10 months ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link


⚔️ #ICYMI We showcased the Fighter, weapon skills, and more in this gameplay video! https://youtu.be/Gr2poEkPsII

❓ Do you think this archetype looks engaging and fun to play?

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10 months ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [Music]
17s hello everyone and Welcome to our
20s glorious ashes of creation March
21s development update we hope that you've
23s been having a wonderful month we have
25s been so busy we have a very very long
30s live stream for you so oh my gosh Buckle
33s in grab your snacks but yeah get some
37s popcorn make sure to get some
38s refreshments Margaret and I are actually
40s talking about whether or not we should
41s include a mandatory intermission in the
43s Showcase today like a little five minute
45s get up potty break thing our video
47s editor and Community folks and social
49s folks were like maybe we should have
51s like a little intermission in between
53s but we'll give it to you all CU I know
55s that you don't you don't want any pauses
58s um but uh we will also we have a lot we
62s have a lot planned um so hopefully you
64s are prepared like I'm saying if you want
66s to go get some snacks now I highly
68s recommend it um but as you can see below
71s today's plan is we have a few reminders
73s we have our fighter archetype preview
76s which I know a lot of people have been
77s really excited about it is the I think
80s one of the longest archetype previews
82s we've had I think someone posted a
84s snapshot of all the links of all of them
86s they just keep getting longer and
88s longer well I mean as you know this is
91s this is a byproduct of active
93s development right as things get more
95s fleshed out there's more stuff to talk
98s about in the show you guys you know as
100s you've been watching are going to see
103s you know back from the early fighter you
106s know basic melee to the ranged weapon to
109s the cleric to the you know Ranger and
112s tank like each of these are more and
114s more fleshed and now you're getting an
115s idea of what Alpha 2 you know is going
117s to consist of from an archetype
119s perspective this one this fighter
121s archetype preview uh is very detailed
123s and we we even get into more of the work
126s that Brian's been doing and the combat
127s team has been doing on weapon uh
130s progression skills as well and those are
132s pretty detailed now so we mostly about
135s an hour 40 minutes of of arch type uh
138s preview no no worries I just blurred
140s their ears off I was trying to fix
142s myself a little bit I'm trying to adjust
143s my audio to match yours um and I might
147s to just push it a little too loud
150s um but yeah we are are only showing like
152s the great sword um in the weapon skill
155s trees but I think that it will still be
157s exciting for you all to see and check
160s out um and then after that we do want to
162s just do a quick Studio update and then
164s we have some art uh updates as well for
167s yall and we'll do a little Q&A we'll
169s probably try to get through that pretty
171s quick because it's going to be a long
172s one
174s today um but let's get right into the
178s reminder stuff
181s uh the first thing we have here today is
183s of course our YouTube Spotlight don't
184s forget to subscribe to our YouTube and
187s follow us in all the places uh if you
189s subscribe to us over on our YouTube
190s channel and leave a comment on our Dev
192s update version of the live stream your
195s your Spotlight could be or your comment
197s could be
198s spotlighted that was a mouthful um so
201s this one is from Rives Genesis who wants
204s to know we know that normally that the
206s normal death penalty incurs a myriad of
209s penalties for the player but we don't
211s know the number the numbers behind the
213s penalty for instance what percentage of
215s materials do players drop what
217s percentage of glint is dropped how
219s severe is the skill and Stat dampening
221s and what is the average time it will
223s take a player to work off XP debt from
226s one death that was a lot of questions in
228s your one comment they were cramming
231s it um okay so so just just recap real
235s quick there we're talking about
236s percentage lost time to recoup that
239s percentage
240s um the material percentage sunk versus
244s um uh lootable and then what was the
246s last one uh glint drop and then uh your
250s stat dampening stat skill dampening got
253s it got it got it um okay so first I want
256s to say that the most important yeah most
259s important part of this question um is
263s you're asking about values right you're
266s asking about percentile values you're
268s asking about time that it takes to
270s recoup the percentage and and whatnot
273s any time that we're at a stage we're in
276s now and that in Alpha 2 uh we're going
278s to be testing
280s this those values are the most subject
282s to change um so to be clear like we're
286s going to do best estimate best guess
288s kind of balance pass for Alpha 2 with
292s the full expectation and understanding
294s that the purpose of Alpha 2 is to really
296s dial in those guesses uh and take into
300s consideration player interaction with
302s those numbers uh and what feels best so
305s so just off the bat like those values
308s are not what we should be focusing on um
311s at this stage uh but to give you an idea
314s kind of where we are um first of all
317s like when we're talking about dropping
319s um items that are in your material
323s inventory whether that be glint or that
325s be other material types you know we're
328s talking roughly between anywhere from 20
331s to 30% of a stack is going to be uh
336s lootable uh on a perde basis now that is
341s a value that can change uh based off of
345s the types of bags that you are using to
350s to carry those
351s materials um in addition there's other
354s progression that can allow you and some
356s stats I believe that can allow you to
358s mitigate that value also um when we are
361s talking about um the percentage that's
364s lost or excuse me not lost the
366s percentage uh of your level that is
368s acred as experienced debt from death um
372s generally you can expect that that's
373s going to live around 3 to 4% of the
376s level in a crude experience debt per
379s death however additionally there is a
382s way to mitigate that percentage debt and
386s that is through the resurrection ability
388s that's provided to cleric so clerics
391s have the ability to resurrect their
393s allies uh and that Resurrection will
397s return a percentage that would have been
399s acred as uh experienced debt and that
403s returned percentage is predicated on the
406s investment into the resil as well as the
409s stat uh um that is uh the stat of the
412s cleric that is tied to the resurrection
414s effect as well so those can return
416s percentages so you can you can mitigate
419s that to a degree
421s um how long will it take you to recover
423s that and what stat dampening kind of
425s occurs um you know anywhere within a
428s level if you acquire 100% experienced
432s debt for that level you know you max out
434s the experiened debt essentially you
436s don't ever buy that down you're probably
439s looking around a 20% stat efficacy
443s dampener right so on average if you're
446s at 100% uh debt for a level and you you
450s got to work all that off before you can
451s start progressing in the level again
452s you're at around 20% overall stat
456s dampening um time it takes you to regain
459s that debt is predicated on the level
462s you're at right and how you exped um so
465s that's a that's a highly variable value
468s um yeah I think those hopefully answer
470s all your questions yeah and I know that
472s that one's one that people have heard a
475s little bit before Le's elements of it I
477s think glint is a new element of that um
480s that wasn't there before when we've
481s answered it um but you know not
483s everybody's some people are are newer to
486s our community so that will be handy for
487s them and of course if you want your
490s comments spotlighted on YouTube head on
491s over to our YouTube channel to get yours
494s spotlighted we pull them out aroundand
496s and and just to be clear you know I just
497s want to comment you made a great point
499s there Margaret is that you know some
500s people may not be very familiar with
502s these systems um to be clear the
505s philosophy in ashes of creation is that
508s we are a a bit more difficult of a game
511s experience that is what we're trying to
513s accomplish we've all played a lot of
515s MMOs where you're either always a winner
517s or it's very easy to fall and get up
519s again and that's okay like th those
522s games need a place to exist and a lot of
524s people enjoy playing them um I
527s historically as a as as a dungeon master
530s in my tabletop campaigns can be a bit
533s ruthless um and I think that it's
536s interesting if the difficulty level
538s you're faced with in this open world
540s with many other players forces you to
544s think critically about strategy or about
547s cooperation and teamwork right and that
551s the challenges you face
554s are not easily surpassed or bypassed um
559s and so in that regard you know a system
561s like you know experience debt doesn't
565s necessarily delev you you don't want to
566s delevel a player but we do want to make
569s the the fear of loss palpable we do want
573s to make the the the failure real um and
579s that can be an encouragement to perform
581s better because when you do succeed it
584s will feel that much
587s better yeah so you know keeping those
590s things in mind um and of course we have
593s continue to get gather your guys'
595s feedback as we move forward in things um
597s and just wanted to make one more note on
599s the questions for the Q&A segment on the
601s forms we do try to only pull newer
603s questions um and we do try to give
605s people the answers if you've asked a
607s repeated question that we've answered
608s before we try to give you where you can
610s find those answers or even answer them
611s for you in the forums so just keeping
613s that in mind but the Q&A one for the
615s spotlight for the comment is you know
618s it's a special uh outlier um we do have
621s Dev discussions though we're constantly
623s trying to get your guys' feedback on
625s various different things whether that's
626s through our game playay gameplay Loops
628s or our future gameplay Loops that we
630s want to showcase um but this one that we
632s put out is uh regarding time dedication
635s and we asked you how much time do you
637s think someone should invest in order to
639s become an expert at an mmrpg what are
642s the differences between an expert player
643s versus a casual player time commitment
646s skill game knowledge Etc and we gave you
648s some other prompts as well so definitely
650s if you have some thoughts on this you
652s want to give us your feedback your
653s suggestions make sure you hop into that
655s thread and pop that over because um ran
658s and vnar are going to compiling the data
661s on that soon and sending that over to
662s your development team so please please
664s head on over there and our next one that
666s we're going to be going over is going to
667s be about item drops and I know y'all
670s y'all better have some thoughts on that
671s because I know you do that is one of the
675s biggest things is progression with items
677s so definitely definitely stay tuned for
680s that and without further Ado we'll get
681s straight into the fighter archetype
683s preview but with that I'm going to let
685s Stephen do his uh his preface before the
688s preface um but I do want to preface that
691s it is very long so uh Buckle in make
694s sure you have your snacks take your
695s potty bck right now um but go ahead
697s Stephen yeah absolutely and just to um
700s um just to also say that we did uh
705s experience success last month in our
707s preview where we launched the YouTube
709s video at the same time on the stream
711s we'll be doing that again today so that
714s those of you who wish to watch the video
716s in in uh 4K or 2K I'm not sure which one
718s we uploaded it in
720s um have the opportunity to do so on our
722s YouTube channel so that's going to be
723s going live momentarily with us um
726s however remember
728s please stick around on stream make sure
731s you give us your commentary and feedback
733s here um it is a bit of a ritual for me
735s to go back and watch the live stream
737s again and kind of read through the
738s commentary as I don't get to see it well
741s uh during the live stream because I'm
743s actually chatting with you guys but um
746s yes so to preface this obviously the
749s same is true this is a work in progress
751s we are working towards Alpha 2
753s particularly
755s UI um balance Meg time balance when you
759s guys go into watching these abilities
762s please understand these are these are
764s very finger in the wind uh approaches to
767s some of the numbers and values Within
770s These abilities that's going to get
771s tinkered with just before we get into
775s Alpha 2 there's going to be a you know
777s final kind of balance phase before the
778s Alpha 2 begins
780s um and then we'll be iterating on that
782s obviously as Alpha 2 is
784s continuing um in addition performance
788s right we are still working on
789s performance there are still
790s some lighting changes that need to be
792s done um and the other thing that I want
795s to talk a little bit about is like when
797s you're thinking about feedback talk
799s about the things you both enjoyed and
802s the things you would like to see done
804s differently right um in particular we're
806s talking about mobility of the class
808s we're talking about
810s utility of the class we're talking about
813s um you know it's its role in combat
816s right what you expect to see out of the
817s class fantasy that is a fighter uh
819s you're going to see the abilities I
821s think there's 17 or 18 abilities
823s probably here with this fighter uh we're
825s going to we're going to go through those
827s in the first like 45 minutes or so or um
831s each ability one by one we're going to
833s talk about them we're going to talk
835s about their expansion trees as well and
837s then we're also going to talk about the
839s great s and weapon progression um so
843s hour and 45ish minutes or what is it
846s hour and 45 minutes hour and 38 minutes
849s this is have the 4K video going up live
852s and it will be in Premiere mode as well
853s so I think that's already we're getting
855s this started for you guys so we'll see
857s you in a moment guys
859s [Music]
862s [Applause]
863s [Music]
868s enjoy
871s [Music]
879s hello everyone and welcome to yet
882s another day in the world of Vera and we
885s have an exciting update for you today we
888s are going to be showing off one of the
890s most beloved archetypes in fantasy MMO
895s RPGs the fighter archetype and there has
898s been a lot of work that's been done uh
901s in progressing this obviously last time
902s we showed anything remotely fighter
904s related it was I think almost two years
907s ago when we did our first um basic
910s weapon melee weapon uh revamp from alpha
913s 1 uh and there were a couple abilities
915s obviously that we showed off but nothing
917s like the Showcase we have stored for you
918s today you are going to get some pretty
921s in-depth understanding of how this
924s archetype has been redesigned um and the
928s progression that's going to be aailable
929s as part of Alpha 2 and we have joining
931s us to talk through that today two of our
935s absolutely stellar and glorious senior
937s designers on the combat team Trad Brian
941s how are you guys
942s doing doing pretty good here glad to be
944s back on
945s stream I'm doing great happy to be here
948s happy to have you both I know you guys
949s have put in a lot of work and and I
952s think really representing pretty well
954s what a lot of people who played Fighters
956s and other MMOs love about the class I'm
959s excited to chat with you about the
961s direction you guys have taken um and
963s obviously helping to make that a reality
966s um feature team owner on the combat side
968s as well as one of our senior Engineers
970s Kenan how are you doing
973s buddy I'm doing great thanks for having
975s me and uh now that you mentioned I think
977s that that original fighter stream was
978s actually the my first stream was it
980s really yeah I think so oh I think it was
983s I think you're right yeah that was uh
984s there was a lot of work that went into
986s kind of obviously changing the direction
988s of of melee and combat in general at
990s that time and now we have we are seeing
992s some of the
993s fruitful
995s um persistence in that in that direction
998s um so one other thing I want to let you
1000s guys know is obviously we are here back
1003s again uh in the riverlands and we are
1006s actually in front of Oak and Bane keep
1008s which is an area you guys saw at the end
1010s of last live stream from the missions
1012s Liv stream
1014s um and right when we ended that live
1017s stream a story arc began in this area
1019s called an ancient violence and we're
1022s going to be going in there and taking a
1024s look around but first I think what we
1026s should do is something that we have
1028s successfully done uh in the past with
1031s these showcases is kind of show off each
1033s individual ability first talk about what
1035s they do uh and give you guys a sense of
1037s the of the of the arch type and uh the
1040s abilities available to us before we get
1041s in to combat with some some freaky
1045s Goblin Town stuff um so do I have a
1049s volunt here today that could help tank
1051s some blows
1053s potentially yeah I'll help them nice
1056s awesome all right very cool um so what
1059s should we start with first what do you
1061s guys
1065s think um start with blitz Blitz all
1068s right let's see Blitz is the first one
1070s on the bar let's go let's go down the
1071s bar all right let's do
1073s it um actually you know what I'm sorry
1077s why don't we first start with
1080s momentum that sounds like a good idea
1082s because momentum is obviously going to
1084s be referenced in Blitz I was just
1085s looking at that uh and as well as a
1087s number of other abilities and momentum
1090s is essentially a class Energy System is
1092s that right Trad that is correct talk
1096s moment yeah I'll go into a little more
1098s detail about that so one thing that we
1100s feel adds a lot to just just class
1103s identity in general is something that is
1106s beyond just an ability in this case it's
1107s a a class or or in this case an
1109s archetype resource uh called combat
1111s momentum so in your top left of the
1113s screen here you'll see that you've got
1115s your standard health bar and your Mana
1117s bar and then a third empty bar that
1119s you'll see kind of build up in combat as
1121s we play um that you build up through all
1124s the different actions that you're doing
1126s um through the kit and you can use this
1128s resource to um uh get passive power to
1132s your character based on which form you
1134s were in which we'll get into it in a
1135s little bit here um and you can also
1137s spend it for certain unique um
1139s especially powerful bonuses so and guys
1142s just to remind everyone obviously
1145s everything you're going to see here is
1147s still a work in progress we are working
1148s towards Alpha 2 um especially as it
1152s relates to the UI as it relates to VFX
1154s um and Designs will change uh balances
1158s will change so keep that in mind what
1160s we're looking for is kind of direction
1162s right direction on these on this
1164s archetype what do you think looks cool
1166s uh what other what other fighter
1168s influences have you
1229s with um a little bit of resource to
1231s start okay so I'm going to I'm going to
1233s charge the target directly and I'm going
1235s to deal damage on a rival which is
1238s physical based and this spec option says
1240s that it generates 20 additional combat
1243s momentum now presumably combat momentum
1246s does not overflow after it hits the the
1250s maximum 100 points is that correct
1252s that's right yeah okay cool and then I
1254s see under it there is an additional um
1258s spec option that says uh killing an
1261s enemy with lethal blow will reset the
1263s coold down of Blitz so the more I kill
1265s essentially if I use lethal blow I can
1268s just keep that momentum up generating
1270s additional uh combat momentum so I can
1273s use a little bit after you know
1275s potentially landing on the Target and
1276s replenish that quickly after with with
1279s uh executing lethal blow on the target
1282s as a kill and then raging Blitz into the
1285s next yeah it turns you into more of a
1287s aggressive mobile character if you go
1289s with that like you're killing enemies
1290s and then you need to pick a new Target
1292s he might be far away you charge to him
1293s kill him rinse and repeat cool all right
1296s let's take a look at
1299s this ooh nice okay that was cool and as
1304s presumably this also scales uh
1307s verticality as
1310s well let's test it and guys for the
1312s purposes obviously with this
1313s demonstration I've set my coold Downs to
1315s zero so that I can more repeatedly use
1317s uh oh here we go we go we got some kill
1321s those little mushrooms
1323s huh I don't want to spoil the skill for
1327s you it's a kind of kind of Stormy day
1330s with this ancient violence in the
1333s background oh and by the way we are
1335s playing for the first time in in uh I
1339s believe in game uh the ren Kai Orcs got
1344s my trusty Mohawk going on it is probably
1348s the most
1349s appropriate uh race class
1354s combination I thought
1356s so all right so I'm going to try to jump
1358s I'm going to try to scale this thing on
1360s you let's see
1362s here oh man now that is cool that was
1367s awesome let me do that again yeah yeah
1370s this is kind of an answer you get to
1372s like that Archer on the ledge that's
1373s just free shooting on you and it's like
1375s oh I'm just going to get up there with
1377s you oh my bad there let me try this one
1379s more time one more
1382s time oh very
1384s nice okay so by by default so now let me
1389s try this oh did you just die I think
1392s that was a a bad nuke my bad from
1394s someone oh my bad no that was for sure
1397s my
1400s bad that feels really good by the way
1403s that feels
1404s clean very clean oh there's did somebody
1408s also die over here
1410s just a little mushroom oh a little
1412s mushroom okay okay Blitz Blitz feels
1414s really good well done with that I like
1416s that it's super smooth uh and fluid it
1419s feels um you know there's not really any
1422s movement Interruption either on contact
1424s or at the initiation um which is
1427s obviously one of the most you know ideal
1429s feeling points of any Mobility skill
1431s right is that fluidity uh uh
1436s throughout um okay let's talk about the
1438s next one
1439s so we have brutal
1442s cleave Yep this is probably your most
1445s bread andb butter AOE attack um you can
1448s it it does a a medium amount of damage
1450s it's not one of your more spect
1452s spectacular aoe's but um it's your
1454s primary AOE resource generator so you're
1457s going to be using this a lot to build
1458s your momentum um and you also weave this
1461s a lot between your weapon combos because
1463s your weapon attack finishers will um
1466s reset seconds off of this cool down so
1469s if you're like going back and forth
1471s between Cleaves and and a and uh weapon
1473s attacks you get to do more of them and
1475s have more up time
1478s okay yeah that's pretty cool all right
1481s so this does also the more targets you
1482s hit uh so that's why it's really good in
1484s AOE situations is you get more momentum
1486s based on how many targets you're
1488s hitting got it so after jumping in with
1491s blitz if especially if there's multiple
1493s targets going with a brutal cleave is is
1496s just going to really ramp that momentum
1499s um and then it looks like also that this
1501s ability it says shares a coold down with
1505s overpower um and it says also the weapon
1509s combo finisher will reduce its coold
1511s down by 8
1513s seconds yep um so you'll be resetting
1518s overpowers more frequently because if we
1520s want to just jump over to that one
1521s that's the single Target counterpart to
1524s this attack um it's more it's just a
1526s single Target hit um but it is shorter
1528s cool down so you can reset them more
1529s frequently and it's also generating your
1531s resource so it it kind of you're
1533s choosing which one to use based on um
1535s what your your um enemies
1538s are very cool that looks great by the
1541s way Scott did a Scott and SAA have done
1544s an amazing
1546s job yeah I'm really happy with how the
1549s effects turned out like making physical
1551s look this cool like you
1554s know it was a
1557s Fe
1560s oh my
1562s bad okay all right very cool I like that
1565s this uh brutal cleave is awesome um
1568s let's talk about MIM here let's go over
1570s here a little bit right
1573s here talk to me a little bit about
1577s main um so this is a more powerful AO
1580s AOE attack in the kit um do you have a
1582s spec right now for the uh yeah let me
1584s take a look here let me take and by the
1585s way brutal cleave I apologize uh there's
1587s no additional functionality it looks
1589s like on Brutal cleave uh but we did talk
1593s also about um overpowers on the right
1597s column um it's an autog granted ability
1599s so it's not going to be in this tree
1601s like oh got it yeah there you go okay so
1603s it doesn't have any spec options either
1605s that's right but MIM does and should I
1608s turn MIM off let me turn the spec option
1610s off first because this actually extends
1613s the distance of the projectile
1616s by essentially launching that piercing
1618s projec is that right yeah let's take a
1620s point out of that first and then uh
1622s we'll just kind of look at the base
1624s effect okay um so this is just a cone in
1627s front of you you're hitting in a cone in
1628s front of you it's preh heavy hitter um
1630s you're not resetting the cool down of
1632s this so you need to be more con you know
1635s um uh aware of when you're using this
1639s but um it also has the added effect of
1642s it will do more damage against recently
1644s tripped enemies so that's where you
1646s really want to save this is if you've
1647s tripped someone um or if someone else
1649s has tripped an enemy you capitalize on
1651s it by basically smashing down on them
1653s with
1655s this the that looks so good love it that
1658s is awesome okay so let's uh let's spec
1661s into the
1665s projectile now this is going to give you
1667s obviously a lot more
1671s range
1674s oh this adds a a piercing projectile on
1677s top of the attack so you're still
1679s getting that frontal AOE hit box that's
1682s staying the same but you're adding a
1683s projectile on top of it and the cool
1685s thing here too is the projectile gets
1687s the bonus of the the damage bonus from
1689s the trip so you could actually combo
1691s into a Target that you see trip from
1693s range um with this as well um one reason
1696s this is a spec option is some Fighters
1698s will want to be using this in a way that
1700s you know you don't want to pull a mob in
1702s the distance so it's just kind of an
1703s added layer of skill if you're using
1704s this in like a really cluttered
1706s environment um but you it's kind of a
1709s trade-off that feels really
1713s good that is awesome give myself some
1720s Mana there we go um okay cool I love MIM
1725s that is an awesome ability let's talk
1726s about uh
1729s battlecry this is definitely one of my
1731s personal favorites um it doesn't do
1733s damage but it's got some really cool
1735s effects going on with it um so so do you
1739s want me to start talking about or you
1742s want okay cool um so I love this as an
1745s AOE opener um what it does it does a few
1748s things one um it RS your allies
1750s specifically your party members um it
1752s will also apply a status Effect called
1754s shaken to your enemies um and then it
1757s will generate a certain amount of combat
1759s momentum per Ally that you
1765s ried and then uh just to elaborate cuz
1768s people are like what what is shaken what
1769s is what is RI well uh shaken right now
1773s um is a debuff on enemies that whenever
1775s they take damage they have a small
1777s chance to become tripped so there's some
1780s good combos with this where like you go
1782s into like a multi-hit AOE and you can
1784s capitalize on that and then by tripping
1786s or by triggering trip status um that
1789s flows into MIM really well so that's one
1791s of the combos I like to do is shout into
1794s like a a whirlwind which you'll see in a
1796s bit um into you know Mim to do extra
1799s damage against targets that have um CED
1802s that
1803s effect yeah these are feeling great wow
1806s I do like the uh the battlecry that is
1809s like probably the most standard feeling
1813s like you know
1815s expected action on behalf of the fighter
1818s some type of battlecry effect and this
1820s one cap captures it
1822s well I love that that's cool um okay we
1826s saw Whirlwind uh back
1829s a while ago and talk to me about what's
1831s changed about
1833s Whirlwind um so Whirlwind is actually
1836s pretty close to what it's always been um
1839s it's it's a it's an AOE channeled attack
1842s that ramps up in speed the longer you
1844s you you hold it um there's also a spec
1846s option on the right if you want to pick
1848s that that gives um a final upward swing
1850s at the end um that has some additional
1853s bonuses to it um so let's do it without
1856s the spec first
1863s all right cool so it exits out after the
1866s essentially the spinning there let's see
1869s yep I'm out of
1871s Mana there we go let's try it
1876s again yeah you're also able to move
1879s during it as you're seeing here so it's
1881s it's pretty nice to be able to just kind
1882s of like use this while you're moving
1884s through a pack of mobs got it so let me
1887s spec now into the option that I could
1891s invest additional points into this
1892s particular skill if I wanted to give
1894s myself a finishing blow
1903s essentially oh nice okay so you get a
1906s big hit at the end um also you can stop
1908s this at any time so you're seeing him do
1910s the full Channel but if it's like oh I
1911s want to you know cancel out of it early
1914s like let's say let's say one thing I'll
1916s do from time to time is uh if I Shake In
1920s enemies and then this this ability is
1921s kind of good at uh tripping enemies
1923s because it's hitting really rapidly um
1925s you might see a trip and you can cancel
1927s out of it into a m early um if you want
1929s to show off that
1931s combo into a m yep let's do
1935s it there you go oh nice that's cool that
1939s feels good let's
1944s see that's so cool that's
1947s awesome
1948s all right cool uh Whirlwind feels good
1951s too all right cataclysm is another one
1953s that we saw a while ago what's changed
1955s with
1956s cataclysm yeah a lot has changed with
1958s this one um it used to be like this big
1961s like Hammer that would appear over your
1963s head and then it hit like an AOE kind of
1965s far away from you overall it ended up
1966s feeling a little awkward to use we
1968s wanted to turn this more into like your
1970s big frontal AOE damage so this is like
1973s the other end of the spectrum like
1975s stronger than MIM um it's just a bit
1978s ultimate like AOE attack essentially
1980s it's it's pretty straightforward all
1982s right no additional spec options here
1985s and by the way for those of you out here
1987s you know that are wondering about kind
1988s of how augments even though we haven't
1991s seen a lot of augment work being done a
1994s lot of this Tech is foundational in
1997s applying these types of spec options
2000s which augments essentially are as well
2002s but they can more radically change
2004s fundamentally what the ability is so
2006s that whirlwind
2008s you know adding an additional component
2011s to the ability which is that climactic
2014s climactic Whirlwind essentially could be
2016s considered functionally as an augment an
2018s additional effect applied to the ability
2021s um okay let us showcase that new
2028s cataclysm oh that feels much
2033s better yeah that's cool this is also
2036s another way to apply shaken enemies as
2039s well um it and battlecry are kind of on
2042s separate longer cool Downs so you might
2044s find yourself sort of going bit back and
2045s forth between these interchangeably and
2047s you can change the direction here mid
2050s mid wind up
2055s yep nice I like that uh obviously the
2058s granularity in
2059s that yeah it gives you a little more
2061s agency like you're not just locked in
2063s place cuz it is a full rooted ability
2065s you cannot move during this but being
2067s able to turn like gives you a little bit
2070s more you know control over what happens
2073s as things might change mid cast okay
2076s yeah I I totally agree I love that the
2078s freedom feeling there um and that's
2081s obviously something that you know is is
2082s a philosophy and a standard that's taken
2085s across a lot of the classes as it comes
2087s to like you know rooted ability use and
2088s whatnot um that that freedom of agency
2091s that movement is core to kind of the
2093s melee experience and and general skill
2095s usage um all right next up we have r
2099s sure y so this is an interesting one um
2102s it's a single target attack um and it
2105s puts a temporary debuff on your target
2108s where if they are moving um while that
2111s effect is on them they will build up
2113s wounded Stacks um we can we can talk
2117s about the we can talk about that S
2119s effect in a moment here but talk about
2121s the fact that he should have like
2122s literally zero blood pressure remaining
2124s after rupturing that much blood oh God
2128s we can build in that
2129s mechanic um but also you'll notice at
2133s the end of it he takes a big hit of
2134s damage um and the idea is that that
2138s damage will scale with how much wound
2140s they have on them so this will have kind
2142s of some inter Synergy going on with
2144s itself but also um there will be other
2147s sources of wound that you could kind of
2148s synergize this with this F uh further
2150s for that big delayed hit at the end wow
2153s okay so the wounds the wounds are
2154s essentially these these stacking
2156s debuffs um um that get
2160s applied um and that's going to you said
2164s decrease their healing received correct
2166s and also increases damage taken from all
2170s sources uh from physical sources from
2173s physical sources got it very
2176s cool yep um and the more you build that
2178s up cuz this is actually a stacking thing
2181s um it's not just like a single status
2182s effect so the more you're wounding the
2184s target um the more and more debuff their
2188s healing incoming healing becomes so it's
2191s one of those things where if a fighter
2193s is like on your target that you're
2195s trying to keep alive you want to peel a
2197s fighter off that Target cuz the longer
2199s they get that up time the harder it's
2200s going to become to to heal them
2208s up that's cool that's awesome okay love
2211s rupture uh also love the an insane
2214s amount of blood that's
2217s happening
2219s um
2220s overpower talk to me about overpower
2222s what do we got here uh this we talked
2224s about this one this was the the resource
2227s generator that's right that's right and
2228s that one doesn't have any additional
2229s spec options the rupture also um looks
2234s like did that one have spec options um
2237s it it does not but if you go in so
2240s you'll you will see kind of to the right
2241s of rupture there are some um things that
2244s it
2244s unlocks um like what's oh sorry below it
2248s MIM actually if you go to m and then to
2250s the right uh there are some things over
2252s here that you get to unlock as well
2254s which kind of synergize with with
2256s rupture um for example brutality uh
2259s allows you to start applying wound
2261s Stacks through your weapon combos so if
2263s you really want to lean into that that
2265s utility uh like I'm a heal debuffing spe
2269s fighter right like that's my thing that
2271s I do you could go into this and now your
2273s weapon attacks in in addition to
2275s generating momentum are also applying
2277s wounds to the Target
2278s love it um and then this one this one
2281s adds more wound um specialization if you
2284s go
2287s down oh wow okay so this gives overpower
2289s and brutal cleave wound
2292s application yeah it's basically what
2294s it's kind of doing is it's tying your
2296s your your wounds to the way that you're
2299s normally building momentum if you want
2300s to kind of dual Speck into both that's
2303s cool wow it's
2305s strong okay um let's talk talk about
2308s this apparent uh crippling
2313s blow uh yeah sure so crippling blow this
2316s one's pretty simple um this is a a
2319s standard single Target snare um so a
2323s pretty common combo you'd use is like
2325s Blitz into a crippling blow if you're
2327s like getting on top of a Target that's
2329s trying to kite you um like if if you're
2332s charging up on a ranger who's like the
2334s last thing they want is your you in
2336s their face like snaring this is going to
2338s force them to maybe use a gap opener
2340s because they're not able to outrun
2347s you that's
2352s cool so crippling blow is pretty strong
2354s actually especially when it comes to PVP
2356s I mean that that that's a
2358s pretty significant reduction in movement
2362s speed yeah it's it is single Target so
2365s you do have to Choose Wisely Who You Are
2367s snaring but um it's it's pretty nice um
2370s to be able to just lock a Target down
2372s not not like hard CC but just um make it
2375s easier to stick on top of
2381s them very cool all right crippling blow
2384s and then we have lethal
2387s blow this is another one of my favorites
2389s uh this is the execute of the kit um
2392s it's single Target as well um but the
2394s lower Health they are um the harder it's
2397s going to hit
2398s uh so this is this is really like you're
2400s trying to do as much damage with your
2402s other abilities as possible and then
2403s when you get them like within that kill
2405s threshold you're just going to hit hit
2407s him with this hope for a crit maybe um
2410s and you know finish him
2414s off use
2416s it there you go oh my
2421s God this does have um a couple spec
2423s options as well one you kind of win over
2425s if you kill them with that and you have
2427s the spec that resets Blitz you could
2429s immediately Blitz again um even if it
2431s was off cool down when you got the
2436s kill but if you want to open your skill
2438s tree here we can look at the other one
2440s let's talk about it and the uh sorry
2442s crippling blow did not have any spec
2443s options but lethal
2445s blow
2447s does yeah so um a lot of the time you
2451s know I've I've played games where you
2453s know executes hit really hard but you
2455s waste a lot of the damage and it kind of
2456s it's like oh I saw cool big number but
2458s it didn't really do anything it's kind
2460s of wasted um this spec option lets you
2462s make use out of that so it turns any
2464s Overkill damage into like health and
2467s Mana return to you that's awesome and
2469s you know what I love about that it's at
2471s least as it relates to
2472s PVP is that you do not have granularity
2476s insight to the opponent's hit point so
2479s you're really rolling the dice if you
2480s want to maximize efficacy on this
2482s consuming lethal blow yeah that's how
2484s I've been using it a lot like sometimes
2487s I I pull it off other times I don't love
2489s it that's super cool I like that
2491s interaction there okay um let's go up
2494s here we got blood
2497s Fusion yeah so um kind of like that
2499s lethal blow spec we were using this is
2501s another way for the um fighter to get
2504s health and Mana back to itself that's
2507s kind of one way that the fighter
2508s sustains itself because it's it's in the
2510s thick of things right it's it's a
2512s primary target um you've got to be in
2514s danger to be doing a lot of what your
2516s your kit does and this is this was this
2518s is like one way the um fighter can stay
2520s in the fight and if you pop this it's a
2522s big cool down um but for the next 6
2525s seconds any damage you do will have a%c
2528s returned um as health and Mana to you
2531s okay so let me somebody nuked me for
2535s like
2537s 500 you go ahead sh okay I don't want to
2540s do it all I want is multiple 500s like
2543s three
2544s 500s all right and then um I am going to
2547s deal some damage here to see how much I
2549s get
2558s back yep so that last hit missed the
2560s window um but you got a good chunk from
2563s your other attacks um the the the value
2566s of this is super variable based on when
2568s you use it so if you pop it in the right
2570s moment you've got a lot of targets
2571s around you you're like popping your
2573s aoe's like this is going to get a ton
2575s more
2576s value
2581s that was cool I like that so this an
2583s insta cast that can happen in the middle
2585s of any ability activation right nice you
2589s could like start your cataclysm and then
2592s pop that right before it lands that's
2595s cool that is super
2598s cool
2602s um oh yeah I see that okay very nice and
2606s I like the uh the effect effect effect
2609s looks
2609s great it's got more of that Blood Theme
2613s yes I also love the audio for it it's
2616s like you're consuming it a
2618s bit all right let me grab whatever this
2622s is oh bunch of stuff I think that was on
2626s your corpse I'm sorry Brian don't do
2628s that right in front of you it's
2631s disrespectful um okay cool uh let's skip
2634s exerpt for now let's go to lunging
2636s assault
2638s yeah so this is like going to be one of
2640s your first Spenders of your resource um
2644s this spender is more for Mobility um
2646s it's a smaller spender um but whenever
2648s you um use this you will Dash forward a
2651s short distance and do an attack at the
2653s end um and it's PR pretty freely usable
2655s it doesn't have a very long cool down
2657s it's just spending your resource so the
2659s more resource you're generating the more
2661s you're able to kind of reposition and
2662s dash around the battlefield and get some
2664s extra damage out there I see now
2666s obviously U izing the resource with
2668s lunging assault because you're dealing
2671s instances of damage to enemies that you
2673s impact you have an opportunity if
2675s executed if executed well situationally
2679s that you
2680s can you can actually probably have a net
2683s gain with this if there's a huge amount
2686s of enemies like a train or something
2688s right yeah it would probably take a lot
2690s of enemies to actually get a a profit
2692s but you can at least mitigate the cost
2694s uh through that spec choice of um if
2697s you're hitting enemies you can you can
2699s get resource back and therefore you're
2700s getting to do this more and you're also
2702s not losing the value of your resource
2705s get it that you're getting passively
2706s through your forms which again will get
2708s too soon cool cool okay uh let's try
2712s this we go and now I don't need a target
2714s for this I can just kind of no freely
2716s it's
2724s a all
2726s right that's cool oh
2731s okay so it's kind of uh not too far
2736s distance
2737s there yeah it's meant to like be more of
2740s a repositioner where you know you're
2742s you're dancing around your target you
2744s might um be zipping back and forth
2746s between different enemies in melee right
2748s um whereas your other you have other
2750s tools for going longer distances you
2751s have Blitz you have the next one that's
2753s about to come up um from here um so
2756s those are going to be more of your long
2757s distance um Mobility skills all right
2760s let me try this this more long distance
2762s Mobility skill here talk to me
2764s about leap
2767s strike yeah so this is like this is the
2772s most uh free mobile distance yeah it's
2776s it's very far and it doesn't require a
2778s Target unlike Blitz um and you're also
2781s going to basically deal damage and AOE
2783s around it so it's just a more powerful
2785s but less frequently usable um Gap closer
2789s sloper if you even decid to use it as an
2794s opener oh my
2797s God I am the jugernaut
2802s oh that was so cool I love
2805s that yeah that's a fun one to use it's
2808s holy smokes definitely more more AOE
2811s focused and again guys I am using zero
2813s cooldowns right now just so I can
2815s demonstrate the abilities well I know
2816s you're all thinking like what this
2818s character's just going to fly around the
2819s battlefield that's not what's happening
2822s literal rocket I know you can actually
2824s use this too to um go up on Ledges like
2827s if you were to try and get up on one of
2829s these Ledges we were trying earlier yeah
2832s you don't even need a Target to use it
2834s let me just check are there any spec
2835s options
2838s here uh not currently but there will
2841s be all right let me try to jump up on
2846s here oh oh that was too short I was too
2849s short my bad let me try it again I try
2851s it again actually in usually I've had
2854s more success when I'm covering gaps
2858s rather than actually like trying to go
2859s up different
2861s verticali but sometimes yeah it works we
2864s did it we did it
2867s boys it
2869s happened very cool all right let's talk
2872s a little bit about
2875s um you know I thought I fixed time of
2878s day but it feels like it's getting
2880s darker I don't know um let's talk a
2883s little bit about
2885s uh next up these different forms that
2890s I'm seeing
2892s here yeah so the these are probably the
2896s biggest like contributors to your um
2900s combat momentum
2901s resource um you can spend momentum but
2905s it's a resource that's primarily meant
2907s to be built up and maintained because of
2910s the bonuses that these forms provide so
2912s if we want to just look at one of the
2914s first ones here we can go into a little
2916s more detail on how those work I'm
2918s actually going to make it a little bit
2920s whoops my bad I wanted to change the
2924s time of day
2925s slightly get some better light over here
2928s there we go
2930s apologies um okay um which one am I
2933s switching to any one you want we'll get
2936s through all go to to you know I am
2938s playing a ren Kai so ferocity sounds
2942s good o all right so now you'll notice in
2946s the top left here he is in this form um
2950s so as long as you don't change forms you
2953s will permanently remain in the form of
2956s ferocity we actually renamed this
2958s recently so you'll see Tempest there but
2960s um that went through a rename um so
2964s while in this form uh your momentum will
2967s increase your attack speed uh the higher
2969s your momentum is so for every point of
2971s momentum that you've got your attack
2973s speed's going up so you're you're
2974s basically ramping up that attack speed
2976s as you generate so where I see right now
2978s I'm at
2980s 86.9 yep let's generate some
2986s momentum your combo weapon combos are
2989s pretty good for generating momentum as
2991s well especially your
2993s finishers here you
2996s go okay 86.9 has gone to
3001s 99.2 yep up and it's dropping very nice
3005s you got to stay in combat to keep the
3006s resource
3009s going and that's really what the fighter
3011s is all about is like ramping up being in
3014s that that combat momentum hence the name
3017s um and when the fight wow it feels like
3020s that the attack speed is even increasing
3022s each individual ability speed as well
3026s yep
3029s that's
3032s huge that is super cool so if you were
3035s to change forms you would lose the
3037s attack speed bonus but immediately gain
3039s the bonus of the corresponding
3051s form all right there
3054s cool so if you want to shift me in to um
3058s maybe a form of Solarity here all right
3061s and that is on
3063s Chi there you go now run
3066s around you might have to Blitz him again
3068s you probably need to get some mana and
3070s then build it up a little more but oh my
3072s bad we have Mana but this one increases
3075s your movement speed so this lets you
3077s just move around the battlefield a lot
3079s more um Nimble um so if you need to like
3085s you know close the gap a little bit and
3086s you're Gap closers on cool down or
3088s whatever this is a good way of
3090s traversing the field a bit faster yeah
3093s wow this is feel yeah this is pretty
3096s quick that's a significant speed
3105s boost and then the third one is uh more
3107s of a defensive option um bit more
3110s situational uh but it is um a disable
3115s resistance form uh this is form of
3120s fluidity and while you're in it you are
3122s much more difficult to be cced um so you
3126s be more resistant to stuns to Roots um
3130s trips pretty much anything that falls
3132s into the CC try to try to sleep me or
3135s something sure I'll give a shot there's
3138s a chance that I'll still hit you but
3140s let's see I can't actually I'm in your
3142s party oh okay no it's okay that's fine
3144s all right so this is this is basically
3146s when you want to uh to literally be
3149s unstoppable through CC effects like this
3151s is going to be a 40% reduction on that
3153s that's pretty that's pretty powerful yep
3155s and again all the numbers are kind of in
3158s in tune or being tuned um we just when
3160s we're testing these out we want them to
3162s feel impactful just to validate that
3165s they are you know cool things and then
3167s we start to balance to to tone that back
3171s down very
3173s cool all right all right last but most
3179s certainly not least is an ability called
3185s God mode I mean excuse me what's it
3187s called I'm sorry exert this is H this is
3190s exert yes it's my ear I know you're
3193s segue actually it's a great segue So
3195s speaking of balance and what will be
3197s happening obviously with Alpha 2 and
3199s even before Alpha 2 will be balancing
3201s some of this stuff so just keep that in
3203s mind however segue here into god mode
3206s AKA
3207s exert uh we have
3210s what uh so if we go over here to the in
3213s the skill tree to the left exert um this
3216s is a very high cost very high payoff
3219s like essentially like super mode that
3222s you can go into and you're you're
3224s rapidly spending your momentum while
3227s you're in uh this form it's all or
3230s nothing you can't turn it off once you
3232s pop this you will stay in this mode
3233s until your momentum is fully drained and
3235s then you're going to have to build it
3236s all the way back back up again um
3239s meanwhile you're getting increased
3240s attack speed um you're getting uh CC
3244s immunity uh and whatever else it says in
3248s here uh we've got 20% increased attack
3251s and movement speed and Immunity to
3255s disabling effects while active so if you
3258s can kind of draw the connection this is
3260s like you're taking the three forms which
3262s are CC resistance movement speed and
3264s attack speed and getting just all three
3266s of them in a huge burst for a small
3268s window of time very small window yes and
3271s that that small window is potentially as
3273s it states here at least it would be
3275s about 5 seconds if you're fully if
3278s you're fully charged up on momentum
3281s because it's it's essentially ticking at
3283s 20% per second is that right yep um and
3288s again all the numbers are super tunable
3291s we will be tuning these numbers but
3293s we're just kind of putting them in a
3294s place where we can play test them and as
3296s we get more Ive with these it's like
3298s okay now we're seeing theiling of how
3299s powerful these things are we're going to
3300s bring it back a little bit let's talk
3302s about it spec
3303s options yep uh so we've got uh one that
3308s uh resets your cooldowns based on how
3311s much momentum you had at Activation so
3313s if you use this at 50 you know 50
3315s momentum you would uh take about half of
3318s your coold Downs off but if you use it
3320s at full momentum uh you would reset all
3322s your cool Downs so you could just go
3324s straight into your rotation upon popping
3326s this
3327s and then this one is uh uh lets it act
3330s as a cc break as well so this okay I
3334s like this this is a nice com so you get
3337s increased uh combat momentum with
3340s movement attack speed and the immunity
3342s to disabling effects and it becomes a cc
3345s break on activation if you're under the
3347s effects of CC and depending on the
3351s amount percentage wise of momentum you
3354s have available at time of activation po
3356s EV will reset your ability cool Downs as
3359s well this is this is obviously guys I
3362s know a lot of you out there right now
3364s are just probably going insane in chat
3366s I'm just going to I'm assuming that this
3369s is where we balance everything's going
3371s to be balanced right this is just the
3372s initial find the fun and and we're going
3375s to to work around balance here uh but
3379s this is a cool ability this is literally
3381s like
3382s super I am a fighter hear me roar Glory
3387s Be have you used it no I haven't got to
3390s got to show it yeah let's do this let's
3393s do this so I guess in order to properly
3397s do this I should actually set my cool
3398s Downs back do you have it fully spec I
3401s do I have it fully spe Kenan do you have
3404s a condemn on your bar and grab it real
3408s quick okay that's a stun we could kind
3410s of we'll have Keenan condemn you and
3412s then you'll just like break out of it
3414s after you're full momentum yeah let me
3416s get let me start generating
3419s that love that Shield
3423s effect oh and you know I got to get off
3425s this uh form of fluidity let's go
3429s to do ferocity yeah let's do
3436s ferocity you can probably Blitz him for
3438s a head start on momentum into an
3443s overow keep an eye on your Mana
3451s I me when you're ready to be
3455s stunned okay I'm almost up
3461s there but before you stun me let me um
3464s let me start doing some abilities I am
3466s feeling that
3470s wound wait just don't kill
3472s him I'm not I'm
3475s not
3477s now you can St me all right stun them
3482s up all right use it oh you don't have
3485s did you not spec it Oh I thought I
3488s did I thought I did spec it let's try it
3491s again well let's check the tree if let
3494s me let me double check there might be an
3495s issue there did I Speck it did I Speck
3498s it I do I do have it specked weird we
3500s that used to work let's let's double
3502s check hold on let's try one more time
3504s and I'll I'll click on it this time
3507s in case there was some finger
3508s shananigans happening all right I'm
3510s ready I
3515s think yeah oh I had an expression
3517s failure sad all right well let's use it
3519s without that that's that used to work my
3522s bad guys welcome to bugs y That's okay
3526s okay um now it's balanced let's show
3529s yeah now it's balanced see the game
3531s wouldn't even allow that level of
3532s imbalance no I'm just kidding um okay
3535s let me generate this up again
3538s get some
3561s uh okay give myself some mana and now
3565s let's use shift two
3574s oh that's cool I love that effect that
3576s effect looks
3579s great let me show the effect one more
3581s time while I'm not kind of moving around
3582s and doing
3584s stuff okay and let me set my cool Downs
3587s real quick one more time and is there
3589s can I get myself Max uh momentum there's
3593s an there's a debug ability for it but I
3595s would just say Blitz and overpower and
3597s then weapon combo is the best way to do
3601s it that's M uh hit your a button we
3611s go all
3614s right I hold
3619s still just I just keep this going all
3621s the time I got no cool Downs
3625s yeah now we're
3628s that is so
3630s good oh that's so
3636s good very cool all right well that is a
3640s very let me just say I'm sorry let me
3642s speak on behalf of what I assume is our
3645s audience saying holy [ __ ] that is a cool
3649s class I mean the arct type feels great
3652s the movement the fluidity is there um it
3656s feels really good just to play with
3658s these these skills uh well done guys
3661s well done for Alpha 2 this is feeling
3663s nice uh as a fighter and as melee
3665s obviously that Mobility is going to be
3667s king when it comes to traversing the
3669s battlefield and and being that
3671s Juggernaut class fantasy feeling um I
3676s think is really captured well here what
3678s do you guys say we take a look at Oaken
3680s ban and kind of uh work through that
3682s area and show people off a little bit of
3684s the world of Vera yep let's put the kit
3687s to the test did you want to talk about
3689s the weapon first oh my God you're right
3691s thank you yes okay you guys obviously
3695s see here we have got a pretty beefy
3697s looking uh sword uh that I have equipped
3701s and Brian and the combat team have been
3703s working a lot on skill prog skill
3705s progression trees for weapons you saw a
3708s hint of that and it's very Bare Bones
3711s form um with the ranger update but
3714s there's been a lot of work toward wards
3716s that weapon tree let's talk a little bit
3718s about it um yeah um so we we've been
3723s revamping the weapon tree entirely so
3726s the first point of progression here is
3728s we wanted to give people a choice in how
3731s long their weapon combo actually is um
3734s so you've got the base weapon combo that
3736s you start with on the great sword which
3737s is three attacks and you can extend that
3740s out into four attacks if you
3742s want in addition to that um both the
3745s third hit and the the fourth hit can
3747s have proc finisher attacks and those
3750s proc finisher attacks can um trigger
3753s additional effects on you um such as an
3757s additional heal effect a boost of
3760s momentary attack
3762s speed and I'm looking here I'm looking
3765s here Brian so when I go over to the left
3766s hand side and it has me kind of an
3768s option right I'm unlocking this node and
3770s and selecting down one of these uh four
3773s choices and for those of you who are
3775s watching and and perhaps
3776s don't recall the the the use case here
3779s of these weapon skill trees these are
3781s separate progression trees that
3785s you um that you unlock and Advance
3788s within as you are using and adventuring
3791s with a particular weapon type right
3793s Brian correct um and and yeah they'll
3796s Advance faster than your arch type tree
3798s so you'll be able to level up a couple
3800s weapons as you're as you're going along
3802s yeah and that's a lot of fun to do
3804s actually and that section that you're
3807s looking at now is probably the most work
3808s in progress part um I I still need to
3811s revamp this this passive section that
3813s it's pretty weak overall but um yeah
3816s this this version zero um you can choose
3818s between different modifications that
3820s would best fit your class you can choose
3822s between um a little bit of deflection
3824s bonus um which is avoidance some I I
3828s think crit damage accuracy so each node
3832s you're kind of choosing a different oh I
3835s see very cool yeah that's
3837s awesome yeah right right now they're all
3839s the same um I'm going to mix up that a
3842s little bit and make it more interesting
3843s with some some different Capstone
3845s passives and such um but yeah this
3848s side's way more interesting way more
3849s fleshed out so what you just clicked on
3851s there is the first proc that you'll get
3853s access to um and you have a choice
3856s between three of these things um the
3858s first is sword master swiftness this is
3860s a temporary boost of attack speed so if
3863s if you get this proc and then you can
3865s instantly use another ability or
3868s continue in your combo if you want and
3870s it'll trigger that next ability all the
3872s all the quicker and to talk a little bit
3873s about you know obviously reiterating
3875s again kind of you know these proc
3877s effects these essentially are the
3879s incentive Loops for
3881s why weapon combo attacks which are basic
3884s weapon attacks are the fillers between
3887s rotational effects because you are
3890s getting you know as you unlock
3892s progression Within These trees you are
3893s getting substantial benefit from Crocs
3896s that occur by using the basic weapon
3899s combo right I I should speak on that a
3901s little bit more in like a general
3903s concept so we want to encourage weaving
3905s between abilities and weapon combo
3907s attacks and we're going to do that in a
3909s few different ways that you'll be seeing
3910s in this stream uh the first way is arct
3912s type weapon combo interactions you've
3915s already seen some of that where the the
3916s finishers give you a burst of momentum
3919s um and overpower and Bruto cleave get
3921s reduced or reset cooldowns on combo end
3924s as well um the second type of inter
3926s action is weapon combo to Ability proc
3928s synergies such as direct damage on the
3930s next ability hit after a combo finisher
3933s or a status effect setup for Ability use
3936s um and the third version is ability to
3939s weapon combo proc Synergy so your this
3942s is deeper in the tree your abilities
3943s will have a chance to set up your next
3945s weapon finisher with additional effects
3948s very cool that is awesome so let's see
3951s which one should I go for here I'd go
3953s with the swiftness for the fighter all
3955s right let's do it
3959s effect duration
3960s huh yeah that's actually really strong
3963s cuz it's a very short burst of attack
3965s speed so the duration is really good
3967s there and also the proc chance I would
3968s I'd probably max out the proc chance one
3970s in the middle mhm and then uh get the
3973s duration that's probably strongest for
3975s the
3977s swiftness all
3979s right and now I've already gone and
3982s unlocked this path here of the um
3986s extended
3988s finishers yeah you could probably take
3990s some points out of the uh extra damage
3992s nodes and then put never heard you say
3995s that before this is well it it's it's
3997s only because you're getting even more
3999s damage through the procs potentially
4002s okay it's all more math and less math
4005s right that's true that is and and and
4007s and another thing here is all depends on
4009s your
4010s build all depends on your building and
4012s you you'll see that more in this next uh
4014s this next choice here which is a lot
4015s more interesting so um that that first
4018s one was like a kind of introd
4019s introduction to the proc system it's
4021s kind of a more just additive uh extra
4025s thing this is kind of forcing the well
4027s not forcing the weaving but encouraging
4028s the weaving a little bit harder so first
4030s we've got a second strike so your next
4034s um your next ability use after weapon
4037s combo finisher has an additional damage
4040s proc that occurs and then another Cho a
4043s good choice for DPS is the one right
4044s below that which is is uh perfect timing
4047s so the next ability you cast will have
4050s reduced cool down so it's kind of like
4052s do you care about that reduced cool down
4053s for your rotation or do you not and you
4055s just take the additional damage and the
4057s third option there unfortunately it's
4059s not working yet um this is expanding
4062s upon that status effect interaction
4064s stuff that's what we're working on
4065s imminently getting that built into the
4067s weapons but whenever this is working
4069s it'll apply burning to your Target and
4071s have additional interactions for the
4072s Mage that's cool that's awesome and now
4076s you guys are starting to see obviously a
4078s lot of these um these progression trees
4081s getting implemented now uh and you're
4083s not just this is not just obviously for
4085s the great swword but you have done this
4088s uh in parody with the other existing
4090s weapon classes for part of a2s entrance
4093s criteria correct yeah that that's the
4096s one of the really cool things about our
4098s game is the amount of weapon Choice
4099s that's going to be present um all all
4102s the weapons will be hopefully viable for
4106s almost every archetype um because you
4108s can specialize it in a certain way that
4110s will benefit you and what your archetype
4112s role is um so there obviously be certain
4115s things are better for other things like
4117s a a two-hander is going to do a lot of
4119s damage for instance um but and and and
4122s you might want the shield if you're
4123s taking a lot of the damage but still if
4125s if you want to break that mold a little
4127s bit you'll have you'll have options
4128s available just to expand that on that a
4130s little bit too it's like not even just
4132s inter like you know archetype and weapon
4135s synergy but also it's like you're you're
4138s You're Building based on your expected
4140s or intended comp that you're off always
4142s going to be or often going to be running
4143s it's like let's say your your friend
4144s rolls a Mage and it's like I want to
4146s build to build with my friend so I know
4149s they are a fire Mage and that's your
4151s where your burning blade example comes
4153s in like there's going to be more stuff
4155s like that so that you're just kind of
4156s playing off each other that sideways
4158s really good into the next proc that we
4160s have here so this is um your ability
4163s setting up your next weapon combo so so
4166s we've got three options here the first
4168s is Keen Edge so whenever this procs your
4170s next weapon combo will have 100% chance
4172s to crit the next option um which if you
4176s have a Bard in your party you might not
4179s want this one but it causes your next
4181s ability finisher to restore some Mana to
4185s yourself and then the the third one is
4188s and I'm we're not sure about where this
4191s is going to end up it might get moved
4192s over to the tank tree or the mace tree
4194s but it procs a bit of temp Health on the
4197s next weapon finisher it's pretty sweet
4199s tank option yeah that's pretty good I
4201s think I'm going to go for the Keen Edge
4203s though yeah that's a solid Choice all
4205s attack speed crit yep yeah I feel like I
4208s want to I want to re reins beast
4212s mode okay I spe this out now very cool
4216s that's awesome this is yeah this is a uh
4219s I think people you know just the
4221s complexities that you guys are again
4222s talking about like obviously we've been
4224s talking about weapon skill trees and
4227s archetype design you know since we first
4230s were talking about ashes back in 2017
4233s and and now we're seeing INF fruition to
4235s you know part of the systems that we are
4237s going to be debuting as part of Alpha 2
4240s you guys are going to be able to get
4241s your hands on this and kind of give us
4243s that active feedback you know how does
4245s this how does this level of depth and
4247s complexity Grant you the player more
4250s granular control and choice over how
4254s your role that you're playing fits into
4257s the greater comp of the party setting
4260s the raid setting or solo gameplay and
4263s your itemization selections right like
4265s all of that is a level of depth I think
4268s that players want to exist in spacewise
4273s because it gives them the freedom to
4276s really Define the way they're
4277s approaching this the difficulty
4279s challenge that is the game um and that
4282s is combat in general um that's super
4285s cool and and especially like this breath
4287s of options right the the the even the
4289s horizontal choices here like that
4291s creates a a very interesting playground
4294s of rock paper scissors effects between
4297s the multitude of Arc Type skill
4299s progression and weapon type skill
4301s progression um that you're going to
4303s experience even in a PVP setting and it
4306s also is just more levers that we get to
4308s pull on the encounter design section as
4310s well uh for PVE very cool well done guys
4314s this is uh I think I again I speak for
4316s the community when I
4318s say great progress very great progress
4321s and and alud is shaping up to be not
4323s just a great testing experience but a
4325s lot of fun I think um you know obviously
4328s the world and the combat design here is
4331s significant the last thing I want to
4332s highlight is um the the work that we've
4335s done on the animation side with the
4336s weapon combos so if you actually do your
4339s weapon combo in place here we can see it
4341s um we can see whenever you get so you
4343s get you got a stab hit there whenever
4346s you get stab hits on the third and the
4348s fourth hit those are actually procs so
4350s if you if you connect with the second
4352s hit of that proc hit you'll receive the
4356s additional effects but you actually have
4357s to connect with a monster or player to
4360s receive the
4361s effect and I think the proc rate is at a
4364s static 25% right now um we're looking at
4368s other ways to scale that like maybe it
4370s scales with Stat or maybe it scales with
4372s additional nodes but right now it's
4376s kind of
4381s low especially if you're unlucky like
4384s stepen I know really what's going on
4387s here come on I'm sure we'll see it in
4390s combat
4392s there okay and these these guys we're
4396s still missing some effects that are
4397s going to help Drive um what this oh my
4401s God I'm so sorry I just was like
4403s Relentless
4404s attacking yeah the the momentum and the
4407s bonus attack speed on the great sword
4408s stacking together smoked me good that
4411s was
4412s good
4414s see so sorry corrup he's also level 15
4417s did I go corrupt you did ohy no it
4422s should be fine as long as we're in a
4423s party uh speaking of which we should
4425s form the
4427s party yes yeah let's get this going we
4429s can talk more over yep um are you guys
4433s disbanded yep yeah we are
4436s yeah another thing we can talk about
4437s when we're moving um is is we did revamp
4439s the animation a little bit um we made it
4442s work with the like the weight and of the
4445s grade swword a little bit more so you'll
4446s see like more precise pose holding and
4449s it's less of a lumbering Beast than it
4451s once was we're kind of leaving that
4453s space for the mace and the
4455s axe but it it really feels like a sword
4458s now to me it's it's
4461s awesome can I also show off one other
4464s thing
4527s love
4529s it oh we need to talk to the Scout first
4531s don't we yeah we should grab the quest
4534s oh is there a scout over here that's
4535s right let's clear okay so you guys
4538s remember at the end of our commission's
4540s live stream last month this is Oak and
4543s Bane keep I just kind of came up to to
4545s the entrance here I didn't want to go
4546s inside because this story
4549s arc see if I have actually information
4552s on the story here we
4554s go so we are we are as we are part of
4558s the um the ancient violence story arc
4561s which is an inhuman threat in the
4564s riverlands and so it talks about a
4565s little bit the settlers of Vera have
4568s known of a constant struggle with the
4570s goblins that
4571s overran the ancestral kalar
4574s lands and while we know nothing about
4577s their
4578s capabilities it is important that we now
4582s find them throwing themselves at lion
4584s holds poultry defenses lold being one of
4588s the uh
4589s introductory um locations uh at right
4592s right near the portal area in the
4595s riverlands um and Captain aan aan Moore
4599s needs help assessing the scope of that
4603s threat interesting and we also have here
4606s what appears to be a side quest Scout
4610s yurin let's talk with Y what does he
4612s have
4613s here want a great place of our ancestors
4616s now is
4617s overrun we shall do something about
4621s this all right he's been charged with
4625s observing I would be happy to take some
4628s of your dispensation as
4632s pay so he wants us to kill 20 of the
4634s Goblins here in Oak ban we've already
4636s dispatched a few of
4639s them all right accept that okay we got
4642s the ancestral
4643s Revenge let's do this
4650s what we got going on over
4653s here some
4656s glint oh that
4659s guy he's just kind of he's just kind of
4661s flipping around over
4665s there ooh this is feeling
4669s Moody it's feeling
4674s Moody
4683s all right not too
4685s bad so now of your guys's experiences in
4689s MMOs how many of you actually
4691s made as a
4695s fighter me I think I'm the only one here
4698s uh I know everyone's here here has
4700s played fighter but I I love playing
4703s Fighters like they're kind of my first
4704s choice
4706s you know I I'm going to oh hold on I see
4709s that there is
4711s a out Spirit nearby oh my God I already
4715s popped my blizzard
4722s too we got drags here nice oh yeah this
4725s is a named mob it's a named mob we'll
4728s have to be sure to loot him after we
4729s kill
4730s him yeah Steven needs to L him not
4733s anyone
4734s else why are you guys saying that yeah
4737s it's almost like so yeah we don't have
4740s any like ninja leaders in this group for
4742s sure now some of you guys are seeing
4744s that the effects of that big
4747s explosion that is still effects that are
4749s are being authored right now but that is
4751s specifically a progression oh that guy
4754s was pretty
4755s strong that is specifically a status
4758s progression is that
4759s right which one the oh I got something
4763s wait wait okay yeah there you go get
4766s something I got some look like uh let me
4770s see if I can find that hold
4773s on what we got here a toy soldier
4777s legs legs of an ancient toy soldier that
4780s survived well past when it ought to have
4784s thanks to ancient Magics within can be
4787s reassembled with other pieces okay
4791s cool um so sorry I was talking I was
4795s talking about about the uh conflag
4797s rate yeah uh so one thing you'll be
4800s noticing a lot on the Mage is um I'm
4802s throwing out different elements of
4804s projectiles like here's a fireball and
4806s then after that you'll see my weapon
4807s combo is throwing out little fire
4809s projectiles as we showed in the previous
4812s Mage live stream that is Elemental
4814s empowerment and how it works however
4815s we've changed a little bit how that
4817s works um now on the finisher attack of
4821s every combo um you get the element based
4824s on what your infused element is and then
4828s you can use certain abilities to promote
4830s that from burning to like H flag rate in
4832s the case that you're seeing Oh my
4836s God there's a
4842s lot so you'll see me doing that here and
4845s there need to get myself some mana and
4847s that's a concept that we're applying the
4849s all the
4850s classes um on on the tank we recently
4853s moved they used to generate courage and
4855s uh apply stagger on every hit we move
4858s that all to the combo end as well which
4861s is really nice because that allows us to
4863s normalize these effects across multiple
4865s different weapon types and really make
4868s true our promise of weapon
4870s Choice yeah it's like we don't want to
4873s you know put too much emphasis on attack
4875s speed for proc rate and you know there's
4876s other ways to do that you can normalize
4878s chance and all that stuff but we also
4880s just thought like from a gameplay
4882s perspective it is really cool to like
4884s make you have to commit to that final
4887s hit it just kind of makes it feel a
4889s little bit more um like you're working
4892s towards something rather than just
4893s getting something on every
4895s attack yeah the initial thought was that
4898s the additional flexibility was good with
4900s the tank play style but having that
4903s additional thing to chase mid rotation
4906s um is turning out pretty
4908s well see
4911s here I found this dude looks like some
4915s oh this is
4917s uh this is we saw this guy
4921s before he was in our um last time we
4925s showed Oaken Bane
4928s keep an armored shade floats before you
4932s incapable of
4933s speech it however does extend a
4936s translucent arm to hand you a Caporal
4941s letter oh I've received a
4943s letter okay okay let's take a look at
4946s what this letter
4947s does the paper in this letter is Inked
4950s on what feels so old that it could
4953s disintegrate Against Time and your
4955s gentle handling it holds
4958s together that sounds like I should open
4960s this
4962s letter though the letter is ancient the
4965s text in it is clearly
4967s legible Papa oh no wait no papa mama
4972s says we won't be able to visit anymore
4974s after we through the portal oh [ __ ] I
4977s messed that up I should have read this
4980s before c minus I know I'm sorry I'm
4982s sorry sorry okay wait wait papa mama
4985s says we won't be able to visit anymore
4986s after we leave through the portal didn't
4989s feel right to leave you alone so I'm
4990s leaving you my bravest toy soldier oh
4993s that was the toy soldier piece we
4995s found to help you and the others here
4997s fight off the demons coming for us I
5000s hate to tell you kid I don't think that
5001s toy soldier is going to help I'm getting
5004s too old to I know his name is Troy oh I
5007s love always Troy we have respawns here
5010s the word a is Written in Blood across
5012s the back of the paper four distinct
5014s times sounds interesting oh it's going
5018s to give me some experience deliver the
5020s toy to the Forgotten soldiers Memorial
5023s site okay so we need to find a memorial
5026s site a that's
5028s sad what history what history lives
5033s here love the banners
5042s oh
5045s man we've got a I love the I also love
5048s the Ambiance here of the like
5064s goblins
5066s we're mopping these goblins
5071s up oh
5075s yeah yeah we've been doing a lot of play
5078s test Cycles in this area getting it
5079s getting it good so we're pretty
5082s experienced yeah we have dead many
5084s deaths in this area but
5086s uh yeah what kills you gets you stronger
5090s right yep I think that's how it
5093s goes
5096s [Music]
5102s that wasn't close
5106s oh guys I want to talk about a little
5109s another thing that we always are keeping
5111s in mind towards um Alpha 2
5120s oops um keeping mind towards Alpha 2 is
5123s performance testing that's something
5125s that Pi has been helping us test and
5127s there's another Pi test happening I
5129s think next week um which is both the uh
5133s visual performance that you're seeing
5135s within the game world uh from a
5137s rendering perspective as well as from a
5138s networking perspective um on the servers
5141s as well so uh keep that in mind there's
5144s going to be a lot of benefits there uh
5146s because um it is something that uh is
5149s happening now
5151s and team's been putting a lot of work
5153s towards that
5158s might want to get a little Mana back
5160s there I know I have no Mana I'm so
5163s sorry just grabbing cheating grabbing
5165s Mana we need a we need a b in this party
5169s well you do have blood Fusion if you so
5171s choose oh that's right I forgot about
5172s blood Fusion I should choose that yeah
5175s next AOE pack you can use that with so
5177s that gives 50% back of damage done as
5180s Mana yep so round all these guys up and
5182s pop it and start aing
5188s oh yeah good call forgot about
5195s that
5200s nice by the way this area looks great
5203s during the uh ancient
5209s violence all right looks like we got
5211s something up here on our right wolves up
5214s front let's get them let's do this what
5217s do we got
5219s incoming look like we got Alpha woof up
5222s top P down I see this alpha wolf up
5226s there I'm going for
5243s him who's Alpha who's this guy talking
5246s about
5252s Alpha player on
5260s me okay I'm getting that Mana
5264s back oh what do we got here
5267s fler yep he's dead
5270s [Applause]
5273s though
5283s oh do I need to Lo that yeah let's loot
5286s him where's he at right
5290s here he has an alpha severed head all
5294s right all right like crafting material
5297s they have like a little Den here how sad
5300s let's go behind the den
5303s maybe sneak in yeah around from the kind
5306s of like the wall
5307s side
5311s infiltration we need a
5313s camouflage should we go up
5317s here let's try it I think there's mobs
5320s up there too but we can give it a
5324s shot no it looks like there's a break in
5326s the wall further down oh yeah there's a
5329s flare up there too be careful it's a
5331s good plan though but
5333s boiled
5336s okay here we
5339s go yep all right
5343s sleeping okay I'm going to jump on
5346s them hold up
5353s oh right got some
5363s damage
5365s got trip
5368s [Music]
5370s there we're doing it in coming from the
5374s back we got another we got a
5378s friend oh no he's hurting he's
5387s hurting all right he's
5390s Frozen dead got
5393s him
5398s I feel bad for the for the Wolves
5401s actually they didn't want
5404s this they're just in their little dens
5407s wrong wrong place wrong time the den
5410s smell
5412s nasty big
5415s pull big
5417s pull I guess that's every poem here I
5420s was about to
5423s say
5430s Fighter's doing work though yeah I'm
5432s doing big p big PS are what fighter is
5435s uh all
5441s about all right doing a sleep
5444s again going to focus the shaman over
5451s here I love getting that Mana back
5467s nicely done okay up here there's a
5470s goblin right
5472s there o it's getting dark for
5474s me oh we pulled a bunch here pulled a
5477s bunch
5483s mhm
5485s player in the
5490s back there's a shaman out there
5507s too destroy their homes so they don't
5511s come
5513s back that' be cool that
5515s worked ooh I found some of the uh the
5520s cargo okay picked up a
5525s uh got some loot yeah all right sleeping
5529s that pack up
5538s there
5543s nice
5545s we got ads next pack actually all right
5556s a ra
5558s ahead oh yeah we got a named guy that's
5561s one of the ones we
5563s need look
5566s up where is
5569s he uh he is right on top of our tank
5576s here another sleep
5582s off yeah me
5591s too all right bringing that wolf
5603s down
5606s Mana here real
5607s quick um all right let's start I got
5611s some Howling Wolf
5613s Garb nice nice and I found a Toy Soldier
5618s arm we have the we have the arms now and
5621s the uh
5623s boots we're doing it sweet halfway
5626s perfect
5630s who every time sorry every
5633s time
5641s got ads from the
5645s left he's
5650s asleep careful uh to the left
5656s here try and pull him
5663s back
5691s we got bu bu over here let's rest up
5694s all right let's make sure there's no ads
5696s over here to our right see where the
5698s wall kind of sticks out back there I
5699s think we need to go that far wolf right
5702s here he's patroling let's kill
5707s him uh we
5709s got okay oh no let's just go to the wall
5712s go to the spot okay I'm going to sleep
5715s them as we pull all
5719s right all right sleep dropping
5723s now
5726s I think that L me a lot of wolves just
5729s passed that so if we end up having to
5731s move a little bit don't go any further
5733s than
5739s this yeah drag him into the
5743s corner all right this fl's
5745s down my favorite place of any tank a
5753s corner
5757s wait on my P cool down I'll bring him
5758s back all right it's just him now burn
5761s him bringing it back to the wall nice
5767s [Music]
5779s cool that Shield is
5783s strong
5787s Mana back here we go for it I wonder if
5790s those wound Stacks are reducing the
5792s shields though should
5799s be oh there's a trip can you name him
5802s maed him nice come on get him get him
5806s get that shield down what a clutch
5810s unbelievable that Shield it's almost
5811s like it's it's scripted to do that
5816s oh sweet he had a goblin
5818s skull
5820s sweet very
5824s nice all right now what we what we
5827s looking for
5829s something yeah uh so I think in here is
5833s going to be the last two goblins we're
5835s trying to
5840s find yeah they are up this ramp this way
5843s I think
5849s watch out there's both left and right
5851s here I was trying to thread the needle
5853s and sleeping the
5857s shaman focus on this pack
5862s here oh you just destroyed that 10 heck
5866s yeah Tony if you destroy the homes they
5869s won't come back
5872s mhm ouch
5877s I'm on the
5878s shaman freezing
5891s in all right careful up here this is
5895s like super danger area I'm going to pull
5898s some of these back I think yeah you can
5903s probably
5906s sleeping the
5910s play okay we got the other fler too
5916s now I got him knocked
5933s down what's happening all right keep an
5936s eye outs he's right there on the left
5939s he's pathing he going to wait it out we
5943s want to clear up here slags the last
5945s there's a flare above us flare right
5947s here CLE to the right while we wait and
5949s pull him while we okay they're P leave
5952s this one that's close to us
5954s TR yeah I'm waiting them to round them
5956s up cuz they're they're all coming got
5958s the they're all coming all right sleep
5960s dropping now drop that sleep oh my God
5965s it's not much use if that
5970s happens two can spin at this CL they
5974s they bumped my first one second coming
5977s okay keep guiding keep
5980s guiding I'm back
5992s out stable
6002s readying you got
6022s more
6032s I did
6033s it
6036s nice get on a
6052s shaman
6055s good kill on the
6060s shammy we doing it all right did we loot
6063s slags cool yeah him I certainly did what
6069s did you did you loot
6070s SL dude tra trade with me no no trade it
6073s to me trade no that's not a tradeable
6075s item
6078s H he'll be back soon okay maybe we can
6082s uh yeah move up we can spawn
6087s him one if he wants to bring him
6093s in I think his respawn isn't too bad
6096s it's actually pretty quick is it yeah
6100s yeah all right well let's talk about how
6103s this fighter has been performing
6106s exemplary performance by the fighter if
6108s I don't say so myself I mean really just
6110s unbelievable top tier top tier
6115s I do love the area I I love how each of
6118s the areas just dramatically change as
6122s story arcs come online visually right
6125s the atmospherics alone are significant
6128s not not to mention the obvious sound
6130s Ambience everything I me it's these
6132s goblins I love their
6135s vocals yeah the little evil laugh like
6138s the big guys do right before they spin
6140s the win on you oh
6142s yeah
6144s it's a nice like audio Telegraph
6153s too all right going freeze the
6159s player they're starting to respawn
6170s here p is
6172s back
6174s who is the name guy no over
6186s here so what are some of the things Trad
6189s that you look for from the community or
6192s Keenan or Brian as it relates to kind of
6194s everything we talked about today right
6196s what what are the things you want to
6197s hear people kind of opining on in you
6201s know our different social media forums
6203s not
6206s Discord incoming slags oh well yeah
6209s let's get him first and we can chat
6211s about
6215s that uh I mean this is this is actually
6217s an interesting one is like you know just
6220s these areas like you know the the
6223s density the respawn rates like you know
6225s this is this is intended for a larger
6228s group but is this the kind of um farming
6232s um that you would want to see uh or you
6234s know what what what are your preferred
6237s you know grinding experiences in games
6239s um from MMOs you've played um also just
6243s like how do you feel the fighter plays
6246s from the melee perspective like you know
6249s what are Fighters that you've really
6250s liked playing in games um and how did
6253s you enjoy them more or or what do you
6255s like that more that you're seeing here
6257s that you didn't see in fighters on other
6259s games like all that kind of
6261s stuff yeah one building on that one
6263s thing I really like is um criticism from
6266s our fans like what like what's missing
6269s what doesn't look so hot um we're all
6272s experienced developers we could take the
6273s heat it's fine you're not going to hurt
6275s our feelings we just need to know what
6278s sucks absolutely I think the critical
6281s feedback loop is very important I think
6284s you know one of the things that is super
6286s important anytime you're offering any
6287s critical feedback is is to be very
6289s specific in the things that don't mesh
6291s well or you know that looking to see
6294s improved and a lot of that stuff
6295s validates already what we have you know
6299s intentions for as we move forward in
6301s development but um that validation is
6304s important right because it means that
6305s you as the player are thinking about the
6307s same things that we're thinking about um
6310s and and we can prioritize that stuff
6312s obviously combat being one of the
6313s biggest takeaways from alpha 1 which you
6315s can see here we took to heart and are
6318s iterating upon uh and continuing to
6320s develop
6322s it
6324s another good thing would be um you know
6326s this is a a half group like how how do
6330s the visuals look like you know the the
6332s fighter effects feel and look really
6334s awesome in my opinion um especially when
6336s we're showcasing them how does that hold
6338s up you know with the Mage effects in
6340s parallel and also the cleric and the
6342s tank like a lot of that stuff you know
6346s how does it look you know when you're
6348s looking at it from a a very controlled
6351s isolated standpoint and how does that
6352s hold up or break down when you enter all
6355s those archetypes together into the
6359s mix you ready for the final
6363s guy did I lo the other dude I him again
6367s so I spawned us a new one oh oh my
6372s God I can't help it where is the new one
6376s right here years of ninja looting
6379s experience I guess God this is the
6381s fighter showcase not the Rogue
6384s oh I'm
6385s sorry that was
6388s funny is this him all right yes Keenan
6392s just looted again oh my God I know there
6395s we go okay we have the flare blade
6397s fragment and the toy soldier
6400s torso yay we have the Torso now Kenan
6404s has two torsos I have a single
6406s torso I have three oh my
6409s [Music]
6410s god when you guys are ready I'm going to
6412s charge what do I do here you want me to
6414s do a sleep bow uh well they're incoming
6417s right I'm sleeping now so we'll see
6419s which one I I
6420s get there are two Shaman in the back I'm
6424s going to focus on
6433s them I'm up here on the
6442s platform
6459s on bag is what you want buddy let's go
6462s oh he's
6468s Tri
6471s um I think with the the fighter looking
6475s as cool and spectacular as he does it's
6477s a good opportunity to talk about
6482s how how like visually
6485s interesting each ability should
6488s be and whether people think it's too
6491s much or too
6493s little uh or whether they feel like it's
6495s about right for the gameplay experience
6497s that they
6500s enjoy absolutely visuals the the visual
6503s effects for these abilities are in a
6507s um uh playable uh State we want to get
6511s your guys' feedback on
6514s that you
6519s know definitely want a lot of feedback
6521s around um what people want out of group
6524s grinding areas I know we're developing a
6526s lot of those right now and that would
6528s that would make sure that we're giving
6530s everyone what they want or at least
6532s taking it into consideration with what
6533s we're
6536s building like things like respawn rids
6541s density uh do we want to complete the
6543s quest here you should have all the
6544s pieces all right so in your inventory
6546s you should have all four if you looted
6548s zags MH yes um put it together let see
6552s what happens just right clicking one of
6554s them
6556s sure oh reassemble the doll the Goblins
6560s must have broken up the toy soldier but
6562s have all four parts I can try
6564s reassembling it looks like there's
6566s something together I have a reanimated
6569s toy
6570s soldier that sounds like a Chucky doll
6572s or
6575s something creepy let's get rid of it
6578s yeah I was about to say we're get
6579s respawn better turn it in where we where
6581s we going we got a tombstone from from
6584s the same guy the for Heroes Memorial let
6589s me see
6592s here we have a memorial for all the
6594s heroes that could not be buried you will
6596s always be remembered
6599s here I placed the action figure by the
6601s memorial I can feel a grateful presence
6603s in the air and suddenly notice hey this
6607s was a this is a graceful
6610s graceful to small parcel near the
6613s memorial that I didn't see
6616s before he gave me a glowing glint and
6620s some dim
6621s glint and he had leftover currency from
6624s the ancient times and hopefully a lot of
6627s XP right yes a significant number of
6629s experience delivered the
6631s toy we have
6635s succeeded yay look at that it happened
6639s we did it amazing holy smokes well that
6644s was fun I enjoyed that and the area
6646s obviously looks beautiful the class
6647s plays remarkably well um feels very good
6651s um Keenan
6654s Brian
6656s Trad and all the Goblins around us that
6658s are incredibly vocal um thank you guys
6663s this was a lot of fun I enjoyed this I
6665s know the community did um everyone out
6667s there in the community as you guys have
6669s seen the fighter class is is getting
6672s very close to ready for Alpha 2 along
6675s with all the other archetypes that
6676s you've that you've seen give us your
6678s commentary give us your feedback talk on
6680s the YouTube channel in the Discord on
6681s our forums
6683s what did you enjoy about the
6685s presentation uh today oh my
6688s gosh these guys are just
6693s completely we could just n persistent
6696s yeah I was going to say maybe just n
6697s this they come they're almost we'll nuke
6700s any future goblins yes future goblins
6702s but um everyone out there talk to us
6704s about what you enjoyed today in the
6705s presentation um we obviously enjoy
6707s sharing these updates with you obviously
6709s ashes of creation is still a work in
6710s progress We are continuing to develop
6712s towards Alpha 2
6713s uh we are hard at work doing so uh but
6715s the combat team loves your guys'
6717s feedback uh so please give it and Keenan
6720s Trad uh Brian thank you very much for
6722s joining us today and showing off all the
6724s hard work that your guys' teams have
6726s been working
6727s on yep y thanks for having us it's been
6729s an adventure yes pleas an adventure all
6733s right guys we will see you back on
6739s [Music]
6741s stream and we are back I'm going to um
6745s play the video in the background willst
6747s we talk we're going to grab some
6749s questions from chat throughout the um
6752s we've been watching you uh vnar and
6753s Roshan are wonderful Community managers
6755s have been we have like a party that's
6757s happening on Discord and we've got a
6759s twitch chat so we've definitely been
6761s keeping an eye out for your guys's
6763s questions and trying to snag all of the
6765s details so first and foremost I think
6768s Stephen you wanted to kind of address
6769s Performance and I know that's something
6771s that we were working on drastically even
6773s with our PI users we've been getting all
6775s the PC specs and stuff like that and
6777s working towards that yeah and those and
6779s you know those the initial performance
6781s work that's being done right now is is
6784s mainly on the network side but what you
6785s guys are noticing on the FPS and the
6788s client side rendering you know that is
6790s stuff that we are going to be working on
6793s over the next few months um and you
6795s should see some very significant lift in
6798s those areas um you know sometimes it can
6801s it can get a little bit unruly while
6803s we're in active development certain
6805s assets can get certain places that might
6806s need to be adjusted we might be getting
6808s draw calls from across the map you know
6810s you might have some cloth simulation
6812s that's just a little heavy on some hair
6814s like there's you know a few things
6816s obviously that that are kind of loow
6818s hanging fruit um uh that our performance
6821s teams will focus on you'll see that get
6823s better obviously as we get closer to to
6825s Alpha 2 uh so it is on the top of our
6827s minds we do definitely uh address that
6830s we've recently released also um some of
6833s Min spec and recommended specs for Alpha
6835s 2 you can take a look at that on the
6836s website um yeah you go to our support
6839s section and look at our KB articles or
6841s uh yeah our knowledge based articles
6843s sorry call G uh but our knowledge based
6845s articles and just type in you know specs
6847s and it should be there for you so um we
6850s have all that information already there
6851s and keep in mind that is just for Alpha
6853s 2 we will be changing that as we move
6855s forward in beta 1 and beta 2 and then
6856s launch we're obviously going to keep
6858s optimizing from to give perspective most
6861s games are not worrying about performance
6863s and optimization this early on usually
6865s you're just developing like crazy and
6867s then you do the performance stuff later
6868s towards when you're ready to open for
6871s beta um or the alphas these days which
6874s are basically like beta ones um so just
6877s kind of keeping that in mind because
6879s we're in open development it's a little
6880s bit different for us um you know in
6882s development process the next question we
6884s have here the rest of them are more
6886s fighter based uh the next question here
6888s is will the battlecry sound effect
6890s change based on your race and uh yes
6894s yeah and and that's not just obviously
6896s for battlecry but any type of um you
6899s know incantation uh is generally going
6902s to adhere to a certain style of vocal
6905s that's respective of the uh character
6907s customization options that you've
6909s selected yeah and you'll hear those
6912s audio voices and other things that we do
6914s in the future are any of these abilities
6917s change or abilities changed based on
6920s weapon choice so example if I have a bow
6922s a equipped will Whirlwind be different
6925s based on that no so um in one thing that
6930s we've changed which uh since Alpha One
6933s is we now have a dedicated ranged slot
6936s and a dedicated uh main hand off hand
6938s for melee slots um and so if you use an
6942s ability that has that is utilizing your
6944s ranged slot um you will you will spawn
6947s that weapon as you're using the ability
6949s and then go back to your your uh basic
6952s weapon selection ction um toggle and you
6955s can toggle back and forth between using
6957s the um uh the ranged weapon slot or the
6959s melee weapon slot uh for your basic
6962s weapon
6963s attacks all right and then the next one
6965s here is what percentage of currently
6967s complete fighter abilities don't require
6970s a Target uh something that folks noticed
6972s is that uh you were in action comment a
6974s few times uh throughout this as well so
6977s I don't know how how you want to yeah
6979s absolutely I tried to play a little bit
6980s of action there I saw some of the
6981s commentary about my uh my playing I just
6984s want to say that um I told Advance there
6987s was that's totally fine like hey I want
6991s you as the viewer to look at say man I
6995s could play way better than you right and
6997s then get in here and show it Alpha two
7000s no I'm just kidding there was a couple
7002s I'm like Stephen you were wandering
7003s around over here and the boss was
7005s there somebody on Discord today said
7008s that I'm a boomer and I said technically
7010s I'm a millennial but I play like a
7012s boomer so guess I'm a millennial and
7014s they were like just stop I saw that in
7016s the Discord it's so good okay uh what
7020s was the actual question oh what
7021s percentage are are uh templated attacks
7025s versus requiring a Target um that's a
7028s good question I would say off the top of
7030s my head I think there's
7033s probably four or five abilities right
7036s now that require a single Target and
7038s then I think the rest are either like on
7041s self or uh some some you know template
7045s conal attack or something yeah Fighter's
7048s very AOE
7050s heavy um will there be a limit to the
7053s stacks on bosses so there was a lot of
7056s debuffs and um what do we call status
7058s effects and things like that that were
7059s being stacked on things um and they were
7062s curious if there's limits to certain
7063s Stacks um and also uh can you for
7066s instance an example would be can I
7068s onshot a boss by stacking wounded for an
7071s hour so yeah yeah that's absolutely
7074s there's diminishing returns uh there are
7077s Max stack counts um you know uh those
7080s are types of things that kind of depend
7082s on the target we're talking about um
7084s bosses are obviously going to have the
7086s higher end of resistances and and you
7088s know immun returns and immunities
7091s absolutely um so the intent is not to
7094s provide an infinite stack count
7095s absolutely and um to follow up on that
7099s just because I know there might be some
7100s subsidiary questions of that which is
7104s would those Stacks be per AR or per
7106s person or per archetype or per the type
7110s of status effect those would be
7112s predicated on the status effect type so
7115s so not respective if you put burning on
7118s it it would be everybody in the raid has
7120s to adhere to that limit that's correct
7123s yep for contacts okay um and then and
7125s just to be clear like like that is
7127s absolutely something that we that we're
7129s going to be testing um we've on the
7131s design team we've had a number of
7133s discussions with regards to how to
7135s surface kind of individual stack
7137s application versus like you know group
7140s and raid combat requirements there um
7143s there's a few different options that are
7145s available obviously to us we've decided
7148s on a certain direction for the purposes
7149s of Alpha 2 but I believe we've actually
7152s we've actually prototyped a few of the
7154s different options just to get a feeling
7156s for how that that is currently in our
7158s combat testing um um so yeah just stay
7161s tuned for that obvious Alpha 2 is going
7163s to have testing with that and you guys
7165s will be either experiencing it or
7166s watching an alpha 2 and so definitely
7168s share with us your thoughts we'll be
7170s making changes and balancing things as
7172s we move forward um how will augments
7175s work to help a fighter hold aggro if
7177s their secondary Arch type is a tank and
7180s I know that that's like going deeper
7182s into secondary Arch types um but folks
7185s are curious about it I mean just to give
7187s a general response there without getting
7189s into too much of the specifics because
7190s obviously augments are something that we
7192s are still kind of outstanding in our um
7195s in our uh development slash you know
7198s inspection there um the idea is that you
7201s know obviously threat generation is a
7204s core component of the tank archetype so
7208s as a fighter if you're selecting the
7210s tank as your secondary archetype you're
7212s going to have certain spheres of
7214s augments that you can apply to your
7216s abilities to help maintain threat um to
7220s potentially even uh moment arily take um
7224s uh aggro from a particular Target in
7227s order to better service that role uh of
7230s the tank in combat um now what that will
7234s specifically equate to you know I don't
7236s have an answer for you now that's
7237s something that will be testing in the
7239s future um but you know know that the
7242s goal with providing those selections to
7245s the fighter will be to service a
7248s secondary um threat generation you know
7251s effect um yeah and then the next one is
7257s uh is momentum being generated while
7259s under the effects of
7263s exert uh say that I'm sorry I was
7265s getting distracted everybody in chat
7266s saying stare why are they saying stare I
7269s don't know maybe someone raided us or
7271s something like that uh is momentum being
7274s generated while under the effects of
7276s exert is momentum being generated while
7278s under the yes absolutely uh that's part
7280s of the mechanic that is current
7282s incorporated into exert is that you can
7286s activate exert while Max momentum and
7289s then depending on the effectiveness of
7291s you utilizing your skills and damaging
7294s targets you can continue to keep that um
7298s momentum up while under the effects of
7301s exert to extend its lifetime uh beyond
7304s what the you know six seconds initially
7306s are we appreciate the raid we always do
7310s from everybody we just are also trying
7312s to be conscious of folks times so we uh
7314s we don't always uh mention them uh the
7318s next one is Will ranged archetypes have
7321s ways of gaining distance to compensate
7323s for fighter distance closers uh would
7325s you keep doing this until both players
7328s have cooldowns for their mobility and I
7331s just want to say we haven't balanced
7332s everything yet so there will definitely
7334s be adjustments so the question is are
7337s there are there Gap creators in addition
7340s to the Gap closers that we see on
7342s fighter or I it's will ranged archetypes
7345s specifically like like your Mage your
7347s Ranger your ranged they have yeah they
7351s have ways to gain dist gain distance to
7353s compensate for how well the fighter can
7356s Gap close yeah yeah absolutely that's
7358s that's the cat and mouse of these
7360s abilities right like we've seen with the
7363s ranger they have a backflip they have um
7366s their um their airdrop ability the Mage
7370s has
7371s teleportation um
7373s you know there are going to be abilities
7376s that are tit fortat right and managing
7380s the resource of those abilities and the
7382s timing of when you use them to either
7386s correlate to your opponent's use of
7388s those things um or to save them for
7392s yourself when you want to get away like
7394s that's part of what makes the
7396s engagements Dynamic and different each
7398s time yeah and if you go back and you
7400s watch like our Mage uh archetype pre
7402s preview or our range uh Ranger specific
7405s archetype preview you will see that they
7407s also have some abilities to slow snare
7410s you know keep their their targets at in
7413s place and also to get themselves more
7415s mobile especially the ranger has a lot
7417s of Mobility as well so and there will be
7419s balance we're not in the balancing State
7422s um so obviously right now every every
7424s class we show they're like s so but
7426s right now we're trying to find the fun
7428s so sometimes the fun is a little op but
7430s the balance will come into play and
7432s abolutely you'll see these abilities
7434s move around too some of them might move
7436s into secondary archetypes or augments
7438s and things like that so just keep that
7439s in mind uh the next question is do do
7442s destructibles respawn because one of the
7445s things that you had said in there was
7447s like oh maybe they won't come back home
7448s and like someone was like I wish that
7450s was the case but yeah no I was just
7452s being a little roleplay um yes
7455s destructibles so you know obviously not
7458s a lot of MMOs that we have all probably
7460s played um are tending to provide
7465s a heavily destructible environments um
7469s these obviously these set pieces like
7471s the you know the different props you saw
7473s in this demonstration the Huts um the
7476s totem poles and stuff you know those are
7479s unique to the goblin tribe the mukah
7482s tribe um and part of our Dynamic world
7485s is that as population tables change so
7489s too do the corresponding prop sets that
7493s are utilized within the area to better
7495s reflect that Dynamic change of the world
7499s um and from a level design perspective
7501s when you're curating these spaces for
7504s players to engage in combat either in
7506s PVE or in PvP there is an element of of
7511s strategy that gets introduced when that
7515s environment has destructibility uh as
7517s well so you can clear those spaces make
7520s Mobility a bit uh uh
7523s um better serviceable for you or vice
7526s versa you could utilize you know line of
7528s sight and and uh Interruption to kind of
7531s create interesting engagements um so
7534s those can be destroyed um and then they
7536s do respond after a period of time I
7538s believe currently that period of time is
7540s set to
7541s like 10 minutes for the respawns of
7544s those um
7547s yeah and I think the community just got
7549s a
7550s bingo they have the cat on the bingo
7553s card I didn't make it happen she came
7555s over here um can we yeah for those of
7559s you who are new to our community if you
7560s head on to over to our Discord our
7561s community always does like a they make
7564s up a little bingo card it's cute um can
7567s we toggle name plates for mobs
7569s especially you show them outside of
7571s combat so one of the things they noticed
7573s when you were playing is that when you
7574s were roaming in the world you didn't
7576s really see name plates until you had
7577s them targeted yeah that that was a
7579s setting that I had enabled um just
7582s because oh so first of all question
7585s immersion you guys right I know I know
7587s I'm sorry I'm I I do like the immersion
7590s uh it it it helps fulfill the uh the
7593s fantasy of the world but um I also like
7597s to see name plates from time to time
7599s anyways the it is entirely customizable
7602s currently that that customization option
7604s is already in game you can set name
7606s plates to always appear you can set it
7609s to only appear on targets you can set it
7611s to only appear on targets instead of
7612s taking damage you can set it to only
7613s appear on targets that are aggroing you
7615s or your party members you can set it for
7617s your allies for yourself for you know
7620s whatever there's there's a lot of Highly
7623s customizable options that are currently
7625s in the
7626s game all right and we're going to have
7630s color options too for some for certain
7632s things for color blind folks too I think
7634s it was one of the things that we've
7635s worked towards so we're going to we're
7637s going to try to give you guys a lot of
7638s customization I think even in Alpha 2
7640s you'll be able to like move and adjust
7641s your UI around so um yeah keep that in
7645s mind uh the next question is our mob
7648s sounds like the goblin stock placeholder
7651s or Intrepid made audio a lot we got a
7653s lot of comments about people really
7655s digging the audio so good job audio team
7657s I know you guys work hard yes
7659s specifically that was Andrew uh one of
7661s our audio designers uh he recorded those
7664s Goblin sounds and and implemented them
7666s into the game yeah those are not stock
7668s those are those are our audio designer
7670s Andrews uh his his nightly routine
7673s before he goes to bed he does those
7675s incantations um screams Into The
7678s Ether
7680s exactly no he did a great job on those
7683s they were really good I mean obviously
7684s and that's unique right to to C to
7687s obviously certain faction types um the
7689s ones that can can have language you know
7692s having those kind of spell incantations
7693s I think add a lot of character um and he
7697s did a great job with those yeah um and
7700s then of course does the fighter have any
7702s specific weapon dependent abilities so
7706s um you know something that we are
7708s allowing people to do in ashes of
7709s creation is you can use any weapons and
7711s armor um but obviously there will be
7714s some that will be better for certain
7715s specs so I don't know if you want to
7716s talk more about that weapon dependent
7721s like you have to use a specific weapon
7722s for specific I don't think I don't think
7724s the fighter I could be wrong on that but
7726s I don't believe the fighter has a weapon
7729s dependent ability other than like using
7733s ranged weapons with melee specific
7736s abilities right
7739s right um and even in those situations I
7742s still think you can use the melee
7745s abilities you just won't have a weapon
7747s equipped when you do
7749s them just like punching or something
7752s there they'll have to sort that out um
7755s but of course those are kind we're not
7756s we won't we'll be here all day if we ask
7758s ask and answer all of the questions so
7761s definitely uh whenever we put up our
7763s next Q&A for next month make sure you
7765s put your questions in there if you have
7768s followup questions for us but we also
7769s have a thread up on our forums you can
7771s go check it out right now um it is
7773s regarding our fighter archetype preview
7775s so if you do have feedback for us
7776s regarding the archetype uh definitely go
7779s give us as much as you want over there
7781s and it doesn't have to just be about The
7782s Fighter um I think Keenan brought up
7784s some great questions in the in the the
7787s gameplay section which was also or not
7790s only been Keenan but about like group
7792s play and the density in which we had
7794s mobs around there and um all that kind
7796s of stuff so anything that you saw in the
7798s in this preview please feel free to
7800s share feedback with us as um our
7802s wonderful Community managers will be
7804s going through everything they read every
7806s single comment you guys make um even our
7808s social media team uh Peter goes through
7811s that and also provides anything that's
7813s uh you know additional so we give them
7814s as much as we possibly can on that front
7817s in regards to what what y'all are
7820s thinking and how you're feeling about
7821s things
7822s um so that they don't have to read all
7824s of it they can focus on making the game
7826s and with that we'll move over to Studio
7829s by just to just to be clear I want to
7831s give another shout out Tori also worked
7833s on the goblin vocals as well so it was
7835s Tori and Andrew they split those up a
7837s bit so those of you who are loving those
7839s sounds uh big props to Tori and Andrew
7841s on that it was it definitely immersed me
7843s when I was playing let get some some
7845s claps in chats and hearts we appreciate
7848s it
7850s um next up up let's talk a little bit
7852s about Studio stuff we have a lot of
7854s roles that are up for um for hiring um I
7860s know the industry is crazy right now AB
7864s you went to GDC talk a little bit maybe
7865s about that as well yeah I did I did go
7868s to GDC uh I went to GDC I tried to fit
7870s all of my meetings into just two days so
7872s that I could get back to the studio as
7873s quickly as possible so I was there for
7875s Tuesday and Wednesday um I did announce
7878s while I was there on Twitter that I
7880s would sit down and that that St Regis
7882s Lobby from from like 9 to 10 on Tuesday
7885s and 4 to 5 on Wednesday and boy did we
7887s have a turnout of
7890s people uh that was a lot of fun to chat
7893s with everybody and and where they are in
7895s their careers and their their passion
7898s for ashes um and MMOs in general I had a
7901s great time chatting with a lot of
7903s different people went on to the the Expo
7905s floor uh Wednesday in the afternoon for
7908s about an hour and got to meet just a lot
7911s of people who came up and were aware of
7913s ashes and that was always that helped
7916s recharge my motivation batteries which
7918s was great um we are we are hiring we
7923s have some lofty hiring goals over the
7926s next 60 days um and you guys in the
7930s community who are watching and help you
7932s know spread the word for ashes and the
7934s and the company um you already have done
7937s an amazing job I told you the story
7938s about of some interviews I had where
7941s where they G gamer friends after they
7943s had been laid off said now's your chance
7945s get over to ashes right um I would call
7950s upon you once again to help spread the
7953s word we have got I think like eight or
7956s nine design positions that are open
7960s currently um we have a number of
7962s production positions we have a number of
7964s engineering
7966s positions um and Intrepid is a stellar
7970s place to work and the project is very
7972s fulfilling and exciting one um so as you
7976s are aware of people in this industry
7978s that you look up to or that you admire
7980s or um you know whatever it may be send
7984s them our way because and some of those
7986s roles on there we're hiring for multiple
7988s people of those roles so if you're like
7990s right you're like but I only see three
7992s there it's because we're hiring like
7994s four of that one role or whatever it
7995s might be so absolutely yeah it is we we
7999s need a lot of a lot of people to make
8001s this project it is it is a lofty one
8005s yes um I think that's all I had things
8008s that I wanted to make sure that we
8009s mentioned is there anything else that
8011s you can think of Stephen no you know I
8013s think the only other thing that you know
8014s I would love to touch on
8017s is you know the team is very heads down
8020s right now um working towards getting
8024s what we want to get ready for Alpha 2
8026s ready um and I would say that you know
8030s we have a a wonderfully beautiful
8032s glorious Community um who have stood
8035s with us uh many steps of the way on this
8039s journey um and it is a journey that's
8042s not for everyone watching a game that's
8044s in development you know constantly being
8046s teased every month about the product you
8049s want to play but can't touch yet right
8051s like that that takes that takes a
8054s patience a different level of patience
8057s right uh that not all of us are probably
8059s accustomed to um and you know sometimes
8063s that patience can wear thin and that's
8065s fair but what I can tell you is that um
8070s is that that patience is going to yield
8072s something I think distinct in our genre
8076s um what we're creating with this game um
8080s and it's been it's been a long road uh
8083s if I if I would quote Star Trek
8085s Enterprise and their intro song getting
8087s from there to
8088s here I'm sorry uh but anyways uh it's
8092s been it's been a long road and um
8094s there's still a long road ahead of us
8096s but you know when I go to sleep at night
8099s and wake up in the morning and spend my
8101s you know waking hours uh everything Ash
8105s is
8106s related what I think about is that
8109s execution and I think about what it
8111s would mean on a launch day of either
8114s Alpha 2 or a launch for the game where
8117s we didn't do what we needed to do in
8120s order to make the game good enough and
8123s I'm not and you know I'm not a
8124s perfectionist right um I don't believe
8128s in waiting until a product is perfect
8130s but I do believe in waiting until the
8133s product is good enough um and that is
8136s always my norn star that's my Guiding
8139s Light when I think about the decisions
8141s that need to be made um you know
8144s regarding production regarding marketing
8147s regarding uh you know development and
8150s design decisions
8152s like that is my Guiding Light always
8154s from the players perspective so I just
8156s want to impress upon you all in the
8158s audience is that you know when we when
8160s we hear our our friends our fellow MMO
8164s Gamers talk about you know wanting to
8168s either see something now or you know
8171s hear something now or um you know
8174s whatever that might be
8177s um take it with the understanding that
8179s you can help communicate to them
8181s Intrepid is trying to do things
8184s differently and that's okay that is a
8187s good thing that is what this genre needs
8191s is in my opinion this level of
8194s Engagement this level of transparency I
8197s think is a very important one and it's
8199s been nice to kind of help Pioneer that a
8201s bit for the genre and I'm happy to see
8203s other projects take that take that on
8207s it's not an easy one to do no I had a
8210s couple of discussions the GDC yeah with
8213s some other with some other project
8215s directors thinking about doing this it
8217s is not absolutely you know it is not
8220s because you know at the end of the day
8222s like this takes a level of investment
8226s and a bit of an atypical approach to
8228s development that that that that allows
8231s us to stand up this kind of development
8234s update process every month right um and
8238s and that investment is significant but
8240s the reward Bo is that we get a community
8244s along the way who is also invested in
8247s ensuring that the product outcome is
8251s what the community wants and I think
8255s that cost is worth it obviously but what
8258s I want to say is that when you come
8260s across you know fellow MMO Gamers who
8263s are impatient or who you know might not
8266s say the nicest things about the product
8267s that's okay it is okay right let them
8271s come back and take a look when we do get
8274s to Alpha 2 or when we exactly correct um
8277s so don't don't jump down the throats uh
8280s just you know be prepared Open Arms
8283s smiling faces and uh as we continue to
8286s stay on the road towards development um
8289s if you build it they will come that is a
8292s that is a lifelong message I take home
8294s if youve followed us over the years
8295s you've seen our progress like we
8297s continue to make progress um that is one
8300s of the beautiful things about about
8302s having open development the hardest
8304s thing is keeping that trust and building
8305s it right uh we understand that we're
8308s going to make mistakes everyone does
8309s right but it's how we communicate those
8311s and how we share that information with
8313s you guys so um we appreciate you thank
8316s you so much for being here with us and
8319s motivating and um providing us feedback
8322s uh and you know feedback does take time
8324s to fix and iterate on so that is another
8327s thing too so just keep those things in
8328s mind and normally you know folks are
8330s developing MOS you know 10 15 20 years
8334s in darkness so they don't have that
8336s continual feedback and you're not
8338s sitting there waiting for 10 20 years
8340s you know alongside of developers um and
8343s early on in development you have a lot
8345s less staff because you're not you know
8346s doing the nitty-gritty and as you get
8348s further along you're you're Staffing up
8350s you're working towards bigger pieces and
8352s that's when things start moving fast so
8354s just thank you for your patience and
8357s continued patience and patience with
8359s other people who maybe don't have it
8362s absolutely and with that we'll move over
8364s to our wonderful art update we have you
8368s guys got to see the ranai in game too
8371s which is cool we've shown the models
8373s before um but we did show The Heavy
8377s Armor in game and last time we showed
8379s you the medium armor for Carin and this
8382s is the or light armor in this is the
8385s medium so these are all all the Carin
8388s armor that you've been seeing and the
8389s weapons and stuff like that those are
8390s all attainable ingame things from Carin
8393s so um get excited for looks great love
8398s it Stephen didn't want to put his helmet
8400s on in game I know I was really enjoying
8403s the orc Mohawk yeah
8406s Mohawk just hide your Helm homie I know
8410s um and then the next one here is a
8412s turntable of
8414s that which looks
8416s [Music]
8419s amazing that does look really good good
8422s who worked on this oh I didn't put the
8425s names on the I'm sorry oh no it was a
8428s bit I think this might have been I think
8431s this might have been
8432s Eli Eli work on
8435s this I normally do probably
8439s I um and then
8442s Nan we are now sharing you with you this
8445s is the starting gear for the nikin N oh
8450s yeah the nikan models and the starting
8452s gear yeah you've seen the concept of the
8455s models this is like a three These are 3D
8457s models now with their starting gear and
8460s you've been starting to see some of the
8462s starting gear from all the other uh
8464s races so we've been sharing them as
8465s we're moving
8468s along and then we've got some cool V
8471s effects that were being worked
8473s on um some of these you might have seen
8477s in game or you will
8479s soon um always go through different um
8483s iterations of
8485s them now those are those I believe are
8488s effects for the god Spike and the uh
8491s yeah the Toren God yeah and I actually
8494s have the torren spike I was going to say
8496s it for last but I realized I should have
8499s put the VFX with that after so we'll
8501s just share that next here um these are
8503s some of the concepts for them um
8506s obviously this is not the the end model
8508s but do you want to talk a little bit
8510s about what the torn God spest for or
8512s just leave them I think you tease people
8514s they're like what does that mean yeah no
8517s I I talked little this is something
8518s you're going to be seeing next month
8520s talk about in our Discord yeah we talked
8522s about you know the torrent Empire was a
8524s was an ancient empire on Vera before the
8527s aliens and the uh imper the aliens and
8530s imperian Empires got stood up uh there
8532s was an Empire of of half elves that um
8536s their demise came under the rule of King
8539s atrax uh and the gods Spike was a
8542s particular interesting artifact that
8545s could help to to initiate essentially
8548s this this uh Essence Fisher that uh
8552s would spawn in certain areas um and uh
8556s would be able to kind of sap into and um
8559s and siphon out the essence that laid
8563s within Vera um so not to get into too
8565s much detail but it is an interesting
8567s ancient artifact that can be used as
8570s part of certain War
8572s declarations we may get some insight too
8574s in the coming month that was run by cat
8577s yeah they both just ran in the room
8579s that's I was like oh my gosh um yeah
8582s you're going to get to see that next
8584s next month
8586s so get some uh I want to hear some some
8589s theories of what you guys think next
8590s month's topic is going to be um and the
8593s next thing that we have here is some
8594s little
8596s spiderlings that are looking adorable
8598s with a big spider so apologies for
8601s anybody who doesn't like booters I won't
8604s keep them up on screen too
8606s long I know we got a lot of people out
8608s there who are like I don't like spiders
8610s it's okay you could defeat them and then
8612s we have SE some concept art pieces we
8615s have some work that's being done towards
8617s Academy nodes um alen High uh highways
8621s alen ruins and the kar
8625s walls those look
8629s great and of course you guys have seen a
8632s lot I know the cats are yelling in the
8633s background um you guys have seen some of
8636s these concept pieces in the past with us
8638s and then we've shown you the in-game
8640s world uh and a lot of people are like it
8642s looks like the concept our artists are
8644s amazing um we try to give them a little
8646s showcase every week uh it's never enough
8648s I'm sure um and with that I think we'll
8652s just wrap up with our Q&A as per usual
8655s and I will play some more of the Fighter
8659s um preview whilst we do that maybe I'll
8663s move to the ingame part where you guys
8665s are fighting all the
8668s monsters let's see what answer questions
8671s what um so what questions we have we
8675s have some some some spicy ones no
8677s they're not too spicy oh spicy spicy
8680s well maybe some of them are spicy uh
8683s Harry Glenn wants to know about Buffs
8685s will there be long-term individual or
8688s group Buffs unique to certain archetypes
8690s and classes and this is in lie of you
8692s know when you think about General rating
8694s where you go and you're like I'm going
8696s to put this hourong buff on somebody are
8698s those types of things going to be
8700s something that you're going to have
8701s experience like everybody group up we're
8702s going to rate we're going to buff up yes
8705s those are definitely an intended
8707s experience um I think actually though
8709s our longest buff right now is intended
8711s to be 30 minutes so I'm not sure we have
8714s hourong Buffs uh if we do have hourong
8716s Buffs though they would likely come in
8718s the form of of edible of well excuse me
8722s it's probably wrong wrong term um uh
8726s food food
8729s RS the chat's just like
8733s laughing it's too good oh it's funny uh
8736s falus wants to know about Naval risks
8739s what's what's the repair cost for
8741s destroyed ships and components is it
8743s risky to venture into the ocean knowing
8745s repairs might be costly or is it
8748s manageable enough to uh encourage fre
8751s exploration no this is coming from
8753s people seeing our Caravan exploration
8757s sure yeah like like most things in ashes
8759s there is
8761s risk uh in in traveling across the seas
8765s is is not a easy uh Adventure so um when
8769s you suffer either damage or destruction
8772s obviously those will uh each contain
8775s different levels of risk uh the damage
8777s will be much more
8779s manageable if actively attempting to
8782s repair that while at Sea which you will
8784s have options to do on ships is actively
8786s repair your crew can actively repair if
8788s they have the appropriate materials uh
8791s but if you do um unfortunately suffer
8794s some major mishap and or completely
8797s destroyed uh the cost will be great In
8800s reconstituting Your
8802s Vessel all right the next one is from
8805s OTR odor that wants to know about
8807s Coastal node zois will the deep ocean be
8810s encompassed into the zone of influence
8813s of coastal nodes I feel like we've
8815s talked about this before but it might
8816s have been with
8819s pi um I'm sorry repeat that last part of
8822s it again um will the deep ocean be
8824s encompassed into the zone of influence
8827s of coastal nodes so the coastal nodes
8829s will the be part of that and I think
8831s we've said no before but yeah no the the
8835s deep sea um while it exists technically
8838s as part of a zone of influence um it
8841s does not contribute to those Coastal
8843s node areas so um the coast does not the
8848s deep sea uh but it is primarily the land
8852s uh environments that are going to be
8854s contributing to the nodes uh experience
8857s Grant there you have it and about it and
8861s that obviously might change right we'll
8862s see kind of how that plays out uh during
8865s Alpha 2 and then we've got Leonardo who
8868s wants to know about server culture
8871s knowing that there won't be PVP or PVE
8873s only servers how will new players find a
8876s server that fits their play style
8877s culture
8879s expectations and I don't think we've
8880s ever said there won't be PVP or PVE only
8884s servers but I think that's what people
8886s are under the impression we haven't I
8889s don't think we've officially said that
8890s but there won't be PVP or PVE servers um
8895s the intended design is that uh PVP
8899s events are the primary method by which
8901s consensual PVP exists for players they
8903s opt into those and then non-consensual
8906s pvps governed through our flagging
8908s system which is highly decentivize
8911s players to engage in non-consensual PvP
8914s through the act of corruption gaining um
8917s so the question was how will players get
8919s to
8920s choose um their PVP
8925s experience is that uh yeah well if
8927s you're new and let's say maybe you're a
8930s PVE E Primary player How will I know
8933s which server to join like what culture
8935s is going to be best for me I see I see I
8937s see um ashes is a pvx game um and so in
8942s that regard you know your ability to
8946s wholesale disconnect from the PVP
8948s elements of the game um are likely not
8951s going to be entirely successful now does
8954s that mean that you can reduce your
8956s exposure to PVP 100% right and there are
8959s multiple play paths and progression
8961s points that players can elect uh instead
8965s to be more PVE focused um but by the
8968s sheer nature of risk versus reward and
8971s risk including not being able to predict
8973s how other players might impact your
8975s gameplay that is an element of the
8978s innate risk that exists in the
8980s multiplayer environment of a pvx setting
8984s um so you know not everybody is going to
8986s like that and we accept that right and
8989s we're not trying to build bu a game that
8991s everybody is going to like because not
8993s for everybody it's doing absolutely
8995s doing that is not going to be
8998s successful um because they are just
9000s people with different interests and you
9002s know we accept that and we're very kind
9004s of on the nose about what we're trying
9006s to achieve right the idea is not to
9009s create a gank Fest is not to create a
9011s grief Fest that is not what pvx is um
9015s and so because of that we have certain
9018s mechanisms um and systems that govern
9021s the way players engage in PvP and
9025s majority of those are opt in but there
9028s is always that element of risk that's
9030s governed by the flagging system and so
9032s if you're interested in that I would
9033s take a look at the wiki and look up what
9035s flagging is and look up what corruption
9036s is my experience tells me and my
9039s expectations of the system are that they
9042s will significantly reduce a player's
9045s exposure to non-consensual PVP but that
9048s risk is always going to be present to
9050s some degree
9052s my recommendation make
9055s friends that's right get in a guild um
9059s it's an MMO it's not meant to be a solo
9061s playing experience not that you can't
9063s it's just that's more risky so if you
9065s like risking it for the biscuit that's
9067s your your call um and then liner and
9070s Emily uh kind of were asking about biome
9073s development will we see other biomes
9075s outside of the riverlands I think they
9076s we've seen a lot of the riverlands
9078s lately um and then what biome are
9080s planned for the start of Alpha 2 so as
9085s we get closer to Alpha 2 I will have a
9087s better answer for the expected biomes at
9089s the start of Alpha 2 um you know we have
9093s probably completed the assets for about
9096s seven biomes I think roughly um and what
9100s I mean by that is we're talking about
9102s terrain we're talking about foliage
9104s different tree types we're talking about
9107s um you know geological features and
9109s different types of stone work and
9111s whatnot you know from a environment
9114s standpoint um you know biome creation uh
9118s is more advanced but biomes are like
9122s they're essentially zones right and
9123s zones require more to be complete than
9126s just the environmental assets they
9129s require content creation that's point of
9131s Interest development um those are
9134s environmental sets that are needed um to
9137s sell kind of the uh the ancestral ruins
9142s um there is narrative and quests that
9145s are required to populate a Zone uh there
9147s are creatures and creature design that's
9150s required to populate a zone so um if
9152s we're talking about biomes from an
9154s environmental perspective there's been a
9155s lot of progress made towards towards uh
9158s our overall biome I think it's more the
9161s question here is really when will they
9162s see those biomes well we've shown the
9166s desert biome they've seen the jungle
9168s biome in Alpha One um they have seen um
9172s some of our tabletop mountains um we
9175s have we have shown obviously the
9177s riverlands um you know we will continue
9180s to show those those biomes in the future
9183s at some point right when they're ready
9185s to show um and when it comes to what's
9188s expected at the beginning of Alpha 2
9190s that's something that when we're when we
9192s are certain of what that will be um
9194s because content is excuse me development
9196s can be fluid right we're in the progress
9199s of development um so you know I would
9202s say stay tuned for when we're ready to
9204s share what that's going to be yeah and I
9206s think on the front of what you can
9208s expect from Alpha 2 and the guide for
9210s that we will put out an article that
9212s kind of gives you an overview of what
9213s features and systems and areas will be
9216s available um we've did that we've done
9218s that before we've given you like a map
9220s and the keybinds and all and all that
9223s jazz so we will do that again for you
9224s guys again in the future so just stay
9226s tuned and as we get closer to Alpha 2
9228s you're probably going to see more of
9229s that information coming to play uh the
9232s next one here is from tyan thoraxis and
9234s they want to know about ship and combat
9236s Collision how will Naval Combat and
9238s raiding work if ships cannot be moved or
9242s blocked how will Naval Combat work if
9245s ships cannot be moved or
9247s blocked yeah ships can be moved um
9253s you're talking about like Collision like
9254s pushing ships in the different
9256s directions in the water yeah I think
9257s that's what they
9258s mean okay um yeah
9260s the intent is that um you know we adhere
9263s to some semblance of real physics
9265s feelings right with regards to these
9268s vehicles um and so ships do have the
9271s potential to be pushed in different
9273s directions and out of the way for each
9274s other um that is an intended Collision
9278s experience that we want ships to have
9280s but it should come with significant risk
9282s and potential damage to the vessels
9284s themselves all right and then the next
9287s one here is from hutchi 1989 and they
9290s want want to know about commission
9291s credit will one get credit for for Quest
9294s objectives or for completing a
9297s commission win in a raid we talked about
9299s yes if you're in a party you can you can
9301s get um you know a commission credit but
9305s what about if you're in a
9307s raid oh I see um that's a good question
9312s uh and I think in the majority of cases
9315s if we do allow progression within uh
9318s narrative systems like a Quest or
9321s commission um I think that's something
9323s that's going to be distributed based on
9325s the number of raid or party participants
9328s right so killing a particular monster is
9330s not going to get everybody a check mark
9332s on their progress towards killing 20
9334s right it's going to be uh one person's
9337s going to get that progression it'll be
9339s and then it'll continue to the next
9340s person and so on and so forth uh if
9343s we're talking about you know some quest
9345s lines uh like story arcs or events um
9349s that have phases is or that have you
9351s know overall participation by many
9353s members then that progress can be shared
9356s at a party raid level um so there's
9359s different settings depending on what
9361s objective there is within a quest some
9363s of them will share some of them will be
9366s distributed right and then APO wants to
9368s know about ship building so if we don't
9370s we have a lot of Naval questions y'all
9372s are very curious about Naval stuff ship
9374s building so if we don't have a coastal
9376s node leveled up are the so on are are we
9380s so on building and launching ships so
9383s are we just like helpless in that so if
9385s we don't if we don't personally have a
9387s coastal node set up can we not build and
9390s launch ships no you can absolutely build
9392s and launch ships um Coastal nodes are
9395s not where ships get built and launched
9397s Harbors are where ships get built and
9399s launched and harbors are essentially
9402s dilapidated points of interest that
9405s progress when a node nearby Coastal or
9408s not um adopts that point of Interest or
9411s that Harbor um then the node can
9414s contribute towards building up the
9415s harbor and players who may not be
9417s citizens of that node can still go to
9420s that Harbor and access its
9422s services and then we are in our
9423s penultimate question here we're almost
9425s to the end uh thank you all for staying
9427s with us uh aulus wants to know about
9430s active blocking spells how will active
9433s blocking function when it comes to
9434s spells will players be able to Parry
9437s spells we talked about active blocking
9439s in melee occurrences but they're curious
9441s about more spell
9443s oriented um hold on one second before we
9445s get to that question let me give some
9446s clarity um so the question I saw from
9449s ashes of Nar was so a group of eight
9452s will have to kill eight times 20 goblins
9454s um no in in regards to like it depends
9457s on the objective if it's a kill
9459s objective then being in a in a group of
9462s eight or potentially in a raid um
9465s everyone will get credit for the kill if
9467s it's a drop that's required like a quest
9469s drop drop off of a loot container or a
9471s monster and one person grabs the quest
9474s reward not everyone will get the quest
9476s reward from that individual drop um so
9479s just want to clarify it depends on
9482s the correct exactly I just want to
9484s clarify it depends on the objective
9486s right the intent is not to [ __ ] healer
9489s classes or Support classes um you know
9493s from getting those things yeah okay
9496s sorry uh what was that Margaret the last
9497s question no no problem uh it's good to
9499s clarify uh how will active blocking
9502s function when it comes to spells will
9504s players be able to Parry
9507s spells um active blocking so yes it it
9510s depends um so active blocking is a part
9513s of our Universal uh skill tree and um
9516s active blocking depending on what uh
9519s piece of equipment you have equipped
9521s some will be catered towards magic uh in
9524s blocking and some will be catered
9526s towards physical damage uh in blocking
9529s so if you have a physical Shi Shield um
9531s you're likely going to have little
9532s efficacy against active blocking against
9534s a spell however if you have um a um a
9539s Sigil equipped which is the essentially
9541s the Arcane variant of a shield um and
9544s you actively block then you might have
9546s good efficacy against the spell all
9548s right and our final question for this
9552s development update is from livu who
9554s wants to know about Mount use cases will
9558s players need multiple mounts on their
9560s skill bar for various purposes like
9562s immunity gliding combat and escaping or
9565s will the gaml be more focused on using
9568s just one Mount um I'm really excited for
9570s us to show Mount abilities in the future
9573s because I know that's something that's
9574s on the plate agreed yeah yeah um so the
9578s intent is that mounts have um uh varying
9584s abilities and um it's expected that you
9587s will have a number greater than one of
9589s Mount available to use now whether or
9592s not that number is influenced or
9594s governed by a stable system that is
9597s something that is still in active design
9599s and development um it is likely that you
9602s will not be able to carry every Mount
9604s you own and be able to use them all at
9606s the same time there will probably be
9608s some Governor to that um and it will
9611s likely be serviced through a default
9613s building that exists in every node which
9615s is The
9616s Stables um and uh then to the second
9620s part of that question uh is it intended
9622s that mount abilities are providing a
9626s matrix of choices options or strategy to
9629s the player the answer would be yes um
9632s because we have these abilities and
9633s different stat blocks uh that are that
9635s are governed through the animal
9637s husbandry system um the desire is to
9640s make sure like any other piece of
9642s equipment or itemization Choice um that
9645s strategy is carefully considered when
9648s determining the appropriate about
9651s use all right and that gets us to the
9654s end we made it it has been a very long
9657s one for us all so thank you so much
9660s everybody for uh bearing with us
9663s sticking around hopefully you had lots
9664s of snacks uh maybe got a potty break in
9667s there um but of course we do want to uh
9671s mention again to head on over to our
9672s forums forums. ashesofcreation tocom
9675s give us your feedback we have a thread
9677s over there already for the fighter Arch
9678s type preview if you haven't thoughts
9680s definitely share them with us we will be
9682s compiling that and sharing that with the
9683s development team and of course thank you
9685s so much to our development team
9687s everybody has been kicking butt but of
9688s course an extra special thank you to
9690s Trad Brian and Keenan for joining us for
9693s this specific showcase and of course
9694s Stephen for your time I know this is a
9697s lot for you uh he's been a busy busy be
9701s and of course that we thank you all for
9703s being here and um you know we hope that
9704s you have another wonderful safe and
9707s healthy month as we kick butt and work
9710s towards our next live stream that's
9713s coming up here and of course internally
9715s we have some big Sprints that are coming
9717s up which is very very exciting for us um
9719s we are preparing our butts for uh Alpha
9722s 2 and I we I'm telling you we've been
9724s prepping a lot and getting a lot of
9726s things in place and even some Polish
9728s time for us so that's been a big big
9730s thing for us is making sure that you
9731s guys have a great experience um and lots
9734s of performance work as Stephen had noted
9735s before of course we will have the video
9738s up on the 4K video we be be up on
9740s YouTube today so stay tuned for that and
9742s of course we uh will have the full
9745s development update for you up tomorrow
9747s pending YouTube cooperates with us um
9749s make sure that if you want your comment
9751s spotlighted to make a comment on that
9753s development update uh video and leave a
9756s comment there make sure that it's shows
9758s you publicly as a subscriber so that we
9760s when we pick random it shows you up
9762s there um and of course PA and all the
9764s places we are ashes of creation uh
9766s Twitter Facebook Instagram all the
9767s places uh Snapchat we try to post post
9770s everywhere so um thank you so much for
9772s joining us and we will see you all next
9775s month for another update wo bye
9777s everybody see you
9779s guys just gotta find the end
9796s screen
10 months ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link


⚔️ #ICYMI We showcased the Fighter, weapon skills, and more in this gameplay video! https://youtu.be/Gr2poEkPsII

❓ Do you think this archetype looks engaging and fun to play?

External link →
10 months ago - /u/IntrepidStudios - Direct link

Originally posted by Garrus-N7

Only 2h? What about sword and shield and dual Wielding? Fighters are jacks of all trades

Fighters will be able to use more than just a Greatsword. In Ashes of Creation, everyone can use any weapon, although some skills require certain weapons to be equipped.