almost 5 years ago - Jatheish - Direct link

Honestly, it's not a huge priority for us at the moment, our content team is focused on working on functional additions which introduce enhance/introduce gameplay, perhaps there may be a time where we're spending more on furniture but not at this time. Any time that does go towards adornments would typically be in the form of skins, and the exception would be if it would introduce a new technical system into the game which we can leverage into other things, that may be worth exploring but can't think of anything off the top of my head.

Plus the addition of every piece of content has a memory cost and our goal is to try and make Officials accessible to as many as we can hard from a hardware perspective, and each piece of memory matters to that. Perhaps it's not so much of an issue on PC, but when we're working towards getting the game shipped on a console, it makes all the difference there.

almost 5 years ago - Jatheish - Direct link

It's certainly possible to see more additions in the long term, just wanted to clarify that in the immediate future it isn't a major aspect of our pipeline

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