over 5 years ago - /u/Jatheish - Direct link

Originally posted by street1841

Is this only happening to a select few? Last patch left 5 members in our group of 80+ and the owner of the tribe was kicked haha.....How does this even happen.

Trying to play the game and it seems like all we are doing is playing dodge the bugs simulator.

Edit 1: Also all ranks that are made within the tribe are deleted, EVERY TIME!

We're looking into both of those issues, as well as being asked to remake your character upon death/when joining a new grid. We consider them high priority and were able to get a lot of data from the most recent deployment regarding it which should hopefully allow us to resolve this as soon as possible. They don't seem to be caused by the new patch, but as we get more and more people into the game and as the data grows for companies due to their size, claims etc, we're starting to see more occurrences of the issue. I know it's a pretty much one of the worst things that could happen, and we are working to have it patched asap.

If you'd like to reach out to me, prefreably on Discord (Jat#0001) I can try to manually rectify the situation for your companies. Please note that I do get a lot of messages and am not able to respond right away but will get to you when I can. Feel free to bump the DMs if you haven't heard from me in a while.

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