over 2 years ago - ATLAS - Direct link

Ahoy Pathfinders!

Due to some unfortunate setbacks, we'll be releasing the next update next week. We apologize for the misinformation. Instead, we'll be featuring you, the community, and your amazing creations once again.

Every image or video we receive, showcasing your incredible talents, amazes us and we can’t help but want to share your creativity to the world. If you’d like to see your content featured in a future post, tag us (@sailtheatlas) on twitter or drop your shots in the proper channels on the Atlas Community Discord.

We want to thank you for all your support and we hope you continue to share your adventures with us.

So ‘til next time, may your skies be clear, waters calm, and sails full in whichever way you roam.

Adventures on the Horizon (Courtesy of Nebula)

Just a little off the top... (Courtesy of Scroolose)

Untitled Artwork (Courtesy of Masterpv420)

Setting Sail in the Setting Sun (USSKESTREL)

Happy Sailing,

- ATLAS Crew

For the latest dispatch on #playATLAS keep yer one good eye trained on this here information

Natter n' chatter on Discord: https://discord.gg/playatlas

Hear ye, hear ye on Twitter: https://twitter.com/sailtheatlas

Watch us scallywags on Twitch: http://twitch.tv/sailtheatlas

Plus ye can band with us Pirates on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/playatlasgame

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10 months ago - ATLAS Team