509s | um oh okay they got this area in kind of |
1511s | the back alley of the the town yeah so |
1514s | if we head through here this is the |
1516s | agricultural |
1517s | Supply um this is one of the you know |
1519s | service buildings that you can build in |
1520s | the node this one kind of focuses |
1522s | specifically on artisanship and you'll |
1524s | find stuff for herbalism farming and |
1526s | animal husbandry here um so if you talk |
1529s | to um Mr Willie over here um yeah so he |
1535s | if you talk to him he should um give you |
1538s | some stuff that you can use to construct |
1540s | your uh first sickle so okay and then uh |
1543s | once once you have those things there's |
1545s | a little Anvil here over here to your |
1547s | left um and you can craft the sickle |
1549s | there and then I think once you have the |
1552s | sickle you can talk to him and um it'll |
1555s | it'll complete the quest and and you |
1557s | give you your first sickle you'll be |
1558s | ready to go this guy is incredibly rude |
1560s | we need to have a conversation with the |
1562s | narrative team about how these these |
1566s | vendors speak to the citizens of this |
1568s | Village this is |
1570s | unbelievable he said he just can't he |
1572s | can't teach just any Drifter am I just |
1575s | any Drifter does he not see the crown on |
1576s | this helmet I guess not yeah we'll have |
1579s | to add to the uh mayoral um narrative |
1582s | tags just so they can uh and up their |
1585s | respectful speech he's not even going to |
1587s | pay me too for achieving these many |
1590s | tasks he has for me he's paying you in |
1593s | experience that is not enough oh man |
1596s | I've had those jobs before |
1600s | same oh that was so good that was so |
1604s | good oh no okay I have achieved this |
1607s | Quest it's called a feast of |
1610s | flowers |
1612s | awesome um so you uh he wants me to show |
1615s | him my crude |
1616s | sickle nice you should do that we'll |
1619s | turn |
1621s | away whoa |
1623s | whoa this is going to be one of those |
1626s | streams okay all right so um what do I |
1629s | need to do with this uh come over here |
1632s | next to the envil all right behind you |
1635s | yeah so there's an little Amil right |
1636s | here U you can interact with that and |
1638s | that should pull up the the crafting |
1639s | menu so as a uh as a gatherer you'll be |
1642s | able to craft your own tools um uh |
1645s | they're going to take you know resources |
1647s | that come from from all sorts of |
1649s | different uh professions you won't be |
1651s | able to you know always Source all of |
1653s | those things just just yourself but um |
1656s | uh luckily you know Will's nice and he |
1659s | gave you some um some components and you |
1661s | can kind of just throw them together to |
1662s | make your first uh your first sickle |
1664s | here so go through with the go through |
1666s | the craft you should get that thing and |
1668s | you know show it to him and um he'll |
1670s | give you a little pat on the back all |
1672s | right so now this is a this is a great |
1674s | example as we kind of um players as |
1677s | you're entering into Alpha 2 and and |
1678s | you're wanting to get started into um |
1681s | artisanship these different professions |
1683s | will have a number of quests available |
1686s | to introduce players to their first tool |
1688s | sets um and then from their tool set |
1692s | sustainability will be will be incumbent |
1694s | on the player to continue to gather the |
1697s | resources necessary to repeatedly create |
1699s | these tools because they have a |
1701s | durability that gets expended when |
1703s | interacting with the resources in the |
1704s | open |
1706s | world exactly |
1708s | all right okay so I'm going to talk to |
1711s | him again and yes I made the |
1714s | sickle um okay now he's criticizing my |
1717s | crude |
1719s | work okay okay all right but that's fine |
1721s | he uh we all know what your first mayor |
1725s | mayoral like decision is going to be is |
1727s | destroy |
1728s | agricultural guy is the agricultural |
1733s | SP oh no all right very cool so I |
1738s | oh you can preview it in AR page |
1742s | actually yeah once you once you there |
1745s | you go you should have rewards now there |
1747s | we go equipped to Artisan tool slot very |
1749s | cool so now it is in my Artisan tool |
1751s | slot should I open that and take a look |
1753s | here yeah perfect okay okay Co |
1758s | so yeah so we have that panel open this |
1761s | is kind of like the the hub for all |
1762s | artisanship stuff I think we poked |
1764s | around here a little bit um in some of |
1766s | the previous streams but on the right |
1768s | hand side there you can see all the |
1769s | different slots for the the tool types |
1772s | um for each of our five Gathering |
1774s | professions so awesome um looks like you |
1777s | have one of each of the tools that we're |
1778s | looking to use today um and also kind of |
1781s | no already very progressed in my uh in |
1784s | my |
1785s | lumberjacking oh yeah you said you're |
1787s | like what level are you I'm like level |
1789s | nine I'm about to be level 10 oh that's |
1791s | awesome okay so like while we're out and |
1793s | about you'll if you hit Level 10 you |
1795s | should be able to uh upgrade your CER of |
1797s | C ification to apprentice and that's one |
1799s | of our uh certification break points um |
1802s | and you know once you each hit those |
1804s | break points it kind of opens up a whole |
1806s | new uh range of stuff that you can do |
1809s | new tools yeah exactly right um a new |
1812s | portion of your skill tree so we should |
1814s | for sure um get you that level 10 and |
1816s | see what happens what up Sten we need to |
1818s | prepare for a journey oh where yeah we |
1822s | need to get some potential bags oh okay |
1825s | yeah yeah yeah so uh we talked about the |
1827s | in the past with the with the tetris |
1829s | inventory um kind of having different |
1832s | spatial layouts um of our bags and also |
1835s | our um our resources and so uh we've |
1838s | been working on that a little bit and um |
1841s | trying to set up bags that have uh |
1843s | spaces that are optimal for you know the |
1846s | the shapes that are going to be |
1847s | associated with the resources and um |
1850s | having stats on on the bags that will |
1852s | change you know the the stack size and |
1853s | how much you can stack stuff up so um |
1856s | since we're going out we're going to |
1857s | collect a bunch of stuff you should grab |
1859s | one of the um bountiful bags from Willie |
1863s | and then we'll go over to the Stoneworks |
1865s | and see if we can grab a I see that um |
1868s | Willie has a number of different uh |
1871s | farmer shirts and Novis |
1874s | herbalism or herbalis skibbies do I want |
1877s | any gear from |
1878s | this um yeah it's up to you I mean |
1880s | there's so there's gear for all of the |
1882s | different um crafting Gathering and |
1885s | processing professions that'll help you |
1886s | you know do do those uh different trades |
1889s | so um it's up to you like if if you you |
1892s | said you're higher level in |
1893s | lumberjacking so you know you could grab |
1895s | some of that stuff um to kind of |
1897s | compound on the stats make you make you |
1899s | faster chopping or oh should I go over |
1901s | that guy buy that stuff okay cool cool |
1903s | cool so from this guy let me purchase |
1905s | his um bags yeah why don't you grab yeah |
1909s | grab the Bountiful bag from him the |
1911s | Bountiful ones are pretty great they um |
1913s | I think they have the increased stack |
1914s | size on them so you can uh stack up more |
1917s | or herbs um in that bag than you can in |
1919s | in others um I see that there is a |
1923s | novice herbalism |
1926s | bag and if you scroll down at the bottom |
1928s | there's alen ha and basket oh okay so |
1930s | I'm going to grab the basket yeah all |
1934s | right done I got one of those sweet |
1938s | awesome I need anything else do I need |
1939s | any other bags uh yeah let's run over |
1943s | this way to the |
1945s | Stoneworks there's another uh |
1948s | gentleman over here that we can talk to |
1951s | kind of |
1952s | standing by this crane okay um and you |
1955s | can do the same thing from him throw |
1957s | throw a little gold at him and he'll |
1958s | give you some give you some bags and |
1960s | stuff I'll get um from this guy the |
1963s | stone noice Bountiful mining bag novice |
1966s | Bountiful okay got it awesome so now |
1970s | those those bags should be in your |
1971s | inventory um and if you right click them |
1974s | they'll equip and then if you go over to |
1976s | your materials tab |
1978s | um you should be able to see uh those |
1981s | new bags that we got okay so just real |
1983s | quick you were speaking earlier about |
1985s | the unique stack sizes as being part of |
1988s | the um kind of asymmetric design for bag |
1992s | crafting um and these bags have |
1995s | specifically curated benefits for stack |
1999s | sizes of the type of resources they |
2002s | relate to and that's the specific |
2004s | profession of gathering and the |
2005s | resources you would gain from those |
2007s | those different unique professions so by |
2010s | equipping this herbalism bag oops let's |
2012s | see |
2013s | here um and then also let me just open |
2018s | up the material section and this |
2021s | one I see now I've actually gotten a |
2026s | unique |
2027s | looking um structure for the alen |
2031s | herbalism basket and those are the types |
2033s | of structures you would expect them to |
2035s | gather that are the gather bles forb ISM |
2038s | correct correct correct yeah so that's |
2040s | not necessarily to say that I can't |
2041s | collect non herbalism resources I could |
2046s | and I could put them in that bag but it |
2048s | just wouldn't utilize the most |
2050s | beneficial aspect of it which is the |
2051s | higher stack count for those types of |
2054s | verbalism resources yeah exactly we can |
2057s | also um you know can also be constraints |
2061s | on the on the shape right like um we |
2063s | were talking about like you can kind of |
2065s | see um I I'm not sure what materials you |
2068s | you have in your bags but like I I have |
2070s | a couple pieces of wood that are you |
2071s | know uh one by3 and so you know in in |
2075s | the herbalism bag I'm not sure that |
2076s | there's any any slots for for uh pieces |
2079s | of wood that are that size right so um |
2082s | some there'll be some constraints and um |
2085s | benefits in terms of shape and then also |
2088s | you know the the stack size based on the |
2090s | on the type so okay cool very cool so |
2092s | now let's oh go ahead Mike a good |
2095s | example would be if you equip the mining |
2097s | bag bag as well on top of the herbalism |
2099s | bag um you'll be able to see the shapes |
2103s | are different but um you can see the |
2106s | mining bags are 2x2s and overing bags |
2108s | are um 1 by tws so you can technically |
2111s | put herbs into your mining bags but you |
2113s | won't get the benefit of the stock |
2115s | bonuses of the mining stuff right yeah |
2119s | that's very |
2120s | cool sorry go ahead Mike something else |
2122s | um also um the the earlier versions |
2126s | might be very restricted in sizes so |
2128s | like uh the noice mining bags and no |
2130s | herbalism bags are very shape |
2132s | restrictive but as you level up and then |
2135s | make better bags might be more generous |
2137s | of um shapes so you could technically do |
2139s | some other things as well and then have |
2141s | more bigger sizes and have be able to uh |
2145s | hold more variety of things as well okay |
2147s | very nice that's I I think that's pretty |
2148s | cool should should we go to The |
2150s | Lumberjack to grab those were you |
2152s | talking about some um equipment that he |
2155s | might have that might help us with our |
2156s | Lumberjack oh yeah defitely that |
2159s | up |
2161s | sweet oh I see okay hold on let me see |
2164s | here I have I also have a quest that |
2166s | relates to We rise after |
2170s | felling oh yeah that's so that's the |
2172s | certification Quest so um as you |
2174s | mentioned before you know that we're um |
2178s | we're we're planning on having some some |
2180s | content related to you know onboarding |
2183s | players to the different professions and |
2186s | you know you're going to need a tool for |
2187s | the first time and um you're going to |
2189s | want to craft a thing for the first time |
2191s | and kind of learn how to do those things |
2193s | uh but we also want to extend that out |
2195s | to kind of more of a a individual story |
2198s | arc um like experience for players um so |
2201s | as you as you become a better Lumberjack |
2204s | you'll you'll you'll uh play out your |
2206s | story as as a lumberjack so um these |
2208s | different certification quests um are |
2212s | are meant to be kind of uh Keystone |
2214s | moments in that story progression so you |
2217s | know right now we have something kind of |
2218s | you know simple set up uh looks like you |
2221s | already had collected all the the wood |
2222s | that you needed right but um you also |
2224s | need to reach the level needed to even |
2227s | be take on an apprentice ship so um so I |
2232s | think yeah see see what he's got um I'd |
2235s | check out some of the gear I think that |
2236s | will um since you're already pretty |
2239s | pretty good with the wood choing you |
2240s | could probably get a little little |
2241s | faster with the gear that he has so he |
2243s | does have he has a shirt pants um |
2248s | and I think it's that and a tool belt |
2250s | and and each of them are |
2252s | giving different |
2255s | benefits looks like I'm getting |
2256s | lumberjacking speed from the pants and |
2259s | from the |
2260s | shirt and the tool belt is going to give |
2262s | me |
2263s | processing |
2265s | um oh I think you might be looking at |
2267s | Lum Milling oh that's my bad so at this |
2271s | at this service building um we're we're |
2274s | housing another three professions so |
2276s | there's there's carpet stuff here |
2278s | there's the lumber Milling stuff here |
2280s | and there's also the lumberjacking stuff |
2282s | here so um Woody's going to have stuff |
2285s | from from all three um if you're looking |
2287s | to do any you know uh woodworking |
2290s | related activities uh he's your guy so |
2293s | and that's sort of what we mentioned |
2294s | when we were showing the nodes uh in a |
2297s | live stream a few months ago was like |
2299s | your ability to build buildings to |
2301s | really cater to uh the important |
2304s | industries to your region or or your |
2307s | node yeah |
2309s | yeah let me just take a look here I know |
2312s | this is obviously guys this is I want to |
2315s | State this again we always State this in |
2316s | every uh showcase but uh everything you |
2319s | see here is still a work in progress we |
2321s | are working towards our Alpha 2 um that |
2324s | includes things like visual effects like |
2327s | uh UI these are all very functional |
2330s | States but not necessarily at their |
2332s | polish States um so there's still a lot |
2333s | of work that needs to be done there I |
2335s | noticed that um we have three slots for |
2338s | the uh the equipment that I just put on |
2341s | and they're not displaying visually uh |
2344s | but we do intend to provide that visual |
2346s | display as an option to the characters |
2348s | correct correct |
2351s | yeah it would be a toggleable thing that |
2354s | players could be do um in the future |
2356s | when we get some assets yes absolutely |
2359s | there's a lot of |
2362s | assets all right let us so what should |
2365s | we do here we want to go out and gather |
2366s | some stuff yeah yeah yeah so um you know |
2370s | we we're kind of scouting out there uh |
2372s | beforehand and we know we know a pretty |
2373s | good spot um if you're if you're heading |
2377s | out kind of past the |
2378s | Smithy you should see a good old Tower |
2381s | Carin out there in the distance and if |
2383s | you |
2385s | head uh a little bit east of that um you |
2388s | can kind of see some like rock |
2390s | formations up there that's where we're |
2391s | heading there's a nice little um little |
2394s | Valley in there um has I think it has |
2397s | pretty much everything that we're |
2397s | looking for so okay I love the Autumn |
2401s | look out here I think the it fits |
2405s | perfectly for this time of year I mean |
2407s | definitely we did just have Thanksgiving |
2409s | feels kind of a little bit like |
2410s | Thanksgiving out |
2411s | here does does feel like Thanksgiving |
2414s | it's beautiful I really like the colors |
2416s | it's turning out really good ab it's my |
2419s | favorite season uh so far by way does |
2422s | ver have thanksgiv too or no hey no |
2426s | trying to get l out of me this is an |
2428s | artisanship Focus give us we won't leak |
2432s | during a live stream I know right Lord |
2435s | the one thing I really love the lease |
2438s | falling down effect just walking by nice |
2441s | speaking of of leaks however I know that |
2444s | I am uh playing a ranger class you might |
2447s | see a couple of early uh look at the |
2449s | ranger skills here in case we run into |
2451s | any potential resistances um but next |
2455s | month we are doing a ranger update and |
2457s | it's going to be pretty fun too so |
2460s | there's a little leak little leak nice I |
2462s | see how it is it's okay for skill |
2464s | abilities but not for the |
2465s | lore that is true that is true the lore |
2468s | is safely |
2469s | unbelievable so we do have have some BS |
2472s | someone's chopping out there is that |
2474s | youan chopping |
2476s | yeah I see it falling in the distance |
2479s | where that's great over to the |
2483s | left I think he's up on that Hill are |
2485s | you trying to beat me to the |
2488s | uh here we go I'll chop down some trees |
2490s | too oh we do we this is Ash we need Oak |
2492s | though right or do I need Oak |
2494s | yeah |
2496s | yeah yeah that that be helpful Nathan |
2500s | just trying to become grandmas Before |
2502s | You Stephen exactly I will leave this |
2504s | land A baren |
2505s | Wasteland no trees for you to chop he |
2508s | sicked some uh wolves on me yeah all |
2511s | part of my master |
2515s | plan |
2516s | [Music] |
2519s | nice yeah get the get a few of these |
2522s | Oaks at least enough to level up and |
2524s | then we need to find some Basalt Basalt |
2526s | is going to have the zinc and copper uh |
2529s | that you need oh here's some over on the |
2531s | ridge um oh up the cliff assult yeah can |
2535s | you see me oo that area looks kind of |
2537s | Twisted and |
2539s | gross |
2541s | yeah wolf |
2545s | where |
2549s | oh |
2552s | wow really what so now this area appears |
2557s | to have a little bit of a corruption |
2558s | that started seeping in looks like the |
2560s | citizens of this town aren't doing their |
2563s | job fight back the corruption old |
2567s | neighborhood's going to hell there rues |
2569s | here too yeah yeah I think you can grab |
2571s | those you're yeah it's novice yeah these |
2574s | are the new rubies that we just |
2576s | introduced with uh C physics enabled oh |
2580s | nice uh yeah um thanks to Noah and some |
2584s | magic from engineering uh when you see |
2587s | it gather it's you see it shuts oh |
2589s | that's awesome love that that's super |
2592s | cool additionally if you open your |
2594s | backspace now um you'll see that your |
2596s | mining bag has now rubies and it |
2599s | prioritized based on your stack size oh |
2601s | let me see here hold on first let me |
2604s | gather a little bit of |
2607s | um look for some BT I think there's some |
2610s | over here over here to the |
2613s | right there's one right there |
2618s | yeah right here no this is opal |
2623s | nope opal I can't even interact with the |
2625s | opal no it's right here |
2628s | yeah oh don't we need |
2631s | opal I think so I think we need night |
2634s | opal which is the one that only really |
2636s | appears at night um |
2640s | okay |
2645s | interesting oh I've gotten some Zin and |
2648s | balt nice okay so you got lucky you got |
2650s | the you got the drop chance so this gave |
2652s | me two things it gave me it gave me zinc |
2654s | as well yes yeah yeah so when you're |
2658s | when you're mining stone like we're |
2659s | trying to we're trying to do stuff that |
2660s | make sense right with the drops so you |
2662s | know in stone you'll find metal and gems |
2664s | and you know depending on the you the |
2666s | tier and the type of type of stone um |
2669s | there'll be different kind of selection |
2670s | of gems and stuff you can get in it or |
2672s | or Metals so um you may if you're trying |
2676s | to Target a certain you know metal you |
2678s | might want to consider um some |
2680s | particular Stone as well and um as you |
2683s | get better at at uh binding and doing |
2685s | Stone related stuff you'll kind of learn |
2688s | learn the ropes there so you can make |
2689s | better decisions okay that's cool |
2692s | additionally as you gather you can |
2694s | actually notice that your um durability |
2696s | goes down for your tools oh |
2699s | really |
2702s | see I'm using this pickaxe it's at |
2706s | 95 nice all right you got plenty of |
2709s | plenty of durability left it's good to |
2711s | good to repair when you get into town |
2712s | though so it kind of sucks when you find |
2713s | something real nice and your durability |
2716s | is low or tools broken and you won't be |
2718s | able to it ah nice and I really love the |
2722s | physics it's like I remember in the |
2724s | Gathering stream you know we're showing |
2725s | off uh um uh the trees and kind of like |
2729s | set a precedent with how that looks and |
2732s | now we have to make all the other stuff |
2734s | just as school so the the rocks and gems |
2736s | of metal were like kind of a big big uh |
2739s | hurdle for us and having in a place |
2742s | where it starting to look really good |
2744s | that was super exciting that was cool |
2746s | that was actually really cool that |
2747s | should definitely knock you over or kill |
2752s | you let's go hey there we go oh I've |
2755s | reached and oh my God that just killed |
2760s | Mike I'm alive please can't kill me grab |
2765s | some some da maybe so you you leveled up |
2768s | you said yes it said I leveled up ah |
2771s | okay well you got to okay so when when |
2773s | you level up you're going to get some |
2774s | skill points and you should be able to |
2776s | put those in your in your skill tree um |
2779s | you should uh pop that open there we go |
2782s | okay yes I have a bunch already |
2784s | allocated but now I have two n points |
2787s | oh nice yeah you should spend those and |
2789s | book around in the tree a little bit but |
2790s | yeah um that is something that we're wed |
2792s | to do with artisanship both you know or |
2795s | in all three of the branches you'll |
2797s | you'll have skill trees for your |
2798s | profession so those skill trees you'll |
2800s | be able to find you know passives |
2802s | that'll give you uh stat bonuses and you |
2804s | know predicates for extra functionality |
2807s | within whatever the profession is access |
2809s | to stations um expanding out some of the |
2812s | various systems like I don't know you |
2814s | can see some of the surveying ones right |
2816s | like |
2816s | you can uh add extra pylons or um extra |
2821s | uh scanning range and lower the cool |
2823s | down and how often you can survey so uh |
2826s | we're trying to make those trees uh |
2829s | interesting and give people you know |
2830s | different paths so they can progress |
2832s | through W that's cool yeah very cool um |
2838s | so obviously I'm looking at this uh the |
2841s | skill tree right now and I see one side |
2843s | is dealing primarily with yield the |
2845s | other side is dealing with with um |
2848s | excuse me with Rarity with quality um |
2851s | the other side dealing with yield and |
2853s | then the Survey System yeah talk to me a |
2857s | little bit about um the Survey |
2861s | System yeah so surveying um is uh |
2866s | something that we're trying to use for |
2869s | gatherers to really kind of interact |
2871s | with uh the things that we want to do |
2873s | with our Dynamic world uh one of that is |
2875s | one of the those things is we want to be |
2877s | able to spawn stuff randomly and we want |
2880s | to put it in uh places in the world that |
2882s | will make people you know travel and uh |
2885s | bolster up our um our local |
2888s | player-to-player economies have people |
2890s | you know kind of actually be out in the |
2892s | world looking for stuff and not um |
2895s | standing in the same place waiting for a |
2897s | tree or a flower to respawn over and |
2899s | over again so we're kind of we're kind |
2902s | of having the best of the Both Worlds |
2904s | where we have our lower tier stuff that |
2906s | will fill out you know the the based |
2908s | look of our world so that it's always |
2909s | kind of looking good um and then the |
2912s | higher tier stuff from Apprentice onward |
2914s | will will always kind of Spawn randomly |
2916s | in in places that we've deemed look uh |
2919s | you know look good and make sense for |
2921s | what that thing is um so surveying is a |
2924s | way that you can uh track that stuff |
2927s | down um it will help you uh find places |
2931s | will help you find particular resources |
2933s | will help you find resources at a |
2935s | certain Rarity |
2937s | um and yeah so it should be you know |
2939s | something you could do as a gather on |
2941s | your own or group up with other people |
2942s | to uh bolster up the um the power of |
2946s | your survey or the the the range or |
2949s | reach of it so um yeah it says I need a |
2953s | higher certification for this tree it's |
2956s | a corrupted Oak gotcha well we just |
2959s | leveled up so I bet you if we went back |
2961s | to town oh my God there's some |
2964s | crazy or excuse some C oh no you bleep |
2969s | that out bleep that out there's some |
2971s | dude up there that's awesome I would say |
2974s | the same thing if I saw that ancient |
2976s | horror away from a gentleman yeah let's |
2979s | uh back up a little bit yep how are you |
2983s | doing all back space by the way how am I |
2984s | doing on what say again back space yes |
2986s | let me open that up I have um three |
2989s | copper 22 Basalt 17 zinc uh five Ruby a |
2994s | number of dandelion PL and daffodils |
2997s | daffodils with some plant fibers okay |
3000s | that's cool and a bunch of wood and as |
3003s | you notice that all those materials |
3005s | actually sorted nicely in the |
3007s | appropriate BS based on your uh stack |
3009s | sizes oh yeah that is pretty nice so it |
3011s | didn't misplace them in a in a different |
3015s | bag than what is |
3016s | best yeah it Priti is basically the best |
3019s | stack size first and then it's finds the |
3022s | other empty spots |
3024s | after yeah quality of life feature |
3028s | definitely we we uh you know there's a |
3030s | lot of discussions about you know the |
3033s | the spatial inventory and the different |
3035s | stack sizes and you know whether that |
3038s | could cause like confusion for players |
3040s | or you know extra stress on um sorting |
3044s | of inventory and I was like all right |
3045s | well no M no matter what we do we got to |
3047s | try and make this um as easy and usable |
3050s | for players as possible and luckily |
3053s | really smart people like Alex and Alec |
3055s | and our UI team Kobe Kobe and the Gang |
3058s | uh that are helping us make um you know |
3062s | that the system that we want function |
3064s | really really nicely so uh that's what |
3066s | that was one of those features um that |
3069s | that came on that's like all right well |
3070s | I don't have to every single time I get |
3072s | something you know look and see what |
3073s | bag's the best for it to be in um the uh |
3078s | the code can do it for us so yep very |
3082s | cool nice we ready to head back now yeah |
3086s | let's uh let's head back to town and get |
3087s | your your uh your uh |
3091s | apprenticeship now obviously you know |
3094s | let's talk a little bit about how |
3097s | Gathering is a bit different in ashes um |
3101s | and one of the the most unique things |
3104s | about I think the world is obviously the |
3108s | number of different systems we have that |
3110s | change World State we just saw a corrupt |
3114s | Zone hold on kill this |
3120s | dude oh okay he died um we just saw |
3123s | corrupt Zone and um that zone becomes |
3127s | corrupt after a period of time in which |
3130s | players are not addressing some issues |
3132s | that arise uh through certain events or |
3135s | through through certain story arcs and |
3137s | that corruption can spread and |
3140s | Corruption changes the spawners for |
3144s | resources and for Monsters and that has |
3148s | a fundamental effect on the resource |
3151s | economy of the |
3153s | game yeah definitely it plays into you |
3156s | know scarcity it gets players out in the |
3158s | world searching for um uh different |
3161s | things that are predicated on on the |
3164s | dynamic parts of our world right we can |
3165s | do stuff with day and night time we can |
3167s | do stuff with Seasons um we can have |
3169s | things that are specifically related to |
3172s | some event or story arc or you know |
3174s | corruption um even |
3176s | particular locations right regionality |
3179s | of a biome um some you know frozen |
3182s | tundra place that's uh completely |
3184s | covered in ice versus you know the the |
3185s | riverlands and um uh the lushness there |
3190s | so um don't want to just have that stuff |
3194s | in and not be doing anything with it so |
3196s | we're we're trying to play on that for |
3198s | for Gathering um and open up um the |
3202s | diversity of stuff that you can process |
3204s | and Craft um by find those things so |
3207s | yeah I love that um we mentioned |
3210s | actually a time of day and seasonality |
3213s | is being part of that world State change |
3215s | um and as I understand whoops as I |
3218s | understand it we have a number of |
3220s | different oh let me see here go over |
3224s | to |
3227s | um |
3229s | recipes can I look at now um we have to |
3232s | don't we have to gather some recipes or |
3235s | some materials that are predicated on |
3236s | time of day yeah I think they were those |
3239s | are the ones that we're talking about |
3240s | that were part of your night blade right |
3242s | the moon bells and the night Opals uh |
3245s | night Opals like do not reveal |
3248s | themselves um during the daytime um |
3251s | surprise surprise um and then the the |
3254s | moon bells are similar yeah they they |
3256s | only bloom at night so um you if you're |
3260s | looking for those in particular you want |
3261s | to take uh keep an eye on the day night |
3264s | cycle and um you know know where they're |
3266s | found um in the world and yeah I do have |
3271s | some Powers if we want to perhaps change |
3274s | it to nighttime that I could use shall |
3278s | we cuz it it'll it it'll take a little |
3280s | while probably for us to get to night |
3281s | time at least another hour or so yeah |
3285s | okay let's do it all right hold on stand |
3291s | by oh my |
3294s | goodness there we go now oh okay things |
3298s | are getting little freaky decky out here |
3300s | you guys will probably notice uh that |
3303s | the nighttime is |
3305s | significantly darker than when you guys |
3307s | last saw our nighttime update um we saw |
3311s | feedback from the community that |
3313s | bringing in the field of vision through |
3315s | the uh through the lighting in the |
3318s | environment was something you guys |
3319s | wanted to see and that's what we have |
3321s | adjusted a bit um now I'm excited |
3324s | because |
3326s | I have a certification that I can I |
3329s | think update now right yes you should be |
3331s | able to upgrade your uh lumberjacking to |
3335s | Apprentice which um give you access to |
3337s | new tool so we can craft one of those if |
3339s | you want um we should make your you know |
3342s | chopping faster help you find some rare |
3344s | stuff um yeah all right let's see here |
3347s | I'm going to |
3351s | accept there we go t it yeah so shoot I |
3355s | think if you open your artisanship |
3357s | window if you look at your lumberjacking |
3359s | it should say that you're an apprentice |
3360s | now yes there we go and you got you got |
3362s | a nice little chunk of XP from that too |
3364s | it's nice yeah that was pretty good um |
3366s | cool so um now that you've done that uh |
3371s | go I think this envil yeah this is the |
3374s | same envil as the herbalism see see if |
3377s | you can craft a a tool there what uh |
3380s | what materials do you need it says that |
3383s | I need um zinc fragments and Oak Timber |
3386s | for a novice lumberjacking The |
3388s | Apprentice requires zinc fragments with |
3390s | copper fragments and Oak Timber awesome |
3394s | okay well um that's all novice stuff so |
3398s | um so the way that the certification |
3400s | stuff breaks down is that um every |
3402s | everyone gets to be a novice everything |
3404s | so all all 22 professions the players |
3406s | get to uh be novice of um and then it |
3409s | starts kind of like narrowing from there |
3410s | so after that you'll only be able to be |
3413s | Apprentice of five things um you can be |
3415s | a journeyman in four things you can be a |
3417s | master in three things and you can be a |
3418s | Grandmaster in two things so you'll |
3421s | you'll need to narrow but you can also |
3423s | sort of diversify to support you know |
3425s | the professions that you want to First |
3427s | push further in so now obviously those |
3429s | are um those restrictions are in place |
3432s | in order to create a dependency cross |
3437s | player faction right for how players |
3439s | specialize their progression in the |
3441s | artisanship uh |
3442s | trees yeah I mean like uh being social |
3447s | is is uh important to us right like we |
3449s | we want players to interact with each |
3450s | other we want the professions to make |
3452s | stuff for the other professions that uh |
3454s | that are useful you know um I um |
3458s | influenced quite a bit by the Star Wars |
3460s | Galaxy style crafting and you know just |
3463s | having people in your network that can |
3465s | you know Supply the the uh metal that |
3467s | you need to make your armor and the you |
3470s | know the the flowers that you need to to |
3472s | make your potions and you know maybe the |
3474s | potions that you need to make make your |
3475s | enchantments uh that that to me was was |
3478s | really interesting and part of the the |
3481s | game playay of economic gameplay of you |
3483s | know being being a good crafter being a |
3484s | good gatherer is having that um that |
3487s | system so and it and it really plays |
3489s | into the um the uh uh economic uh field |
3496s | of a particular server right um You you |
3498s | can come in and be like I want to be the |
3500s | the potion Mogul here right and like |
3502s | having good sources and you know have |
3505s | having a guild that supports you um is |
3507s | just really really interesting and |
3510s | without um without sort of narrowing |
3513s | down what you have access to yourself um |
3516s | uh it's sort uh it takes away from from |
3519s | the ability to achieve that right so |
3521s | yeah so now okay we're going to be |
3523s | creating this you said Apprentice tools |
3526s | what do I need to do that it said |
3527s | fragments Z fragments and um I think |
3531s | copper fragments awesome so the zinc |
3533s | fragments and copper fragments are going |
3535s | going to be from the metal working |
3537s | profession and then the Oak Timber will |
3539s | be from the lumber Milling profession so |
3542s | since we're here we can do the lumber |
3543s | milling and this is the station that you |
3545s | need right next to us so this is the |
3546s | debarker this is one of the the few |
3549s | stations that uh Lumber Milling has has |
3552s | the the debarker the heads saw um and I |
3555s | think the drying Kil along with the |
3558s | refinery so this is the the novice |
3560s | station um and I think this is an |
3562s | apprentice version here um since we're |
3564s | at a service building that's built um |
3566s | the service buildings usually come |
3567s | stocked with some some uh some better |
3570s | base stations and then you can kind of |
3573s | um progress them from there depending on |
3574s | how you you expand the buildings but um |
3577s | so why don't you interact with this and |
3580s | uh yeah I think this is the first time |
3582s | that we've ever done any processing |
3584s | processing yes absolutely now we we |
3585s | alluded to it a little bit when we were |
3587s | showcasing the uh the free holds uh but |
3591s | this is everyone's first look at kind of |
3594s | how process processing works and um as |
3597s | you said we're looking to make some Oak |
3598s | Timber here um and as I've clicked on |
3601s | the Oak Timber to add fuel it says to |
3605s | the Oak Timber side talk to me Mike a |
3608s | little bit about what fuel does for |
3612s | processing so fuel is the basic |
3614s | requirements on top of the resources |
3617s | that you need to craft a thing so every |
3619s | processing stations will require some |
3621s | kind of a fuel to automate the proc |
3626s | to make these processed uh resources |
3628s | though most of the resources or any type |
3631s | of resource or items could technically |
3633s | have a fuel value attached to them and |
3635s | then each recipe will require some kind |
3638s | of a fuel value to uh to be met to be |
3642s | able to process these things so think of |
3643s | it as like if you're melting um ore you |
3646s | need to put uh fuel to fire to melt the |
3649s | or right so that kind of concept exists |
3651s | on all our processing stations so when |
3654s | you click on it uh you should be able to |
3656s | put the oak wood or anything that you |
3659s | have gathered to Wood yeah so I've added |
3663s | one of the oak wood and then I see I |
3666s | also have a number of different um |
3668s | herbalism resources here as well do |
3670s | those act as fuel potentially yeah um |
3673s | most of our resources will have some |
3674s | kind of a fuel value to it and like I |
3676s | mentioned like some items too but for |
3678s | for this recipe you'll only need one |
3680s | some other recipes might need 100 or 50 |
3682s | etc etc but the the thing is um some |
3686s | some items might be just um catered |
3689s | towards being a fuel right so something |
3691s | like charcoal or something like coal |
3692s | something like um anything that is just |
3695s | designated as a fuel will just have a |
3697s | very um efficient fuel value so you kind |
3700s | of want to save that for higher recipes |
3703s | or something simple like this one you |
3704s | can pretty much use anything that's |
3706s | common or or or lower or degrade or |
3710s | sorry the the tier one items uh to be in |
3714s | the fuel okay so i' so I've added in the |
3718s | wood for the fuel and now it's it has my |
3721s | fuel has been selected and I can start |
3723s | the job it says that the duration is 1 |
3725s | minute now I'm noticing at the top of |
3727s | the processing station that we have uh |
3731s | three available slots is that a queue |
3734s | that you players can use um and is it |
3738s | shared is it for just themselves talk to |
3740s | me a little bit about that for node it's |
3743s | personal so we didn't want to congest |
3746s | like only three spots for every single |
3748s | person in the note that would have been |
3750s | pretty bad um so it's the the Q system |
3753s | is only for yourself but um something |
3755s | personal like free holds um would be u |
3759s | station based so if five people wanted |
3761s | to use one one station at the freeh hole |
3763s | you have to wait in line and then that |
3765s | kind of comes into the family system we |
3766s | talked about on the freeh hole live |
3767s | stream where you want to have uh limited |
3771s | access to whoever is viable for the fuel |
3774s | or for the stations um but for any |
3777s | service buildings in the node um it's |
3779s | all personal so you can queue up as much |
3780s | as you want and then someone else can |
3782s | just combine and use the same station |
3784s | and then k for their station that's |
3787s | awesome additionally it will also be |
3789s | influenced by nodes so like right now |
3790s | you see three but it could be five it |
3792s | could be two simultaneous jobs Etc based |
3795s | how your note grows got it so there are |
3797s | specializations that the processor can |
3800s | take uh if the node should elect to do |
3803s | so and citizens participate and that |
3805s | upgrade that would increase that size or |
3808s | perhaps even the efficiency of the |
3810s | processing jobs as well both speed uh |
3813s | quantity of receipt any Rarity procs |
3815s | anything all of those play a role and |
3817s | upgrade potential uh that the node might |
3820s | choose to specialize in right but um |
3822s | just like we we discussed in through |
3824s | live stream as well the node um |
3826s | processing only goes up to journeyman so |
3828s | if you want to do the highest tier of uh |
3832s | processing you you probably want to seek |
3834s | out the the freeold uh owners |
3839s | basically |
3841s | uhoh did I I might be full hold on I |
3846s | can't claim it yet I need to I need to |
3849s | who needs this this cheap glint here |
3854s | actually let me move that down I don't |
3855s | need I didn't need to delete that whoops |
3859s | um okay are you just throwing money away |
3861s | that's how rich you pretty much |
3863s | additional thing I would like to add for |
3864s | processing uh as you can say see you |
3866s | could you could cancel the job um also |
3870s | so like let's say you accidentally |
3871s | scheduled wrong one and the only thing |
3873s | that gets consumed is the fuel so fuel |
3875s | is basically a sync for this job got it |
3880s | okay so fuel is always sunk regardless |
3881s | of if you cancel the job or not yeah |
3884s | another uh another thing as well is that |
3886s | um uh when you're when you're choosing |
3889s | the job you you'll see kind of on the on |
3891s | the right hand side that we have |
3893s | something called job size oops and right |
3895s | now uh right now there's only the |
3898s | ability to make a one job size but um |
3901s | this in the same vein of um you know |
3903s | this having like more jobs that you can |
3905s | cue and like you know better stats that |
3907s | make the them go faster or proc extra |
3909s | resources uh job size is another thing |
3912s | that we could do right um so you |
3914s | probably don't want to use three entire |
3917s | slots just to make you know three pieces |
3919s | of oak wood but if you had a job size |
3921s | that you know was 20 um you'd be able to |
3925s | make all 20 of those with the with the |
3926s | one job size so um so that's a little |
3929s | different than what people are used to |
3931s | with you know I I'm making exactly you |
3933s | know 17 pieces of of Oak Timber you |
3935s | might need to you know do a job SI of |
3938s | five plus one if you need specifically |
3941s | six so um that's awesome so those those |
3944s | are also influenced by customization |
3946s | options that the node can participate in |
3948s | uh as well and perhaps policies and or |
3951s | relics like all those things are an |
3952s | intricate web uh boot bons benefits and |
3955s | downsides that apply to these different |
3957s | game functions exactly yeah very cool |
3961s | love it all right so we made some Timber |
3964s | gotcha yeah let's head let's head down |
3966s | to uh the Smithy over here there should |
3969s | be a crushing station you can crush up |
3971s | the the copper and zinc that you got |
3973s | into fragments and then we should have |
3975s | what we need to make you a new pickaxe |
3978s | or um axe um yeah this is the crushing |
3983s | crushing station right here |
3986s | nice all |
3988s | right all right it's really nice of you |
3990s | to have built all of these uh |
3992s | artisanship service buildings look at |
3994s | look at all these jobs that you're |
3995s | creating this guy stays here he gets to |
3997s | hang out all night rushing |
4000s | rocks doing stuff that is awesome yeah |
4004s | great for the economy really really |
4006s | great mayorip uh decision thank you |
4008s | thank you very much that's why I'm a |
4010s | term after term mayor just no term |
4012s | limits at all it's the way we like it |
4014s | here |
4015s | right my my personal Investments have |
4018s | somehow miraculously just had the |
4019s | greatest returns of any citizen of the |
4021s | mayor agreed I think there's only other |
4024s | been one other mayor that was Alec and I |
4026s | haven't seen him for a really long time |
4028s | so right that is right Al his family |
4032s | members actually came by looking for him |
4034s | too oh |
4035s | no okay so I need to make copper |
4037s | fragments and zinc fragments yeah so I'm |
4040s | going to kick off I'm going to add some |
4041s | fuel here um oh okay cool that's cool |
4045s | put this and I'll kick that job off and |
4049s | then I'll use the sink oh my God you see |
4053s | the NPC working real hard yeah he is |
4055s | look that he's a go-getter I didn't even |
4057s | start the other job yet he just |
4058s | immediately went to work he needs |
4062s | arrays there we go cool okay yeah and uh |
4066s | just a just a comment too on the on that |
4069s | right like um we're trying to sort of |
4071s | marry the the visuals with what's |
4073s | actually going on the station right so |
4075s | if you have a job queued um and you're |
4077s | trying to you know do errands throughout |
4078s | the node or in your Freehold or whatever |
4080s | right like you should be able to look at |
4082s | the station and know what's going on |
4083s | with it so you know he's there working |
4085s | and you know once he's done he's going |
4087s | to stop and you can be like okay you |
4088s | know there's there's stuff ready to to |
4090s | pick up and have some visuals associated |
4092s | with that so U as much as we can have |
4095s | stuff you know rooted in World instead |
4097s | of you know throwing a bunch of UI in |
4099s | the player's face uh that's that's |
4101s | something that we're trying to do and is |
4102s | important to us that's right cool yeah |
4105s | and to add to that it's uh personal |
4107s | right so it's only like other people |
4109s | won't see you doing your um processing |
4112s | got it yeah in in nodes right the free |
4114s | the freeold ones would be uh since they |
4116s | are relevant to any of the people that |
4118s | have access to it you you'd be able to |
4120s | see that a that a job is going |
4123s | [Music] |
4125s | right this guy is a is a is a dedicated |
4128s | worker yeah definitely so now just to |
4132s | remind folks obviously when we talk |
4134s | about um processing as one branch of the |
4139s | artisanship tree even though you have |
4142s | access to all branches throughout the |
4144s | world up to some level of |
4147s | degree processing best processing is |
4150s | done on freeholds and the best crafting |
4153s | is done in nodes right when we talk |
4156s | about workstation availability but there |
4158s | is some overlap there as those of you |
4160s | will remember from our Freehold uh uh uh |
4163s | live stream um you do have up to a |
4168s | certain point to progress available to |
4170s | you for both Gathering processing and |
4172s | crafting uh without needing necessarily |
4175s | a free |
4176s | hole yeah |
4178s | exactly up to uh journeyman you'll be um |
4182s | journeyman's uh type of gathering |
4184s | crafting and processing should be |
4186s | available pretty much everywhere um and |
4188s | then just the specializations really |
4190s | kicks in at the master and |
4192s | above awesome |
4195s | aome all right I have I believe |
4200s | acquired now some |
4203s | fragments on well let's uh let's head |
4206s | back up to the crafting station um next |
4209s | to good old W Woody gunan and uh make |
4212s | yourself an apprentice Axe and I think |
4215s | we should be able to chop that corrupted |
4217s | tree down yeah that's right and then |
4220s | also now that it's night while we're out |
4222s | there you guys could grab perhaps some |
4223s | of the |
4224s | um what were the other ones that I |
4226s | needed uh the night opal yeah I think |
4228s | Mike has high enough mining to get the M |
4230s | opal night opal um and then I think I |
4233s | think New Moon bells are novice so you |
4235s | should have access to those yep yep all |
4238s | right so I'll grab the moon |
4240s | Bells Perfect all right I'm crafting my |
4243s | new Apprentice lumberjacking axe T it is |
4247s | equipped |
4249s | nice me see cool a very cool it's there |
4254s | how fast is it it's 30 lumberjacking |
4256s | speed nice I think the other one was |
4258s | like only five so you should be fast |
4260s | when we get out there we should race see |
4262s | if you can drop the tree down faster |
4263s | than me all right let's do it I'm ready |
4265s | let's |
4270s | go |
4272s | um I actually really like the nighttime |
4275s | I I think it was call from the community |
4277s | to to tune this a bit more on the darker |
4280s | side oh shooting star you see |
4283s | that let's see a shooting star make a |
4285s | wish oh yeah look at that Moon yeah I |
4288s | did I did look at the Moon Moon's |
4290s | looking pretty |
4292s | nice I think it might need a little |
4295s | atmosphere I like the uh the harbinger |
4298s | Moon we'll Ste Moon getting |
4301s | closer no don't say that that's not what |
4305s | we want to hear kill the moon H so do it |
4309s | Cory tell me a little bit like when we |
4312s | right now we're in this n phase oh I |
4314s | love the fireflies too Noah did a great |
4316s | job on these yeah Noah Noah is next |
4319s | level we love Noah Noah we love |
4323s | you um obviously moving to Knight now is |
4327s | going to give us access to these Moon |
4328s | bells and these night |
4330s | Opals um but when things like the world |
4333s | State change whether it be corruption |
4335s | related or time of day it's not just an |
4338s | introduction of rare materials it also |
4340s | is a removal of some other materials as |
4342s | well potentially so it's a it is a um |
4346s | and some World State changes like we |
4347s | talked about with corruption if not |
4349s | addressed can significantly alter the |
4352s | flow of resources across the world in |
4355s | such a way that creates a bit of |
4356s | turbulence in the world market and |
4358s | economy and that's what we're trying to |
4359s | achieve with these World State |
4361s | changes yeah you see |
4364s | um uh out in the open the NS lit up |
4368s | those little blue lights all over the |
4371s | place that wasn't there before yeah yeah |
4374s | you can see Moon BS as well by the |
4378s | trees oh yeah there so you should be |
4381s | able to grab up that's awesome those |
4384s | were just kind of just basic little |
4386s | rocks yeah so that's like a you know we |
4389s | we we thought those were all Opals and |
4391s | they were Opals during the day but uh at |
4393s | night um you know some of them are |
4394s | actually night Opals so um pretty cool |
4398s | oh look leveled up again oh I led cring |
4400s | it my |
4402s | herbalism herbalism |
4404s | God literal herbalism |
4408s | God yeah these Moon bells that exist |
4410s | before too we're at the same spot yeah |
4413s | oh my god oh no the |
4416s | wolf you |
4419s | uh protect |
4426s | him Mike no I'm like max level so I'm |
4429s | just slaughtering these |
4431s | W can you pet the dogs Ste no but I can |
4434s | shoot it with an arrow in the face |
4437s | faster than me wait let's chop the trees |
4439s | down together that's right here Sten |
4441s | where you at where you at right |
4444s | here all right I'll |
4446s | start all right wait no no wait no okay |
4449s | three two 1 |
4451s | go wait no we messed up we messed up we |
4453s | messed up we can do this we can do this |
4454s | how many people does it take to chop |
4456s | down a tree okay I'm pretty sure it |
4457s | doesn't matter you way faster I have no |
4460s | two |
4462s | three |
4465s | oh you just got wrecked excuse me just |
4469s | got wrecked this is where PVP |
4473s | starts excuse me |
4475s | sir he's already purple let's go cut |
4478s | down that uh corrupted tree oh yeah |
4482s | that's why we're here huh there we go |
4484s | yes this this place |
4488s | looks so good at night oh man there's |
4492s | the spooky dude again he's just chilling |
4495s | up there yeah he's eying us he |
4500s | Challenger will you approach him stay |
4503s | away |
4504s | from yeah oh my looks like one shot City |
4507s | up |
4508s | there oh I can't get these uh blood |
4511s | boiled |
4513s | Spirits |
4514s | yeah I can tell you the lore behind that |
4519s | or um never |
4522s | mind |
4524s | all right I got some of those let grab |
4526s | this |
4529s | thing come |
4531s | on oh bam tree explosion what do you |
4535s | think Mike you want to take on this |
4536s | ancient minion over |
4538s | here I think we need to n Ste time that |
4542s | was like less than two seconds yeah that |
4545s | was really I was like in there and out |
4547s | of |
4548s | there maybe uh a little balancing pass |
4550s | necessary take that note down Mike |
4554s | Nerf H incoming yep way to go stepen |
4558s | already nerfing Lumberjack I know y yep |
4562s | all right let's so now we do we have all |
4564s | the materials we need did you guys get |
4565s | the night |
4566s | oples yeah I got some all right sweet |
4569s | trade you back in town let's do it on |
4572s | let's get rid of this |
4577s | guy very good my goodness oh that was |
4581s | unfortunate animal abuse pet up |
4585s | so now talk to me a little bit about the |
4588s | sword that we're going to be crafting um |
4592s | obviously itemization in ashes of |
4595s | creation is not |
4597s | restricted um based on class right so |
4600s | anybody can wear kind of anything |
4602s | whatever is most beneficial towards |
4603s | their particular strategy and class kit |
4605s | and and build um but how do we influence |
4610s | that from a crafting |
4612s | perspective so |
4614s | the recipe that you learned is somewhat |
4616s | of a unique sword uh we want to |
4618s | introduce that uh mid level maybe a |
4620s | little bit high but generally for |
4622s | itemization purposes we want to have a |
4626s | viable option for every build that |
4628s | players want to try I know that's a full |
4631s | statement knows where his city is |
4635s | yeah where are we going we have a mini |
4638s | map top right guys come on is this way I |
4641s | always get lost out here when I take my |
4642s | nightly strolls |
4644s | just over to the South yeah okay all |
4648s | right sorry Mike to left to the left got |
4651s | it left okay |
4654s | um what was I saying anyways um I was |
4657s | saying that uh we want to support every |
4659s | kind of build that player wants to try |
4661s | out and I know that's a bold statement |
4663s | but that is something that we're going |
4664s | to attempt uh which means a lot of |
4666s | crafting recipes will need to support |
4668s | variable stats variable play Styles and |
4671s | for for this weapon for particular was |
4673s | um somewhat of a unique sword because |
4677s | it's a sword that has mag magic |
4679s | penetration so something that Mages |
4681s | maybe might be able to use or um cler um |
4686s | and then if we go to the crafter |
4689s | crafting station right here all right |
4693s | you should give them the my right uh can |
4698s | trade |
4700s | you |
4702s | done |
4705s | okay we got some night Opals |
4707s | sweet acting |
4711s | trade all right boom got some night opal |
4715s | let's do |
4717s | this so now I see I have my learned |
4720s | recipe the night blade is under weapons |
4723s | category okay that's cool yeah um La |
4727s | sure we touched on this on different |
4729s | live streams but uh our crafting menus |
4730s | will have some required materials so |
4733s | those are the things that you must have |
4735s | at that certain Rarity so we have the |
4737s | night of opal and the moon Bell that's |
4739s | required and then we have the selectable |
4740s | section where you can put different uh |
4743s | Rarity amounts um you want to do the uh |
4747s | the zinc one first Stephen so out of |
4750s | there and then S one and then now you |
4752s | can see that the item itself was |
4755s | uncommon and then if you add the |
4757s | fragments in oh I see what you're saying |
4759s | I see what you're saying the I so the |
4761s | uncommon night blade is |
4764s | here by adding in these legendary zinc |
4768s | fragments yep if you submit it now it |
4770s | turns |
4771s | rare okay cool and now you can see |
4774s | there's additional properties onto the |
4776s | item uh so things change and then if you |
4778s | put the Oak Timber also at legendary |
4781s | also legendary Oak okay got it and then |
4784s | now it becomes a heroic version of it |
4785s | and then that's increase um so these are |
4788s | the things that we kind of want to |
4789s | explore on Crafting side where we |
4792s | introduce maybe new stat line or uh |
4794s | different proportion or ratios of stats |
4797s | at certain uh tiers and when you craft |
4800s | these items with using better materials |
4803s | the Rarity of the item increases um for |
4806s | demonstration purposes we're using |
4808s | legendary but um basically when you use |
4810s | a higher tier than the recipe is |
4813s | intended for so we could technically |
4814s | build this item with common temp than |
4817s | zinc fragments then that would produce |
4818s | an uncommon item but since we're |
4821s | showcasing this at legendary here um you |
4823s | can move up the tiers and uh have the |
4826s | steps increase that's awesome and so |
4828s | obviously there's going to be a number |
4830s | of different types of |
4836s | selectblack block for the weapon but |
4839s | also increasing the quality predicated |
4841s | on the quality of the selectable that |
4843s | you're contributing right that would be |
4845s | our sub recipe system that we kind of |
4847s | Highly touch up on U so um a common |
4850s | copper sword might have sub recipes that |
4853s | changes the stat block completely which |
4855s | would be um let's say a brutal copper |
4857s | sword which um specializes in crit |
4860s | damage but that would be changing the |
4863s | selectable items from Oak Timber to Ash |
4865s | timber for example right and then when |
4868s | it's on the selectable level we can |
4870s | choose the the Rarity of those resources |
4872s | to increase the Rarity of the item |
4874s | produced awesome and each time you're |
4876s | kind of unlocking a different result |
4879s | with with regards to that particular |
4880s | recipe you're learning that interaction |
4883s | between the selectable materials and the |
4886s | output that comes from it so learning |
4888s | one recipe actually learns you a |
4890s | multitude of different potential um uh |
4893s | uh uh rewards from that one particular |
4896s | recipe yeah um we have a something |
4900s | unique yeah uh something unique in our |
4902s | crafting system where we want to have |
4904s | recipe XP of some sort and then those |
4907s | sub recipes could be earned by um |
4909s | leveling up your recipe which means that |
4911s | you have to craft a night blade multiple |
4913s | times to level it up to have a better |
4915s | result uh the sub recipe could be from a |
4917s | vendor recipe or World drops like we |
4920s | said earlier um but the idea is one type |
4923s | of item can have potential to be |
4926s | multiple different outcomes cool awesome |
4929s | okay let me go ahead and craft this |
4933s | weapon we've done it we've received a |
4936s | night Blade the loop is complete oh my |
4940s | God we made it through the entire Loop |
4943s | Loop let |
4945s | me I know let's see let's take a look at |
4949s | what we have in our inventory here so I |
4954s | see we have a heroic night blade that's |
4956s | doing some physical damage and magical |
4957s | penetration with some magical damage as |
4960s | well and if I compare that currently to |
4963s | my Longbow obviously we have some |
4964s | comparable version there but let me go |
4966s | ahead and equip |
4968s | this oh that looks |
4971s | good that that looks awesome you're |
4973s | styling you are styling you put in the |
4975s | work and now you're styling oh I love it |
4978s | that looks super cool sweet very |
4982s | nice let me see here you want to raise |
4984s | it up for the fam yeah I got I got to I |
4986s | got to get the right perspective here |
4988s | hold on stand by ladies and gentlemen we |
4991s | have crafted world |
4994s | first on the night |
4998s | blade we have done it yeah yeah |
5004s | ah very cool so guys we just walked |
5008s | through from start to finish crafting |
5011s | one particular recipe of course of many |
5013s | as itemization is a very key component |
5016s | of of player progression within the |
5018s | within the world of Vera um and as you |
5021s | can see from Gathering to processing to |
5025s | crafting um this is the type of |
5027s | experience and the unique aspects uh of |
5030s | that process that is uh within ashes of |
5032s | creation |
5033s | we do these demonstrations so that you |
5035s | guys get an early look during |
5037s | development on the direction of this |
5039s | particular core Loop this core system to |
5041s | ashes um and we want your feedback on it |
5044s | what did you think about the Gathering |
5046s | the processing the stations those the |
5048s | times that it takes the cue system for |
5051s | it um the unique interactions with the |
5053s | recipes the progression of the recipes |
5055s | um uh the tool dependencies and the the |
5058s | skill tree that you saw um the unique |
5061s | World state that influences the economy |
5063s | and the ability of of players to |
5065s | accumulate these resources and move them |
5067s | across the world we're fresh off of a |
5069s | caravan stream as well where you kind of |
5072s | see uh how those materials those |
5074s | resources that wealth gets acred and |
5077s | trans transited across the world um so |
5081s | all of these things are things we want |
5083s | you to app on in our YouTube uh on the |
5085s | forums on different social medias talk |
5088s | to us about what you saw today uh and |
5090s | how you feel about it where do you think |
5092s | that it could be improved improved um |
5094s | and how it relates to your previous |
5095s | experiences and other MMOs that you've |
5096s | played and what you've enjoyed about |
5098s | them um but otherwise Mike Corey Nathan |
5102s | Alex thank you guys for joining me I |
5104s | know the audience obviously appreciates |
5106s | all the hard work that you guys put in |
5107s | that everybody on the team puts in um |
5109s | and this is a very big group effort |
5111s | obviously to get these types of systems |
5112s | up and running um I know I appreciate it |
5114s | the audience does too thank you for |
5116s | joining us and chatting with us a little |
5117s | bit about um how all the stuff works and |
5121s | everyone I will see you guys back on |
5123s | stream in just a moment see |
5129s | [Applause] |
5134s | [Music] |
5137s | you woohoo we hope that you all enjoyed |
5140s | that Lucy did she was watching with |
5142s | baited breath for every single moment |
5145s | weren't you Lucy Lucy's ready to get out |
5148s | there and craft are you ready to craft |
5150s | do you want your own sword I think she |
5153s | does um but of course we do have some |
5156s | questions that we noticed from chat uh |
5158s | our wonderful Community managers have |
5159s | been pulling those in but while we |
5161s | answer those I will have the video up |
5163s | just kind of like playing in the |
5164s | background so you can kind of relive all |
5167s | the crafting goodness but um the first |
5170s | couple are more reiterations because we |
5172s | did answer these questions in the Stream |
5174s | but I think that it wasn't clear because |
5176s | people have been keep asking it post |
5178s | that so the first one was how many |
5180s | people can use the crafting stations at |
5182s | once and is there a cue to use |
5185s | them um so as it stands now crafting |
5189s | stations and processing stations that |
5191s | exist within |
5192s | nodes are unique to the player so |
5196s | meaning you can there is no limitation |
5199s | on who and how many people can use a |
5201s | crafting station within a node that's |
5203s | different on a freehold Freehold it |
5206s | shares the que so if you have family |
5209s | members that are wanting to use the |
5211s | processing stations on your Freehold |
5213s | uh those cues are limited uh on a per |
5216s | job basis right whereas in nodes because |
5219s | they don't go to the highest tier |
5221s | possible of crafting excuse me of |
5223s | processing um uh those get those get our |
5226s | are personalized so you saw when I was |
5228s | when I was doing a number of different |
5229s | processing actions they I had my own |
5232s | little Q section up above where I could |
5234s | have uh three jobs running at um uh |
5237s | sequentially uh now upgrades to in the |
5241s | node can change those things |
5243s | um so as the um as the service building |
5247s | that's offering the processing or the |
5249s | crafting um it has upgrades there are |
5252s | policies that exist um there are certain |
5254s | relics that you can acquire um all of |
5257s | which change the dials a bit on uh |
5260s | processing yield processing time um |
5263s | processing um uh uh job size like those |
5267s | things can get adjusted and that helps |
5269s | players determine where do I want to go |
5272s | to do the things I need to do which node |
5274s | should I use it is it is important to |
5278s | understand how that node has specialized |
5281s | because you only have a limited amount |
5282s | of specializations you can do with the |
5285s | service building plots the policies |
5287s | enacted um and the upgrades chosen can |
5290s | you provide more details in regards to |
5292s | the design philosophy behind why you |
5295s | it's a q system for freeh holds but not |
5298s | for uh nodes yeah absolutely um so |
5303s | on the |
5304s | Freehold processing can achieve the |
5307s | highest levels of processing that's |
5308s | where the highest levels of processing |
5310s | occur nodes can only go up to a certain |
5313s | level of processing um |
5316s | now we want to be able to throttle the |
5319s | amount of resources that can be |
5321s | processed at any given time in response |
5324s | to the fluctuation and flows of the |
5326s | economy right so we want to make sure |
5328s | that the economy is kind of a bigger |
5330s | ship when turning than being able to |
5333s | immediately start processing everything |
5336s | at once and and get new resources out as |
5339s | the flow of supply and demand changes |
5341s | within the world um and because again |
5344s | that's that's at the highest levels of |
5346s | processing and you're sharing uh um the |
5350s | available cues uh that exists at those |
5352s | stations it's going to take time and |
5354s | it's going to take a long time for the |
5356s | higher level |
5357s | materials all right and then the next |
5359s | one here is more of a comment in regards |
5363s | to there's been some mixed conversation |
5365s | in regards to this and I think in the |
5366s | past we've also done a whole uh feedback |
5369s | thread and report on this topic |
5372s | specifically but why did you go with a |
5374s | spatial inventory system for resources |
5377s | sure yeah ABS AB great question um so |
5381s | obviously there's a number of different |
5382s | methods that we can use uh in an effort |
5386s | to mitigate or again throttle um the |
5390s | amount of success that players can have |
5393s | in any one trip out in the world right |
5395s | now we're using a combination of three |
5398s | things we are using um progression |
5401s | gating through your profession level |
5404s | right so you need to have a certain |
5406s | level to access certain |
5408s | resources um we are utilizing the |
5411s | spatial inventory space as um a |
5415s | limitation on how much things you can |
5417s | gather before you need to go back to |
5419s | town um and then lastly we have |
5423s | a tool predicate where you need to have |
5426s | a tool that is relevant for the resource |
5429s | you're Gathering and those tools have a |
5432s | Decay value after each use um weight is |
5436s | obviously an approach that we could take |
5439s | uh if we wanted to limit |
5441s | however the spatial system works in |
5444s | concert with a a number of other types |
5447s | of systems for example we want to |
5451s | have itemization drop on death |
5455s | specifically as it relates to material |
5457s | items um and we want there to be an |
5462s | additional layer above just weight that |
5465s | introduces complexity and where there is |
5468s | complexity there is choice and there is |
5470s | strategy and there is planning required |
5472s | on behalf of the player in order to um |
5475s | set themselves up for the best possible |
5477s | success in certain situations right and |
5479s | so situationally it's Unique which bag |
5482s | type you choose this also gives us a |
5484s | unique progression realm within bags |
5487s | themselves so that bags are catered |
5490s | towards a specific quote unquote weight |
5492s | class and that is augmented by the |
5495s | spatial component right so as you |
5497s | introduce not just the weight aspect |
5500s | that you would normally see through |
5502s | stack size but you also have the grid |
5504s | formation of the spatial aspect um to to |
5509s | again make it a relevant Choice when |
5511s | you're Le leaving town which bags I'm |
5514s | going to have equipped and we want to |
5516s | have a deep progression in bag Choice as |
5519s | well because it not only interfaces with |
5522s | the resource Gathering but also the PVP |
5525s | aspect of things and players can cater |
5528s | themselves towards one of those |
5530s | directions so you know with a broader |
5533s | appeal that the game design provides |
5535s | through having these multiple |
5537s | progression Loops that are somewhat |
5539s | disperate in interest some being PVP |
5541s | some being PVE some being crafting |
5543s | oriented um this all provides a a matrix |
5548s | of decision-making on behalf of the |
5550s | player that I think yields a compelling |
5553s | gameplay Loop um and so that's why we're |
5555s | going to do it now it's important to |
5557s | note once again this is Alpha which |
5561s | means that these Concepts that live you |
5563s | know up here and get down into paper |
5566s | then get down into into implementation |
5569s | there is still an iteration phase that |
5571s | exists at after the implementation and |
5574s | so when we get into Alpha 2 and when we |
5576s | test these things we are going to |
5578s | fine-tune them and sometimes they might |
5580s | be completely changed that's just the |
5582s | nature of an iterative process and so uh |
5586s | we need to understand right now um while |
5589s | you're seeing this in action it's going |
5591s | to be different when players are |
5592s | Hands-On and we'll be collecting all |
5594s | that information all those logs we'll be |
5596s | querying how players interfaced with |
5598s | these different systems and will also be |
5600s | very importantly The Next Step |
5602s | collecting feedback directly from the |
5604s | players about these types of systems and |
5606s | whether or not they hit the mark and how |
5607s | they need to be fine-tuned in order to |
5609s | do so or wholely replaced um so I would |
5612s | say as players are participating in |
5614s | Alpha 2 get a |
5616s | feel uh |
5619s | oh you systems and provide the feedback |
5621s | and we'll see how did I lose you can you |
5623s | hear me you're good now you froze for us |
5626s | for a moment I was like oh no my bad um |
5631s | so yeah I don't know where I left off |
5632s | there but that's that's basically you're |
5633s | asking for feedback definitely share |
5635s | feedback we actually have a For Thread |
5637s | already up so please do so I'll remind |
5639s | you guys at the end as well but um yeah |
5643s | good there were some kind of tangental |
5645s | questions in regards to what you were |
5646s | just talking about uh specifically |
5648s | because people were wondering um about |
5651s | crafting bags and different types of |
5653s | bags and can like Crafters create those |
5655s | bags yes um and you know the obvious |
5658s | answer is obvious yes yes absolutely |
5661s | that that that is a that is a wholesale |
5663s | crafting uh area so the next one here is |
5667s | in regards to alt characters how do we |
5669s | feel about people because we provided |
5672s | some uh details in regards to how many |
5675s | uh professions you and processing Prof |
5678s | classes and things of that sort that you |
5679s | can personally be on per character basis |
5683s | what if I create alts that have those so |
5685s | that I can cover all of it is that |
5688s | something that we're okay with as a |
5689s | company or how are we comp yeah I I I |
5692s | think so I mean look this is you know |
5696s | this is entirely a subjective Viewpoint |
5700s | of course but but in my opinion um if |
5704s | the effort necessary to progress a |
5707s | character to the point where you have |
5709s | access to those types of things um is |
5713s | parallel with the effort it takes for |
5716s | your main character to do those things |
5719s | um then that's a choice that you're |
5720s | making and you're splitting your game |
5722s | time efforts towards two different |
5724s | characters and presumably so that's a |
5725s | bit of an asymmetric balance point uh |
5728s | that gets provided uh I think that's |
5730s | fine um and I think that you know when |
5733s | we design the game we design with that |
5736s | in mind as well and that's why we have |
5738s | certain restrictions on the number of |
5740s | Grandmaster professions that one |
5742s | particular character can do now when we |
5744s | want to extend those restrictions out |
5747s | from a character basis to an account |
5749s | basis we do so and we do so particularly |
5751s | with housing that's an additional level |
5754s | of of limitation that's going to |
5755s | mitigate some of the alt atmosphere for |
5759s | let's say owning a freehold right um |
5762s | that is something that that we place as |
5763s | a restriction because we feel that um |
5766s | The Limited re real reality space that |
5769s | exists within the world is something we |
5771s | don't want to extend to the alt uh uh |
5773s | atmosphere and so in that situation a |
5775s | player might have to you know get |
5777s | another account or something or or do |
5779s | some aisc there but from the perspective |
5781s | of progressing within the crafting |
5784s | professions and within the processing |
5786s | and Gathering professions that's |
5787s | acceptable in my |
5789s | opinion okay um and then the next one |
5792s | here |
5793s | is Will Gathering and its noises |
5796s | increase the range the monsters will |
5798s | notice you so if you aren't being so |
5801s | stealthy and you're harvesting things |
5802s | and chopping down wood are creatures |
5804s | going to like perceive that sure that |
5808s | that um there has been some discussion |
5809s | about that in the past um we have not |
5812s | yet gotten to the types of unique |
5815s | perception behaviors that we want NPCs |
5818s | to have right now they're relatively |
5820s | rudimentary in their perception although |
5822s | it is what players would come to expect |
5824s | in the majority of MMOs they've already |
5826s | played but we're aiming a bit higher um |
5830s | and we haven't gotten to that work yet |
5831s | but we are talking about things like |
5834s | unique |
5835s | abilities excuse me played by characters |
5839s | that extend the perception radius um or |
5841s | uh sounds and different types of walking |
5844s | that are angular from the from the um |
5847s | from the mob's perception perspective uh |
5850s | to be unique uh different types of |
5852s | creatures that might be of |
5853s | three-dimensional in space whether it is |
5856s | in water or birds in the sky that have a |
5858s | downward cone angle type perception as |
5861s | well like those those are things we want |
5863s | to do but we haven't yet um spent the |
5866s | time on the AI a AI behaviors |
5869s | there and then the next one here is in |
5872s | regards to Artisan gear and will it be a |
5875s | viable thing for me to utilize in combat |
5878s | so if I'm crafting and someone asked me |
5880s | to help them with something can I just |
5882s | leave my Artisan gear on and go go out |
5885s | and fight or will I need to be swapping |
5888s | my armor so you will not need to swap |
5890s | your Armor artisanship Gear lives in |
5893s | alongside your adventuring gear um and |
5897s | there will be a toggle that you can use |
5900s | to display one or the other's visuals |
5904s | now that doesn't mean you need to swap |
5905s | the gears it means that if you want to |
5909s | be seen as wearing the herbalists outfit |
5913s | uh you can you're still going to have |
5914s | your adventuring gear present and on the |
5916s | character and benefiting from the stats |
5919s | that are conferred by them and vice |
5922s | versa for for the uh um for the |
5925s | Gathering gear or the artisanship gear |
5927s | excuse me all right um then the next one |
5930s | here is in regards to upgrading items so |
5935s | if I create an item at a low quality |
5938s | will I later be able to upgrade that |
5939s | item when I have the resources to do so |
5942s | yeah we want to be careful you know so |
5947s | right now as you saw on the stream the |
5949s | contribution of materials to crafting an |
5952s | item results in advancing the Rarity of |
5956s | that item um now that doesn't exclude |
5960s | players who don't have the |
5962s | legendary uh or the higher |
5964s | quality |
5966s | contributed resources from progressing |
5970s | their |
5971s | common item up the Rarity tree through |
5975s | enchantments such as uh scroll |
5978s | enchanting or through tempering the gear |
5981s | um both of those can affect the quality |
5983s | and the Rarity of the gear that you |
5986s | produce but by contributing the |
5990s | resources during the crafting process |
5992s | you are getting a head start with the |
5995s | higher quality item and now are less |
5997s | dependent on those other avenues to |
5999s | achieve that which might be uh again a |
6002s | different vertical space of progression |
6004s | that you don't have as good of access to |
6006s | right so it's kind of it's kind of |
6008s | Distributing that |
6011s | approach okay uh and then this is |
6014s | probably what I noticed a lot for more |
6016s | of our uh long-term uh fans who have |
6019s | been with us and on this journey for |
6021s | really long time they are curious about |
6023s | what happened to the more manual |
6025s | crafting side of crafting cuz we didn't |
6027s | showcase that here we showed is that |
6030s | fast crafting who's who's a long time a |
6033s | lot of people oh a lot of people I |
6035s | thought you said there's one person I |
6037s | thought I heard you say like we have a |
6038s | long time person who's been asking like |
6040s | oh my God who's that no I me I meant |
6042s | generally I I noticed this question from |
6044s | people who are are fans for a long time |
6046s | not for sure for sure people so that is |
6049s | still a work in progress um and you know |
6052s | we want to be careful all the names yeah |
6056s | no fair fair fair um we want to be |
6058s | careful that when we um when we list |
6061s | excuse me when we showcase certain |
6063s | systems that we're doing so in a way |
6065s | that's digestible obviously and allows |
6067s | for people to provide feedback but not |
6070s | all systems come online as fast as we |
6072s | want them to um that particular gameplay |
6074s | layer is still a work in progress um and |
6078s | you will likely be getting an update on |
6080s | it at some point in the future future |
6081s | when we're ready to Showcase it but it |
6083s | is still intended the question that's |
6085s | outstanding with that miname layer or |
6088s | you I don't really like calling it a Min |
6090s | yeah that's why I calling it manual |
6091s | crafting because it gets really |
6092s | confusing when you say mini games |
6093s | because it is not mini games agreed it's |
6096s | not it is a unique gameplay layer |
6098s | however um what I would say is that |
6100s | there's still some discussion about |
6101s | whether or not that occurs on a craft |
6103s | bycraft basis or if it occurs at the |
6106s | certification level right so when you're |
6109s | certifying up you participate in the uh |
6113s | that gameplay layer but what I would say |
6115s | is uh hold off on that for a moment |
6118s | we're still working on that we will give |
6120s | an update when we're ready also putting |
6122s | things into a core functional state |
6125s | allows us to test some of those core |
6127s | systems and features so we can kick out |
6130s | all the bugs that are potentially there |
6131s | and believe me we've fixed a lot of them |
6133s | already so and there's plenty more that |
6135s | will come along the way as we move |
6136s | towards that more manual crafting |
6138s | process um and then the next one here is |
6141s | will the skin of the weapons have slight |
6143s | changes depending on the Rarity that |
6145s | it's crafted at yes yeah you saw there |
6149s | that the |
6150s | uh the Rarity of that sword was heroic |
6154s | and when it equ when it was equipped you |
6156s | saw some effects that were kind of |
6158s | pulsating up the weapon um those types |
6162s | of effects will be yielded the higher |
6164s | quality and or Rarity that the weapon is |
6168s | um so it's something that also is |
6170s | visually conveyed to other players uh if |
6173s | not from just a threat assessment |
6175s | perspective but from you know uh um uh |
6178s | getting some data point on the equipment |
6180s | that that another player has um so yes |
6183s | there are some effects that get Scaled |
6184s | up when that happens all right we got |
6186s | two more and then we'll move on to the |
6187s | next segment otherwise we'll be here all |
6189s | day because back now Roan keep adding |
6191s | them which is awesome um the next one |
6194s | here is can a player of any profession |
6196s | level learn any recipe or do I have to |
6199s | be like a certain level to learn the |
6202s | recipes oh that's a good question um I |
6205s | know we've gone back and forth on that |
6206s | in the past um I believe that |
6211s | currently uh you might need to have the |
6214s | appropriate uh ability to craft the |
6217s | recipe in order to learn it um I believe |
6220s | that's the current approach uh but I |
6222s | could be wrong on that I'll have to |
6223s | double check and like Stephen said |
6226s | before everything's subject to change as |
6227s | we test things as you guys experience |
6229s | things as you provide your feedback we |
6231s | adjust things as well um and then the |
6233s | last one here is can a player equip |
6234s | multiple of the same types of bags or |
6237s | are bags unique to characters in some |
6239s | way no you can you can equip multiple of |
6241s | the same types of bags you can be highly |
6244s | specialized cool cool um and I think |
6247s | there was a tangental one here was can |
6249s | people put these crafted bags on their |
6252s | mules as |
6254s | well but um can they put craft I'm sorry |
6257s | my battery just said it's about to die |
6259s | sorry say again crafted uh can they for |
6261s | the crafted bags on their mules as well |
6263s | like the the Satchel on their bags no no |
6266s | the mules use the cargo system um so the |
6268s | cargo system is uh crate based uh you |
6271s | have to acquire the crates and then you |
6273s | can equip them to the vehicles and or |
6275s | mules um mules cap out uh uh at the |
6279s | small crate value um and you can add to |
6282s | that crate um wild in the wild all right |
6286s | well from there we're going to move on |
6288s | to our studio update I don't know if you |
6291s | want to share some Deets on how we're |
6293s | doing where we're at in regards to |
6295s | Studio goodness but um I know folks keep |
6298s | asking about all of that jazz yeah no |
6301s | absolutely things are going great at the |
6302s | studio we have gotten some um some |
6305s | really talented uh team members who have |
6308s | joined us over the course of this last |
6309s | month um that we're very excited about |
6311s | to have uh uh with the team um we are in |
6315s | the process of winding down for the year |
6318s | obviously um the studio goes on break |
6320s | from the 22nd until January 3rd uh and |
6323s | we have a lot of plans to get things |
6325s | done before the 22nd oh until the second |
6328s | sorry my got it um oops the studio is |
6331s | like oh we're getting an extra day yeah |
6333s | I like I just want because I know a lot |
6334s | of them watch the stream I don't want |
6335s | them to be like oh I know yeah 202nd to |
6338s | the second good call um but uh we have a |
6340s | lot of plans obviously to get some |
6342s | things done here before the end of the |
6343s | year um we will be finishing up our |
6346s | Milestone 7 which is a big big big |
6348s | milestone for us um obviously uh but um |
6352s | yeah a lot of things going great at the |
6353s | studio right now yeah we're trying to |
6355s | plan some little fun things that we can |
6356s | do as a team too for for December um we |
6359s | always try to do I think we always do |
6362s | like a Christmas sweater contest and we |
6365s | we have fun we try to we try to we're |
6367s | GNA do a I think we're going to do a |
6368s | movie as well we've got some gifts going |
6370s | out to the team I'm working out the |
6372s | event details on that so yeah we're |
6374s | we're GNA prep some stuff I know people |
6376s | uh who are are staff are probably like |
6378s | oo um but we'll announce that later |
6381s | internally um but yeah we're we're |
6383s | definitely rocking and rolling I think |
6385s | we talked about this in a previous live |
6387s | stream but our attrition rate is |
6389s | insanely great um you know people do |
6391s | come and go here and there but uh it's |
6394s | well it's crazy because like standard's |
6396s | like 12 plus% and well right now layoff |
6400s | insane we're at like 1% or two yeah |
6402s | we're at like 2% I think um but yeah so |
6405s | it's very very low um beyond that let's |
6408s | move on to character goodness |
6411s | uh so the first thing here that you're |
6412s | going to see is that we are starting to |
6415s | kind of change up our klar starting gear |
6418s | uh we're kind of re uh addressing those |
6421s | changing them you're going to see these |
6422s | for all of the races as we move forward |
6424s | um but feel free to share your feedback |
6427s | and thoughts on them as we continue yeah |
6430s | the fabric looks so good |
6434s | yeah let those go |
6437s | through materials just look so good |
6442s | of course lighting changes everything so |
6443s | it depends on like where you are in Game |
6445s | how the lighting is going to look on the |
6446s | armors and stuff like that the next |
6449s | thing here is a copper weapon set you're |
6451s | probably going to see these for every |
6453s | type of material so I think you've seen |
6456s | some of them for from previous materials |
6458s | too in the past um but you'll probably |
6460s | be seeing more of those as we move |
6462s | forward just a lot of weapons and stuff |
6464s | are being weapons and armors are being |
6466s | made tons of them a very rich diverse |
6469s | grouping of of itemization that can be |
6471s | progressed through going questing drops |
6474s | and |
6476s | crafting yeah speaking of which we have |
6478s | some Carfin weapons we have a dagger and |
6479s | a focus that are being worked on right |
6482s | now um I think we've shown some of the |
6484s | other Carin weapons in the past as well |
6486s | that you've seen but I like to sprinkle |
6488s | a little view in there um because |
6491s | obviously that's going to be a fun |
6494s | dungeon um and then we have the Scarlet |
6496s | remembrance the little ring that we had |
6499s | the lore for this is really sweet um so |
6502s | if you haven't read it I would highly |
6504s | recommend um and then we have the |
6508s | guards which this one was of contention |
6511s | some people loved this set and some |
6513s | people |
6514s | didn't um but now you're seeing the 3D |
6516s | render of it which yeah it's different |
6520s | too which I think is |
6523s | fun and then we've got the bloomfest |
6526s | which is from that same |
6529s | set |
6532s | I love it |
6535s | beautiful who did this one this one |
6538s | bloomfest |
6540s | was H our wonderful intern |
6543s | marleene oh my |
6545s | God Marlene good a shout out Marlene |
6550s | very cool um and then we have the mat uh |
6553s | mature drill spider uh this isn't a te |
6556s | pose so |
6557s | the little spiky thing is you know would |
6560s | be up not flat like |
6563s | that |
6565s | um and then we have the rain Rock |
6569s | Fon I think I have a turntable for this |
6572s | one |
6573s | too love it so |
6576s | cool very cool I can see it's making a |
6580s | lot of different versions of this with |
6581s | the different materials in the game too |
6584s | oh yeah little corrupt version of it |
6586s | yeah oh oh no turns red this one is one |
6589s | of my favorites this is the sh |
6591s | Skipper we were joking that this is what |
6594s | we all look like after Thanksgiving |
6596s | dinner I can't wait to to ride that |
6598s | thing in the in the ocean and just like |
6600s | lay down a bunch of mines for ships and |
6602s | stuff that would be crazy oh my |
6604s | gosh I love that Stephen's plotting his |
6608s | revenge just have like just have like a |
6611s | a squad of these that'd be so fun to see |
6614s | a squad of them oh my gosh uh in alpha 1 |
6618s | we all went in the water we were all on |
6619s | those Turtles you remember remember and |
6620s | then we did the barrel roll all in a row |
6622s | like a wave yes remember so good that |
6626s | was so fun I think it was with the pi |
6627s | folks when we did that I don't know if |
6629s | the pi folks |
6630s | remember but it was a lot of fun um |
6633s | that's what happens in private testing |
6635s | you do weird things because we were we |
6636s | having everybody line up and they were |
6638s | like run to the shore because we were |
6639s | trying to test having a lot of people in |
6641s | one area I remember that that was good |
6643s | times |
6645s | yeah um and with that we are heading on |
6648s | to our Q&A so thank you to our amazing |
6650s | artist obviously they work on way more |
6653s | things than that um we just try to |
6655s | sprinkle in a little bit here and there |
6656s | that they're really proud of that they |
6658s | want to share um sometimes I ask them |
6661s | for additional things that they're not |
6663s | quite ready to share but I'm like come |
6664s | on people will like it um and of course |
6667s | we keep some stuff for you guys so that |
6669s | you you know you get to experience them |
6672s | um so we're going to move on to our Q&A |
6675s | uh if you don't know we grab some |
6677s | questions from our forums we always put |
6678s | these up in advance when we announce our |
6680s | live stream so if you are following us |
6682s | on all the social you'll be notified of |
6684s | that um and of course on the forums the |
6687s | first question here is from nice gaming |
6688s | thank you nice for also making amazing |
6690s | content we always love uh seeing that |
6692s | they want to know about new player |
6694s | experience and is there a plan to have a |
6696s | tutorial or Quest detailing corruption |
6698s | the flagging system um Etc as new |
6701s | players enter |
6702s | Vera absolutely um that is not something |
6706s | however you will be noticing in Alpha 2 |
6708s | um we call this obviously our firsttime |
6710s | user user experience the first-time user |
6712s | experience is something that's going to |
6714s | have a lot of love and attention during |
6716s | betas uh but is not going to have much |
6718s | attention during Alpha 2 but it is |
6720s | intended for us to have a very in-depth |
6722s | uh first-time user experience to kind of |
6725s | introduce players to the number of |
6727s | different systems right they're not |
6729s | going to be super in-depth we don't |
6730s | believe that first-time user experiences |
6732s | should handhold players through all of |
6734s | the processes and reveal the world so to |
6736s | speak but just to give them a shallow |
6739s | touch uh for these system so that they |
6741s | understand the concepts uh and and |
6743s | essentially how to how to navigate but |
6745s | we want to leave overwhelming to have |
6747s | like a bunch of UI popups I think also |
6749s | we've been trying to take a more |
6751s | tangible process of like you learn |
6753s | you're learning through the game and not |
6755s | always through Windows popping up at you |
6757s | too um the next question is from Nara |
6761s | who wants to know about stolen glint |
6763s | this was this was a contentious question |
6765s | after you talked about this on the |
6767s | Caravan live stream so I think this is a |
6769s | great one to also clarify so I'm glad it |
6770s | got picked in the random generator um |
6774s | the question is will a character be able |
6776s | to loot their own corpse and retrieve |
6778s | their dropped glint as normal glint |
6780s | again or is it forever stolen glint the |
6783s | second that the character dies does this |
6785s | also mean that if my friends loot my |
6788s | body and gives me my glimp back it's |
6790s | considered |
6791s | stolen I think the problem here was that |
6794s | you die and then your your glint becomes |
6796s | stolen glint but then if you lose it |
6798s | it's weird for it to be stolen |
6800s | the the glint does not become stolen on |
6803s | death it becomes stolen on looted on |
6806s | looting and you right correct yeah if |
6810s | you're if you're able to loot your own |
6811s | body uh it will not be converted into |
6814s | stolen glint um if however another |
6817s | player regardless of their affiliation |
6819s | uh loots the body it will then be |
6821s | converted uh the glint will be sunk and |
6823s | the stolen glint will replace your |
6824s | friends can steal stuff from you it is |
6828s | true um and of course of course the next |
6831s | one is from lashing and they want to |
6832s | know about NPC levels will Mob level |
6836s | keep scaling past player max level as an |
6840s | indicator for power level I think this |
6841s | is more in regards to uh at high level |
6844s | will there still be challenging combat |
6846s | for me beyond |
6849s | that wait so what's the |
6851s | question will Mob level keep scaling |
6854s | past the max player level yes yes uh |
6857s | when the game both in Alpha 2 and when |
6859s | the game launches |
6860s | there will be monsters whose technical |
6862s | level is above that of the cap um and |
6865s | the intent there is obviously again to |
6867s | provide um some level of of challenge um |
6871s | that exceeds uh a comparable level uh |
6874s | challenge rating um yes that is expected |
6878s | all right and then neurotoxin wants to |
6880s | know about crafting agency what |
6882s | percentage of an items specifically like |
6885s | a weapon that hits corruption Target or |
6887s | corrupted targets harder will be defined |
6890s | specifically by blueprint material |
6893s | character skill the station and region |
6895s | where it was crafted and by the player's |
6897s | own selective inputs so I think this is |
6899s | a pretty meaty question but just I guess |
6901s | kind of breaking it up what where do the |
6904s | power elements come from percentage wise |
6906s | per uh the different elements of |
6909s | crafting well a big chunk of it going to |
6912s | come from the static recipe value right |
6915s | um that's going to drive a lot of the |
6916s | stat block and then as we saw here you |
6919s | will be able to influence the the |
6922s | quality of the recipe and the |
6924s | distribution of stats within the stat |
6926s | block uh based on the components uh that |
6929s | are dedicated to the craft um so that |
6933s | that presents a wide variety of |
6935s | potential output from a single recipe um |
6938s | recipes have the ability to to gain |
6942s | recipes themselves can gain experience |
6944s | you can unlock um uh different results |
6948s | through different compositional |
6951s | contributions of resources and that in |
6954s | and of itself is kind of an exploration |
6956s | progression that Crafters will have |
6958s | access |
6962s | to and our next one is about crafting |
6965s | Innovation from old cat a um and they |
6968s | want to know will players have the |
6970s | ability to innovate within the crafting |
6973s | system creating unique items or designs |
6976s | if so how much customization can players |
6978s | expect when it comes to crafting their |
6980s | own gear or |
6981s | items yeah I think this is pretty much |
6984s | the same kind of answer that I just gave |
6986s | um which is that obviously there are |
6988s | statically defined |
6992s | um there are statically defined an an |
6995s | array of results that can come out of a |
6997s | particular recipe and your ability to |
6999s | unlock those results is predicated on |
7002s | what composition of resources you |
7004s | contribute to crafting that particular |
7006s | weapon type um and so in that sense yes |
7009s | uh craft will have the ability to to um |
7014s | uniquely create certain types of the |
7018s | recipes results based on how they're |
7020s | contributing resources to it yeah I |
7022s | think this |
7023s | question just manifest yeah manifesting |
7026s | their own yeah that you yeah exactly uh |
7030s | the the the result has to have a |
7032s | corresponding recipe definition and so |
7035s | in that sense it isn't completely |
7037s | customizable to the point where the play |
7040s | gets to uniquely create these uh |
7043s | particular items uh but rather they are |
7045s | discovering what Creations are possible |
7047s | with each recipe type okay and then uh |
7052s | I'm sorry if I I say your name wrong |
7053s | just DM me on Discord or something and |
7056s | nor forums and let me know how to |
7057s | actually pronounce it uh M Mo molu molu |
7064s | to uh they want to know about crafting |
7066s | recipes will the recipe book be account |
7070s | bound or player character bound will |
7072s | there be account wide sharing recipes so |
7075s | can I share my recipes with my other |
7076s | characters or do I have to do them per |
7078s | character this brings us back to the alt |
7082s | question and the alt question was you |
7086s | know how do we feel about people making |
7087s | alts in order to kind of corner the um |
7091s | uh the Mastery professions um if you |
7094s | learn a recipe it stays on that |
7096s | character and if you want another |
7098s | character to have access to the those |
7100s | recipes they have to achieve those |
7102s | recipes in order to do so um and so in |
7104s | that sense we're not making it easier |
7106s | for alts right it is an equitable amount |
7108s | of effort required in order to achieve |
7111s | uh the type of payoff you want from |
7113s | these old |
7114s | characters all right and then roon |
7117s | scoponi I always love that name uh they |
7119s | wanted know about Gathering skills do |
7121s | gatherers need to spec into group-based |
7123s | gathering at the expense of solo |
7127s | Gathering uh do they need to |
7130s | no no I do not believe so so they can |
7132s | spec into they can do both equally |
7135s | correct okay and then tiger blue eyes |
7138s | wants to know about crafting materials |
7139s | are crafting materials going cross tiers |
7143s | for example using highle material in |
7145s | low-l recipes or lowlevel materials in a |
7148s | higher level recipe is that allowed yes |
7151s | MH and then Phantom MX or Phantom X |
7155s | wants to know about uh crafting skill as |
7158s | character artisanship skills improve |
7161s | will RNG in the process go |
7164s | down that is a good question as I level |
7167s | up am I more likely to succeed to to a |
7171s | degree um |
7174s | well right now we don't really have a |
7178s | failure chance when it comes to |
7181s | crafting the the RNG chances that we |
7184s | place on itemization live more within |
7187s | the enchant realm and and within the uh |
7191s | deconstruction realm |
7195s | um uh and socketing like that's where |
7199s | RNG comes into play the recipe is a |
7203s | relatively um uh High degree of |
7206s | certainty when inputting things um you |
7210s | may not know what the outcome of that |
7211s | input's going to look like but I |
7213s | wouldn't call that necessarily RNG BEC |
7215s | RNG for failure because you can't |
7217s | necessarily fail that um so yeah |
7221s | hopefully that answers your question |
7223s | yeah uh and then drunk ninja wants to |
7225s | know about crafting consumables will |
7227s | every crafting profession be able to |
7228s | make some form of a |
7232s | consumable no not every crafting |
7234s | profession will be able to make a form |
7236s | of |
7237s | consumable all right that wraps up our |
7241s | Q&A wo we made it through it all um and |
7246s | of course uh we do have um you know some |
7249s | reminders again for you all uh just head |
7252s | on over to our forums we would love your |
7253s | feedback forums. ashesofcreation |
7263s | docomo long stream it was a long this is |
7266s | a long stream uh the video for the um |
7270s | the 4K version of the artisanship |
7272s | segment it will be up on YouTube right |
7274s | when this is over so you can go watch |
7276s | that pause it look back so you can |
7278s | really give us feedback on what your |
7280s | thoughts are um and of course our team |
7282s | is going to be creating a report for the |
7283s | dev team which is always uh something |
7285s | that is is beneficial for us um again |
7289s | thank you all so much for helping us |
7290s | with extra life there's also a ton of |
7292s | other Dove discussions and things of |
7294s | that sort that are over there we're |
7295s | going to have a delicious one that's |
7297s | coming up uh with recipes and maybe |
7299s | we'll do uh some bonus uh Alpha 2 keys |
7302s | for anybody who actually creates the |
7304s | recipe and sends us a photo or something |
7306s | so it's like a bonus just fun um but |
7308s | yeah definitely definitely keep your eye |
7310s | out for some fun things that are coming |
7311s | along the way uh the Unseen order |
7313s | Cosmetics will be ending on January 17th |
7315s | at 11:00 a.m. Pacific reminder that this |
7317s | is the last uh pre-order pack that will |
7320s | be available and you can check out all |
7321s | the information on our FAQ on our site |
7324s | um and of course thank you so much to |
7326s | all of you for tuning in this was a long |
7327s | one so we appreciate you sticking it |
7330s | through with us um and of course um to |
7333s | Corey Mike Alex and Nathan for helping |
7335s | us with the artisanship Showcase they |
7338s | all did an amazing job I know it is not |
7340s | an easy feat to come and talk in front |
7342s | of a bajillion people um I know people |
7345s | can make fun of folks so be kind |
7348s | developers that's not our main thing to |
7350s | do we're making a game man we're and |
7351s | we're just trying to help explain things |
7353s | at the same time um and of course to |
7355s | Stephen for all of your time I know that |
7357s | it is precious we always appreciate all |
7359s | of it and with that we hope that you all |
7361s | stay healthy and safe um like I said the |
7364s | VOD will be up on Twitch as well right |
7365s | away so you can watch the whole thing if |
7367s | you want to rewatch any of the FAQ SE |
7370s | um the videos up on YouTube leave us a |
7372s | comment and next on next month's or on |
7374s | this Dev development update so when the |
7376s | full one goes up on Friday um and we |
7379s | will be picking a lucky winner to be |
7381s | spotlighted again like we did in this |
7383s | one for next month in December uh also |
7385s | follow us on all the places we are ashes |
7387s | of creation everywhere we post stuff |
7388s | almost like you know multiple times a |
7390s | week it is we try not to spam you too |
7392s | much but we also try to make lots of fun |
7394s | engaging posts also sharing you sharing |
7396s | with you like lots of cool things from |
7398s | the game sometimes you get some unique |
7399s | stuff that doesn't get shown on the live |
7401s | stream so definitely uh follow us in all |
7403s | of the places so that we can keep you |
7405s | informed on what's going on and with |
7407s | that we will see you all next month for |
7410s | the final live stream of |
7412s | 2023 yeah is it like two weeks away |
7414s | three weeks away yeah two two or three |
7416s | weeks away it's not very far because uh |
7418s | we wrap up on the 22nd here like no |
7420s | one's working on the 22nd at Intrepid so |
7423s | hopefully not that's right all right all |
7427s | right everyone thank you for joining us |
7428s | we had a lot fun we'll see you |
7432s | [Music] |
7442s | soon |