almost 6 years ago - Jatheish - Direct link

We're going to be making a change to PvE claims so that the inactivity timer starts at a base of 2 weeks instead of 3 days. Additionally, if you are a person/group with a larger amount of claims, the amount of inactivity timer you have will scale with that and have a lower limit of 3 days. So large companies with multiple flags have less amount of time where their base can be inactive versus those with just a few flags. We'll think on having a minimum before the number starts shrinking, or perhaps it'll just be 1 flag = 2 weeks. These numbers may not be exact and might change by the time we deploy, but that's the general idea. Hoping to get this out to you guys tomorrow. This may not be the perfect/most optimal solution, but we'll go ahead and make this change until we have thought more on our claim design for the overall game.


- Inactive claim timer will cap at 2 weeks, and bottom out at 3 days based on the number of claims you have

- Sleeping players won't contest claims

- NPC Crew can contest claims, but you'll have to feed and pay them otherwise they'll mutiny!

This might be a temporary change as we further evaluate how we want the claim system to work, especially with our new philosophy in mind.

almost 6 years ago - Jatheish - Direct link

We're flexible to changes, and this may only be a temporary measure until we've finalised what we'd like to do for our claim system in general.

almost 6 years ago - Jatheish - Direct link

So update on this

The patch will be rolling out probably later this week, maybe Thursday or Friday as we need a bit of time to prepare and test the system. As for the crew thing, it's always been the case and operates like that in the live game, it won't be a new change. Just wanted to let people know that would be an option in the event that they'll need to spend some time away from the game, if they keep their crew paid + fed, they can help keep their claim.

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