over 1 year ago - Ashes of Creation - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s yeah the Cyclops his name is tumak and
3s he is from the land of sujoma and that's
6s where like all the cyclopses are from he
8s decided it would be a good idea to try
10s to align himself with the the Ancients
14s um that then made it Vera and he took
17s some of his followers to fall on the
18s footsteps and that didn't work out so
20s well for him he's the last remaining
22s Cyclops of his people he took to try and
24s join the Ancients and the rest of his
26s people kind of exiled him for that and
28s they didn't want him back so it's kind
30s of all on his own and and is has kind of
33s paid for some of those mistakes of
34s misaligning himself
36s okay so he's got a little bit of a
38s backstory some pain in there you know
39s maybe some betrayal and I guess he kind
42s of turned against his fellow citizens of
44s era