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a YouTube creator named Narc was a huge influence on me to follow the game and try it.

the situation in question is him getting pushed out of the community by the game director no less for giving negative criticism.

i am not discussing the opinions themselves but Narc was really an active content creator and was my outlet for news on the game, and i think he was an important for his critical view.

my enthusiasm for the game suddenly dropped. for a few reasons. and it feels like a bad timeline event.

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2 months ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

Originally posted by Thisisnotpreston

It’s kinda weird that Steven somehow became a mod of this sub reddit and now has the power to lock threads and ban people from the sub. It kinda makes me feel like I can’t truly express how I feel about the game or provide constructive criticism in fear of being banned.

As long as you or any member of this subreddit are abiding by the rules, there is no reason to feel like you cannot express how you feel about the game. Our forums, discord and reddit are riddled with constructive criticisms about Ashes currently, and historically. Anyone who has been banned from this reddit or our forums/discord have been banned due to extreme comments that violate our "please be respectful of others" rule. If you have an example where that is not the case, you can bring it up in the open and I am happy to inspect the example publically.

2 months ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

I will share the comment here, that I made on Narc’s video. I will add, that Narc is his own person... not beholden to me, or you, or anyone in any community. While you or I or anyone may not always see eye to eye on a particular issue or opinion, it is important to remain respectful and constructive when speaking to each other on platforms managed by Intrepid and our moderator team. I am sad to see Narc’s take on Ashes, the claims he makes against myself and the team. It is unfounded, false and defamatory.


Narc I am happy to see that you are going to be taking some time away from our development. I think that your choice can help a lot of other people who share the same discontent you do about the process. As I have said time and time again, this journey will not be for everyone. There is a lot of complexity that goes into game development, take that complexity and multiply it by 10 when making an MMO... even more so when making one like Ashes. There will be a time when we start to spend money on Marketing and Advertising, when we are ready for players and not “testers”. Now is not yet that time, and I have been upfront about that in nearly every update stream monthly.

I am not going to address every talking point of yours in this video, but I will say that your characterization of the project, of the development updates and of the team/myself is completely false, off base and very unfortunate. We show development live, and in some cases gameplay code can be completed but scalability, and outstanding feature works exists. I will go into 2 main examples you use in this video, freeholds and the desert. What we showed in the freehold update was ownership, farming, harvesting, and furniture, but before freeholds can make it into testers hands, we still have to work on completing the placement of the freeholds, the zone of influence that has authority, the tax system, the permissions system, the storage and building resource allocations, the population suppression volume, the deployable tech, the deed interface...there is SO MUCH that goes into getting this system into the hands of the testers that is STILL a work in progress... like we say time after time month after month as we work to bring ALL the systems and content online. This isn’t a FAKE showcase... It is INCOMPLETE... because it is a work in progress, which is the WHOLE point of us showcasing updates in the first place. You may disagree with that, but it is the path we believe will best yield systems that players want, and in the way they want them. And most importantly, we COMMUNICATE this during every update we do, these works in progress may be remade, iterated, cut, radically changed as we progress.

With regards to the desert, I will repeat what I posted on the reddit, Many times in zone development before level designers have an opportunity to define the playable space layout, and the placement of POIs, node corks and connections to other zone, our environment team after having completed creating the biomes assets, will do a blockout of a zone using these assets. This is done to evaluate internally the aesthetic of that zone and determine if additional pieces of foliage or terrain are required in order to hit our visual intent for the biome. If you go into A2 currently, you will find those foliage assets, ground textures, cliff sides, etc that were in the desert biome PREVIEW update. The zone is now in a more destructive state because we have just recently laid out a portion of the level designs and made space for the nodes, and POIs. This is part of development. It is a normal part of it. The desert will start to come in focus this January when the world team finishes its level design blockout.

I tuned in a bit to your streams at the start of phase two, and I think the biggest takeaway that people can have with our process so far, is; Ashes is not complete yet. We still have a journey ahead of us. It is going to be a long road, and the testing environment in Alpha Two right now can sometimes feel like a game, but it isn’t yet. We are quite literally in the middle of cooking it still.

It is a totally healthy and acceptable thing to step away and come back when the “game” is more complete. Most people who play games don’t care how the sausage is made. We get that, and we aren’t trying to force anyone to come watch us make Ashes... or to support us in doing so. We don’t say things like , “Ashes will not get finished, WITHOUT your support!”. Our development path is clear and unwavering.

And now that we are in Alpha Two, with an uptime of 5 days a week, people can watch as we submit updates and changes... Phase 2 has been live for 11 days, over the next 5 months of Phase Two, we will be delivering on the features in our roadmap, and in active development it is ENTIRELY possible that those plans can change. It all depends on what we discover during the testing.

Lastly, I am not blind to constructive criticisms. I want constructive criticisms... This is WHY I have chosen the open development path. You stated that people were banned from the reddit for “voicing concern”. That is completely false. I watched on your stream, as the 4 people who were banned for violating the subreddit’s conduct rules over the last 11 days, came back to you laughing about the bans, as some achievement in your chat and discord. Creating an atmosphere of toxicity is not constructive criticism or feedback, and it is not the type of community we are trying to cultivate around Ashes. There is plenty of room for well thought out criticism and feedback, so long as it remains respectful to other community members and the team.


2 months ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

Originally posted by zulako17

You guys do point to "open development" but then do completely dishonest actions like put trailers or " game footage" in the monthly update that we find out months later was conceptual and not actual in game systems.

The updates we show with in-game footage, is not conceptual. Feature development works in these 3 phases, Functional -> Testable -> Playable. Our showcases are always real code, in the real game, and at real times..

2 months ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

Originally posted by Backstabber09

Game director commenting on a creator’s YouTube cuz he was negative is wild behavior tho so do better.

In my experience as a player, I always hoped game development would reach a point where the developers WOULD be directly involved in the community, with open communication and transparency. This is how I have chosen to run Ashes' development, and I have been open about that. If it isn't to your liking, then once again it is possible that this may not be the product for you.

2 months ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

Originally posted by Roubzzzzz

You claim to be super transparent but we literally have no idea why things happen in the background and your explanation is always "thats just how game dev is" lol

I try to spend time each month answering questions on our dev livestreams, in content creator interviews and on reddit/discord... If there is some question you feel you don't have a good understanding of, you can ask away.

2 months ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

Originally posted by Roubzzzzz

Ok awesome. I would love to know why isnt dynamic gridding in the game yet (or even talked about) when we were told that its in game, is getting optimized and is on its way to be in game by the time PHASE 1 starts?

Dynamic gridding is currently in our Engine branch (this is a branch that lives beneath Dev, QA, Stage, and Prod) of the project. It is still in the hardening phase which means the primary architecture and code for the feature is complete, and it is now undergoing testing. When it is ready, it will be promoted up to Dev.

I provided communication leading up to Phase 1 and 2, that we had to push back the rollout of Dynamic gridding due to our focuses shifting to address higher issues with performance and stability. This is normal for agile software development.

A lot of times the questions you want answers to are likely somewhere, but hard to find. I suggest using discord or the Wiki to help find these answers. This can sometimes be a byproduct of "too much" communication.

2 months ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

Originally posted by Roubzzzzz

Hi again Steven, I looked it up and went through wiki and discord to back up my points

October 20th (before P1 dropped) and your words were: "It will absolutely be in by phase two. But it will likely not be online (at the start of P1). The first weekend or probably even the second weekend."

November 2nd on discord: "When we turn on dynamic gridding hopefully soon, the worker limit will be less of an issue. For now, try not being on workers with heavier loads." For some reason you used the word "soon" and I dont get why when by that time it must have been already pushed far far back.

Is this clear enough communication in your opinion?

This is a good example of how some may mistake a lack of transparency with a work in progress development. I still expect the dynamic gridding to land before the end of P2, as you found in my answer on October 20th. That is what our current development schedule shows. So in your quote from Oct 20th, you could have surmised that the feature is being worked on and I don't have an exact date.

In the comment on November, yes it is "soon". Soon implies there that this feature will be online during the next phase.

Yes, in my opinion that is clear enough communication. And is quite literally, as clear of communication as possible for a feature still actively undergoing hardening.

2 months ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

Originally posted by El_Fuego

You guys could literally drop the whole repository for the project into the communities lap, explain line by line why something isn’t feature complete, and we’d still get folks calling you liars. That’s the thing with complex systems, most people could not even begin to interpret the actual explanation.

What you’re doing Stephen is a hard road, of which I’m sure you know. Adding direct communication to folks who (likely) have never made a pull request is truly a measure in extreme patience.

I hope you all the best on this journey. I’m currently enjoying testing and bug reporting with good people.


2 months ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

Originally posted by Hurtmeii

But the thing is that a normal member can't know that. There could have been 50 negative posts trashing the game (without resorting to baseless insults and breaking the "be respectful" rule) that got removed by you or people directly affiliated with the studio, and we wouldn't know. It's like the leader of a country governing the press, sure they can say they don't use their power to control it, but how would the average citizen know whether or not they actually do? And why give themselves the power to do so if they weren't gonna use it? Just leave it to the public.

Luckily there are sites that members can use to discover if posts are being removed or deleted. There are also unofficial Reddit communities for Ashes of Creation that people can use if they feel this community is censoring people, which we are not.

I get the concern, it is born from legitimate experiences. But we are not that. And we’ve helped foster that truth in this community for the last 7 years. Which is in part why we are one of the larger active game development subreddits.

2 months ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

Originally posted by MarionberryOk4055

Then how is it not possible that it has not been implemented into the game if these showcases are 3 years old

Depending on the feature we are discussing here, there can be many other systems that must be connected to a particular feature that we preview in our monthly development updates.

2 months ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

Originally posted by MarionberryOk4055

I have a question, if all of the show cases are intended to be in the game, why after 2 more years of development after the live streams is the desert still empty? In addition what is happening with the character creator that was suppose to be available in November, the characters still look horrendous and the races are all the same just a copy and paste of the Kaelar???

Please read my post for the answer to your desert question.

We are continuing to release changes to update the characters and our character creator.

2 months ago - /u/Steven_AoC - Direct link

Originally posted by MitsukiRush

As someone who is watching the game develop from the sidelines while I focus on finishing uni before phase 3 drops, so I can start playing, I want to thank you for taking the time to cultivate the community in a positive way. It's so refreshing to see toxicity not being pushed under the rug and ignored. And thank you to the entire development team, the amount of hard work that gets done on the game is exciting to see. I also really appreciate the more detailed explanations and showcases during development, for example - i never imagined setting up server workers across the entire map each resposible for its own zone and the players inside, and also the un-textured dragon was cool to see, to learn a bit more what it takes to make certain things function. ❤️
