over 1 year ago - Marvel's Avengers - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s uh hi I'm new here so this is how we're
4s starting I suppose it's the fresh face
6s that y'all have never seen before I
8s unfortunately am not Megan but I will
11s let Megan know for those who have been
13s asking about her that she loves you she
17s misses you and that you all miss her uh
20s let me see what's wrong with this
22s picture everybody I'm super sorry about
24s the inconvenience and see what is going
28s on here
31s let's put up the BRB real fast you're
34s gonna have to listen to some more of the
35s music and then we're gonna troubleshoot
37s and see what's going on here so give me
39s a second
43s foreign
48s [Music]
60s [Music]
81s thank you
82s [Music]
107s okay so I know that means at least my
110s mic is
111s not worked hang on I think we might have
115s fixed it
116s you're muted Vanessa
119s sorry I think we fixed it
123s hi yeah we want to try again
127s yes yes we could try again I apologize
130s about that everyone we just had
131s something if you've ever done streaming
134s before like I have in many times
136s elsewhere uh sometimes OBS or the things
140s you're using just decide to change your
142s audio devices for you and today the
145s audio devices had a mind of their own so
148s we are here though and we can get can
150s everybody hear me are we good
153s can I get thumbs up
157s I think we're good yes we got some yeses
161s great awesome welcome everyone to our
163s update 2-7 celebration we have a lot of
166s fun stuff to show and share with you
167s today but first some introductions I
170s want to introduce Vanessa
172s say hi Vanessa's on the community team
174s hello I'm a community coordinator and as
177s you can see I'm helping put together the
179s stream today instead of Megan and some
182s others and I'm very excited to be here
184s and I do feel immensely bad about the
187s sound thing but
188s sorry about that in the future we won't
190s be having those issues oh it happens I
193s promise we still have people in chat
195s saying you're the goat Vanessa I say
196s that it's so refreshing and
199s yeah uh and then I'd also like to
201s introduce Mr Chris Young who's on our uh
203s on leadership for Avengers
206s uh everyone give Chris some some hearts
208s and chat
212s stream that I've been working on for a
214s good long while so glad to sort of rep
217s Winter Soldier for the stream and for
220s the game you'll have to show your arm
222s like in more detail for uh for viewers
225s later because uh Chris 3D printed this
228s everyone uh no joke it looks so good
232s yeah this was my my challenge for
236s September and October trying to get all
238s this stuff together
241s um let's chat about what we're going to
242s share today uh so we're going to start
244s off chatting uh we're gonna show off the
246s new cloning lab trailer
248s um break down what to expect from the
251s cloning lab later we're going to have a
254s an interview with Scott Porter who is
256s our voice actor for the Winter Soldier
259s and a member of our narrative team who
261s helped write Bucky that segment is
263s pre-recorded but we took your questions
265s in Discord and Twitter in advance so
267s we'll be answering some of your
268s questions in that segment as well
271s uh and then after we're going to show
273s off some of the outfits uh that you're
275s going to love for Bucky there's a whole
278s bunch that are going to be available in
279s the hero card and in the marketplace
281s right at launch and hang around to the
284s end we'll have one more uh one more
286s surprise to show off uh but let's go
289s ahead and jump into our cloning Labs
292s trailer this aired this morning
294s um Vanessa you wanna cue it up for us I
298s promise nothing given how we started but
301s let's see what we got
307s Avengers touching down
309s let's move out
319s [Applause]
323s behold my power is aim keeping in humans
327s here
335s no one shall stand in my way I've only
339s grown stronger
348s that was our clothing Labs trailer super
350s excited to chat about the cloning Labs
352s today Chris what is Ames cloning lab
357s um how do you how do you play it let's
359s let's uh Jump Right In
362s we still make a little threat
366s [Music]
370s Modoc fight from many of you experiences
374s in the campaign but this one has a Twist
375s where it is the multiplayer version he's
378s got new moves new attacks it's a really
381s satisfying piece of content to play um
385s God I was actually going through my uh
389s Outlook calendar and we've playtested
392s this one nine different times as a sort
397s of large group of people getting
398s together over the past 60 days so we've
401s seen sort of all the iterations of this
404s and
406s and it's new right so uh this is
408s different from uh what players
410s experience at the end of the reassembled
413s campaign
414s um Modoc for the Olt has been rebuilt
417s from the ground up is that correct
420s uh yes he's got a whole bunch of new
422s moves in there and
424s it's it's my favorite boss battle we
427s have getting a group of people together
430s and fighting your way there and then
432s doing battle with him felt really good
435s in ways that
437s I've enjoyed super adaptoid and the raid
441s but this one in particular
444s it feels good on the sticks for lack of
446s a better phrase
448s do you want to talk about Chris
450s narratively
452s um where Ames clothing lab fits in
455s update 2.7 in the evolving narrative for
458s Avengers as well as Bucky's introduction
461s to the team
463s I'm sure as we saw at the end of oh God
467s I'm gonna
470s Block No Rest For The Wicked no rest for
471s the wicked I always want to call it
473s Something Wicked This Way Comes I end up
475s no rest for the wicked we do see that
477s Monica has been working to bring back
481s Modoc so this is uh sort of the
484s culmination of that you get this uh sort
487s of reborn version of Modoc you need to
490s fight
492s um and how do you start the clothing lab
494s who can play uh how there's power level
496s requirement is that right there is you
498s do have to be power level uh 175 to play
501s the mission
502s um and once you are power level 175 you
506s will be able to see it on the war table
507s and there are uh New Gear rewards that
512s you can get from picking this up as well
513s as
516s uh
517s helping push your power level beyond the
520s 175 threshold we've had previously we
523s are increasing the max power level you
525s can be up to uh 185.
529s um we'll get into the the gear in a bit
531s um but pushing your power level up to
533s 185 uh you do that by collecting the
537s gear pieces you earn from playing the
539s new Olt is that is that right correct
541s yes the pieces the gear that you collect
543s from Colonial Labs will help increase
545s your power level
547s um and we'll have we're not going to get
548s into the gear too too much today but
550s we're going to have a Dev blog uh going
553s out later this week that dives into the
555s nitty-gritty of what all those systems
558s uh uh in the new gear are and what those
561s gear pieces are
563s um so we'll get into that then
567s we love teasers so we are gonna have a
571s new system in there that is a midnight
572s charge
575s [Music]
578s it charges and they'll be of different
580s status types like plasma or gamma and
583s then you'll actually automatically apply
585s those to your light melee attacks got
587s the Sprinter revade ones but your sort
589s of standard light melee attacks so you
591s can build up these charges and then
594s spend them to give you an extra way to
597s uh apply status and there are some of
600s these perks that actually let you apply
601s uh Grant charges to your entire Strike
605s team as well
607s we love it
609s um the next thing that we would like to
611s well I guess I should ask first Chris is
613s there anything else you want to share
614s about the cloning lab
616s uh yeah um I would like to touch on a
618s minute
623s in the past and it didn't meet the
625s expectations we had so it hadn't been
627s released previously
629s uh
630s but that's why we spent the time to come
633s back in readdress this content or bring
635s it up to the Quality Bar that we've been
638s looking for and that's why we've been
640s play testing this as much as we have to
642s make sure it's going to meet
643s expectations and not just have you
647s fighting Abomination again
650s let's roll into we're going to show off
653s our abilities featurette next we've
655s already shared this online but for folks
658s who are tuning in for the first time or
660s maybe have missed it we're going to show
661s that now and then we'll talk a little
663s bit more about what uh Bucky is like to
666s play as uh right after this
669s all right and I I will say I'm I'm gonna
673s try fingers crossed that this one does
675s not huh what's wrong oh is it is it
677s going to be
678s um do we think it might be laggy it
681s might be a little bit laggy so it might
683s be better I personally think if we want
685s to just hop into talking about it
686s because I don't want to disappoint the
689s chat with a video that's just like doing
691s a slideshow on everybody and like I said
694s we already do have it out publicly
696s facing so I want to make sure that
698s people know it is out there for you to
700s watch it's not that I don't want you to
702s see it because you're here I notice
703s partly why you came here but I don't
706s want to give you a buggy video it would
708s just it will hurt my heart it really
710s really would because I thought it might
712s happen that way and then once it did I
714s don't want to I don't want to waste your
716s time but I can tell you that the
718s interview segment will not have that
720s problem so you don't have to worry about
721s that but for the video we might want to
724s just go ahead and talk about some of
725s those abilities and whatnot
727s yeah I think that's a good call
729s um let's talk about high level uh what
732s does what is Bucky like to play he is a
735s ranged specialist uh and lethal up close
739s the fantasy we're trying to fulfill with
741s him is that he is a master assassin
744s Chris do you want to dive into a little
746s bit more of
748s um high level what he is like to play
750s and maybe how he feels comparable to the
753s other Heroes yeah I really like what we
756s did with Bucky so he's got a solid range
760s kit so he's got actually three options
762s for his range attacks he's got a three
764s round burst that you can actually charge
766s for like a sniper attack we've got a
769s full auto as well as a grenade launcher
773s so we sort of Hit the fulfill the
776s power that people sort of expect from
778s Winter Soldier on the Range Front and
781s then on the melee side uh he's got a
784s ability to block and Parry with his
786s metal arm he's got his intrinsic attacks
790s allow you to uh use his knife in combat
793s as well which is one of the ways that
795s you can apply status
797s and one of the things I really love is
800s he has
801s his power attack combo actually is a
804s ranged attack so he pulls out the
807s shotgun that he does sort of a spray arc
810s of bullets in front of him he does a
812s piercing strike and then he does the
814s grenade launch so in some ways it's a
817s lot like uh
819s Hawkeye's got his bag of tricks which
821s lets you do a number of different ranged
824s attacks through your power attack combo
827s and this one feels really great because
829s you can
830s even start it from in the air and sort
832s of do this shotgun last
835s um the grenade launcher I think is my
837s favorite weapon I'm excited for everyone
839s to try it can be upgraded so that the
842s grenades that come out uh stick to
844s things you can remote detonate them
847s um so it adds a level of strategy to
851s um to gameplay where strategic thinking
853s that you don't necessarily get with
855s other Heroes
856s absolutely I really like it it's similar
859s in some ways to uh Kate's Power Attack
862s gives you the ability to do like a
864s sticky mine as well with her Arrow so I
865s really like that as a
867s Briar Cape main this one makes my heart
871s really glow do we want to talk about his
874s heroics
876s um yeah
877s so his I like his
881s this actually ties into
885s uh through the range build that I like
887s for him his ultimate
890s um
893s allows you to tap into his winter
895s soldier programming and sort of do
897s additional damage later playing it
900s actually marks all enemies within a
903s radius uh with uh Mark for assassination
906s just like instant takedowns right
908s absolutely absolutely and it's not just
911s for you it actually marks them for
913s anyone in your Strike Team so
917s if you're playing online you've got
918s multiple people boom you can clear out
920s an entire
923s Squadron pretty quickly with that I also
926s like that one of the things that you can
928s spec with it is uh unlimited ammunition
931s for the duration of his ultimate heroic
935s so me being someone who loves Auto fire
939s is full auto
941s um being able to spec that and then go
943s okay you know what I've applied status
945s with my signature attack and now I'm
947s gonna do just straight battery damage
950s for like the full duration oh that is so
954s satisfying
956s um he I got a question in chat
959s um I can't see the username now but they
961s were asking about traversal um how does
963s he Traverse uh comparable to other
965s Heroes on our lineup so he does have a
969s wall run similar to uh Captain America
972s or Black Panther and he also has a
976s grapple for traversal similar uh to
980s Widow so you can sort of see the
981s influence these two other characters
983s have had in his training
987s um jones099 says it's official make
989s Vanessa in Avengers and make her next
992s DLC we're not we're not doing this on my
995s channel enough you're not gonna bully me
997s I just got here yeah I just got here and
1001s everyone's asking what is she laughing
1002s at y'all are outrageous in chat right
1004s now oh my God but but please I I'm here
1008s just for like the tech stuff and whatnot
1010s please let Hunter and Chris do their
1012s things I don't know which way I need to
1014s point this way
1015s they're here to do the things I'm here
1017s for moral support and add stuff when I
1019s can but please I don't I don't know that
1022s I would make a good Adventure please
1024s don't put me in the game
1026s Vanessa you are a superhero I am not I'm
1029s Chris
1031s um give Vanessa flight yeah let us know
1034s in chat what abilities do you think
1039s I'm expecting both your kids
1043s some like costume uh variants or some
1046s outfit variants right
1049s um
1053s the stream is about Bucky not me
1057s just do
1059s we have anything much like Vanessa
1062s disappears when we talk about making her
1064s a hero Bucky's uh support heroic Tech
1067s Soldier nonsense actually grants you an
1069s invisibility buff and you could spec it
1072s out to do either shock damage to
1074s adjacent enemies or uh for your entire
1077s Squadron
1080s which is
1081s yeah chat loves that Chris
1086s um do we have any
1087s before we go to the next before we go to
1090s the next section do we have any more any
1092s questions from Chad about
1095s um abilities or traversal or
1099s um Bucky's kit well I do have uh one
1102s more uh
1103s heroic that we can talk about too we do
1105s have his assault heroic which is uh the
1108s ability for him to call it an airstrike
1110s which is actually pretty darn cool so
1112s you actually watch him toss outer
1114s grenade and it actually leaves sort of
1116s the smoke marker and then you can watch
1118s this airstrike come down and you can
1120s spec it a few different ways there's a
1122s why didn't the area of effect you can
1123s inspect it to uh or draw people in you
1127s could also spec it to uh apply Mark for
1130s assassination so you get multiple ways
1133s that you can sort of bring this one
1135s mechanic in so you can activate it via
1137s your ultimate you can spec into it with
1139s your assault heroic
1142s I'm seeing questions about his uh his
1146s knife combo what other ways does he use
1148s the knife in combat
1153s intrinsic so he's gotten intrinsic
1155s attack that is similar to uh Black
1158s Panther so you build up a charge through
1161s blocks through parries through other
1163s skills that you can spec into and then
1166s if you hold that right trigger while
1169s you're doing different attacks it
1171s actually modifies what they do and that
1173s allows you to add these sort of knife
1175s attacks to his melee kit and that is uh
1179s one of the attacks that
1181s gear will then apply different status
1184s perks too
1187s um I'm also seeing some questions about
1189s does he feel like Bucky or I'm sorry
1192s does he feel like cab does he feel like
1194s uh Widow to that I would say we try to
1198s make when we were designing him we were
1201s trying to make him feel like a character
1204s who trained or who trained alongside
1207s Captain America and trained alongside
1210s Black Widow so you see some of that
1212s narrative threat in there and we're
1214s going to talk about that a little bit
1216s um in the next in the next segment yeah
1218s I would say that he
1221s he feels like Bucky on the sticks so he
1223s feels like he's his own hero but you can
1227s feel like the influences of other Heroes
1230s on him so you will see his abilities or
1233s a block in Perry you will see him use
1236s some of the tech to go invisible
1239s but at the end of the day
1245s when we first sat down and said like
1247s what's Winter Soldier supposed to feel
1250s like
1252s um he feels like almost this
1256s I think of him as a Unstoppable machine
1259s who's sort of like marching forward
1261s towards his Target and making sure that
1264s like he's going to assassinate that
1266s Target at all costs and
1270s the skills and the different pieces of
1273s combat all lend itself to that and
1276s that's one of the
1278s coins we kept going back to to make sure
1281s that does this feel like we expect Bucky
1284s to feel like
1287s awesome
1289s um we unless you have anything else
1291s you'd like to share Chris I think we
1293s should uh go into our segment with Scott
1296s Porter and Layla from narrative
1298s um we're going to be hanging around in
1300s chat this segment was pre-recorded
1304s um let us know if you have any issues
1306s with audio we'll we'll modify on the fly
1309s but let's go ahead and Jump Right In
1312s remember stay around until after the
1314s pre-recorded segment because we're going
1315s to be live again talking outfits and
1317s showing off all the outfits and uh again
1321s there's one more teaser in because we've
1323s got an outfit that we're gonna show off
1324s that wasn't in the blog
1327s a teaser it's very true
1330s but yes awesome so so hang around uh
1333s Vanessa do we want to start the next uh
1336s segment then yes I will go ahead I'm
1338s gonna put up a quick BRB screen for
1340s everybody so I would advise you take
1342s about a minute or two to get up grab
1344s yourself some water maybe some snacks
1347s and some coffee some coffee and then we
1350s are going to go ahead and get our
1351s interview with Scott going in just a
1353s moment
1354s [Music]
1370s foreign
1384s [Music]
1394s [Music]
1417s foreign
1418s [Music]
1445s foreign
1453s [Music]
1464s [Music]
1481s foreign
1484s [Music]
1486s our celebration of Winter Soldier in
1490s update 2.7 continues uh today I'm joined
1494s with Layla the incredible Layla from our
1497s narrative team look at that how you
1499s doing oh stop it hello hi everyone
1502s uh we're also joined today by the
1505s legendary the one and only
1507s Scott Porter how you doing Scott I don't
1510s know about legendary uh but no I
1512s appreciate you guys having me here today
1514s definitely legendary you're like uh you
1517s star in one of the only TV shows I think
1519s my dad has ever watched the whole way
1520s through Friday Night Lights so that's
1523s it's a big thing oh it's gonna pay him
1525s for Hart of Dixie no it was FNL okay all
1528s right yeah
1530s um well yes uh so uh Scott you're
1533s voicing uh Bucky for update 2.7
1537s um
1538s Layla why don't you give us a uh a quick
1542s you know set the stage where in update
1545s 2.7 do we find Bucky where where has he
1549s been and perhaps how does uh Ames
1551s cloning lab play into uh how we bring
1554s him into our evolving narrative
1557s yeah so
1564s so understated way you'll find him uh
1566s once you complete the cloning Labs uh
1568s you'll discover that Monica has decided
1571s that uh he would be of use to her as her
1574s personal assassin
1576s um and so the Avengers go you know
1579s complete cloning lab and then they find
1581s him being kept on there and they bring
1584s him back to the Avengers and the heroic
1587s Mission chain story is going to start
1588s where you know like Bucky's back he's
1590s like wow Steve you're alive like holy
1594s crap nah I haven't seen you in a long
1596s time
1597s I don't know about joining The Avengers
1599s because of course that's what that's
1600s what Steve especially is going to
1602s immediately want like you know come back
1603s on board with us and he's not he's not
1605s really that sure yet
1607s now Scott um tell us a little bit about
1609s your background because this isn't your
1612s first time playing a Bucky or or your
1615s second
1616s yeah no I I've played Bucky in a couple
1619s of different iterations and I I've
1621s played him as both uh youthful exuberant
1624s Bucky from World War II era before
1627s ending up on Ice the very first time in
1630s Lego Avengers as well as a post-winner
1633s soldier version of Bucky and Lego
1637s adventures as well but that was uh
1639s hilarious in nature it was he was son
1642s you know somebody had said the words and
1644s he was hallucinating and he thought a
1645s teddy bear was president and so it was
1648s not a really serious take on Winter
1650s Soldier but I've also uh in the past
1652s Voice winner soldier in in a fighting
1654s game uh where he was nothing but
1656s business and just violent and out uh you
1660s know Out For Blood and so I had run the
1663s gamut of
1664s you know Winter Soldier as far as like
1667s big
1669s explosive exploration of of who he is in
1673s battle but what really excited me about
1675s this project was getting to play the
1677s smaller moments
1679s um I auditioned for this thing I think
1681s way back in like 2019 actually I mean it
1684s was a long time ago and uh I didn't know
1687s it was Winter Soldier at the time but
1689s the the writing because you know they
1692s mask everything they so it wasn't Bucky
1694s or you know Winter Soldier or James even
1697s uh I can't remember the name on the
1700s audition but Billy it was Billy you're
1703s right Billy so I was auditioning for
1706s Billy for unnamed game it was some
1708s project code name something or other
1710s every voice actors dream right to uh
1712s audition for Billy
1714s but it spoke about
1718s um having
1719s found himself uh
1722s you know in some facility having waken
1725s up from what seemed like a horrible
1726s nightmare and I started piecing things
1728s together and started figuring that it
1730s might be Bucky but they were these small
1733s moments of regret and guilt and
1735s admission and to me that's the really
1739s interesting stuff with Winter Soldier
1742s and in the books you know Edward Baker
1744s dealt with so much of that and I'm a big
1747s fan of that run and I just I I love uh
1751s how subtle all of the interactions with
1753s Bucky and a lot of the other cast
1755s members of of Avengers uh was was told
1759s on the page so I was just super excited
1761s so yeah I played him before but this was
1763s a whole different ball game
1764s so
1766s um speaking of comic runs one of our
1768s followers on Discord Primus Addie 1910
1772s uh this is a question for both of you
1774s are there any specific comic book runs
1776s that have inspired our take on Bucky so
1780s Laila for you you know what Comics did
1782s you look to uh to inform this iteration
1785s of the character and uh for you Scott
1790s um what kind of uh what Comics or
1792s stories resonated with you when you were
1794s trying to find Bucky's voice
1797s yeah um I'm looking at a list off to the
1800s side here because there's a couple
1801s obviously uh Ed brubaker's Winter
1804s Soldier run that like really brought
1806s um so much more depth to the character
1808s that had been you know kind of like the
1809s the teen sidekick like the G willikers
1812s cat type of like character back in uh
1815s you know the old days so that one
1818s obviously did a lot it also really
1820s informed uh how we looked at the
1822s relationship between
1824s um him and Nat especially
1827s um there's also Captain America 2004 to
1830s 2011. uh Captain America and Bucky 2004
1833s or 2011 and there's some episodes excuse
1836s me episodes issues in there like in the
1838s 20s um like the 33 to 41 uh where you
1843s really see Bucky like struggling with um
1846s in this case it's the death of Captain
1847s America and how he feels pulled in two
1850s directions of like
1851s that I could never measure it up to him
1853s right like Steve was like the better man
1855s than I was in any regard and then also
1857s being pulled like I will not let anyone
1859s else carry this Shield
1861s um
1862s yeah I thought that was a really uh good
1864s look at like building the base for the
1868s kinds of internal struggles that Bucky
1869s deals with
1871s and then uh the Hawkeye and the Winter
1874s Soldier the 2017 Tales of suspense run
1876s just like their Dynamic of um like
1880s just does Clint being like this you know
1883s like constant like Petty Jabs like
1885s testing the testing the waters and
1887s Bucky's like who even are you
1890s I'm only here because of nat I'm
1892s tolerating you at best don't get on my
1895s nerves and like watching them work
1896s together
1897s um inform some of the dialogue between
1899s those two that you'll be hearing in game
1903s Scott uh how about you um what
1905s iterations of the character or comic
1907s book runs have you looked at one of our
1909s uh followers zako from Discord asked if
1913s Sebastian Stan's portrayal and MCU was
1916s one of your Inspirations or what other
1918s Inspirations you had
1920s yeah you know it's an interesting thing
1922s when you take up the mantle of a hero
1924s that is widely loved and uh Winter
1928s Soldier is no different from a character
1930s like Star-Lord who I've voiced in a
1932s number of different games for Marvel
1935s um
1936s when I did Star-Lord I never wanted to
1938s be a Chris Pratt sound alike I wanted
1941s my Star-Lord to be a little bit more
1944s Midwestern in nature a little bit more
1947s skittish in a way uh my Star-Lord wasn't
1950s afraid to like scream at a very high
1952s pitch when when uh you know frightened
1955s by something uh I always felt like my
1958s Star-Lord at the time was was just like
1960s a little you know putting on an act
1962s around these other Heroes and the way I
1965s approach Winter Soldier wasn't much
1967s different I didn't really borrow from
1968s Sebastian Stan's
1970s very quiet very measured performance of
1973s Bucky I feel like in the films and he's
1975s he's wonderful but the last thing you
1977s want to do is try and uh you know copy
1981s somebody and then fail doing it because
1983s you don't at that point in time pay
1985s respect to anybody if you're doing a
1987s poor imitation of somebody else's work
1989s you're not really honoring them and
1991s you're not honoring your own instincts
1992s as well
1994s I use the base of
1996s of Bucky from the books of his
2000s confliction on whether or not he could
2003s ever be a hero again a lot of that in
2006s that 2004 to 2011 run uh that was
2009s mentioned earlier uh has something to do
2011s I'm a comic fan I've read him for years
2013s but I also just took a lot of cues from
2016s the writing that this team put together
2019s for the game and that's really where I
2021s keyed off of and what I got a lot out of
2024s the audition scenes
2025s was this was a very vengeful Bucky it
2029s wasn't
2030s it he he is full of Vengeance and he's
2033s trying to quell this
2035s rage inside of him because this hasn't
2037s just happened to him once at this point
2038s this is you know this is something that
2040s for Bucky is is recurring and it's just
2043s he has a lot of self-loathing because of
2045s it and so I came from this a little bit
2047s of a darker place I think than I
2049s expected to but that was just because
2050s the the writing gave me the springboard
2053s for that uh I loved
2056s every moment of playing Bucky and
2058s finding uh the nuances of that character
2061s in this game
2063s um and I was really surprised how
2064s quietly we are able to tell it I think
2067s there's a lot of really quiet moments
2069s with Bucky that I didn't expect in this
2071s game and I hope the player base really
2073s appreciates
2075s yeah that's a great segue to one of our
2077s questions from Discord uh user Johnny
2079s Blaze it asks how much influence in
2081s direction did you have
2084s um as you were as you were voicing him
2086s what was that collaboration like between
2088s you and the narrative team
2090s oh man uh listens this is
2094s a complicated story that you all have
2097s built and I definitely needed help uh
2102s with where Bucky had come in and out of
2104s people's lives and uh you know take the
2108s cues for the context of these
2110s relationships
2112s and then spin out of that it was a truly
2115s collaborative effort and it was so cool
2118s to be a part of that you know sometimes
2120s games aren't that way sometimes you are
2123s there uh and you're playing a character
2125s who is for lack of a better term a
2128s hammer for a certain point or a certain
2130s perspective or something and they're
2132s just very blunt in the execution and
2135s whatever team that's designing it wants
2137s you to just do the thing they hired you
2138s to do that wasn't the case here uh it
2141s was it was really really cool we had a
2144s lot of
2144s time where we would Converse during
2146s sessions which isn't always a lot you
2148s know it wasn't that's something that's
2150s not always
2151s uh time that's given uh in a session you
2155s know because the way we record is you
2157s give four sessions you get four four
2159s hours for a session with an actor and
2161s you need to get as many lines as you can
2162s record it but I think in this case the
2165s context was so important and they really
2167s allowed for that air to be there and
2170s those conversations to be had and I
2171s think it really deepened uh the
2174s character uh in a huge way
2176s do you want to speak to that at all
2178s Layla about you know recording day
2182s um working together with Scott and uh
2184s what that collaboration was like from
2186s your side
2187s yeah so I was honestly like so I like as
2192s quietly ecstatic when um like the first
2194s times Scott you said like hey so this
2197s line you know like I'm trying to get
2199s into his head like what what exactly
2202s um is going on like when he's saying
2204s this internally and then you'd provide
2206s suggestions like like bringing in
2208s certain parts of his past and like the
2209s kinds of interactions he's had with like
2211s the people he's talking to and I was I
2214s was just like so hyped the whole time I
2215s was like oh my God like
2217s Scott is really getting into Bucky like
2221s as a person you know like not just like
2223s a a role but really like who he is how
2226s his psyche works and
2229s get like obviously the lines are part of
2232s it but
2233s the deliveries also part of it and then
2235s the collaboration I think really made
2237s something special that like brought a
2239s new level of life
2240s to Bucky and for that for that I'm very
2242s grateful
2244s so like let's speak to the you know the
2246s finished product for a second Layla we
2248s have a new heroic Mission chain in
2250s Avengers featuring or featuring Bucky
2253s um so what can players expect from that
2255s uh which which you wrote
2258s I yes I did
2261s um so this this one to uh
2267s um perhaps like some of uh Scott we
2269s talked about with like the quieter
2270s moments
2272s um like I wanted to focus on his
2275s relationships like the two most
2276s important people in his life Steve and
2278s Nat and um in the heroic Mission chain
2281s like especially not you know they'll get
2283s some moments where they're just talking
2284s like uh he's kind of working through his
2289s um
2290s self-doubt and his need for like he has
2293s a need for vengeance against the people
2294s who did this to him but also in a way
2296s like against himself for what he's done
2298s to people like regardless of whether or
2300s not
2301s it was his choice right but it wasn't
2304s but he has a really hard time letting go
2306s of that and so you'll see him like
2309s throughout like the couple of missions
2310s that we have like kind of keeps like I
2312s remember saying this in session like
2313s pushing the goal post right he
2315s accomplishes something it's like not
2316s enough like he can't really forgive
2318s himself yet and then like you know
2320s there's another and then
2321s keeps pushing it when it's finally done
2323s you know he's kind of left with this
2326s left in like this quiet
2328s not not exactly like Triumph it's like
2330s he finally has to think like you know I
2333s have a I have a future ahead of me I
2335s have choices to make
2336s and how can I like
2339s move forward with that if the past is
2342s still dragging me down and so I think
2343s the heroic Mission chain hopefully it
2345s gets across it like he works through the
2347s internal with like the people closest to
2349s him in like you know the the very Bucky
2351s way that he does
2355s um one of our users on Twitter at
2358s purified1989 asks is this version of
2360s Bucky an anti-hero how do you both how
2363s would you both respond to that because
2365s in in the comics and other media he
2367s sometimes is portrayed as an anti-hero
2370s do you think that applies to our take on
2372s Bucky
2374s oh
2376s I'm gonna let Layla answer first I I
2378s know where I came from on it but
2381s okay
2383s um
2383s so like At first I was like this is kind
2385s of hard question right like because then
2387s you have to like look into anti-hero
2389s like what that means exactly and that
2391s doesn't really have like a super
2393s concrete definition it's a little
2394s nebulous right like
2396s for some anti-heroes it's a person who
2397s does the right thing for the wrong
2399s reasons sometimes if the person does the
2401s wrong thing for the right reasons kind
2402s of like a tragic hero due to fail type
2405s of thing but I think
2407s um with Bucky it's that he struggles
2410s with
2411s feeling like he's good enough that he
2414s can do good because he understands like
2417s the pull of things that are not good in
2420s this case with our Bucky it's a
2422s Vengeance right like he he feels so
2424s strongly the pull of it like keeps him
2425s up at night and on some level he knows
2427s like
2428s you know he should be letting go of this
2430s like he looks at Steve as like the
2432s Paragon of goodness and like how much he
2434s doesn't measure up but in that like in
2437s that space between him and Steve he
2439s knows that like the thing that creates
2441s the rift is that
2443s like he wants it he wants the Vengeance
2445s like it would feel good and satisfying
2447s and I think that's
2449s um what Taps into the the anti-hair he's
2451s not necessarily doing right things wrong
2453s reasons wrong things right reasons it's
2455s like the internal struggle of knowing
2457s what's good and then knowing what is
2460s enticing
2462s I think for me this this question is all
2464s rooted in
2465s you know Captain America has evolved
2468s Beyond His World War II
2471s uh symbol American symbol
2474s you know when you're at War
2476s things are done and
2479s no one questions it because you're at
2482s War
2482s I mean it's it's dirty and it's bloody
2485s and it's awful and Bucky was there I
2489s mean he served in a world war he saw
2491s death around him
2493s I'm not saying that he's immune to it
2495s but
2496s he wasn't given the same opportunity on
2498s the other side to become more of a noble
2500s hero I think when we're talking about
2502s Comic Book Heroes and you talk about the
2503s noble Heroes the the men and women who
2506s refuse to kill or harm uh even the
2509s vilest of villains versus those that
2512s have experienced
2514s um what life or death really truly is
2518s um Bucky has experienced death not only
2520s of himself but of his best friends
2523s um and he is
2526s from an era where killing to make the
2530s world right was widely accepted and if
2532s that makes him an anti-hero then I
2534s suppose he is in a way
2536s he wants so badly to be like Captain
2539s America now
2540s but he has such self-doubt that he could
2543s ever possibly do that because we're
2545s capped has has righted the ship and has
2549s been so Noble in this Paragon of of uh
2552s what is right in the world
2554s Winter Soldier woke up and did horrible
2557s things uh not of his own volition but he
2559s feels like he can never wash that off of
2561s him so it's a real struggle and that's a
2564s really loaded question I think
2567s um I hope the person that asked it is is
2569s satisfied with the answer I I do believe
2571s that I think Bucky is an anti-hero in a
2574s couple of different ways he's willing to
2576s get his hands really dirty to make the
2578s world a better place but he also doesn't
2580s believe that he's a true hero and that
2582s he can ever be again and so he's an
2584s anti-hero and kind of a couple of
2586s different ways
2589s um I imagine that you Scott are not all
2592s dark and twisty like Bucky but user
2594s Twitter user geov6 asks what
2598s characteristics of yourself do you think
2600s you have in common with Bucky and did
2603s you pull from any of that when you were
2605s finding his voice
2608s yeah you know
2609s um
2611s man there's there's parts of every
2613s character and every single human being
2615s that's ever played I mean there's just
2617s no
2618s it doesn't matter there's parts of us
2620s that are dark and that we are ashamed of
2622s and that we
2623s you know we have regrets we all have
2625s regrets in life and that's where I came
2627s from with with Bucky was and he's also
2630s in a much lighter tone like kind of like
2633s an actor like you go in and you do an
2636s audition and you walk out hoping that
2638s what you did was what the other person
2640s was hoping you would do and I feel like
2642s Bucky's re-entrance into the Avengers is
2645s a lot of him doing something and then
2647s looking to the heroes around him hoping
2650s that they approve of what he did as
2652s opposed of just make as opposed to just
2654s making the decisions and doing what he
2656s thinks is right he's questioning
2658s everything he does for a little while
2660s here
2661s um he has a very clear uh desire for
2664s Revenge but at the same time like he's
2667s he's holding back uh for a number of
2669s reasons and a lot of it has to do with
2671s you know his best friend being back and
2673s the person he looks up to most and you
2676s know Nat being there constantly who
2679s he that sometimes can't forgive or he
2682s can't forgive himself so he can't be
2684s open with her and then you've got people
2686s like Clint running around who he's
2688s making decisions to try and be better
2690s than you know so there's a lot of really
2693s interesting interactions and I think
2694s that was was the most fun part of
2696s playing Bucky was look the story is
2698s amazing and going through that that
2700s Journey that's a very personal thing for
2702s Bucky is awesome but then like just
2704s walking around areas and talking to all
2706s of the other Heroes and the small
2707s interactions that you have with other
2709s Heroes the way he approaches each and
2711s every one of them we took the time to
2712s really build out how he sees each of
2714s these people and uh these different
2716s Heroes and you know whether it's Miss
2718s Marvel or uh you know Spidey or any of
2722s these number there there are some really
2723s surprising interactions and that stuff I
2725s loved
2726s um but yeah I'd say I pulled kind of
2729s that self-doubt that I carry as an actor
2732s all the time and and put it cleanly into
2735s into James's uh in this particular
2737s situation
2739s um our community loves the banter that
2741s you mentioned that new Heroes Have
2744s between other Heroes and our social hubs
2746s um were there any interactions that you
2748s were excited for other people to
2751s experience or maybe that were fun uh
2754s Layla that you're looking forward to
2756s them to experience as well
2759s you wanna
2761s start uh
2764s I mean my
2766s I don't want to spoil anything I don't
2767s know like I
2768s there's he gets introduced to Dungeons
2771s and Dragons at some point and to watch
2773s him try and process what Dungeons and
2775s Dragons is is probably my most favorite
2778s thing that I experienced on the game
2780s because it was just it was a it was a
2783s little break of of levity uh for Bucky
2789s which I think was so necessary because
2791s everything around him is so heavy
2793s whether it's self-imposed or not he's
2795s just still dealing with so much stuff
2796s that other people just can't understand
2798s outside of nat for the most part and
2800s somewhat cap you know so it's those I
2803s think his moments with the younger
2805s Heroes uh because that's another thing
2808s this kid
2810s he's a kid
2811s like Bucky had his childhood like taken
2814s from him time and time again so when I
2818s had the chance to converse with like
2819s other young Heroes I kind of was like I
2822s started to piece together oh man like
2824s Bucky is like
2826s he's a young guy he's a young kid from
2827s Brooklyn
2828s who is thrust Into the Heart of war and
2831s then you know brought off ice to do
2833s horrible things and then brought off ice
2835s again to a world that he didn't
2837s recognize and he had to grow up entirely
2840s too fast so I think the interactions
2841s with the younger Heroes is my favorite
2843s stuff sorry
2844s what about you Layla
2846s um
2847s yeah that the the interaction with
2851s about the DND stuff that was definitely
2854s top of my list up there
2856s um I just I also just love some of the
2860s uh the ones with Clint
2862s um they're just they're so funny like
2864s Clint is just like
2866s they have this um I feel like it's like
2869s Clint thinks they're Rivals and Bucky is
2872s just like constantly irritated by it
2877s um I really like uh those lines
2881s um I also like the line uh not to hate
2883s my own horn of it but like in the heroic
2887s Mission chain
2888s um
2889s you know Bucky and cap they still have
2891s that like they were like best of friends
2895s during the war right they had each
2896s other's back no matter what
2898s um and in some sense they were kind of
2901s like
2902s the only people like each other could
2904s count on like without like
2907s just like full faith right and then you
2910s see like a bit of that I wanted to put a
2912s little bit of that Dynamic back like so
2914s it's not just like you know super like
2916s formal
2918s um they they like joke around a little
2919s bit you know and it was it was nice
2921s seeing like
2922s Bucky able to kind of go back to that
2925s because he he wants that again really
2926s like you know deep down whether or not
2929s he's gonna admit it
2931s so you both have mentioned Nat and I
2933s don't think we've touched on it yet but
2936s Layla is there romance in update two
2939s seven what is what's the story here the
2942s people want to know
2944s oh ah hmm
2947s this is a this is a tough bind you put
2949s me in Hunter because like I would like
2952s to
2952s say more but then like do I really want
2954s to spoil the answer is like
2958s eat
2960s it's it's like the answer could be tune
2962s in tomorrow yeah update two seven
2965s Launches on all platforms for all
2966s players you know what I'll take that
2969s um I don't I hope you won't be
2972s disappointed winter Widow shippers I'm
2975s I'm with you there foreign
2977s we have a question from
2982s Discord user gatusi
2985s Scott what's your favorite thing about
2987s the Winter Soldier in this game
2991s oh man there's so much
2994s um
2995s first of all do the guitar sounds like
2997s that old dance from the do-up days uh
2999s yeah
3000s um I uh
3004s I just love how layered
3006s this version of Bucky is
3009s um
3009s I think my favorite thing was how many
3011s situations
3013s uh this narrative team put him into
3018s um and made him face
3020s because
3021s there's so many different colors of him
3023s on display
3025s uh it was really a joy
3027s to play so many notes of of a of a human
3030s that not you don't always get to do to
3033s go back to the point that I made at the
3035s beginning of the
3036s of the interview is just um you know
3039s sometimes you're there for a very
3040s specific reason uh as an actor in a game
3043s and you're needed to do something by The
3047s Narrative team to help push the leading
3050s characters further on down the road this
3052s wasn't that case at all this was an
3055s exploration of a character who has been
3057s through so much that almost nobody can
3059s understand and we got to show a lot of
3062s different sides of Bucky and I think
3063s that was uh one of the cool things uh
3066s well the the coolest thing for me
3069s Layla how about you
3071s favorite thing about about Bucky in our
3073s game
3074s foreign
3078s I find him
3080s personally quite relatable like the uh
3083s you know pursuing things that perhaps
3086s you know like kind of aren't good for
3087s you because like it would be satisfying
3090s right like it would you would think it'd
3091s be closure
3093s um but deep down you know like it's not
3095s it's not gonna actually bring you
3097s anything good and so like his struggle
3100s um between like
3102s forgiving himself like trying to not
3105s necessarily forgive but like let go of
3108s uh the things that haunt him from his
3110s past
3111s uh I think that's part of what makes
3113s Bucky a fantastic character in the
3115s comics
3116s um and I hope that comes across in our
3119s version of Bucky 2. um
3122s and then also probably my other favorite
3125s thing about Bucky and our game actually
3127s Scholars you I literally cannot
3131s um I can't really put into words like I
3133s was just so
3134s elated seeing him like the way that you
3137s brought him to life and like how much
3139s you added to them and yeah I cannot see
3141s anybody else being our Bucky
3145s oh man that's that's thank you so much
3149s that's awesome to hear I I just wanted
3151s to put care into that character because
3152s I could tell you all had done the same
3154s so it's uh you know I'm gonna verbally
3157s retweet back to you the uh the things
3160s you just said to me
3162s um thank you we had a question and I
3165s can't find it now so we're just gonna
3167s say courtesy of katusi the question was
3170s I remember if you could play any other
3173s superhero who would it be now before we
3176s answer that I have here a list of all
3180s the the superheroes that that you have
3182s played to date and there are many okay
3184s it includes Cyclops Aquaman Nightwing
3189s Bucky Barnes times like 10. a whole
3192s bunch of spider people Harry Osborne
3194s Gwen Stacy's dad Peter Quill Robin white
3198s wolf and the Flash
3200s so those aren't on the table
3202s [Laughter]
3204s um I mean my answer is super easy uh
3207s depending on you know where you pop into
3209s Bobby Drake's life I would love to voice
3211s Iceman
3213s um at some point uh he is somebody
3216s that in reading the X books for such a
3219s long time
3220s deals with things and humor to keep
3223s himself shielded from having to deal
3225s with them uh deeply in any way shape or
3230s form and
3231s he's someone for so so many years was I
3234s think somewhat uncomfortable with this
3236s role as a hero he has Mega level mutant
3240s Powers
3242s um his ability to manipulate water in
3245s any shape or form uh and and freeze
3248s these molecules uh I mean we've seen him
3251s before the Age of Apocalypse frees half
3253s of New York City and put it into a
3256s second Ice Age I mean this guy is that
3258s powerful and he's that scared of it but
3260s he he deals with all of it uh with an
3262s era of humor and to me that is like my
3266s dream character to play
3268s absolutely love that character you know
3270s bucket list for me uh the flash was on
3274s that for a long time and now I've been
3275s able to play uh a really cool version of
3278s The Flash in another game so I think for
3282s right now uh Bucky I mean uh Bucky was
3286s on that list too as like a really
3288s conflicted character uh but I think next
3290s next in line was uh was Bobby Drake for
3293s me so Iceman
3294s I mean you've done so many Heroes
3298s what does it mean to you to
3301s kind of develop these characters and
3303s fill the shoes of these characters that
3305s are super and superheroes and people
3308s that
3309s others look up to
3311s um what is it that makes you gravitate
3314s toward that kind of roll Scott
3316s man I don't know I I think just
3319s growing up and reading books
3322s my entire life I was a comic fan
3325s back when it wasn't
3328s widely
3330s accepted
3332s I don't know I was a kid from Omaha
3333s Nebraska Who Loved kung fu movies and uh
3336s hip-hop and my I had an older Foster
3338s brother who was into a lot of things
3339s that other kids in Nebraska weren't into
3341s and
3344s I was also like he came in and out of my
3347s life and and after he left it was
3348s something I really held on to it was
3350s just reading these comic books and these
3352s uh you know escaping into these
3354s characters shoes and and going on these
3357s Grand very dangerous Tales uh but that
3360s were set in modern day and so for me
3363s it's just
3364s kind of reconnecting with my childhood
3367s and learning so many lessons through the
3369s pages of comic books
3371s um
3372s you know
3374s I didn't always gravitate towards the
3376s really Noble Heroes uh when I was
3379s younger I I loved X-Men and Teen Titans
3382s and and kids who were making mistakes
3384s constantly and learning from them as
3386s opposed to The Untouchables like like a
3389s Superman or a Captain America
3392s um
3393s they just seemed like they were adults
3395s but these other characters seemed like
3397s they were kids and they were making
3399s mistakes and making right and correcting
3403s their failures and all these things
3404s which is when you're growing up you're
3406s trying to do those exact same things and
3407s find your way through the world and uh I
3410s did it through comic books and through
3412s the friendships that
3414s I developed because of comics and quite
3418s frankly there was a lot of people that
3419s when I was in high school people didn't
3421s expect me to be best friends with I was
3423s best friends with because we had a
3424s shared interest and it was these books
3426s and so for me that's that's really it
3429s um and I never got to play a superhero
3431s on you know the Silver Screen or
3433s anything but
3434s it's pretty cool because it actually
3436s allows me to play a lot of different
3437s Heroes and explore a lot of different
3439s facets of this industry uh through
3441s voiceover work so
3443s um whether it's a really really Noble
3445s hero or a really scarred hero like Bucky
3448s uh it's just really cool to examine them
3451s because I think that's
3453s my favorite books always humanized
3455s heroes in a huge way and we do the same
3458s thing through games now and it's just
3460s been really really neat to see so rumor
3463s has it that voice acting is not your
3465s only Talent I've heard from three
3467s different people now that you can
3469s beatbox
3470s fact or fiction Scott
3473s it's fact it's fact I um I got my start
3475s in the industry doing an acapella uh I
3478s had an acapella group in high school and
3480s we were a barbershop quartet who won our
3482s talent show and then the school booed us
3485s off the stage because they didn't think
3486s we should have won so when we went to
3488s enter the next year they told us we had
3490s to do something more modern we couldn't
3491s do barbershop quartet stuff again so we
3493s added a fifth member and uh I started
3496s beatboxing it was something I learned to
3498s do when I was a kid listening to hip hop
3500s in the middle of Nebraska there's a guy
3502s named ready Rock C who was DJ Jazzy Jeff
3504s and the fresh Prince's uh beatboxer he
3506s did a song called human video game
3508s actually okay I encourage everybody to
3510s go listen to where he does Donkey Kong
3511s as the underlying beat for Will Smith
3514s the rap over and so I had taught myself
3516s at an early age to beatbox and then my
3518s first ever like paying gig was in an
3521s acapella children's sing-along in Animal
3523s Kingdom in Florida and then eventually
3525s it took me to New York I did a show
3527s called toxic audio Off-Broadway and we
3528s won a bunch of awards and I was
3529s beatboxing in that and then got a job
3532s actually acting in a show called Ulta
3535s boys and that's when I got my agent and
3537s became an actor which came out of
3538s nowhere so I didn't go to school for
3541s this I I didn't I never was in drama and
3544s I didn't go to a theater school I went
3546s to school to be a structural engineer
3547s and play football and uh somehow ended
3550s up where I am now so yeah the beatboxing
3552s yeah was a big thing and my old group
3554s voice play I encourage everybody go
3555s check them out on YouTube as a matter of
3557s fact I did the Halo theme song with them
3558s not too long ago uh but we didn't know
3561s acapella and you can go and you can you
3563s can check that out voice play Halo and
3564s you can see a little bit in the middle
3566s of it I do a little bit of Beatboxing
3568s but yeah
3569s you know like this weird stuff I was an
3572s only child until I was 15 so I could do
3574s all types of sounds I could play
3575s electric guitar with my mouth
3580s um
3581s like weird sounds and stuff that I you
3584s know just picked up along the way that
3586s was really good it was really good
3589s do you do that to like warm up when
3592s you're getting ready to go into the the
3593s recording booth some just like beat
3595s boxes get the lips moving you know what
3598s man I for I did be I beat boxed for
3601s years and years and years and it's much
3602s like doing uh voiceover you have to
3606s figure out how to do it in a healthy way
3607s because you can really rip your voice
3609s apart if you're I I've said this in
3612s interviews when I was Winter Soldier and
3614s Marvel vs Capcom I was in pain for the
3618s next two days because it was a four hour
3620s session of just screaming at the top of
3621s my lungs and I wasn't aware of how to do
3623s that in a healthy way yet that was very
3625s early in my uh voiceover career and
3627s beatboxing was the same way uh I had I
3630s was beatboxing just beatboxing and then
3632s I had to be beatboxing and singing uh in
3634s the same show and I found that my voice
3636s had given out on me so I had to learn
3637s how to safely beatbox so now yeah to get
3640s the uh get the old Motors running you
3642s know and the lips inside yeah yeah I do
3644s a little beatboxing I don't do the red
3646s leather yellow leather like everybody
3648s else I just
3652s yeah you know like little sounds
3655s um
3656s I don't have any more questions for you
3658s is there anything else either one of you
3660s want to share about working on Bucky
3663s what you're you're hoping for fans
3668s Layla
3671s um well obviously I hope everyone likes
3675s likes what we've done with the character
3678s I really love Bucky
3681s um
3682s and oh gosh he put me on the spot man
3686s yeah I
3687s I'm just hoping that
3689s this gives uh a new but still authentic
3693s um look at the character who's been you
3695s know in several different forms of media
3697s and with a really long history so
3700s uh yeah I I hope that I've done in some
3706s kind of Justice
3707s um I know like the work that Hannah
3709s Nicole and John have put into him
3711s already definitely have I just hope I
3713s was able to fill those shoes in that
3716s um everyone Everyone likes it
3718s Scott
3720s yeah for me it's just uh this was so
3722s cool you know two years later to be able
3725s to finally fulfill you know when I
3727s auditioned I and it's one of my favorite
3729s auditions I've ever actually done
3732s um
3733s you know I I had I was I was on the road
3736s and I had to do it in a closet and like
3738s this Airbnb when I was shooting
3739s something somewhere else somewhere and
3741s you know I was just so out of my element
3744s but the the text on the page was so
3746s incredible and I was like look I I can't
3748s get in to lay down a real audition can I
3751s just do it on my phone can I just send
3752s it in and and they said yeah and I sent
3756s it in it's one of my favorite auditions
3757s I ever did because it's a phone call the
3760s audition just to share with everybody
3761s out there was was a phone call that
3764s Bucky makes when he first wakes up
3766s he doesn't know where he is and he has
3769s to call someone reluctantly
3772s um and he says in the and and the scene
3774s still exists so I don't want to spoil
3776s anything
3777s he says look this other person would
3778s have been my first call but they're not
3779s around anymore so it's got to be you and
3782s there's so much in that right there of
3786s who he is who he feels he can talk to
3788s all of his regret all of his rage
3792s um it's just these really cool
3794s pages and
3797s then he went away and uh you know in
3800s this industry things move and shift and
3802s sometimes they go away for good and I
3805s was just so so glad that Winter Soldier
3808s came back around uh because I I wanted
3810s to explore Bucky in this way I knew the
3812s depth that was going to be applied to
3813s this character just from those audition
3815s scenes and uh you know it's just a
3818s really cool thing to see something that
3820s you thought may have never uh be coming
3823s back around for it to actually happen
3824s and then also be this friggin cool so
3828s I'm just excited to finally share this
3830s version of Bucky with everybody how many
3832s more versions of Bucky are you gonna
3834s play Scott in the future
3835s you know I look man it Marvel uh is a
3841s really cool company because of like
3843s there's a trust in everybody that works
3846s together on these projects and you
3848s become a part of like this fabric you
3851s know this Marvel quilt and they'll pull
3853s your you know they'll pull your little
3855s string every now and then and you'll get
3856s a call for a really cool project I mean
3858s I don't know I've done Star-Lord five or
3860s six times now and I wouldn't mind doing
3862s Bucky that many times as well uh I've
3864s seen him in in the silliest of
3866s iterations the most bloodthirsty of
3869s iterations and now the deepest of of
3871s iterations that I've ever seen of him so
3873s uh I'd I'd be more than happy to play
3876s him again
3877s well uh thank you so much for uh for
3880s both of you for sharing we are so
3882s excited to uh bring Bucky to uh all of
3887s you watching uh tomorrow
3890s um
3891s I guess Scott before we go is is there
3893s what's next for you is there anything
3895s you're working on now or uh where can
3897s people follow you
3899s uh yeah you know it's the nature of this
3902s business right I I have so much in
3905s upcoming but can't say when any of it's
3907s coming out Jenny and George of season
3909s two will be coming out soon on Netflix
3910s uh musical comedy that I did for Hulu
3913s called up here that I'm very excited
3915s about with the composers from One
3918s Division and Frozen and the director of
3920s Hamilton uh it's just got a stacked cast
3923s of Just Broadway veterans and Tony Award
3925s winners and it's very funny and
3927s irreverent and hopefully that'll be
3929s coming out sometime in the spring and
3931s and then a couple of big games still
3933s coming up you know but I can't talk
3935s about them I can never talk about any of
3937s the game stuff you just had a very small
3940s title called God of War Ragnarok come
3942s out I believe right yes yes no big deal
3946s playing a much different style of
3948s character in in Heimdall uh which was
3951s you know again we get to explore facets
3954s of ourselves as humans through these
3955s characters that are created and as long
3957s as they're created with care we get to
3959s really dive deep and and uh but that was
3961s a character that was he was a hammer he
3964s was there for a reason for another
3965s character uh unlike what Bucky was so uh
3968s it's very very cool uh to play that
3970s character but yeah I've got three more
3972s games that are waiting to come up and if
3974s you want to figure out when those are
3975s dropping I'll share as soon as I can on
3977s Instagram at skittish kid is where
3979s people can find me if they're interested
3981s awesome we'll uh we'll tag you on on all
3984s the accounts
3985s um Layla you have some uh some short
3987s stories coming up the Winter Soldier
3990s saga continues right
3992s yes it does
3995s um man I just gosh I love Bucky so much
3998s I was like you know we did all this work
4000s for him for two seven I was like more
4002s like they need more give me more stuff
4004s and I was like oh I can give me more
4005s stuff so I did and yeah you know just
4010s sent Hunter a message being like hey can
4012s I write some short stories of Hunter
4013s being like the cool man he is was like
4015s heck yeah bro so I'll be yeah we'll be
4019s uh coming out with a couple of those a
4021s few chapters that'll go into
4024s um Bucky's history in the universe of
4027s our game
4028s yeah and this will be going out uh
4030s periodically on The Avengers blog
4033s um so stay tuned to our socials for that
4037s uh we're gonna take a short break and
4039s then coming up next we're going to dive
4042s into some of the outfits that Bucky
4045s wears into seven and uh we might have
4048s one or two more surprises in store after
4050s so stay tuned
4056s [Music]
4062s thank you
4064s [Music]
4085s foreign
4090s [Music]
4096s [Music]
4119s foreign
4120s [Music]
4140s and I believe that means that we are
4143s back sorry for the abrupt stopping of
4145s the chill music there everyone I know it
4148s was very soothing relaxing Britney into
4151s the mood to get you a nice cup of maybe
4154s get ready for your downloads but
4157s we back we back also I've decided I'm
4160s gonna send Scott this pin because I
4162s resonate with this on a deep level
4165s I don't know if y'all can see it I can't
4167s see what that is does that say NDA the
4169s green screen's messing it up it says all
4171s my best work is under NDA
4173s accurate yeah
4176s yeah go send uh go send Scott and Layla
4179s some love uh on their social channels uh
4182s they both did an incredible job bringing
4184s that character to life
4186s but now we are moving forward to outfits
4192s so we're gonna show off uh we we shared
4194s an outfits blog this week diving into uh
4198s each of the outfits uh that are coming
4200s for uh for Bucky so we're gonna go
4203s through each of those outfits we're
4205s gonna show them off gonna share how you
4207s can uh earn uh or or where to find each
4210s of them and uh we'll have something
4214s exciting at the end
4217s do we want to bring up bring up the
4219s first one I can't it sounds good
4230s cool so yes this is the starting outfit
4234s that we will have for Winter Soldier
4236s this is inspired by him being undercover
4241s trying to fly under the radar with the
4244s leather jacket the jeans the ball cap
4246s and the sunglasses
4248s he does still have the metal arm there
4250s but covered up as much as he sort of can
4252s to make sure he can fly under the radar
4255s and you can sort of see some of the
4257s Inspirations from uh some of the MCU
4261s undercover pieces that he's had as well
4263s so this nicely sort of pulls together
4265s some of the comic DNA and some of the
4268s movie DNA into sort of our Crystal
4270s interpretation
4273s yeah uh I saw someone ask what kind it
4276s was in chat what kind of weapon that is
4278s actually Bucky we wanted to make him
4282s feel like a master assassin so we
4284s created like a weapon that morphs into a
4286s bunch of different things so uh it's a
4288s grenade launcher it's a shotgun it's uh
4291s an uh assault rifle
4293s um all in one and don't forget has burst
4296s Auto in some cases
4298s that's right he burst
4301s that's good
4305s okay oh this one's really good
4309s you are good to go
4313s this is Bucky's iconic outfit you will
4315s be able to unlock this one uh through
4318s playing his heroic Mission chain so we
4321s are
4322s once again allowing you to unlock that
4325s Crystal designed look for him
4327s and there will be actually a number of
4330s different variants for this that are
4332s available uh to unlock through his hero
4334s card
4335s with a couple color variants on that as
4338s well as one of my favorites we actually
4340s have uh this outfit with the Domino mask
4343s as well which lets you sort of pull more
4347s of his sort of comic DNA in
4351s that's one oh we've got the picture for
4353s that that's awesome I'm slick I'm Swift
4356s with it
4360s yeah so this is uh this is a crystal
4362s original design this is when when we do
4365s research for our Our Heroes we take
4368s inspiration from all of their Comics
4370s runs and we try to make a hero that
4373s feels uh familiar while also new so some
4379s of the features of this outfit are
4381s um kind of original uh ideas for the
4384s character
4386s absolutely yeah uh the next one we have
4390s people love the Domino mask
4394s it's a Vibe yeah I'm thrilled when I put
4397s together my costume I was trying to
4399s figure out how to do a domino mask and I
4401s settled or goggles at the end of the day
4403s because I ran out of crafting time
4407s when um real quick I think we should we
4410s should pick an emoji and if y'all love
4414s the outfits that we're showing you drop
4416s that emoji in chat and maybe it could be
4419s a fire emoji I'm just saying
4422s I support it I think that's the way to
4424s do it
4425s works for me I'm down I'll endorse that
4428s although we do what should the we can
4430s show the next one a couple of other
4431s Bucky ones in chat as well I got some I
4434s got a Bucky Emoji here
4436s oh cute
4438s love that love that for us yes the
4441s mechanical arm emoji
4444s oh gosh uh fun fun there's a comment I
4446s have to say this there's someone that
4448s said they need a Vanessa emoji and
4450s ironically over on my twitch Channel
4452s there's several of my face and you just
4455s you don't want that life hey let's go to
4456s the Premium skin what what do you want
4458s to tell us about the buckets
4461s so yeah I thought I'd pull up that one
4463s there I can't see yet there we go
4468s uh back to
4470s Bucky's Origins as Captain America's
4473s sidekick so we have sort of a
4475s reinterpretation here of full-grown
4478s Bucky Barnes with the uniform that you
4481s see in those classic comic runs so he
4484s does have the Domino mask and he's got
4485s the classic
4487s blue and red leather outfit
4490s uh it does have uh three other variants
4494s that do live on the hero card as well
4496s these ones are on the premium track uh
4498s it does have one that I really adore
4500s which is a night watch which actually
4502s looks like it would fit in with the rest
4505s of the Red Room variant outfits as well
4509s uh from there can you bring up the white
4512s wolf outfit I sure can and it should be
4515s live on the screen
4517s so this one here is one of my favorites
4521s so this is uh another one that the team
4524s put together this is a crystal original
4526s and you can see sort of the inspiration
4529s here is wakandan themed so for taking
4533s inspiration from Bucky spending some
4535s time in wakanda uh with this outfit and
4539s the really great thing about this one is
4542s this is actually going to be a shipment
4544s outfit that will be earnable for anyone
4547s in game starting December 1st starting
4550s December 1st you beat me to it open 100
4552s shipments between December 1st and
4555s January 5th and you will be able to uh
4558s unlock this light bulb outfit
4562s and from uh from our art director Jeff
4566s Adams
4567s uh this outfit
4570s um is basically a gift from King
4573s t'challa and shuri
4575s um given to uh giving to Bucky after him
4579s spending time with them in wakanda so
4581s there's a little bit of lore behind it
4584s yeah
4585s nice uh from there do we have the
4587s experiment outfit
4589s um the next one I actually have on here
4591s says furlough all right furlough well
4594s let's bring up furlough then delightful
4596s it is here I I have to say though this
4599s guy looks like this is completely
4601s unintentional but his hair in this makes
4603s me think of the guy from Resident Evil 7
4605s and that makes me feel awake because
4607s they never revealed their models before
4611s I'm so sorry I derailed everything
4613s please continue
4616s all right so this is uh Bucky's uh
4619s furlough outfit this is a casual outfit
4621s uh this one is going to be a future
4625s outfit that you will be able to get uh
4628s in shipments uh this and it's uh three
4631s variants will be uh one of the outfits
4634s goes into the pool
4636s for unlocks through the shipment system
4639s so it wouldn't be a Chase prize but this
4642s would be one that would uh
4645s you have a chance to unlock uh on each
4648s shipment that you open it won't be in
4650s the December pool but it'll be in the
4652s shipment pool after December
4654s I also just want to make it clear to
4656s chat that Ethan Winters wish he could
4659s look this clean but yeah that's that's
4661s for him in a different life I won't
4664s spoil things about Resident Evil 7 I was
4666s about to do that hey um do we want to
4668s talk about the gulag skin
4670s absolutely delightful
4673s and it's up on the screen
4676s awesome awesome so this is Bucky Barnes
4679s in his uh prison outfit so this is
4684s another uh
4686s Journal outfit this one is actually
4688s going to be available to unlock uh
4691s through the Cosmetic vendor so this is
4693s going to have um
4695s it'll be part of the regular rotation of
4698s burnable outfits for uh Winter Soldier
4705s 10 is the next one on our list of who
4708s the hell is Bucky it is indeed I really
4711s love the face mask on this like this is
4712s intense in my opinion oh yeah
4715s I also want to just shout out the name
4717s on this one uh
4720s Layla does our naming conventions and
4724s this being his comic origin outfit down
4727s to having the tube in the arm I adore
4730s this outfit and it being his first line
4734s in the comics his first line in the
4736s movies and the name of this outfit I
4738s think is amazing
4740s so if this is going to be uh one of our
4742s Marketplace items that we do have at
4745s launch for Winter Soldier and the next
4748s several here are going to be Marketplace
4750s items as well
4753s uh from here
4756s we have the howling Commando
4758s that is in fact the next one that is on
4761s the screen and it's giving it's giving a
4763s little bit of army-ish Vibes they're
4764s kind of like military Vibes on it
4767s absolutely so this is
4771s through that throwback to his time with
4773s Captain America uh and the Howling
4776s Commandos like dum dum Dugan so we get
4779s through the classic Army look and we
4781s this will actually pair up really nicely
4783s we have a classic cap with the army
4786s helmet and the sort of leather jacket as
4789s well so these will make a really nice
4791s sort of set together
4795s uh from fear we should have I believe
4799s Earth's protector yeah and this is the
4802s skin I actually have it on the screen
4804s for you now this is the skin that kind
4806s of threw me for a loop a little bit
4807s because I haven't read the comics in so
4809s long but I would not be surprised if
4812s there is absolutely an arc where Bucky
4814s definitely goes into space because as an
4817s old school comic reader I know marvel
4818s will pull out the stops when they
4820s absolutely feel like it so tell us about
4822s this one absolutely this is uh just
4825s after I believe it's the original sin
4827s comic Arc where uh Nick Fury is no
4830s longer at his post as the man on the
4832s wall basically defending Earth from
4836s everything else that's out there
4839s so this is Bucky going into space and
4843s being sort of the first and last line of
4845s defense uh for us
4850s and this one here I love the whole look
4852s at this outfit the feel of it especially
4855s like that domed helmet all of this is
4857s pulled like directly from the comics and
4860s when I saw this one come to life I
4862s remember seeing the concept art and then
4865s actually seeing this in-game being like
4868s Oh yeah I adore that one yeah it looks
4870s good
4872s and then we've got one outfit left and
4875s this is the one that didn't make the
4877s blog so we actually are going to reveal
4880s uh a review outfit that we have for
4884s launch so this will be live with him
4886s tomorrow when it comes out
4889s you live on the screen it's there and
4892s all it's cool and Glory everyone has
4894s been asking for it in chat they have
4896s started the stream and I was going to
4898s tease it but I thought we would just
4900s wait
4901s here it is so here we go we actually do
4905s have a winter soldier with his MCU look
4908s from Captain America the Winter Soldier
4910s and we've got the
4913s we have him with the goggles and The
4915s Mask we've got him with just the mask
4917s and the face paint and we have an
4919s unmasked version as well
4923s go ahead Chris there we go I'm watching
4926s it scroll at the same time like that's
4928s moving so quick
4930s and the thing that I love about this
4933s outfit is we're actually going to have a
4934s bundle that will you if you only want
4936s one of these outfits you can pick it up
4938s by itself for the normal price of an
4940s exotic outfit which is uh 1400. but if
4943s you are interested in all of them we are
4946s going to have a bundle of these three
4948s outfits together and it would only be uh
4950s 2200 credits for the uh full bundle
4955s that's your uh that's your cyber monday
4957s pitch you got right there I'm just
4959s saying
4961s I'm just saying
4962s I love this outfit I've been running
4964s around with it uh ever since we showed
4967s off the uh
4969s the gift yeah Hunter with him catching
4971s the shield catching the shield man as
4974s soon as we got that gif in that emoting
4976s game and then we had uh this outfit
4978s that's all I've been doing I've got I
4981s must have half a dozen screenshots saved
4983s on my hard drive of him in this outfit
4987s with the shield and get sort of caught
4989s staring down the camera
4991s yeah we teased a couple of them but keep
4993s your eyes peeled we're gonna post more
4995s of the emotes that we uh that are coming
4998s for Bucky there's some really good ones
5000s and some returning favorites like the
5002s roasting the s'mores which we love
5007s um that's what we have to share uh for
5009s you all today plus one more thing
5012s um barring technical difficulties we
5014s have a launch trailer to show you uh
5016s this will go live tomorrow this is the
5019s 2-7 launch trailer
5021s um it has been so much fun hanging out
5023s thank you all so much for celebrating
5025s with us today
5027s um the stream will will be done after uh
5030s we play the launch trailer but yeah
5033s update two seven comes out tomorrow
5036s um super excited to see what y'all think
5038s online a lot of love went into making
5040s this update and bringing Bucky to you
5042s and we're really excited at the studio
5044s for you to experience him
5046s absolutely the teams put a lot of love
5049s and effort into this and
5052s I will say
5053s I'm a little biased but he is my
5055s favorite character at this point and
5057s I've been a Kate main since December of
5063s 2020. so it's taken almost two years but
5068s I am breaking my
5071s my play patterns and I look forward to
5073s catching you all in game tomorrow
5076s um and just real quick because I've seen
5077s a couple questions about this throughout
5079s the stream what time will it be out
5081s tomorrow typically we target an 8 A.M
5084s Pacific uh roll out for the patches that
5088s bars lots of different things but that's
5090s the time we we typically strive for so 8
5093s A.M Pacific tomorrow
5096s oh don't make me president that's a
5098s terrible idea I'm going to throw up the
5101s BRB screen really fast thank you so much
5103s everyone too for the warm welcome I hope
5104s you enjoyed the stream today I know
5106s people were like why isn't she talking
5108s I'm the new person I just do the
5109s production stuff that's at least I try
5112s to and it's it still was trying to give
5115s me a good drop kick but I'm gonna put up
5117s the BRP screen real fast stick around
5119s because we are going to show you the
5120s launch trailer in just a moment
5123s [Music]
5126s thank you
5129s Avengers
5137s [Music]
5154s [Music]
5158s perished by my flames
5161s [Music]
5169s foreign