about 1 year
ago -
Ashes of Creation
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | okay so when when you level up you're |
2s | going to get some skill points and you |
3s | should be able to put those in your in |
5s | your skill tree um you should uh pop |
9s | that open there we go okay yes I have a |
12s | bunch already allocated but now I have |
13s | two n points oh nice yeah you should |
16s | spend those and book around in the tree |
18s | a little bit but yeah um that is |
20s | something that we're wed to do with |
22s | artisanship both you know or in all |
24s | three of the branches you'll you'll have |
26s | skill trees for your profession so those |
28s | skill trees you'll be able to find you |
29s | know passives it'll give you uh stat |
31s | bonuses and you know predicates for |
34s | extra functionality within whatever the |
36s | profession is access the stations um |
39s | expanding out some of the various |
41s | systems like I don't know you can see |
42s | some of the surveying ones right like |
45s | you can uh add extra pylons or um extra |
49s | uh scanning range and lower the cool |
51s | down on how often you can survey so uh |
54s | we're trying to make those trees uh |
57s | interesting and give people you know |
58s | different paths so they can progress |
60s | through |