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Current ATLAS Official Server Network Server Version: v207.91

:skull: Upcoming patch notes :skull:

Please note these patch notes are not finalized and there may be changeS prior to the full release on the live servers.

More notes to come!

:anchor: released patch notes :anchor:

:skull: current: v207.91 :skull:

- Torpedo Damage reduced by 45%
- Boats will no longer sink when overweighted or overcrewed if they are fully anchored (green anchor)
- Settlement Mode: Claim Flags now appear on the World Map for the grid region you're currently on
- Submarines docked on hangars now retain their colour after server restarts
- Prevented firing from gunports if the gunport has not fully opened. This is to resolve crews being dismounted as they were blocked for firing too soon
- Quest skills are blacked out with a silhouette when not learned
- Cocoa can now be crafted properly in irrigated grills
- Fixed FPV reload animation playing when switching from TPV to FPV with the Crossbow
- Fixed an issue where servers that were running for more than 4 days consecutively without reboot would have choppy water on the client.

Please note on Thursday, we plan to deploy a patch which will do the following:
- Increase torpedo ammo weight to 20
- Increase the torpedo launcher weight to 300
- Reduced the weight-reduction bonus torpedo launcher receives from closed gunports to 20%


- Networking range for players on ships is now the same as players not on ships (~34,000 units)
- Networking range for unseated NPCs on ships are now about 18,000 units, and seated NPCs are now about 9,000 units.
- Fixed Crows no longer flying to attack.
- Fixed Shipyards at max storage capacity (300) fail to create ships.
- Fixed being unable to gain any stamina after sailing to another server with a stamina debuff active from using any feat, for example, "reload overdrive" feat on a ship. Previously you would have had the debuff permanently until you die and respawn


- Improved third person view offset so that it now positions at the average head height rather than the center of the character's capsule. This should improve how it feels when the camera is brushed up against a collision in the world. 


- If a launched torpedo hits within the first 3.75 seconds of being fired, it will do significantly reduced damage
- Torpedo overall damage reduced by 20%
- Torpedo overall projectile lifespan reduced by 10%
- Torpedo and Torpedo Launcher crafting cost has been increased
- Fixed hotkey assignments to save on relog
- Readjusted Marker UI location when minimap is open to prevent overlap
- You can now use "prying eyes" to look inside lock chests if they are your own company's boxes
- Cannons/Puckles will no longer fire in peacetime if the structure does not own the claim and the target is a player or tame
- Significant shoreline data memory optimization


- Fixed harvesting boost from giving more resources than intended
- Fixed some unharvestable rocks and adding Fiber to missing freeports
- Moved sextant GPS/Speed/Direction from above the hotbar to below the sextant compass widget
- Prevented using Lucky Loader when in the middle of a reload
- Fixed Harvest Boost and other skills from resetting their cooldown upon death
- Crafting that requires 'water' as a resource will now consume 100 water, rather than the entire container
- Fixed Grill not being able to use water containers as a crafting resource
- Fixed overlapping text with Reservoir and Grill
- Hydra is able to reliably break down trees
- Fixed an issue with fishing rod where it would destroy itself when the item had broken


- Added JSON object library.
- Added blueprint interface for anonymous communication between mods.
- Added helper functions for:

  • Searching for creatures by ID.
  • Retrieving filtered class lists.

- Re-enabled UObject counter in the devkit


- Fixed an issue with dropped ship cargo being incorrectly calculated


- Optimised Fog of War memory usage.
- Added a new slider: Ship Draw Distance (note: changing this will require a client reconnect to take effect). This setting changes the distance at which non-core ship structures and seated characters will draw for clients. If you wish to revert this, move the slider all the way to the right, alternatively, slide to the left for higher performance (particularly in large-scale ship battles).
- Looking at boats through a spy glass will force maximum draw distance on non-core structures and seated characters.


- Fixed some server-side crashes
- Fixed double harvesting feat
- Ship of the Damned will now lose agro if they have not dealt damage for some time
- Ship of the Damned Galleons now have cannons on the front
- Decreased the time it takes for Ship of the Damned to respawn on Golden Age Ruin servers by approximately 75% (previously 1 hour, now 15 minutes)
- Fixed being able to drag players inside the Ice Dungeon


- Fixed a server-side crash


- Enabled Ship Structure Weight to the item tooltip
- Fixed a client crash caused by crop plots
- Giant Tortuga: Added step damage to prevent getting stuck on trees. Increased step height to prevent getting stuck on small obstacles and helps to more easily get out of water. Decreased tail swing range as attack missed at old max range.
- Fixed combat state not being unset with gamepad
- Fixed displayed ingredient requirements for Unthinkable Delicacy. Notable differences:

  • 25 animal meat -> 10 cooked prime meat
  • 10 Magic Marrow -> 10 Mythos
  • added 50 hunger requirement to feat description

- Updated Cargo container and Dinghy hangar to respect activation rank
- Updated Shipyards and Scaffolding to respect activation rank
- Server option to force disable structure prevention volumes
Server Launch params:

or in GameUserSettings.ini


- Fixed a bug which impacted Ship of the Damned's ability to sail
- Updated the quest description for 'Veteran Explorer'. It now takes 25% of all DPs, rather than 50%.
- Crossbow damage reduced from 65 to 55
- Faster reload skill effectiveness have been reduced by the following: Pistol - 25% less effective and Blunderbuss/Rifle: 75% less effective
- Fixed merchant ships from sailing through islands

Mega Update 2: Into the Ice! (v206.1)

New Quests:

  • Into the Ice: When you have collected all the Power Stones, head deep into a Polar Ice Dungeon to discover what lies beneath...
  • Master Cartographer: Get at least 40% of the ATLAS Discovery Zones

Skills and Feats:

  • Feat: Instant Hotbar Equip, unlocked after completing "Master Cartographer" quest.
  • Feat: Harvest boost, unlocked after completing "Into the Ice" quest.

New Levels: 

  • Ice Dungeon: Found in the polar region, can only be entered if players have unlocked all the 9 power stones
  • New Islands: Multiple equatorial and polar islands added to the ATLAS!

New Boss Fight:

  • Snowman
    Activated lights in boss arena now power a shield that maintains the Snowman's ice armor. Killing a round of minions will disable the shield, prevent minion spawns for a short duration, and allow the ice armor to receive damage. When minion cooldown is over, shield reactivates. When ice armor reaches 0, Snowman's health can be damaged directly and no more minions will spawn until the next health state.
    Upon entering each new health state, 1 extra minion will spawn at a time, and an increased amount of minions will be required to be killed for the shield to be deactivated/start minion spawn cooldown. When in the last health state and ice armor is destroyed for the final time, chaos ensues, and minions will continue to spawn until the boss is killed. Progress of minions to kill and ice armor are shown via floating hud.

New Structures: 

  • Offensive Structure: Torpedo Launcher and torpedoes. Skill is obtained after completing "Into the Ice" quest.
  • Building Structure: 3x4 Medium Gates
  • Utility Structure: Ice Box - a high-insulation box for generating ice in cold areas. Has “active” mode that will drain ice but reduce surrounding temperature (reverse fire). Consumes less ice if “indoors”. New Resource: Ice - Generates over time in cold zones inside of the Ice Box. Decays relatively quickly if not in “insulated” storage. Can be consumed to reduce temperature and the half negative effects of armour weight debuffs for a short duration (15s per ice cube, max of 5 mins). Ice can be placed inside preserving bags to extend spoil times, and also lasts much longer in preserving bags. Relatively heavy.

New Cosmetics:

  • Player: Hydra Hide Armour Set, and Cyclops Heavy Armour Set
  • Ship: Hydra Steering Wheel, and Bone Skin Steering Wheel

New Attachments:

  • Boat Attachment: Cargo Racks (reduces the weight of items inside of its inventory, has a maximum carrying capacity and can only be accessed when a boat is anchored. Each cargo container will slow down your boat. At maximum cargo carrier attachments, a boat's speed will be reduced by a total of 40%. Able to replace and pick up new cargo containers out at sea).
  • Cart Attachment: Large Storage Box (reduces the weight of items inside of its inventory, does not work on ships)

New Item:

  • Fishing Net: Can only be used when sitting. Equips on the back slot. Will begin automatically catch fish when boat has met minimum sailing minimum velocity

New Weapons and Ammo types:

  • Ballista Ammo Type: Boat Harpoon (can be used to attach and reel in other ships)
  • Weapon: Spear Gun and Spear Bolt (can only be used unwater)
  • Weapon: Crossbow and Crossbow Bolt (multiple shots, cannot be used underwater)

New Creatures

  • Olfend: Can be tamed and bred. Used to collect, store, and shoot water to put out fires. Rare creature is found in the desert biomes.
  • Giant Tortugar: A giant turtle carrier. Can be tamed and bred. Capable of being an armored organic vessel and able to carry 1 driver and 3 passengers. Very rare creature found in the new equatorial islands.

New Features:

  • Company: Map markers
  • Company: Announcements
  • Boats: Can now be unclaimed and claimed
  • Controls: Full gamepad support

New Quality of Life Improvements:

  • UX: Revamped Skill Tree UI
  • UX: Adjusted 3rd person aiming so there is less likelihood of foliage clipping
  • UX: Sextant Buff Corner Mini Map is now hidden by default and can be revealed by pressing the H key. Sextant Mini Map can be permanently enabled by turning on the option in Advanced Settings
  • Combat: Players now have the option to turn dual wielding weapons off by holding the TAB key and the hotbar key to equip the new pistol, rather than duel wield it.
  • Combat: Gun hotbar equip time now scales (improves) with the various reloading skills 
  • Combat: You can now attack from the run-state (but not whilst running). Previously when attempting to attack whilst running, you would have had to pause, then attack. Now you can go straight from a run into an attack.
  • Structures: The grill can now be attached to water pipes
  • Controls: You can now use the F key as an option to pick up all items from the floor within a certain radius
  • Ship: Pressing the F key whilst driving the ship, now allows you to access its inventory menu

Bug Fixes:

  • Skills: Fixed skills showing up in the wrong order on the skill tree
  • Ships: Fixed a bug which prevented ships from reversing when they bumped into shores
  • Ships: Fixed pressing right click to zoom in on the compass when sitting at a wheel of a ship
  • Ships: Can no longer place a Steering Wheel inside the sail mast
  • Building: Fixed a bug which prevented Water Reservoirs from irrigating grills if gathering water from a non-lake source
  • Building: Fixed vertical encroachment check on the bookcase so it fits in 1-high wall rooms
  • Resources: Fixed a bug where brain coral and fire coral were incorrectly labeled
  • Map: Multiple level fixes (holes, waterfall transitions, soil types, etc)
  • Creatures: Fixed a case where creatures would be stuck in the flee state whilst bola'd
  • Creatures Fixed a case where creatures would appear to stand up briefly just after being bola'd
  • UX: Fixed a bug which prevented you from seeing the HUD of a dropped item
  • UX: Scaled the size of ammo texts on ammo containers to make them more readable and changed CanisterShot to Canister Shot
  • Misc: Fixed icons for: Cooked Prime Fish Meat, Explosive Barrels, and Instant Equip
  • Misc: Disabled male voice on female characters when using a repair hammer on damaged planks
  • Misc: Fixed multiple cases where players shoulder disappears when harvesting with new anims
  • Misc: Fixed manual targeting aim location not replicating to clients

Balance Changes:

  • Combat: Reduced sickle damage against creatures and players
  • Combat: Sprint/Charge weapons have been disabled and will be re-added to the game as enhanced feats
  • Ships: Small Weight Sail weight bonus increased from 515 to 1000
  • Ships: Medium Weight Sail weight bonus increased from 920 to 2500
  • Ships: Large Weight Sail weight bonus increased from 1300 to 4000
  • Ships: Small Handling Sail wind effectiveness increased from 101 to 118
  • Ships: Medium Handling Sail wind effectiveness increased from 101 to 118
  • Ships: Large Handling Sail wind effectiveness increased from 101 to 118


- Crab can no longer throw characters when the weight of either/both carried characters is greater than the crab's maximum carry weight
- Crab can no longer jump when it's carry weight is greater than 40% of its max weight

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