To get back on topic, we have had the ban list in place since the launch of the title and have been actively banning folks since.. probably day 2 or day 3. Once we've enabled BattlEye, the number of bans are increasing tenfold and we're updating the global banlist to include those BE bans so that any unofficials who may not run BattlEye, but use the list can still prevent these rule breakers from playing on their servers. Since then we have wiped a few more companies, and today we ended up wiping+disbanding one as the leadership weren't able to keep some of their members from playing by the rules. You'll see that list continue to grow, especially as we make more tools to identify users who have broken the rules and are playing unfairly.
I have thought about doing something that's more akin to a 'hall of shame', but not really sure how that would fly... for now having these users banned and added to the banlist so other servers can make use of them is sufficient.
In regards to this, rest assured I am reading as much as humanly possible (in relation to my other duties too) all the feedback and criticism, negativity or positivity, and the threads that are reaching out to the team asking us to consider taking a different approach in how we handle ATLAS' development etc. I can definitely see all the frustrations regarding the recent Stone Structure changes, and completely understand why players would be upset. It's something the team are actively discussing and when we have something we want to share, we'll let you guys know. In the meantime, there is still an endless list of problems that I want to deal with and make sure are getting attention. Linux servers being one of those many things.
I'm going to go ahead and close this thread now. I appreciate the thought but it looks like it's veered quite a lot off topic and to be frank, a lot of it is irrelevant. You can be assured that there will be many more bans and wipes to come, as they're needed and we're only going to be ramping it up as we further develop our toolset.