over 5 years ago - /u/WC_Jesse - Direct link

Originally posted by VZW_Matt

hmm, that'll be a good test to run. Not sure what sails I was using, I'll look into it when I get a chance. All I did was load into the server and then run the "cheat ssf galleon" command and used that boat with whatever it came with.

FYI / PSA: "cheat" ships ignore wind and always travel at maximum speed.

over 5 years ago - /u/WC_Jesse - Direct link

Originally posted by VZW_Matt


Well, not really for science. I have a full map private server that I was having issues with on some server transfers, so after changing up ports and such I decided to go on a larger adventure while the map was empty to make sure everything was working. I also wanted to see how long it would take to do with all the factors such as the tornado things, ships of the damned, me avoiding islands, and of course no lag and rubberbanding that you get on official.

Anyways, 2 hours and 20 minutes later, my journey was complete. the shortest it took me to cross a server was 6 minutes and 42 seconds and the longest was 12 minutes 38 seconds.

Not quite sure where the whole "30 hours to cross" thing the devs were stating before release came from. The only sailing speed increase was a couple patches ago and that was what? 15%? So even 15% less speed would have made this no where near that 30 hour mark.

Another thing, if you see my health and food stats in the bottom, I didn't eat or drink during the journey and never died. My health never went down. Only the vitamins went down, but only to a certain point and then it stopped. Does the captain's food and water not go down while sailing?


Here is the follow up post with video evidence: https://www.reddit.com/r/playatlas/comments/adrvxj/for_those_who_didnt_believe_my_sail_across_the/

Posted a reply below, but "cheat" ships by default ignore wind direction (always travel at max speed for current wind) and do not require any crew to man the sails. You can tell if your current ship is ignoring wind if you see a yellow "W" with a line through it on the HUD:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Cykvxui47xgV3QQYFyAbP0zrBtgVFBgZ/view?usp=sharing

Otherwise you will see this:


If you would like to disable this after you spawn in a cheat ship, type "cheat SetIgnoreWind false". Looking forward to another test! :)

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