over 5 years ago - Dollie - Direct link

Following up on character loss issue; we've fixed some cases where people were unable to connect to their characters with v15.67 and we are continuing to investigate reports. It is a priority for the team. In the interim, we recommend creating a new character if you are still effected as we cannot restore them at the moment. We appreciate your patience while we work through this and we're sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

If the character you lost was the owner of your Company, please submit a support ticket here so we can have a GM assist you in regaining ownership.

If you would like to tell us the steps leading up to this occurring for you, please do so as it may be useful to our ongoing investigation. Include the Network on which you were playing at the time and the server. Please keep it concise ie: Network/Server/Steps prior the the issue:

Did you experience this:
- When logging in after a deployment
- After death
- After transition

And for those of you who managed to get your characters back, did that occur when:
- Relogging
- After death
- After transition

Thank you guys.

over 5 years ago - Dollie - Direct link

If you are a solo player, submit a ticket and a GM will help you get your Company back.

over 5 years ago - Dollie - Direct link

I've looked over your ticket. There seems to be some confusion, yes. I'll DM you and assist you in regaining access to your Company.

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