over 4 years ago - Jatheish - Direct link

We've got our heads down at the moment working on some things, so expect it to be a bit more quiet than usual for a while.

As for 2x weekends, they aren't guaranteed to happen every weekend. In this case, we were working on a build to deploy (perhaps to the PTR again too with some pretty critical changes) but it needed more time internally, so we may end up going out with it later during the week and we'll discuss whether that includes a 2x or not.

over 4 years ago - Jatheish - Direct link

Quite a lot of back and forth in this thread about 2x events and when the best time to hold them is! I've always personally been a fan of having more variety in the events and giving them more spread over days, so it's not just the weekends and it's not just the same rates (how about bonuses for killing SoTD too?); it's something we've spoken about previously but have yet to act upon and it may be a while until we cross those bridges anyway.

As for 2x this weekend with a live game patch, it's not looking likely. We're still working on putting some things together for a PTR update featuring some wild pirates which will hopefully be in your hands this weekend.

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