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I know this gets brought up over and over, but have the DEVS actually stated why this happens and maybe a suggestion to prevent it?

I know there are a lot of theories, but there must be an actual technical code reason why a tame ends up falling through 2 floors into the foundation. If a tame is situated by X, Y, Z coords, then they should not move, regardless of the theory that somebody made them render, therefore they fell through.

I know in Ark it was fixed somehow, so why not in Atlas?

we have tried wood ceilings, stone ceilings, stone foundations. elevating stone floors, more than one foundation stacked on top of another. nothing seems to stop it.

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about 5 years ago - /u/Jatheish - Direct link

It's a bug we're looking into at the moment for tames and players, sadly it's one of the more complex ones but still a priority so hope to have a fixed line up as soon as possible.

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