over 1 year ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s tell us a little bit about a little bit
2s about this place the uh The Highwayman
4s Hills yeah so we're venturing Into The
6s Highwaymen Hills a place notorious for
8s you know banded activity you know always
10s dangerous to run a caravan through here
12s even just looking at these like walls
14s here you can see we could get you know
15s jumped at any moment
17s but um yeah so used to be uh resided by
21s Bandits but now there's a story arc
23s that's been triggered so the uh shatter
26s Cloud tribe of Minotaur I've recently
27s seized control the area so I'll be
28s seeing a lot of miniature activity now
30s instead
31s ah and that's part of the whole you know
33s how story arcs are intended to kind of
35s change the environment the world
38s um you know obviously we saw this a
39s little bit with the Tower of Carfin
41s presentation
42s um but the spawners are adaptive based
45s on the state of the world and that state
47s is inclusive of these story arc
50s conditions yeah yeah exactly and if
52s we're able to you know complete our
53s Quest here we might might further change
55s as well