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WC Dollie
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Ahoy Pathfinders!
This Captain’s Log will cover news related to Blackwood, our upcoming Dev Livestream, the PTR and an introduction from our new Lead Designer! Let’s get right to it!

Designer Diary
My name is Erik Waananen and I’m thrilled to be joining you today as ATLAS’ new Lead Designer. It’s my pleasure not only to formally introduce myself but also to give you an update on what’s coming next for the game. So let’s dive right in, shall we?
ATLAS is an incredible world full of action, adventure, discovery, and community. And while a number of you are enjoying yourselves in-game, I think we can all agree that ATLAS has somewhat struggled to “find its sea legs” since its initial Early Access launch in December. My job will be to help the game get its bearings and -- together with the rest of the dev team -- work with a singular mission in mind:
Make ATLAS the ultimate pirate experience.
Achieving this goal will be no small task. We have a lot of work to do and it’s going to take a good deal of time and effort to accomplish it. But we will get there, especially with your continued feedback and support. Your constructive thoughts and criticism are all extremely helpful to us, so please keep them coming.
I’d like to announce that we’ll be hosting a very important developer stream next week on Wednesday, August 28th at 2:00 pm PDT. The main focus of this stream will be the reveal of an entirely new roadmap for ATLAS. We’ll also be addressing a number of the community’s questions and concerns about the current state of the game. I don’t want to spoil anything for you just yet, but suffice it to say there’s a big “change in the wind” coming to ATLAS and you definitely won’t want to miss it.
Sorry to keep you all waiting a bit longer, but I promise we’ll provide more details and answers soon. Until then, keep a weather eye on the horizon and we’ll see you on Wednesday!
Erik Waananen
Lead Game Designer, ATLAS
Blackwood Update
The ancient serpentine boss, Anacthyon, is poised to slither onto the Blackwood variation of the ATLAS with today’s update.

Along with this new boss, Blackwood includes:
Livestream Q&A Thread
With the Dev LiveStream drawing closer, we’d like to take this opportunity to remind you that we have an official “Livestream Q&A” thread running to help us collect your questions regarding the things you care about and answer some of them on-stream. There have been some great questions submitted thus far, so please keep them coming!
Public Test Realm
If you haven’t checked out the PTR and some of the changes which will be coming in the next Mega Patch, it is still available for players for a limited time. Thank you to those of you who have been running the PTR through its paces and helping us identify bugs and issues along with giving feedback.
Info on joining the PTR can be found <here[www.playatlas.com]>
Live Game Patches
v218.27 - Fixed a bug that allowed players to gain massive height when running into the corner of a raft or dinghy - Fixed a bug that allowed players to gain massive height when climbing really tall ladder set ups - Fixed a bug which allowed players to base on top of submarines - Fixed a bug which allowed seated npcs to shoot puckles through walls - Ended 2x Magic Mythos Event v218.25 - Enabled 2x Harvesting, Taming, XP, and Gold on our Official Network - Fixed rope ladders so that they can now be rotated when placed on wooden catwalks - Fixed 2-handed weapons able to used interchangeably, bypassing the weapon equipment timer using the Q hotkey. - Fixed a bug where critical strike could be used with other weapons by removing the buff if you switch to a different weapon. - Fixed a bug where projectile mesh wasn't showing correctly for singleplayer. - Fixed a bug which would cause players to throw out their gear by accident at low server fps when using "O" instead of "E" to unequip currently equipped gear. - Fixed a bug which allowed diving platform to be placed on top of a cargo rack.
That's it for this Captain's Log. We look forward to communicating what we've been up to (and what we plan to get up to) in the Livestream!

Happy Sailing,
Grapeshot Games
For the latest dispatch on #playATLAS keep yer one good eye trained on this here information
Natter n' chatter on Discord: https://discord.gg/playatlas
Navigate ye olde Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/playatlas
Hear ye, hear ye on Twitter: https://twitter.com/sailtheatlas
Watch us scallywags on Twitch: http://twitch.tv/sailtheatlas
Plus ye can band with us Pirates on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/playatlasgame
This Captain’s Log will cover news related to Blackwood, our upcoming Dev Livestream, the PTR and an introduction from our new Lead Designer! Let’s get right to it!

Designer Diary
My name is Erik Waananen and I’m thrilled to be joining you today as ATLAS’ new Lead Designer. It’s my pleasure not only to formally introduce myself but also to give you an update on what’s coming next for the game. So let’s dive right in, shall we?
ATLAS is an incredible world full of action, adventure, discovery, and community. And while a number of you are enjoying yourselves in-game, I think we can all agree that ATLAS has somewhat struggled to “find its sea legs” since its initial Early Access launch in December. My job will be to help the game get its bearings and -- together with the rest of the dev team -- work with a singular mission in mind:
Make ATLAS the ultimate pirate experience.
Achieving this goal will be no small task. We have a lot of work to do and it’s going to take a good deal of time and effort to accomplish it. But we will get there, especially with your continued feedback and support. Your constructive thoughts and criticism are all extremely helpful to us, so please keep them coming.
I’d like to announce that we’ll be hosting a very important developer stream next week on Wednesday, August 28th at 2:00 pm PDT. The main focus of this stream will be the reveal of an entirely new roadmap for ATLAS. We’ll also be addressing a number of the community’s questions and concerns about the current state of the game. I don’t want to spoil anything for you just yet, but suffice it to say there’s a big “change in the wind” coming to ATLAS and you definitely won’t want to miss it.
Sorry to keep you all waiting a bit longer, but I promise we’ll provide more details and answers soon. Until then, keep a weather eye on the horizon and we’ll see you on Wednesday!
Erik Waananen
Lead Game Designer, ATLAS
Blackwood Update
The ancient serpentine boss, Anacthyon, is poised to slither onto the Blackwood variation of the ATLAS with today’s update.

Along with this new boss, Blackwood includes:
- The full ATLAS experience (including all your favorite features and mechanics) merged into a single 1x1 server grid.
- 7 unique biomes across 11 islands, from hazy bogs teeming with life to mysterious jungles full of danger and toil.
- Resource-rich islands complete with every material from the core game.
- New cities and outlying areas ideal for roleplaying and server events.
- A beautiful mermaid city ripe for exploration.
- A new boss encounter featuring unpredictable enemy types and spawn locations.
- The Forbidden Reach: a hard mode island featuring elemental beings.
- Other iconic ATLAS content, such as Army of the Damned mobs, all 9 Power Stone locations, the Fountain of Youth, your favorite tameable creatures, and much more...
Livestream Q&A Thread
With the Dev LiveStream drawing closer, we’d like to take this opportunity to remind you that we have an official “Livestream Q&A” thread running to help us collect your questions regarding the things you care about and answer some of them on-stream. There have been some great questions submitted thus far, so please keep them coming!
Public Test Realm
If you haven’t checked out the PTR and some of the changes which will be coming in the next Mega Patch, it is still available for players for a limited time. Thank you to those of you who have been running the PTR through its paces and helping us identify bugs and issues along with giving feedback.
Info on joining the PTR can be found <here[www.playatlas.com]>
Live Game Patches
v218.27 - Fixed a bug that allowed players to gain massive height when running into the corner of a raft or dinghy - Fixed a bug that allowed players to gain massive height when climbing really tall ladder set ups - Fixed a bug which allowed players to base on top of submarines - Fixed a bug which allowed seated npcs to shoot puckles through walls - Ended 2x Magic Mythos Event v218.25 - Enabled 2x Harvesting, Taming, XP, and Gold on our Official Network - Fixed rope ladders so that they can now be rotated when placed on wooden catwalks - Fixed 2-handed weapons able to used interchangeably, bypassing the weapon equipment timer using the Q hotkey. - Fixed a bug where critical strike could be used with other weapons by removing the buff if you switch to a different weapon. - Fixed a bug where projectile mesh wasn't showing correctly for singleplayer. - Fixed a bug which would cause players to throw out their gear by accident at low server fps when using "O" instead of "E" to unequip currently equipped gear. - Fixed a bug which allowed diving platform to be placed on top of a cargo rack.
That's it for this Captain's Log. We look forward to communicating what we've been up to (and what we plan to get up to) in the Livestream!

Happy Sailing,
Grapeshot Games
For the latest dispatch on #playATLAS keep yer one good eye trained on this here information
Natter n' chatter on Discord: https://discord.gg/playatlas
Navigate ye olde Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/playatlas
Hear ye, hear ye on Twitter: https://twitter.com/sailtheatlas
Watch us scallywags on Twitch: http://twitch.tv/sailtheatlas
Plus ye can band with us Pirates on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/playatlasgame