over 5 years ago - /u/Jatheish - Direct link

Originally posted by Raysix

Hacks: Aimbot with documented oneshots even in building or while diving deep in water

Changing flag building allowance to everyone -edit: Jat personally came to our grid and fixed that. They were able to reset the flags to default, which was everyone-

Area of effect delete boxes inventory. Similar to S+ transfer gun. We found the script, they used.

Enter pinlocked doors seconds after changeing pin

They apear in closed buildings (new patch may solve this)

They teleported one of our ships to their grid. As we spawned there it was moving towards there island on its own while sails were up and anchor down. Video documented.

Yup, please send it all through with as much info/footage as you've got.


Especially interested in the script and boat TPing.

over 5 years ago - /u/Jatheish - Direct link

Originally posted by Ohh_Yeah

They can also teleport to a player, shoot and loot them, and then teleport back to the original location. On the Chinese website that sells the program they call it "shadow/assassination hack." They also have a YouTube channel demonstrating the functions of the program.

I will send you a PM with that info

Aye, everything you have is much appreciated. If any of this is possible, we should really be able to protect against it on our end. Things like ESP will always exist, the client needs/has access to that info, but when it comes to 'teleporting players/boats', etc -- that stuff we should be able to protect against.

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