As the title states, Drakes are simply too unbalanced now. Unless you have a defensive drake nearby to defend, you can kiss any ships that you have goodbye. I'm not saying the drake shouldn't be powerful and tough, but allowing a drake to sink a ship in 2 minutes with 150K hp is a recipe for making this a dragon simulator vs a pirate game.
Some quick stats on damage numbers to take down a drake:
Blunderbuss: 9 dmg = 16,667 shots to kill
Carbine: 53 dmg = 2,830 shots to kill
Mortar: 197 dmg = 761 shots to kill
Ballista: 300 dmg = 500 shots to kill
The inability to kill this monster off is a sure fire way to crush the morale of anyone that spent time on their fleet. We will rebuild, we will likely use the drake, because without it there is no way to be competitive in this game, especially at PVP.
Thanks for the feedback folks. The design around the Drake is that we would like it to be a worthwhile gold investment for a company. It it's current iteration, it is clearly too powerful. We'll be making some adjustments asap in an upcoming patch, and are open to making more going forward.