almost 5 years ago - Jatheish - Direct link

We've made a change in our most recent update which should address this. Whilst it isn't a new structure, it does provide some necessary QOL in regards to this problem.


- Crew gold payment and food can now be done via your Company's claim flag. Crew that are on an island or on a fully anchored ship within Settlement range are eligible. Berries are the only food that can be used in the claim flag (there is a greatly extended spoil timer on berries in a claim flag for further QoL). Crew will still seek out payment and food from nearby food larders and payment boxes and if there are none nearby or they are empty, they will take from the claim flag.

Thoughts? Let us know if you spot any issues with it.

almost 5 years ago - Jatheish - Direct link

Aye, you'll be able to

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11 months ago - ATLAS Team